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Inkling Man
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  • E, E10+, T and M are the equivalents of G, PG, PG-13 and R.
    It's the 26th and a Nintendo Direct wasn't announced 1 or 2 days ago but the leakers said the Indie Direct would be on the 17th when it was on the 18th so a Nintendo Direct could still happen but in a couple days more or less.
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    It's announcement tomorrow or bust, more or less, since tomorrow is Thursday, meaning they'd air it on a Friday.

    Otherwise, we're probably pushing April unless it's on the 30th/31st.
    What will Nintendo do to celebrate Splatoon's 5th anniversary this year?
    Simple, the announcement of P5 coming to Switch with a Judd skin for Morgana
    Deleted member
    MajoraMoon MajoraMoon That or make Futaba playable and her main Persona is a cameo of Inkling Girl.
    I am not staying in my house for 12-18 months if that's how long it will be until the Coronavirus vaccine is ready. I'll repeatedly wash my hands and stay far away from elders if I go outside.
    If ARMS has to be a niche franchise, that's OK as long as they keep making more ARMS games. EarthBound, Xenoblade and Fire Emblem are niche but they kept getting new installments anyway.
    Deleted member
    ARMS is not structured like those examples, the only way to resell it is by going to a different genre or console. Otherwise, it'll just be the same thing(something Nintendo likes doing anyway)
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    ARMS doesn't need a genre change. Every character just needs a lot more attacks and they shouldn't play so similarly. 15-20 attacks per character should do it.
    Deleted member
    Fire Emblem isn't really niche anymore. As big as games like Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon? Not really. But Fire Emblem is one of Nintendo's big series now.

    And Xenoblade seems to at least be on the way to that as well. Not quite there yet, but it's getting there.
    Japan loves Assassin's Creed so why didn't Ezio Auditore get to be DLC?
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    Deleted member
    Testing the waters perhaps by Nintendo?

    Hey, at least it's there.
    Same can be said for Crash and other characters too. Though I strongly believe Crash will be one of the next two fighters though.
    Unless you're an Undertale character or Nakoruru, or your series already has a playable fighter, the initial main characters ALWAYS go first. Even for Mii costumes. It's pretty much a formality.
    Bowser is the final boss in the Mario Tennis Aces Adventure Mode? Sure, why not? Except I don't know, Bowser had nothing to do with the rest of the Adventure Mode's plot and he was nowhere to be found until the end of the Adventure Mode. There should have been some foreshadowing in the Adventure Mode that Bowser would show up and steal the Legendary Racket.
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    Assorted Mario sports spin-offs contractually aren't allowed to do anything radical in terms of story (most likely due to Miyamoto), would make it too "unsafe" for fans used to the usual formula of having Bowser as the bad guy. You can tell that Camelot was just going to end it on the doubles match, until they were told "great, now add Bowser in there".
    Vol. 2 could be getting delayed because of China's wonderful gift to the world (that was sarcasm, there's nothing wonderful about the Coronavirus).
    Deleted member
    I don't like sarcasm or memes about tragedies happening around the world. This **** ain't funny.

    The WW3 memes were enough to give me anxiety for A WEEK.
    Don’t just lay the blame on China. The incompetent moron in the WH only made things worse by not having any pandemic response team ready, and downplaying the virus till it was too late.

    Had Oompah Loompa actually took this seriously from the start, had that the response team position in place from the start like any competent leader would, and not lied through his teeth every minute, things wouldn’t be nearly this bad.
    If there is a Cars 4, it should be about spies again and Mater should be the protagonist of it. That way there's two films about racing and two films about spies and two films where McQueen is the protagonist and two films where Mater is the protagonist.
    And bring back Zil who was originally the antagonist of the 2nd movie but was cut. (He would be the villian of this 4th movie.)
    But they should make sure that its actually good, unlike Cars 2
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    The Olympics are supposed to happen this summer and the Vol. 2 characters are supposed to release this year and the next. Could there be a worse time for an outbreak to start?
    Sakurai will probably have to lock himself in his own office, so he literally wouldn't leave until the game is done.

    Assuming the remaining other companies are contacted via e-mail and Discord, anyway.
    Is 6 more characters the most the game can handle? If they add anymore, Ultimate could suffer from DLC overload.
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    Deleted member
    I wish they could release remastered versions of the game for their future platforms then add the DLC. Still the same engine, but with new content. Something like Street Fighter 2.
    No. World of Light has 4 unused DLC character spots after these 6 from Fighter's Pass 2. People have hacked the game and added dummy spots to the CSS to show that it basically can stretch as much as you want with little issue.
    What if there was a Mario game with a dark and gritty art style instead of a bright and colorful one?
    They should make a whole movie about the coronavirus.
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    Deleted member
    Just watch...5 years later it'll be the next Oscar Bait since Contagion.
    In the alternate universe where the coronavirus was never invented, has FP6 been annnounced yet?
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    Deleted member
    Not yet. They do have a tight schedule though.
    Absolutely not yet, it's still the most secrety secret in all of Secretdom, being stretched to the absolute limit of the fiscal year.
    Good afternoon (in my place actually),

    I've been reading your posts lately and find them especially intriguing. Especially when you're pushing for more Microsoft representation. However, I'm curious about your stance on my female character advocacy.

    Just askin'.
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    What female characters do you want?
    Deleted member
    Technically any female character
    Rate this Steve moveset:

    B: Bow. Unlike Link and Byleth's bows, Steve can aim his bow in any direction but his arrows aren't as powerful as Link and Byleth's arrows.

    Side B: Dirt blocks. Steve builds a pillar of 5 dirt blocks in front of him. When this move is used in the air, he'll build a platform underneath him instead that's 5 dirt blocks long. The pillars and platforms dissapear after a while and can be broken.

    Up B: Ender Pearl. Steve throws it. He can throw it in any direction but he'll automatically teleport to wherever the Ender Pearl lands.

    Down B: TNT block. Steve places it on the ground in front of him. When the TNT block is out, Steve's down B becomes Flint and Steel. It can be used to burn opponents, set the ground in front of him on fire and to detonate the TNT block. Attacking the TNT block enough also detonates it.

    Final Smash: The Nether. Steve quickly builds a Nether Portal and if any opponents are in front of it when he builds it, a short cutscene will play showing the victims being sent to the Nether and being attacked by the monsters there. After the cutscene, the opponents will be launched.
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    I don’t think we need another bow and arrow move, so ima say ditch that one.

    Why not make it really interesting? Like...mob spawn? He spawns a different mob from an egg depending on how long he charges it? Max level he spawns a golem that tanks hits in front of him when first spawned, then walks around the stage slowly trying to hit folks for decent damage for a few seconds (think like a weaker version of that one bear pkmn that uppercuts folks). Weakest charge he spawns a chicken or ocelot, both do the same thing; steve tosses them at an opponent for really weak damage then they vanish.

    Rest I’d say is decent, but i do feel the block building mechanic should be explored more in a moveset for him. It is Minecraft after all. And if sakurai can come up with something for villager and wii fit, I don’t see why he couldn’t use some more crazy stuff on steve.

    *not a major steve supporter for smash, but am a Minecraft fan. If he does get in, i feel block building and destroying should be worked into his moveset as much as possible, do Minecraft justice, don’t just make him a blocky version of a character and moveset we already got.

    **just to clarify above, I don’t have anything “against” steve getting in, since i got the only Microsoft rep i could ever want already, and it’s looking pretty likely that my most wanted of all time will also get in. Just saying I’m indifferent on steve now. He gets in? great for his fans. He doesn’t? Oh well.
    What if E3 2020 still happens but the elderly and people with bad immune systems aren't allowed to go to E3 2020?
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    King Sonnn DeDeDoo
    King Sonnn DeDeDoo
    Even if they only allowed young people and people with an uncompromised immune system, that does not stop the spread of the virus.

    E3 is a convergence of thousands of people in close proximity. One person could spread it too many, and those infected at the event could later give it to elderly and with compromised immune systems who didn’t even attend the event.
    Deleted member
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    I’m surprised people want to see E3 continue even though even larger events (March Madness as an example) are cancelled. Hell, it’s looking the Summer Olympics, this year’s largest event aside from the Presidential Election, will be postponed for 1-2 years or, worse yet, cancelled altogether. E3 is a small event in a pond of much larger cancelled events.
    People say Banjo is too basic to be a DLC character and should have been in the base game but Byleth is basic too. Nintendo made him using multiple weapons sound like a gimmick when in actuality it's not a gimmick. Link has multiple weapon too and that's not a gimmick.
    Deleted member
    The Microsoft thingy is quite ambiguous. Yhey ain't stingy or whatever, but keep in mind that Microsoft was a then-untouched company prior to DLC picking.
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    I meant base game, not case game.
    It's likely that negotiations simply weren't worked out yet. Especially considering that playable Western third-parties are still a very new and risky thing, for a series that traditionally relies on home series. So I can understand starting with the DLC-only route, to stay on the safe side in case the home audience isn't fully comfortable with this concept.
    Banjo and Steve should both join but if Nintendo had to pick one or the other, I'm glad they picked Banjo. He has a stronger connection to Nintendo and he's been requested a lot longer than Steve has. Steve didn't exist back then but still. Also Rare used to have a very strong relationship with Nintendo so they were long overdue for a rep in Smash.
    Would you buy this Fighter's Pass Vol. 2?

    6. 2B (Neir Automata).
    7. Spring Man (ARMS).
    8. Geno.
    9. Steve (Minecraft).
    10. Crash Bandicoot.
    11. Rex & Pyra/Mythra (Xenoblade Chronicles).
    The coronavirus may be in Japan but a Smash reveal would cheer Japan up. Hopefully there's a reveal this month.
    I wonder if Pixar hates A Bug's Life. It's the only pre Cars 2 Pixar film that has no sequels or short films that are based on it.
    Deleted member
    It also lacks a lot of merchandising which is quite weird.

    Heck, I don't remember if A Bug's Life even got noteworthy content in games such as Disney Infinity.
    Bugs Life had a metric ton of toys when it came out, the problem is it came out after Toy Story, which was a groundbreaking film. It still did incredibly well at the box office, but it was always going to be hard to follow up a movie that changed the world in animation.
    Banjo supporters before E3 2019: "Banjo could be part of the Fighter's Pass, everyone. We believe he has a chance to be in it!"

    Banjo haters before E3 2019: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOLOLOL Nintendo would never allow a character from Microsoft into Smash! Nintendo and Microsoft are rivals and Banjo is dead and irrelevant!"

    Banjo supporters after E3 2019: "YES! BANJO MADE IT! In your faces, Banjo haters! You guys were wrong and we were right! Banjo IS part of the Fighter's Pass!"

    Banjo haters after E3 2019: "Oh man we were wrong but hopefully Banjo gets cut."

    Like that will happen. Nintendo and Microsoft are in love and Banjo was highly requested, he's not going anywhere.
    Conker should be in either Vol. 2 or Smash 6. Banjo got in so Conker can too.
    To be frank, I love Conker but wouldn't want him in over bigger Microsoft characters like Master Chief or Steve. Banjo worked like he did because he was a Smash darling, a character that has been wanted for about 15 years now. I personally love Conker, but his fanbase is incredibly small, and to transition Conker into Smash, you have to remove a lot of the fun stuff that makes Conker Conker(All the crass humor and vulgarity).
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    BFD only came out in Japan through Live and Reloaded, I doubt he'd have much of a legacy over there.
    He hasn't had much fan support though, since BK got the lion's share. Maybe next time.
    I have a cough and I had a sore throat a few days ago but I can breath fine and I don't have pneumonia or a fever. Do I have the coronavirus?
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    Deleted member
    If it's just a cough and sore throat I would guess not. Those are the kinds of things you can get from just a common bug that everyone goes through once in a while.
    Why have people given up on Spring Man? He may be an assist trophy but so is Isaac and people still hope he'll be in Vol. 2.
    Yeah, I'm not about to fool myself into thinking ATs promoted in the same game are that much likelier. Especially from a game that came too early into the dev cycle of Ultimate to matter.
    "Character can't be both at once"
    But Chrom
    I’ve mentioned it before but...probably cuz folks realize arms just wasn’t popular enough, and the characters just didn’t “click” with people. So folks have made peace with the fact that the best he’ll likely get is just an AT.

    It’s nice that Nintendo tried a new ip, but not everything ends up as a splatoon or pikmin. Sometimes the new ip and its characters just don’t resonate with folks enough.

    I know i personally didn’t care for arms character designs, they looked too goofy and “clownish” which for me just made them look way too silly(and not in a good way). The names of characters also didn’t help(spring man and ribbon girl...? Really? )I’d assume many others felt the same which is why arms quickly fell into obscurity.
    Is Banjo-Kazooie Rare's flagship series?
    it's pretty much their only notable series left. Rare is dead essentially. Some might argue conker is up there too, but conker isn't as iconic as the Bear and Bird.

    They're like sonic the hedgehog for sega.....just....not really being used at all as opposed to being milked like a cow.

    Of course since they haven't been milked dry like sonic, most fans at least still hold them in a positive view(not counting nuts and bolts...)....
    It's kinda like if Sega dropped absolutely everything, mascot included, and just focused on Phantasy Star Online 2. That's how Rare is right now with Sea of Thieves.
    The Jungle Japes stage is supposed to be from Donkey Kong 64. Really? The Smash version of Jungle Japes looks nothing like the Jungle Japes in DK64. Jungle Japes is supposed to have a blue sky, some hills and a lake. It has no sunset, raging river or any cabins.
    Two years ago Kosuke Yabuki said he was open to making a sequel to ARMS so if he began working on it two years ago then it should be ready eventually.
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    When did Miyamoto say that Pikmin 4 was almost done? I'm sure it was quite a while ago. I don't think it matters if it's gonna be ready eventually
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