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Inkling Man
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  • Geno Flash could be Geno's Final Smash but here's an even better idea for his Final Smash, what if Geno, Mallow, Mario, Peach and Bowser all gang up and attack the victims?
    You have to love how Sakurai replicated New Donk City Hall and Great Pleteau Tower down to the smallest detail. They look exactly like they do in their original games.
    Remakes of games are always inferior to the originals so I'm not expecting BFBB Rehydrated to be exactly as good as the original BFBB.
    Deleted member
    I would think it depends on the remake personally. You have remakes that are better the original like Mega Man Powered Up, remakes that are just as good like Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, and remakes that aren't as good as the original like Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland.
    @psb123 That last one is a rather interesting take.

    What is it about the original Kirby's Adventure that you prefer over the GBA remake?
    Deleted member
    Lamperouge Lamperouge Almost entirely minor things I will admit. I just prefer the graphics and charm that the NES original has over those of the GBA remake.
    It's amazing how many people hate Banjo. I thought he was a popular request.
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    spoiler: the smash community is vast. you will see differing opinions and incorrect information being thrown around
    Like Wyoming said.

    Think about how much bigger the Smash fanbase got with the addition of every franchise up to this point. The Smash Bros fanbase at this point is a singularity that’s continuously growing. And that means more conflicting opinions, more false info and just overall more toxicity. Those are unavoidable to varying degrees based on franchise, but you get the idea.

    I’m not saying that you can’t advocate for other characters like Sora, Master Chief, Crash, or whoever is your most wanted, though, support whoever the hell you want, man.

    That being said, it’s saddening to hear that people out there hate Banjo, saying nobody wanted him with blatant disregard to the celebrations for their reveal.
    Deleted member
    I'm telling you. Not even BK is the purest of newcomers.

    Also, can it be considered a sin to disregard Kazooie?
    If Spring Man was DLC, that would help ARMS sell better and convince more people to start playing it again.
    arms just wasn't appealing to most folks. it's name wasn't catchy, it's characters, while certainly "distinct" and original, looked too goofy and many were put off by them(probably cuz so many look like literal clowns). Its gameplay also just didn't hook people much.

    Like has been said....arms really was doomed from the start. Nintendo was hoping they'd have another splatoon moment with Arms. It just didn't happen. I'm sure they'll eventually create some other IP that will hook folks like splatoon did, but arms ain't it.
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    ARMS may not be Splatoon levels of popular but 2 million sales is still very impressive for a new IP and the game is still slowly but surely selling, also ARMS has a small but very dedicated fanbase. Plus the people who bought ARMS liked it, they just got tired of it. Plenty of people would like ARMS to get a sequel and to see Spring Man in Smash.
    Deleted member
    That's literally one of the reasons people didn't like Byleth. Nintendo decided to try and readvertise already bad advertisement. Just make something people want
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    Why do DLC characters always get announced around the same time a new game of theirs gets either announced or reminded of?

    - Ryu joined Smash 4 the day before a new trailer for Street Fighter V was shown.
    - Cloud was announced for Smash 4 just months after FF7 Remake was announced.
    - Joker was announced just a month before Persona 5 Royal was announced.
    - Hero was announced right before a new trailer for the DQ11 Switch port was shown.
    - Terry was announced just about a month after KoF 15 was announced.
    - Byleth's trailer and the Cindered Shadows DLC trailer were shown on the exact same day and around the same time.
    Should they make an animated series about DK, Diddy and K. Rool living together and Banjo & Kazooie visiting them?
    If Spring Man is Vol. 2 DLC, that will help ARMS sell better and convince more people to play it so hopefully he'll join.
    It's too late for Arms unless they make a sequel. The first one was very lacking anyway. Plus he is an Assist Trophy there are far more worthy Trophies to be promoted
    MajoraMoon MajoraMoon The whole "far more worthy" point you made is inherently why there won't be any promotions in general

    To one person, Dr.Wally or Krystal are more worthy then Shadow or Shovel Knight
    Good point. However, can't you say the same with newcomers in general? Like "Dante is more worthy than Byleth" or "Geno should be in smash not Shantae."
    If we had to cut a few FE reps, who should we cut? The ones we absolutely need to keep the most are Marth, Ike and Chrom but we could also add Byleth since Three Houses will outsell Fates and it will become the most popular FE game on a Nintendo platform.
    Deleted member
    Roy unless his game gets a remake, maybe Corrin since his game has mixed reception. I'd get rid of the Marth clones first since it's a it redundant.
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