I think I punished myself too much for not being good at Ultimate. You could have learned all these skills from previous games, but it doesn't garantee you'll be good at it. Ultimate has this thing where it feels it rewards you for being good at only one or two things at lower levels (even midlevel), and it can even carry you for it.
Fundamentals isn't playing lame or dash back > punish, it's a whole other set of skills people aren't taking into account, like being able to read and punish multiple habits (rolls, spotdodges, airdodges, even dashbacks, jumps, etc.), intuitive DI, mixing up your own disadvantage (aka not always panic mashing the same roll or directional airdodge away), ledgetrapping, etc.
So I just punished myself for being a good computer technician when the game only required me to be good at using a broom.