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Inkling Man
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  • If we're adding Geno to Smash 6, we need to make sure Cloud and Hero are in it too. Otherwise fans will think Sakurai replaced iconic characters with an obscure one.
    Let's say Xenoblade 4 has the best gameplay in the series up to that point, but also the story is the worst in the series and it's also Rise of Skywalker levels of bad, would you still think the game is acceptable enough?
    Can imagine results being very similar to Fire Emblem Engage. Will hopefully sell good enough & have its audience but ultimately not be as iconic or discussed as some of its predecessors that had a more balanced product in those categories overall.
    “Somehow, Zanza returned.” - Not enough.

    “Somehow, Malos returned.” - Not enough, except if he’s only here for Rex’s family barbecue.

    “Somehow, Moebius returned.” - Not enough.
    If Agent 4 is in charge of patrolling the Memverse, how come we never see her in Side Order? She and Agent 8 both could have been playable in case you want to use an Inkling.
    One thing about Subspace Emissary is that it has basically no connective tissue with the rest of Brawl, so it feels like a different game entirely. They could have made a $20 Subspace Emissary remake that would have been DLC for Ultimate. It would be one of those rare cases where the remake is better than the original because it would be part of Ultimate and Ultimate has much better gameplay than Brawl.
    One of the problems with ARMS is that the only way to attack is to punch. And the different kinds of gloves never make you feel like you're doing anything different even if they each have different abilities. When designing a fighting game, it's OK if every attack in the game has the same effects as long as they each have different animations. What ARMS doesn't understand is that this doesn't work the other way around.
    I don't believe Pixar's Pete Doctor would actually think they should stop writing personal stories and only make "relatable" films. Disney must have forced him to say this. Imagine directing Monsters Inc., Up, Soul and Inside Out 1 and 2 and then thinking movies like The Secret Life of Pets are a better idea.
    Why does Agent 8 buy things from Cipher's Shiftings if she can't even use them herself? And how does every other Inkling and Octoling have the things she bought if she only bought one of each?
    I can sorta guess how the player gets the items; maybe Agent 8 was like "I don't really want this stuff, and Pearl, Marina, and Acht don't either, but Cuttlefish was a cool guy that time I met him and maybe he or someone in his super spy team wants them" and this results in New Agent 3 getting the items. I have no idea where the other players in multiplayer get them, though.
    The first impression the first Nickelodeon All Star Brawl made isn't the only reason why NASB 2 isn't catching on. There's also a problem with the concept of a Smash inspired Nickelodeon fighting game, Nickelodeon doesn't have enough iconic characters to build a whole roster of them unless they make it a 3 way crossover between SpongeBob, TMNT and Garfield. The 90's Nicktoons are fantastic, but they're not marketable or well known enough compared to the IPs in MultiVersus. The only iconic IPs Nickelodeon has are SpongeBob, TMNT and Garfield. None of their other IPs are on their level.
    If A Bug's Real Life gets a 2nd season, it needs to introduce the characters from the original film and bring back the OG voice actors. What would Flik and the circus bugs look like in this show?
    Pearl from Splatoon can transform into a drone and use abilities that Inkling doesn't use in Smash. What if Pearl was in Smash 6? Separating Pearl from Marina feels illegal, but so does separating Pyra from Rex.
    Here's the plot of Luigi's Mansion 2. Professor E. Gadd kidnaps Luigi and forces him to do a job when he can get killed. And he won't let him go home until he finds all the Dark Moon pieces.
    Does Lucina's very existence make her entire game's story less good? Awakening's story may have been better if she didn't go back in time to prevent every bad thing from happening, thus making the story darker and letting us know that the antagonists mean business. Plus time travel was pretty new to the Fire Emblem franchise's overall narrative in Awakening. No other FE game before Awakening involved time travel nor did they give any indication that time travel was possible in Fire Emblem. It's like if a Fire Emblem game had aliens who use technology like UFOs and laser guns.
    I think they deal with the time travel in fairly good way, it gave the children more backstory and it was a original setting for the franchise. I guess that if you overthink it it's kind of silly but like, the game isn't really meant to make you overthink about the sci-fi stuff, it just happened with no explanation and that's fine for the story they wanted to tell. I also think that the child coming from a dark future was pretty cool setting and a cool twist on Genealogy of the holy war similar concept.

    In comparaison, I think Fates really deal poorly with the child, because they don't add anything to the story and it felt like they just used them because Awakening did it without really thinking much about the story implication of having children again.

    Also unironically, I wouldn't mind if thechnology was more used in the franchise. I mean, Three houses kind of did if with those who slitters in the dark and imo it gave them a dark and weird vibe and I liked that.
    To stop the rising sea levels, why don't we just take some of the water and put it somewhere else? We could build giant building to put the water in or launch the water into space.
    The signs keep piling up that we're running out of new Switch games. And that makes sense because we're about to get the Switch 2. Who else is excited for the Switch 2's installments of Mario Kart, Splatoon, Smash, and whatever else it may have?
    In Splatoon 4, Agents 4 and 8 should be the stars again and Captain 3, Callie, Marie, Cuttlefish, Pearl and Marina should all guide them through the story. Meanwhile, Neo Agent 3 could star in the DLC campaign and be guided by Deep Cut. We don't need any more agents anyway. We already have characters for both the base game and DLC stories.
    Another problem with Paper Mario: Sticker Star is that the worldbuilding and rules of the world in Sticker Star is so different from the first 3 games's worldbuilding and rules that it doesn't even feel like it takes place in the same universe as those games or follows the same timeline as them and that it's about a different Paper Mario.
    The reason why other people in Inside Out 1 didn't have Anxiety in their headquarters could be because their Anxieties were in Imagination Land or some other place outside headquarters.
    Another issue with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is that General Hux's death is very underwhelming. He just gets shot down like he was a generic Stormtrooper. That's the death scene of one of the major villains of the sequel trilogy.
    Rereleasing DKCR for Switch isn't so bad of an idea. Just because you've played either the original or the 3DS version doesn't mean everyone has. And the original is 14 years old. It's a nostalgic game to people who were kids 14 years ago.
    Would you buy a Donkey Kong 64 remake? It could allow every character to collect every item, the characters could show a lot of different facial expressions and emotions and every world could be redesigned to look more detailed.
    why would you make them more detailed?
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    Modern games use a lot more detail on their level designs than old games do. Look at the Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga remake compared to the original. The colors are less cartoony and there's more detail on the grass in the wooded areas and the dark places in the game look darker.
    Dream Team may not be the best Mario & Luigi game, but you got to appreciate how faithful it is to its predecessors. Since Sticker Star isn't faithful at all to its predecessors. Dream Team brings back characters and references from the first 3 games and Bowser uses abilities he learned from Bowser's Inside Story.
    C/D: New Super Mario Bros. DS is the reason Toads are a lot more common in Mario games than unique characters are. The game sold 30+ million copies, but this made Nintendo believe they don't need to invent so many new characters than they used to in order to get people to buy Mario games. Think about it, how many memorable Mario characters have been created ever since NSMB released in 2006? Remember, I said memorable ones. Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario and Bowser's Inside Story had to have been in the works at the same time as NSMB, so I wouldn't count Rosalina, Count Bleck and Starlow.
    TTYD's story is good, but it has no conceptual reason to be told by characters made of paper. Origami King's story ties into the characters being paper wouldn't make sense if the characters weren't paper.
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    It's paper because the game's story/world is a book.
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    But what narrative or thematic purpose is fulfilled by them being paper? How does them being paper tie into the plot, setting and character arcs?
    FFVII Remake and Rebirth should have just been called FFVII Rebirth Part I and Part II. These games are not remakes of FFVII, but they instead reimagine FFVII as a different type of game and rebirth is a word for something that turned into something new. It's not a remake because if you drastically change a game's rules, gameplay AND layout, then it's not the same game.
    We live in a world where every choice we make has results whether they're positive results or negative results. There are bad things that wouldn't have happened if good things didn't happen and also good things that wouldn't have happened if bad things didn't happen.
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