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  • One thing I don’t like about some Splatoon maps, especially many of the ones in the later entries, is how a lot of the maps seem disconnected from the environment they take place in.

    As a comparison, I’ll compare Arowana Mall to Barnacle and Dime. Arowana Mall is nestled tightly among a group of shops, and has some side paths that go around some of the shops, so you can imagine that Inklings walk through the turf war area when there’s no turf war happening to shop (even if the terrain is absolutely ridiculous and impossible to traverse without inking the ground first, but that can be kinda chalked up to videogame level design surrealism or whatever.) On the other hand, Barnacle and Dime’s battle area is in the middle of a body of water in the mall, far away from all of the shops. There is no way any mall customers ever come to that island except to do battles. You could imagine the battle platform being placed unchanged in a wide variety of places and it wouldn’t really matter, so the mall background has no affect on the design of the battle map.
    Interesting thing about the Nintendo Switch Sports basketball update is that there is now a completely separate credits scroll just for basketball. (The golf update didn’t get its own credits, just basketball.) I haven’t painstakingly compared the two to see how different the dev team for the basketball update is, but the obvious thing from the top of the credits is that basketball has a different director.
    An idea that I don’t think I’ve seen anybody try in a platform fighter yet is a character that is extremely light such that they usually die around 50% or so, but also have twice as many stocks as everyone else (and give only 0.5 points when KO’ed in a time match.)

    It’d rather significantly change the dynamics of the match since the opponent has to focus more on KO’ing than on racking up damage, and the character would be able to do riskier offstage plays since their stocks are relatively disposable. It’d probably make the most sense for “mook” characters that are expected to have low durability and be numerous in number.
    Have you ever thought about how weird it is when you're exploring an ancient ruin in an RPG or whatever and the ruin contains ancient treasure chests containing the exact same currency the game's world's modern society uses? Aside from the fact that it's strange that they've used the same currency for so long, it's also funny to think about how those treasure chests must've contained a massive amount of money that's now a mere pittance due to inflation.
    Denpa Men being in the Direct reminded me that I should finally actually beat Denpa Men 1, where I got to the final dungeon years ago but never beat it, so I finally did that today!

    I had three Barrier items in my inventory, which make your entire team damage immune for a few turns, which made the final boss surprisingly easy (but it was still a bit nailbiting somehow despite that.) On a side note, my entire team was already wearing their rainbow patterned bodysuits for the extra darkness defense, which turned out to be pretty fitting for Pride Month.

    I could do the postgame, but I’m not sure if I want to. I don’t have Denpa Men 2 or 3 and I’d have to pirate them if I want to play them.
    This is possibly the funniest pick Sega could’ve done for the Super Monkey Ball DLC
    People talk about how Nintendo is doing better than the competition due to their games being lower budget due to not needing as fancy graphics and thus releasing more consistently. But, since their next console apparently is going to have a significant power increase, will they eventually run into the same issue? They’re still going to need to convince people to buy their next console, and if it doesn’t have any marketing hooks other than better graphics, their next big first party games are going to take longer and cost more to make. Hopefully they can still supplement with lower budget games to fill in the gaps, though.
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    Studios in general just need to be less afraid to go against consumers' overly high expectations (which they are partly responsible for tbf) and release games that aren't as "polygon pushing" as they possibly can. Not saying they're perfect, but in general, that is one of Nintendo's strengths.
    I wonder if Splatoon Kart could work well as a unique Mario Kart alternative. Naturally, you‘d be able to paint the track to speed yourself up and slow your enemies. The players would probably need to be divided into 2 or 3 teams for better color readability. Maybe the karts would hover and you can push them down into the ink with good timing, sort of like how the hovering vehicles in Kirby Air Ride only touch boost pads if you make them touch the ground, which would make enemy ink not quite as obnoxious. Or maybe the kart can jump so you can jump over enemy ink.

    I don’t foresee Nintendo actually making this because they wouldn‘t want anything competing with Mario Kart, but it’s interesting to think about.
    Messed-up movie idea: horror movie where hackers somehow manage to summon a group of TF2 bots into the real world.

    It’s an absolute massacre. Remember that most common building materials don’t stop bullets and these heartless killing machines can see and aim through walls with perfect accuracy.
    I think it’s pretty interesting that computers are relatively easily able to fully simulate a universe with 4 spatial dimensions (it’s all just math that doesn’t fundamentally change when you add more dimensions beyond requiring longer calculations,) but lack any way to easily convey it to we 3D humans with our eyes that only see in 2D. Devs try their best of course, but it can only go so far.

    For some examples of 4D games, we have games like 4D Golf, 4D Miner, and 4D Toys!
    My opinion on Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers after playing it for a while: it's cool but the difficulty is pretty brutal. Even Easy difficulty is giving me a hard time. If you want to unlock stuff, you unlock stuff from a Kirby Air Ride/Smash Brawl style challenges menu and a lot of things have really weird and specific unlock conditions. You do get a free challenge unlock every 13(?) or so races, but yeah.

    I'm not sure if it's strictly better than SRB2Kart; it feels more like a more experimental alternative. It does have a lot more singleplayer content (while the original only had time trials,) but, again, good luck!
    Current mood: Hyped about implied Super Monkey Ball unlockable characters based on the newly revealed silhouettes in this trailer, even though it’d be incredibly hard to speculate on them since many of them are probably new original characters
    The California State Lottery is currently selling Ms. PAC-MAN scratch cards. How does that work? I thought she was banished to copyright trouble heck? Is it different for things that aren’t videogames? Was California able to make a deal with Ms.’ owners instead of going through Namco?
    If you want a cute free game that’s vaguely similar to Kirby’s Dream Course, Wonder Wickets is now free on Steam! Steam says it’s free to play, but it has no MTX, it’s just a formerly paid game that’s free now.

    Not a free game, but I want to shout out Vividlope as another cute game with a cool retro style. I beat it, but it was tough. The style for the level design reminds me of Geon Cube on the Wii, but I doubt anyone else has played that, ahaha.
    There is only one level left on the entire Super Mario Maker 1 server that remains uncleared, “Trimming the Herbs.” A long community project to beat every last level existing in SMM1 is nearly over, as long as someone can beat this one last level before the Wii U online servers are closed down for good…
    Fan made servers for past systems like the Wii have been around for a while. I’m pretty confident the Wii U would get some of those eventually. So even if this last level doesn’t get completed before the official servers shut down, couldn’t the dream still live on through that?
    They definitely could still beat the level after the servers go down, yeah. But, they have the opportunity to do it while the servers are still up, so they’re going for it!
    It might be sacrilegious for me to say this as a Super Monkey Ball fan, but I’ve never really cared that much about Monkey Target, even back in its heyday in the classic two GameCube games.

    I thought the idea and the overall vibes of the levels it takes place in were cool, but I never got into it enough to pursue high scores and stuff and thus really come to love the mode. I do commiserate with people who are frustrated with the fact that no later SMB game has had a Monkey Target that’s as good as the originals, though. I just don’t care enough myself to complain about it.
    One thing that’s funny about the amiibo figures‘ descriptions in Hey Pikmin is that, based on Olimar’s descriptions of some of the Animal Crossing figures, Olimar doesn’t immediately understand the concept of anthro animals. Evidently those just aren’t a thing in any Hococatian culture? One might’ve assumed that Hococatians are similar culturally to humans, but it’s interesting to think about the ways that they aren’t.
    Random Kalos fact: There are Floatzel in X/Y but not Buizel, so, the only way to get Buizel is to catch a Floatzel and breed it. I wonder why that is the case? Functionally it’s probably because the places you can encounter Floatzel in the game are too high level for there to also be Buizel (lowest level Floatzel you can get is level 34, well past the evolution requirement at level 26,) but, in-universe, why is that the case? Are all the Buizel hiding? Are all the Floatzel actually from another region and they don’t ever naturally lay eggs while in Kalos? Hmm. (I wonder if this will still be the case in Legends Z-A.)
    In the next Mario Kart, I feel like the Mini-Turbo stat needs a major tweak. As it currently is, a higher Mini-Turbo stat makes your turbos charge faster, which makes it so that you can use them more frequently. But, the problem with this is having a build with a low MT stat just feels awkward and doesn’t offer anything that fully compensates for how bad it feels to not be able to get any turbo whatsoever from smaller turns. One option is to just remove the MT stat and have every build have consistent charge speed. Another option is, instead of having a MT stat that can be high or low, there’s instead a dichotomy between MT charge speed and MT power. So, some builds have quick charge so you can use them frequently but they are weak, but others can use them less frequently but have more powerful boosts so it’s satisfying when you do get them, and raising one of these stats directly lowers the other so that there’s no build with more total charge speed + power.
    I kinda like that they changed the designs for the characters in the new Super Monkey Ball. The games have had the same design style since Banana Blitz released on Wii back in 2006 (18 years ago!) so it’s about time they tried something different.
    You know, Bubsy and (videogame) Sonic have the exact same amount of durability, it’s just that Sonic happens to live on a planet where he’s constantly surrounded by protective items, so he doesn’t die anywhere near as often. Bubsy should pack his bags and move there, he‘d have a much easier time. He’d also have a lot more room to reach his maximum running speed without bumping into things.
    In the games and the current IDW comics that are canon, the main planet has no name, yes. Some fans still use “Mobius” or call the animal people “Mobians” since it’s concise and everyone knows what they’re talking about, though, even though it’s inaccurate.
    They called it Earth in the recent Tails Tube videos.
    Janx_uwu Janx_uwu yeah i'd always heard it was some version of earth as well
    Super Monkey Ball on the GameCube (plus the Deluxe ports) has a really good real-time reflection effect in environments where the floor is shiny, which reflects the player, bananas, many of the background elements, etc. So… how come this effect never returned properly in any other Super Monkey Ball game? You can be playing Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania on a PS5 and the best they can do is static reflection maps of the background, despite the vastly more powerful hardware?? This is a pretty minor thing but it has been frustrating me for many, many years. What kind of magic did Amusement Vision do back on the Gamecube that other Sega devs could never replicate?
    Despite it being a currently ongoing cartoon series, I've barely seen anyone mention, discuss, meme, or draw fanart of Kiff. It feels like I'm somehow the only one who knows it exists (despite the fact that this obviously isn't the case,) which is kind of a weird feeling...

    I watched a few episodes on Disney+ sometime last year and I think the character designs are cute at least (or are they actually really bland, and they stood out to me since I barely watch modern cartoons...? )
    How terrifying would it be to wind up in a wallless Tekken stage? There’s mountains, trees, buildings, people, ect. seemingly just a short distance away, but you can run forever in any direction and never reach them, you’re trapped in an endless stretch of flat terrain…
    Tokyo Blur is the sickest name for one of the most basic Tour city tracks, which makes it feel like it was a lot of missed potential…

    They could’ve at least given it dramatic night + rain atmosphere, or alternatively they could’ve called it “Tokyo Tour” or something that fits its vibes better?
    Really niche thing I want that I pretty much never see people discuss: I still want a new Freakyforms. I still boot up Freakyforms Deluxe on my 3DS occasionally to recreate one of my OCs in it...
    If Nintendo ever makes Mario Maker 3, they really need to do something about underwater levels being such a slog that you barely see anyone use the underwater background. I have a few ideas that could help (ideally they could add all 3) :
    1. Add the Dolphin Kick badge ability from Wonder. It could be an item that you could place at the start of the stage, or there could just be an option in the level settings to have it be given to the player automatically. I don’t think Nintendo would want to completely remove the “classic“ swimming gameplay, hence why it’s an optionally added item.
    2. Add Warp Pipes that emit wind/current. This is the main solution the NSMB games use to speed up underwater gameplay (and Wonder uses them too) and it’d be fun here as well.
    3. Add arbitrarily sized water blocks usable in all backgrounds, that would become air blocks when the underwater background is selected. Swapping between swimming and running would make it feel more dynamic. Random floating rectangles of water or air might be a bit strange looking, but Mario games have had those water blocks before, and you could always arrange the terrain to make them more natural looking if you prefer.
    I honestly think it'd be cool to see a Wonder playstyle as a whole, but I know that if they did that, they'd probably make the badges Wonder-specific, which... nah. It'd be neat to see mechanics from different games in the new artstyles, actually - I get the appeal of limiting yourself to what was in each game or having a specific artstyle have certain tools to promote use of all of them, but I feel like people should really just get to use their favourite. Just me though!
    Yeah, badges could be a lot of fun if they were in (almost) every style!

    I wonder how they’d handle Wonder effects. They’d need to be highly customizable somehow, otherwise they’d miss the point if they only did a small specific list of things. I think there’d need to be a way to assign objects to only exist during the wonder effect, and assign other objects to stop existing during the wonder effect, so you could have some interesting things happen based on that. You might need to clear test the level twice, though, once where you get the Wonder Flower and once where you skip it (which will result in 6 total clear tests if you have 2 checkpoints…)
    Really random thing, but, anyone else remember the obnoxious plastic packaging that Wii Shop Channel points cards used to come in way back in the day that you had to cut through just to get to get to the card itself with the code on it? The eShop cards nowadays are so much more convenient, you just peel off the thing covering the code and that's it...
    In terms of newcomers for Rivals 2, I think it’d be cool if, instead of just more fighters of the usual 4 elements, we’d also get some kind of horrible Abyss monster as a playable character.

    As an example of this, I’ve been thinking about how the Gatekeepers (the final boss from Rivals 1, assuming I didn’t forget their name) would look as a playable character, scaled way down of course. Normally the two floating eyes bound with shadowy tendrils would be entwined together and act as a single body, but you can separate them for powerful projectiles, setups, and combos, at the cost of you potentially taking big damage if the opponent is able to attack them when separated.
    Here’s a silly idea for a future fighting game: Customizable Super cutscenes!

    You know how a lot of supers result in a cutscene, and what happens in the cutscene doesn’t functionally matter as long as it deals the same damage and lasts the same amount of time? Give us the ability to choreograph what happens in that cutscene. You can select from a wide variety of moves your character can use on the opponent, plus a variety of other actions for both you and the opponent, and you can set up camera angles and effects. Super sick combos? Really silly combos that’d never really work or be super suboptimal normally? Some kind of silly animation where the two characters are super out of character for a bit and it ends with the opponent becoming the object of slapstick comedy? The choice is yours! You’d be able to go online, and you‘ll never know what will happen when you get caught in the opponent’s super! (You can also turn off custom supers client-side if you want, since the altered animations affect nothing.)
    In the 2024 Minecraft mob vote, there should be two separate votes, and each user would vote in both: one for the mob’s design, and one for the mob’s function.

    This would require all of the designs to be in a similar category where their functionalities could be interchangeable (i.e. all of the design options are golems of different materials, or different small dragons of similar size, or something like that) but it would mean that nobody would need to choose between either voting for their favorite mob or for their most wanted function.
    One nice thing I’ll say about Sticker Star is that I think it’s kinda neat that some enemy types can drop their weapons as usable stickers after defeating them, such as Spikes’ spike balls, Ninjis’ shurikens, and Sombrero Guys’ sombreros.
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