Smash Master
You see the problem is, nothing will ever be literally unbeatable.
Unless it was like as soon as the match starts, the game goes to the results screen on the first frame and MK is named the victor. Or something like that.
How exactly do you draw this line?What degree of "beatable" would his planking have to be for it to be acceptable or unacceptable? Because I can guarantee you not every "shade" of the word beatable is the same. At a certain point you cross the line of what's reasonable to expect someone to have to go through to beat something when doing all of this won't even guarantee some accurate or desirable test of skill. Oh MK only 8-2's the cast instead of 100-0 when he gets to plank, we should still allow it and let it kill the game. No screw that.
How do you guys decide that its at 8-2 and not 100-0 that a character is beatable or not? arbitrarily?
If you say it this way, it makes it look like MK's planking is unbeatable since even if he messes up, he cannot be punished for it.But the wrong options from the edge tend to still be incredibly strong due to position/invincibility he gets, and doing a wrong option doesn't mean the other guy is or would reasonably be capable of punishing it.
There's nothing wrong about over-centralization except variety considerations IMO, it's in the domain of personal tastes whether it "degrades" the game or not.What about over-centralization? MK allowed to endlessly plank at the VERY least heavily degrades the game and would easily turn the game into not only heavy MK usage but heavy planking. Would that not be bannable or in need of a limit despite being some "slim" degree of beatable?
That is in NO WAY bannable or in need of a limit, unless people give in in the players wishes NOT to play a certain way (planking) or not to see a certain character winning over and over (MK) and this is exactly what the URC did.
Something that is beatable has no reason to be banned or nerfed.
What IS wrong with centralizing the game around ledge play, competitive-wise and leaving the "boring" and "that's not what the game is about" and "the goal is to take all stocks" arguments outside?Same thing with other characters' planking. It's not unbeatable but it could centralize the game around ledge play. If they remove the LGL, then they should also legalize stages with walk offs