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  • Hellsing Ultimate Abridged:

    Jan Valentine - “It’s time for the annual company picnic! Unfortunately all that your co-workers are bringing is their own rotting flesh! Still better than Potato Salad if you ask me.”


    Dragon Ball Z Abridged Buu Bits:

    Vegeta - “When?! On this worthless earth?! Did I ever become a quote un-quote good guy?!?!?!”

    Gohan - “You were at Krillin’s Barbecue last week.”

    Vegeta - “Yeah. And I brought potato salad.”

    Goku - “He is truly lost to us.”


    So does someone on Team Four Star really hate potato salad or something?
    Remember that anime that Champion of Hyrule was very unimpressed with a few months ago called Bungou Stray Dogs?

    Here’s something that Champion never mentioned about it. The medic among the team of main characters has a pretty disturbing healing ability.

    She can make people fully recover, but only if they’re already super close to being dead. So the series has a bit of a running gag to where if she needs to heal someone but they’re not close enough to death for her ability to work, then she’ll have to beat them within an inch of their life first and then she can heal them.
    I’m gonna post this one solely because I am under the impression that Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario would be a fan of the topic.

    Top 10 characters in video games that wear a monocle according to blockfort.com

    #10 - Raizo Imawano from Rival Schools

    #9 - Wilhelm Strasse from Wolfenstein

    #8 - Captain Ash from Timesplitters

    #7 - Slayer from Guilty Gear

    #6 - Lechku and Nechku from Okami

    #5 - Philosoraptor from Scribblenauts

    #4 - Arpeggio from Sly Cooper

    #3 - Henry Hatsworth from the game of the same name

    #2 - Shelly de Killer from Ace Attorney

    #1 - Hilda Henriquez from God Eater 3
    Chicken and Waffles is a popular dish, but there are 3 breakfast items that people put in the same category (so to speak) as Waffles. Pancakes, French Toast, and Cinnamon Rolls.

    In a similar vein, there are 3 kinds of meat aside from Chicken that are the common normal meats. Beef, Pork, and Fish.

    So just like how there's the combo of Chicken and Waffles, what would you assign as combos of the other breakfast items and other 3 meats?
    ...I think (if we're thinking of the same kind of French toast, I'm not sure if it's different elsewhere in the world) that French toast would work with just about any of them, but probably best with either beef or pork given it's occasionally served as part of a full monty breakfast here in the UK? Similarly, pancakes probably go with either too.

    That said... if cinnamon rolls are the same elsewhere in the world as they are here, I have no idea why people would put what's ostensibly a "complete" pastry with a meat. It's already garnished and whatever - it's not like the other three where they're essentially blank slates to be served with other things. Plus, my trio leaves it with fish - which I'm not against, a seafood breakfast can be really nice if you're in the mood for it - but I'm not sure that's the best mix.
    Spoilers are something I feel super weird about.

    I am a bigger fan overall of finding stuff out through experiencing the game or show for the first time, but I can tell you from a pretty good amount of experience that being spoiled does not impact my enjoyment of things. At least not to a big enough degree to where it matters, though the more invested I am in, say, a show, the more I’ll want to experience its surprises through seeing them in the show.

    But at the same time, I’ve been in the boat of spoilers causing me to want to experience the thing I’m being spoiled on a number of times. Same thing with being so hyped about an anime I’m watching and so curious about certain details I don’t fully understand yet that I’ll cave and look up the answers anyway. What can I say? Sometimes I just can’t help myself =P
    It’s pretty well documented that even though they can be pretty cool in fiction, Scythes are not very good weapons in real life.

    Which got me wondering, how do these 3 different types of Scythes rank in real life effectiveness from worst to best?

    A regular scythe with a tall handle?

    A pair of dual scythe’s that have shorter handles?

    A kusarigama? Aka a chain sickle with a weight attached.

    So um……about this whole debate of whether or not Nintendo is in the right to issue takedowns, both in terms of a legal standpoint and a moral standpoint.

    We’ve got people on both sides of the debate here on Smashboards so can we try to avoid being hostile in our wording either way?
    When you stop to think about it, Tears of the Kingdom had each wielder of the Triforce show a different aspect of said Triforce than what they’re usually associated with.

    Ganondorf had to rely on cunning and strategy to get that Secret Stone. So Wisdom.

    Link needed the Master Sword to gain power in order to bring Ganondorf down.

    And it took Zelda a lot of courage to transform into the Light Dragon.
    Be it as a standalone character or as part of Paper Mario’s moveset, would Vivian be able to be in Super Smash Bros?

    The games a platform fighter, so you know, lots of jumping, but if I recall correctly Vivian is always rooted to the ground via her shadow.
    I’m not going to lie. As good of a feature as auto saving is, in terms of what could be considered essential game features nowadays it’s probably the most meaningless one to me personally.

    Reason being that even if a game has auto save, I get so paranoid about losing my progress that I always manually save before I stop playing a game anyway.
    Cool of a mode as the original All-Star Mode was, I feel like there is such a thing as the roster becoming too big for it to really be something that can stick around.

    What I'd like to ask all of you though is, did the roster for Ultimate reach that point?
    I overheard someone on the bus mention “Rice Krispies Drinks” just now and I thought to myself “There’s no way that’s actually a real thing. I had to have misheard that.”

    I looked it up to verify and it ended up being half-true. Ultimately I think they were referring to the Rice Krispies Flavor for those Breakfast Essentials drinks, but in the process I did learn that Rice Krispies treats are used in certain adult beverages.

    Like the Spiked Rice Krispie Treat Shake Shooters.
    For as much talk relating to Wario Land that goes on around here, I haven't seen anyone talk about some good ideas for a Wario Land stage in Smash.

    I know the Golden Pyramid from Wario Land 4 has some potential in this regard but that's the only Wario Land stage I can picture. I wonder what else is out there that would make for good options.
    Bucky O Hare on NES
    Super Adventure Island
    Contra 3
    Kid Chameleon
    Shining Force
    Kirby’s Dream Land
    Ecco the Dolphin
    Super Mario Kart
    Art of Fighting
    Dragon Quest 5
    Mortal Kombat
    Night Trap
    Super Mario Land 2
    Sonic 2
    Alone in the Dark
    Mega Man 5
    Fatal Fury 2

    All games that are 32 years old as of this year. Which is how old I am as of today.
    Top 10 Chickens in Video Games according to blockfort.com

    #10 - The Chicken Mobs in Minecraft

    #9 - The Chickens in Stardew Valley

    #8 - Abraxas from Shin Megami Tensei

    #7 - Drumstick from Diddy Kong Racing

    #6 - Goose from Animal Crossing

    #5 - Bomb Chicken from a platformer of the same name

    #4 - General Tsao from Sly Cooper 3

    #3 - Cheep Cheep the Cooking Chicken from PaRappa the Rapper

    #2 - The Flying Rooster from Link's Awakening

    #1 - Pollo Juan from the Guacamelee games.
    To this day I have never found an easier one of those “One gotta go” challenges then the one where the choice was between Pancakes, Waffles, French Toast, and Cinnamon Rolls.

    Getting rid of French Toast out of those 4 is such an easy choice for me.
    I would choose to eliminate the person who teleported into my room in the dead of night to provide this ultimatum instead

    That aside I've not actually had french toast so I don't really know how good it is. That said I'd totally keep pancakes
    kicking out waffles because I don't like how inconvenient they are to eat and to cook. You gotta have a waffle maker for it, and even when you're eating it, the thing has to be doused in syrup to be even remotely soft.

    Chicken and waffles is pretty good, but not good enough to save waffles as a whole for me.
    Cinnamon rolls for me. All of the ones I've had were way too sweet for my liking (I say while drooling over a french toast with nutella, banana slices and a drizzle of peanut butter)
    The game where Wario tries to become rich by treasure hunting is called Wario Land.

    The game where Wario tries to become rich by making video games is WarioWare.

    What should we call the game where Wario tries to become rich by revolutionizing the automobile industry with cars that are powered by his gas instead of actual gas?
    I really enjoyed my time with Dragalia Lost, and became enough of a fan to where I would like to see the series continue beyond the one mobile game.

    That being said, I kind of wish they picked a different name than Shapeshifting for the ability to take on the form of a dragon.

    Shapeshifting is a word I find annoying because whenever I’m typing it I always have to be careful to not forget the F in Shift.
    Pressure Point Combat is something present in a few forms of media like Naruto, Fist of the North Star, and a couple Superman Comics, but I do wonder if it’s actually a form of combat that’s a thing in real life.

    And if so, then I also wonder how effective it is.
    It is to a certain extent, but the nature of it is a lot less... colourful than in your examples.
    It's often just used to rapidly disarm someone in hand to hand combat.
    Not surprised. I knew from the get go that no one in real life would be able to do what Kenshiro does to people.

    And good thing too. That'd be pretty scary if it was possible in real life.
    one my friends used to into that sort of thing
    One of the worst points I've seen used in a Smash Bros. review was when two guys reviewing brawl said that the hype the game generated was a bad thing about the game that nearly ended up killing the game.

    A pretty flawed argument.
    Gotta be honest, I prefer the approach Ultimate took with Final Smashes over how the more gimmicky ones worked in the past.

    It’s nice to have a consistent basis for them and some of the more annoying ones to use like Giga Bowser and Wario Man are much more tolerable now.
    Aside from 1-1, which level of the original Super Mario Bros. would you pick to be a Smash Stage?
    Do any of you have a character in Smash who doesn’t click with you even though you know it’s a you problem.

    You think the character is a good inclusion, you don’t think there’s any problem with how the character looks, you think their moveset is good, all that stuff that makes you know it’s a good character but for some reason you just feel weird about that character in Smash anyway?

    For me that’s Diddy Kong.
    Back in 2020 a Devinantart user by the name of evilwaluigi posted a picture he drew of a hypothetical roster for the next console Mario Kart game after Mario Kart 8. I thought it was a really good roster at the time, and going to back to see it again now, I still think it's really solid.

    But what do you guys think of it? I've shared the image below. Fair warning, it's a bright picture. So prepare your eyes if you have a dark colored Smashboards theme.

    What if they delisted April Fools Day as a holiday and just made April Fools something an all month long thing for the month of April like how November has No Nut November?
    Team Four Star's HFIL series depicts Freiza as the equivalent of a teenage high school brat by belittling those around them in a petty way to make themselves seem superior to everyone else, yet they're also super insecure about their shortcomings. Like how Freiza can't accept the fact that his reign as emperor ended when his life did and still tries to insist he's the top dog of the universe.

    As funny and as fitting as this depiction is, it is weird to think about when you know that in canon Freiza does return from the dead and even achieves a form that surpasses Goku's Ultra Instinct.
    Pirating is a weird thing to categorize. Generally speaking it is a bad thing because it does hurt the companies in question. Even if they’re huge companies that make tons of money they can’t just let instances of pirating slide every once in a while because a few people on the internet think the losses wouldn’t hurt them. That’s just not how running a business works.

    Yet at the same time, there are instances where pirating is kind of your only option. Like say that’s the only way you have access to a certain cartoon or anime that you want to watch. If a pirating site is the only option because it’s not available on any streaming services then there you go. Even with video games, if it’s for a system that’s been discontinued, and therefore is no longer being supported and sold by its company, then sure, emulate it. Heck, I’d even say go for it if said game on an older system is available on the digital store of a modern console.

    But without question, support the product officially without resorting to pirating whenever possible. Pirating does impact them in a negative way. Even if it’s a big company the people there still worked hard on that product. Show them your support.
    If we're speaking on moral terms, devoid of legal debate, I disagree.

    It'd be one thing if there were only 100 million or so copies of GTA V. But there's not, it's technically infinite because it's software. So if someone doesn't intend on buying the game in the first place, it's as much stealing as it would be to play it at a friend's house. Or Netflix password sharing. (oh, wait, they actually cracked down on that. Lame.)
    I get where you’re coming from. But I do believe it is still bad morally.

    It’s more than just money. Those are real people in those companies who are working hard to make those products. Remember how one of the reasons AI art sucks is because it’s stealing from fan artists who work so hard on what they’re drawing? This is really the same thing.

    Just as how it’s not cool to repost someone else’s fan art without their permission, or claim it as your own, or try to make profit off of it, it’s also not cool to do that with a companies IP.
    The way I see it is this; If a game's easily available on Steam, the eShop, or what have you, Buy it legally. Sure, some (if not most) of that cash goes to execs, but it also goes to the people behind the experience, and they should be supported. If it's something like a very old game that the parent company doesn't really have out in any form at the moment, then emulation is less harmful to them; Can't profit off a game you're not selling. Pirating a modern game is 100% harmful to the company, but if they're not selling a game, their profits won't get hurt if someone emulates it. This is kinda what psb was saying already.

    There's a saying by old Gabe N.; " The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It's by giving those people a service that's better than what they're receiving from the pirates." Piracy is morally gray, yes, but probably the best way to curb it is for companies to offer their back catalogs and have them more accessible.

    tl;dr: I don't condone piracy for modern consoles, and doing so is harmful, but for older games that aren't being sold anyway, I say go ahead.
    I see you have chosen wisdom
    I used to be pretty obsessed with the idea of spiritual successors to classic game franchises that either haven’t seen a new entry in years or hit a questionable state of quality. Like how Bloodstained is the spiritual successor to Castlevania.

    Nowadays I’ve lightened up on that obsession, but I do find it to be pretty neat that a lot of the classic franchises in question now have 2 really notable spiritual successors instead of just 1.

    Wario Land -> Pizza Tower and Antonball

    Sonic the Hedgehog -> Freedom Planet and Spark the Electric Jester

    Mega Man -> Azure Striker Gunvolt and 20XX

    Banjo-Kazooie -> Yooka-Laylee and Clive N Wrench

    And I wouldn’t be surprised if The Messenger and Cyber Shadow could be considered spiritual successors for Ninja Gaiden, but I don’t know for sure if they would actually count.
    I'm kind of afraid to ask this, but I remember one time I saw a comment praising James Rolfe by saying something along the lines of "In light of how many popular youtubers have had bad skeletons in their closets revealed, I am so happy that in all the years James has been active, the only real controversy he ever faced was people acting like idiotic jerkwads over him not wanting to see Ghostbusters 2016".

    As far as I am aware that debacle of not wanting to see Ghostbusters 2016 still remains the only real controversy James has ever found himself in. Is that actually the case?
    There's the Monster Madness plagarism from a few years ago, but that's really the only big controversy; Other than that, there's just been a decline in AVGN's quality for some time and people calling James out for being lazy.
    Even then - correct me if I'm wrong - but wasn't the Monster Madness plagiarism caused by a ghostwriter in Screenwave? Or something like that

    There is some smaller stuff here and there like FazDude points out - another point is that there's been a minor ongoing controversy over whether making the AVGN Movie was some kind of turning point for Rolfe himself or something within certain circles but I think that's more of a talking point than anything akin to like "the simpsons was never good after season 8"

    That aside, I think part of the reason he's not really ended up in a massive amount of controversy is probably because his brand of "crudeness" isn't actually all that controversial. Obviously people tend to talk about the creativeness of his insults but even then aside from just swearing a lot his content really isn't as bad as like, 2016-era Leafy stuff - hence why to memory I've never really heard anything about him dropping a slur or anything like that
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