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Match-Up Chart (Outdated); please refer to the new chart.

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Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2004
Stalking Skler
Yo I've got some vids of me playing melee so i'm going to go put my two cents in on the brawl matchup chart. Don't worry, I know how to play. Brb.

I also find it difficult to take seriously someone who would put fox v falcon in falcon's favor.

Edit: what a twist! KK beat me to it, and was nicer than me about it.


Feral Youth
Sep 27, 2006
Cbus, Ohio
G&W vs pichu is annoying. His move spam makes it a real ***** to approach. He also avoids some of pichu's good combos because of his weight. A lot of his moves also kill pichu pretty fast, while having a lot of range on them.

60-40 or 65-35. Something like that.

i've been over sheik vs spacies a bunch of times. IMO, they're even. Spacies hit her easier, because she has to commit to more, but she can do more damage than they can off a single hit. Her CC is also better than theirs.
i have to agree that its in G&W's favor, G&W can sweet spot the edge and avoid pichu's on stage edgeguards, however if he messes up and eats a fsmash he's dead. But we're assuming people don't mess up here. Pichu in general doesn't have anything going for him approach wise outside of his nair, G&W wavedash combined with his utilt dtilt fsmash ftilt and even usmash can counter this easily. Hell I bet even dsmash will beat it out if timed right.

While pichu has a pretty effing sweet recovery, my friend is really good at putting G&W's nair (PARACHUTE LOLZ) in the way of me grabbing the ledge or going on stage. I admit my pichu isn't sick or anything so if anyone who has more experience with his or pikachu's up b and using their trajectory says you can get around it then i'd take their word personally.

On stages with platforms, G&W can counter any platform trixies with a nair or utilt.

One thing that is in pichu's favor is that his fsmash is so low to the ground because it hits multiple times / is electrical, it easily eats away at G&W's shield and can a lot of times poke through easily for the last hit. Pretty sure G&W can just angle his shield down and shield DI away though so I don't think its too great of an asset. But unless he gets out of it it'll take a huge chunk of his shield away and leaves pichu safe from retaliation due to the electrical shieldstun

All in all though, it's still one of my favorite match ups, being the pichu player.

Sheik on spacies, i agree its even actually. For fox at least ->

While they both can edge guard each other rather easily, if for some reason sheik gets the edge, fox can't really push. Sometimes you'll hit up-b spammers at the edge with a tilt or smash when they mess up their timing but it's never guaranteed and if you whiff you get smacked / sheik is back on the stage.

Where if fox for some reason grabs the edge, he doesn't have a way to abuse invincibility frames to force the opponent to let him get back on the stage. Constant ledge drops -> regrab can be counter with needles, firefox / illusion ledgestalls the same. I don't have a really really solid sheik to play and im not saying its impossible for fox to get from the ledge to the stage only that he can't force a stalemate till his opponent just lets him back on.

I think as far as camping goes, they're pretty even too. Both are dangerous on the edge, sheik slightly more so.. platforms probably go to sheik also, but fox isn't crippled like some characters against her platform camping. I think his lasers are better for racking up damage though, needles are pretty easy to avoid if you're being aware of the threat.

When you boil down to theory, it looks like its in sheiks favor slightly, but fox has enough speed to play safe just outside of her range or safely pressure her to bait out something for him to punish. It's pretty ambiguous match up from what i've experienced, so i like to call it even.

do falco after next time i play edit: i probably wont


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
While they both can edge guard each other rather easily, if for some reason sheik gets the edge, fox can't really push. Sometimes you'll hit up-b spammers at the edge with a tilt or smash when they mess up their timing but it's never guaranteed and if you whiff you get smacked / sheik is back on the stage.
you dont have to risk hitting them/bank on them messing up. just steal the ledge with a wavedash or pc drop or something and they kill themselves.

Where if fox for some reason grabs the edge, he doesn't have a way to abuse invincibility frames to force the opponent to let him get back on the stage.
fox has a perfect ledgedash that is covered by ledge invicibility for the entirety of the animation, i dont know what more you really want :dizzy:

I think as far as camping goes, they're pretty even too. Both are dangerous on the edge, sheik slightly more so.. platforms probably go to sheik also, but fox isn't crippled like some characters against her platform camping. I think his lasers are better for racking up damage though, needles are pretty easy to avoid if you're being aware of the threat.
fox seems to have the advantage on platforms whethr he's using them to camp, or if he's breaking her platform camp. in fact, you never want to be above fox when you're sheik so platform camping is probably a bad idea in general. and when he's platform camping, its a pretty good strat to say the least


Smash Apprentice
Jul 19, 2010
id have to say sheik vs fox is in foxs favor also. i mean sheik has a difficult time geting combos going until around 40%, but of course she can easily get fox there, but fox has too many easy combos (drill->shine->grab-> u throw->combo) they can always DI the drill but fox can just pressure well with lasers and has plenty of options when the sheik uses up and b and goes to the stage. i think the sheik can definitely take it tho. i remember there was an old match between KDJ and Ken, and KDJ said he didnt really like the matchup, because he was always freestyling to get hits. they both have really good movement and can both kill each other pretty easily, so i can understand why some argue that its even. its a great match over all to watch and play on either side


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2009
can someone get kirbykaze in here to tell everyone they know nothing about sheik...

imo 55-45 sheik-fox


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2009
If you guys read my post i never said he did. It is just "my" opinion, i was referring to previous comments


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
G&W House, Oklahoma
Referring to the G&W vs Pichu: Fsmash isn't good against G&W... the whole.. i'm gonna not ever sheild and it's really easy to SDI out of it makes it not work. However usmash works more often than you'd think. 65 35 sounds about right to me provided the pichu is good at ledgehop invicibility edge guarding with nairs.


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2009
You crazy. Fox has the obvious advantage. The guy has no bad match ups
Comparing characters.
Stage dependent i think fox loses to

Falco -Lack of pressure game/auto combos
marth -Lack of Range/chaingrab
sheik -Lack of punishment/damage output per combo

this is all my opinion of course

my tier list is ridiculous to most people so i'm not going to bother posting it


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Falco is debatable. But its at the worst even or in Fox's favor.

Marth > Fox? What are you smoking dude?

Sheik? Last time I checked Fox can run circles around her, out prioritize her and effectively camp against her on larger stages. In what way does Sheik have the advantage?


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2009
Marth is my opinion because of his range, grabs , CC, easy edge guards and various other things.

The camping is based on who's winning in the match, sheik can camp fox on the ledge with shino stall with the lead (jman amsah...) so i think that cancels eachother out and is not a valid point

sheik i wouldn't expect you to understand because no one plays sheik at her full potential


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
something more like this.







Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
i have to agree that its in G&W's favor, G&W can sweet spot the edge and avoid pichu's on stage edgeguards, however if he messes up and eats a fsmash he's dead. But we're assuming people don't mess up here. Pichu in general doesn't have anything going for him approach wise outside of his nair, G&W wavedash combined with his utilt dtilt fsmash ftilt and even usmash can counter this easily. Hell I bet even dsmash will beat it out if timed right.

While pichu has a pretty effing sweet recovery, my friend is really good at putting G&W's nair (PARACHUTE LOLZ) in the way of me grabbing the ledge or going on stage. I admit my pichu isn't sick or anything so if anyone who has more experience with his or pikachu's up b and using their trajectory says you can get around it then i'd take their word personally.

On stages with platforms, G&W can counter any platform trixies with a nair or utilt.

One thing that is in pichu's favor is that his fsmash is so low to the ground because it hits multiple times / is electrical, it easily eats away at G&W's shield and can a lot of times poke through easily for the last hit. Pretty sure G&W can just angle his shield down and shield DI away though so I don't think its too great of an asset. But unless he gets out of it it'll take a huge chunk of his shield away and leaves pichu safe from retaliation due to the electrical shieldstun

All in all though, it's still one of my favorite match ups, being the pichu player.

Sheik on spacies, i agree its even actually. For fox at least ->

While they both can edge guard each other rather easily, if for some reason sheik gets the edge, fox can't really push. Sometimes you'll hit up-b spammers at the edge with a tilt or smash when they mess up their timing but it's never guaranteed and if you whiff you get smacked / sheik is back on the stage.

Where if fox for some reason grabs the edge, he doesn't have a way to abuse invincibility frames to force the opponent to let him get back on the stage. Constant ledge drops -> regrab can be counter with needles, firefox / illusion ledgestalls the same. I don't have a really really solid sheik to play and im not saying its impossible for fox to get from the ledge to the stage only that he can't force a stalemate till his opponent just lets him back on.

I think as far as camping goes, they're pretty even too. Both are dangerous on the edge, sheik slightly more so.. platforms probably go to sheik also, but fox isn't crippled like some characters against her platform camping. I think his lasers are better for racking up damage though, needles are pretty easy to avoid if you're being aware of the threat.

When you boil down to theory, it looks like its in sheiks favor slightly, but fox has enough speed to play safe just outside of her range or safely pressure her to bait out something for him to punish. It's pretty ambiguous match up from what i've experienced, so i like to call it even.

do falco after next time i play edit: i probably wont
- f-smash is pretty bad because of SDI. F-air is better anyway (if G&W actually shields. All decent G&W players will spam moves all the time, because his moves stick out forever and end pretty quickly when the move retracts [Dunno if it's IASA frames or something, because I don't play G&W very often, but I don't think it is]).

- G&W's n-air is pretty gay.

- When sheik is stalling with up-b, then grab the edge. She gets forced to go onstage, then you punish her lag. If you think she's gonna f-air/u-air, then b-air her after she whiffs.

- yeah, needles are easy to avoid. Fox's platform movement is also amazing. Though no one will agree with me, I personally think that fox benefits more than sheik from the platforms. Sheik players seem to think that FD is bad for them, but I think it's the players, not the matchup. Fox gets hurt more than sheik does without the platforms. Basically for these reasons:

- fox can't edge-cancel to escape bad combos
- less movement/ways to approach
- less combos (no tech chase off platforms, whereas fox will hit the ground anyway when sheik wants to do a platform combo, resulting in a free tech chase either way).
- There's more. Edit later.

- fox can ledge WD to get on the stage for free vs every character (A perfect one gives you 15 frames of invincibility. So there is a lot of room for error). Sheik can do it too.

id have to say sheik vs fox is in foxs favor also. i mean sheik has a difficult time geting combos going until around 40%, but of course she can easily get fox there, but fox has too many easy combos (drill->shine->grab-> u throw->combo) they can always DI the drill but fox can just pressure well with lasers and has plenty of options when the sheik uses up and b and goes to the stage. i think the sheik can definitely take it tho. i remember there was an old match between KDJ and Ken, and KDJ said he didnt really like the matchup, because he was always freestyling to get hits. they both have really good movement and can both kill each other pretty easily, so i can understand why some argue that its even. its a great match over all to watch and play on either side
does fox's combos lead to 0-death every time? no. If they DI badly multiple times, or decide not to CC your ***, then sure.

LOL sheik with a difficult time getting combos on fox. Sheik can 0-death tech chase solely off of reaction (there is a huge window of time for her to tech chase). The fox can stop the combo by going off the stage (assuming that they didn't decide to d-smash you off the stage), but then her edgeguarding is so free on fox. Fox can choose how he dies.....that's nice I guess.

But yeah, I do agree that it is entertaining to watch the matchup.

Yea KK thinks fox has a slight advantage overall lol xD
I knew it! That guy keeps telling me that he thinks it's even.

Falco is debatable. But its at the worst even or in Fox's favor.

Marth > Fox? What are you smoking dude?

Sheik? Last time I checked Fox can run circles around her, out prioritize her and effectively camp against her on larger stages. In what way does Sheik have the advantage?
out-prioritize sheik? wtf.......

Maybe when she's in the air I guess.

But anyways, I love watching KK play vs other foxes and 0-death them off of a single hit. Maybe you'll learn why the matchup doesn't get better than even after playing him.

Marth is my opinion because of his range, grabs , CC, easy edge guards and various other things.

The camping is based on who's winning in the match, sheik can camp fox on the ledge with shino stall with the lead (jman amsah...) so i think that cancels eachother out and is not a valid point

sheik i wouldn't expect you to understand because no one plays sheik at her full potential
Ledgestalling doesn't work. You can take the edge. Jman handled it really poorly, after the SD.


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2009
Ledgestalling doesn't work. You can take the edge. Jman handled it really poorly, after the SD.
nahhhhhhh man, you can sweet spot the up b if you drop lower and you get no poof. Although you do no damage it is faster and you will have invincibility. That way you can alter your timing forcing fox to make a mistake. (i don't know why sheiks don't do it)

You can switch between shino stalling and up B sweet spot to reset invincibility, from there it starts all over again.

Also you don't have to go up and down only, you can do angled shino stalls like m2k does. allowing you to not get edge hogged. Although i think fox has enough time to just waveland on and upsmash.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Falco is debatable. But its at the worst even or in Fox's favor.

Marth > Fox? What are you smoking dude?

Sheik? Last time I checked Fox can run circles around her, out prioritize her and effectively camp against her on larger stages. In what way does Sheik have the advantage?
In his defense, I think you could argue stage-dependent advantageous matchups for Falco and Marth in particular.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
nahhhhhhh man, you can sweet spot the up b if you drop lower and you get no poof. Although you do no damage it is faster and you will have invincibility. That way you can alter your timing forcing fox to make a mistake. (i don't know why sheiks don't do it)

You can switch between shino stalling and up B sweet spot to reset invincibility, from there it starts all over again.

Also you don't have to go up and down only, you can do angled shino stalls like m2k does. allowing you to not get edge hogged. Although i think fox has enough time to just waveland on and upsmash.
every one of those can be beaten by the same timing of edgehog


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
no because in order to swetspot, she has to drop slightly lower which is basically just a trade-off as opposed to having to rise about the ledge.

Timing wise for stealing the ledge, its basically the same on the fox's end. the one advantage to it though is that if the fox is successful, instead of auto killing yourself, you go straight up and can just land onstage with mega lag. hurrahh?


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
i think if sheik just waits there and sweet spots all day it will work
So if sheik gets any lead at all, you're convinced she can stall out for the next 8 minutes (or however much time is left) without being edgehogged?

I'm sorry, I find that difficult to believe.

Doc King

Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2010
How is Zelda vs Boback an advantage for Zelda? Zelda's legs are so weak (not the toes) and Zelda is tall so she has to relie on them a lot. Also for Zelda being tall, it makes it easier for Boback to infinite chainthrow combo Zelda.


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2009
So if sheik gets any lead at all, you're convinced she can stall out for the next 8 minutes (or however much time is left) without being edgehogged?

I'm sorry, I find that difficult to believe.
no but i think she can use that to extend her lead


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
How is Zelda vs Boback an advantage for Zelda? Zelda's legs are so weak (not the toes) and Zelda is tall so she has to relie on them a lot. Also for Zelda being tall, it makes it easier for Boback to infinite chainthrow combo Zelda.
Are you referring to ICs as bobacks?


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2009
man this just shows you cant trust the kirby boards to do this by themselves

better than ganon vs falcon? the same as ganon vs sheik?

0 vs fox right next to 35's and 40's vs other top tiers also is ridiculous


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
Basically laser camping doesn't force the Sheik to approach anymore if the Sheik is smart.

I don't see how your post relates to mine whatsoever, other than that it's related to the fox-sheik matchup. All I said is that I don't think sheik can actually stall fox out by doing that.

I'm pretty sure everyone already knows jman epically failed at getting around sheik's up-b stall, and as I mentioned earlier, there are so many smooth ways to beat it that are relatively safe. You don't have to not get hit, you can afford to get ledgehop faired. If you catch the sheik once while she's stalling, she either loses the stock, or goes on the stage and you beat the crap out of her...


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
I don't see how your post relates to mine whatsoever, other than that it's related to the fox-sheik matchup.

Then you need to take a logic class.

All I said is that I don't think sheik can actually stall fox out by doing that.

I'm pretty sure everyone already knows jman epically failed at getting around sheik's up-b stall, and as I mentioned earlier, there are so many smooth ways to beat it that are relatively safe. You don't have to not get hit, you can afford to get ledgehop faired. If you catch the sheik once while she's stalling, she either loses the stock, or goes on the stage and you beat the crap out of her...
This kind of argument only works if you assume Jman is sensible and Amsah is not. You think Jman was being dumb but he actually being a lot smarter than you. If the Fox approaches the Sheik on the ledge is quite likely that he is going to get gimped, M2k has done it to Jman numerous times. In fact in that very match half of the kills Amsah got was because Jman approached him near the ledge and Amsah gimped him. Fox wins the stage game, but Sheik ***** fox near the ledge. Also the ledge hop fair can be spaced/timed so that it's safe against Fox's shield. Amsah is not going to get grabbed while he's camping the ledge.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Fox destroys sheik at the edge. Fox destroys every character at the edge. You can shield and if they hit your shield you can shine which is a free stock. Not to mention that fox can pressure the edge grab with various methods of edgehogs. He is in relatively no danger; any attack will simply put him back to the middle of the stage.

Basically laser camping doesn't force the Sheik to approach anymore if the Sheik is smart.
how does sheik being smart change the fact that fox is dealing damage? sheik must close the distance if she wants to stop the damage.


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
Fox destroys sheik at the edge. Fox destroys every character at the edge. You can shield and if they hit your shield you can shine which is a free stock. Not to mention that fox can pressure the edge grab with various methods of edgehogs. He is in relatively no danger; any attack will simply put him back to the middle of the stage.
You are simply wrong. Fox doesn't destroy Sheik near the ledge.


Lol at you saying Fox can shield if they try to hit you. That is exactly what the Sheik wants so she can back throwto death the fox. Shining isn't nearly as scary as a back throw, ledge hogging is probably the Fox's safest bet but to do that he has to risk coming to ledge which may very well be his death. It's a really good thing Jman wasn't thinking like you.

how does sheik being smart change the fact that fox is dealing damage? sheik must close the distance if she wants to stop the damage.
Read the argument dude. We were saying if Sheik gets the lead then the Lasers won't force her to approach.
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