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Smash Back Room Application Thread!

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Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Applications don't need to be seconded by people that have no say in the process.

Just FYI.
Can people stop quoting others applicants and posting pointless spam?

We have to read through a lot already and honestly I don't want to see the same post over and over again.

If you want to suggest people, then tell them to apply. If they already have applied, you suggest them won't help them anymore.

Edit: LOL Apparently OS was thinking the exact same thing as me :).
I bet you KID started writing that last post before you guys posted this.


I have my reasons :laugh:


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
1. Godathand. Tournament alias = Riot but for doubles MumrA

2. I have been going to tournaments through smashboards for about a year now, but I lurked about on here way back in the day when I didn't understand how to register lol. (I was 11)

3. Usually in the top 20% I would say. I never do abysmal. I got 3rd recently in a tournament and that was the best I have done to this point.

4. I have never hosted a smash tournament, but I did host a Guitar Hero tournament at my school if that helps... and there were about 20 people.

5. I use Zelda, Sheik, and Peach. I consider myself an expert Zelda, but you will find that I disagree with most Zelda's and there play-style.

6. I am from the East Coast. MASS

7. I go to just about every tournament in MASS that has brawl... sometimes ones with only melee. I offer partial setups but I was unable to move the T.V. because its too big...

8. My brain works differently then other peoples, I rarely believe what people say until I test it myself. I hate when people just use words for their arguments without proper examples I feel like people who argue for a character need to be active in the tournament scene WITH that character... And since I learn characters fairly quickly I would be able to switch at a moments notice.

9. I think the huge separation of the community because of the differences between brawl and melee need to find some kind of agreement or something... People are leaving the community because they think the community is going to split apart... I think there needs to be a say once and for all whether or not a brawl hack would ever be considered a tournament standard, there are so many threads about hacks that it seems useless for people to waist there time if no matter what they will never be used. And the Metaknight ban needs to be discussed some kind of intelligent discussion rather than the obnoxious bantering.

10. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=197719

Honestly I don't post too much because I don't feel anyone will listen to me, I feel like people usually just listen to whoever is loudest (hypothetically). Or to people with the grimer!

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: Emma Frost = She's hot.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Please, PLEASE, do not let someone with the smashboards name "sasukebowser" into the back room.

Also, SamuraiPanda, moar like SPAMuraiPanda, amirite?
If I was an SMod, I'd change your name to NarutoSliq.

Deleted member

SliqWillie would be a good change. We need a member to throw Clinton jokes at.

edit: or SliqWiillie. I miss when the smods changed all usernames to have Wii in there somewhere.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
1. My name is Izaw both on tourneys and on SWF.

2. Ever since the EU release of Brawl and i've been to lots of'em.

3. I always place 3rd-1st place with LINK.

4. I'm hosting a huge Brawl/Melee EU tourney here in Sweden after Winter.

5. Link

6. Europe, Sweden

7. I created "A SSBB Link Video Guide - The Art Of Link" and "Linkaggedon" to help out Link players everywhere and other players too of course. I get alot of PM's asking me for help and wifi training (even if I think wifi is crap) and of course I'm trying to atleast help those that I CAN help. I also help people out when I'm in a tourney with gameplay or strategies/combos and other stuff. I also help the people here at SWF that asks for help.

8. I want to help out and discuss alot of things in the SBR, I think it's really interessting with Brawl and I would love to be a part of it. Also I would hope to help contribute to important rule decisions.

9. There are alot of stuff to discuss. Everything from the Tier list to upcoming huge tournaments to new Advanced techniques. Right now the hot topic's are Meta Knight for BAN and using modified version of Brawl for tournaments and I really want to help out and discuss further about these issues.



BONUS QUESTION!: O.O... eumm... Batmaaaaaaan xD? Dananananannaa Baatmaaaaan. Yeah... :p


Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2008
Gotta give it a try, just because Sunny Spain should have some representation

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
Linko_Ridley (because "Linko" was taken, I would love if a Smod could change my SWF name into "Linko") / Linko

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Not though SWF, I hear of Spanish tournaments at Spanish forums.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
TOP 5.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
Not yet. However, I'm planning one in Madrid.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
Snake. Other than that, I use Marth and Link.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
Southern Europe, Spain.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
Well, most Spanish brawlers recognize me as one of the best "theorists" of this game, if not the best Spanish one. I'm also doing great efforts so that Spanish TOs embrace SBR's ruleset. Also, I trained psychologically the European Low Tier champion. (Lionman and his C.Falcon. Ask him, he wouldn't be any good at all if I didn't help him) And most Spanish brawlers come to me when they wonder what should they do to get better.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Representation of the Spanish Smash community. (Yes, it exists!)

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Right now: some word on the MetaKnight ban. Either a "yes, ban him nao", a "no way" or a "wait [insert # of months here] months and we'll see"
In the future: an actual match-up chart, tier list actualizations (both Brawl and Melee). Also, actively support for mixed tourneys. (Melee+Brawl, just to show why the Melee vs Brawl debate is pointless... Or maybe even some words on the MvB debate)

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
I'm afraid they are most in Spanish. (in Spanish forums) Here you can se me discussing for stage neutral/CP/bans for Spanish tourneys (way before the SBR ruleset)

BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?
Cable. He ***** in Marvel vs Capcom 2.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2005
1 DA_RAIN aKa the1 NY ROY aka fsmash_master

2 i have been going 2 tournaemnts since sept 2005

3 i have won 34/35 attended tournaments w/ 25 as only roy

4 no

5 i use melee roy

6 i am from NY state I travel everywhere in NY

7 i **** and make other ppl good like me roy makes every1 play smart and advances game play faster than any other character either as him or fightign against him

8 i kno what elements add 2 the ideal competitive tournament which is good because tournaments and competition are the 2 most expansion intensive growth factors in smash

9 sbr has made many contributions lately with 2 tier lists standard brawl rules and more but the community really needs a set of definitions we need to know what basis the tiers are constructed on what makes something bannable or what improves or ruins tournaments none of it exists yet i would like 2 do that





my favourite comic charatcer is carnage he is **** like my roy


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
apparently God has your best interests in mind (assuming your application isn't a joke).
What in my application would lead you to believe it was a joke? Was it all the information I gathered for the application, because, personally, I would imagine that would sort of have the opposite connotation.

Just because I'm funny and sexy doesn't mean I'm not serious. I'm always serious. Always.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
I get denied because of my user name. ;_;

Foolish Eric.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I get denied because of my user name. ;_;

Foolish Eric.
Nothing personal, but you can't just take 2 characters from popular media, cram them together, and pass them off as your internet persona. That's tomfoolery and laziness.

You get to choose your own name, make a statement about yourself, and your statement is, "Look at me, I am familiar/like these characters, just like A LOT OF PEOPLE."

Also, Naruto is much failure in comparison to many other similar mangas, which just compounds the problem.

Now you may say, "What about your name, Sliq? All you did was put a "q" where "ck" should be? What's the point?"

I'll tell you the point.

When something is smooth, you run your hands across it, it feels nice, like a freshly waxed car. In that point, someone who is smooth is known to be very cool, debonair, and have a velvet tongue.

Now when something is slick, it is slippery and oily and gross. When people are slick they are devious and sly, usually using less than ideals maneuvers that, while crooked, are generally genius.

That's me. I try to be smooth but end up just coming off Sliq.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
I didn't ask... but okay >_>

Nothing personal, but you can't just take 2 characters from popular media, cram them together, and pass them off as your internet persona. That's tomfoolery and laziness.
Sure you can. sephirothken?
I didn't expect to use this site as much as I do, so yeah much thought wasn't put into it. But it doesn't really describe me as a person for making a dumb username. But I'd rather just have my application turned down because it suckes, then to have bias from my username or something.
You get to choose your own name, make a statement about yourself, and your statement is, "Look at me, I am familiar/like these characters, just like A LOT OF PEOPLE."
At the time, there were two games I used to play, and these were my mains for them. I'm not trying to go out and say they're special or anything, just fond memories of the good old days.
Also, Naruto is much failure in comparison to many other similar mangas, which just compounds the problem.
Thats pretty much an opinion, not that I disagree or anything. But hey, it was 2 years ago and that was the first manga I read. Things are different now, but it's not like I'm going to change my username or something because it sounds dumb to me now.
Now you may say, "What about your name, Sliq? All you did was put a "q" where "ck" should be? What's the point?"

I'll tell you the point.

When something is smooth, you run your hands across it, it feels nice, like a freshly waxed car. In that point, someone who is smooth is known to be very cool, debonair, and have a velvet tongue.

Now when something is slick, it is slippery and oily and gross. When people are slick they are devious and sly, usually using less than ideals maneuvers that, while crooked, are generally genius.

That's me. I try to be smooth but end up just coming off Sliq.
I wouldn't put your name into question. It sounds cool enough. =)

Sorry if this post makes mods mad. =/


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2005
Southeast Michigan
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

Vayseth or Vayvay

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

My first tournaments were run in 2004 when I ran a small, local tournament series for melee. I have actively been attending tournaments since February 2008.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

I place in the top half in doubles and towards the bottom half in singles.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

2004- Cybertech Plus Melee tournaments: 3 or 4 of them where the attendance was between 20 and 40 people.

2008- I co-hosted "Rofa's Biweeklies" in Ann Arbor, MI and ran the Digital Ops Biweeklies also in Ann Arbor. The most people we ever got was 75 for the circuit event in the "Rofa's Biweeklies" series and digital ops ranged from 22 people to 48 people per event. I currently am running a new series in Ann Arbor at the venue called "Get your game on." My first event is this Saturday with projected attendance of around 30.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

Characters I use: Olimar, King Dedede, and Mr Game and Watch
Characters I consider myself an expert: The interesting thing about me is I'm like the "coach" of the midwest. I have not really been able to have the reaction time to place as well as I'd like in brawl singles tournaments, but I have been able to identify good play and help other players improve their game. I would say I am well-versed with the entire cast, but my field of specialty would have to be Olimar and King Dedede.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

Midwest region. I will soon be moving to Japan so I hope I can represent that region when I get there next year.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I purchased brawl for my Japanese wii and immediately brought it to the creators of the "Show Me Your News" podcast SamuraiPanda and Youko. From there, I was able to bring my wii to the UMBs (local tournaments) and was able to have everyone get an early look into brawl and everyone seemed to really enjoy it. Since then, I have become a dominant tournament organizer in the midwest and have been a part of organizing weekend events instead of just tournaments so people can have a great weekend smash experience rather than just running a tournament. I feel it has really united the midwest and everyone seems to know everyone and is friends with each other.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

In the short term, I believe I could contribute valuable information as a TO and a player, especially in the field of stage and rule discussion. I have been part of other fighting game communities before, and tier lists/rule discussion is one area in which I have a lot of experience with.

In the long term, I will be moving to Japan and I could report on how tournaments and events work in Japan to give people an inside look into that side of Smash. I am also fluent in Japanese and can help with anything like that.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

The most important issues seem to be regarding a standard rule set and therefore tournament organization in general. For example, making sure people with guaranteed pots who post their tournaments on these boards actually have some written conformation that that is true, so members of these forums will not be misled. Also, I believe keeping up to date with the current brawl metagame is criucial, because that would cause updates to the SBR rule set and tier list, which would then need to be updated.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

I am most famous for this video I made regarding King Dedede's wall-less infinite grab:

Here's a thread recently with Luigi players inquiring about that very same infinite and my response to them:

I have made a lot of posts on the King Dedede boards including new tricks and whatnot but it seems like a lot of those threads have been wiped out over time. Same with my posts on the Olimar boards. I hope that post and video shows you at least a little bit of my potential.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p

Without a shadow of a doubt my favorite comic book character is Deadpool. Who else has his clever humor and fights dinosaurs taken over by the Spiderman symbiote?

If I had to pick another, I would say Gambit because he's so suave and now is REALLY OP.

Deleted member

Lol there are probably more qualified people than me but its worth a shot.

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
Burntsocks in the forums and in tournament
2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Since around October 2007 just as melee was coming to an end.
3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
Ive slowly been improving, I used to place middish, but now I usually place at least top 8, Ive gotten 5th and 4th for the last two tournaments ive been to, out of around 25 people. I also use all yoshi in tournaments if that counts for anything.
4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
I cant and dont host tournaments, i would if I had the resources
5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I use yoshi, I am one of the top placing yoshis, and I consider myself an expert on yoshi and most of his matchups. I am not a yoshi fanboy, but I think he is highly undervalued, when he obviously has some very good traits. I know some stuff about other characters, but not enough to be an expert on them.
6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
I live in socal, San Diego to be specific.
7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I go to tournaments as much as possible, and I try to help people if they need it. Im limited by my age in how much i can do, but I do all that I can.
8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Knowledgable yoshi representation. Playing against a good yoshi does not mean you understand him as much as someone who has been playing as him for a long time, is dedicated, and has experience playing very good players. I know where yoshi falls short, and where he doesnt. I also have some knowledge in a few other characters (jigglypuff, bowser, mario), and I'm usually pretty active because Im bored a lot lol. Also, i hope to give good insight on various issues like the ban on Mk, and some stage issues I have some concern with.
9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
The ban on Mk, obviously haha, though im pretty sure everyone has said it. I think the stage list needs to be modified. Also, I dont really care too much about the tier list, but it obviously needs some revisiting, and explainations on why each character is where they are. I dont think SBR needs to have anything to do with brawl vs melee crap. It was competative vs non competative before brawl, now its brawl vs melee. Recently, i have been observing some of the hacks, and i think they are a big issue, because they really do look viable. 10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=198098 XD

Finding posts in the 82 page matchup thread is slightly difficult lol.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Considering my recent head butting with Kyari regarding whether or not the Character Rankings thread should be kept alive, I seriously doubt I'll get even close but, hey, what the heck.

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

Fatmanonice/ Fatmanonice or FMOI

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

The last offline tournament I was in was in 2003. My area is a "competitive desert" and tournaments are far and few between which is why I've turned to online tournaments.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

Except for one where I lost to Ally (noted as being the best online Snake at the time) in the first round, I have gotten in the top 8 for every tournament I've been in so far.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

No, just four (soon to be five) online tournaments with three of them being 64 people.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I use every character and I believe I'm "competitively competent" (meaning that I'm confident that I could make it to the top 8 in most local tournaments) with anyone except Ganondorf and Snake. Regarding the second question, I spend a decent amount of time on all the character boards to stay up to date on all the matchups, strategies, and techs. With this being said, I know all the characters up to at least the intermediate level. I pride myself on helping dozens of people get better with their characters via online and the SWF Friend Finder and have even done sessions has long as two hours simply trying to teach people techs and basic strategies with certain characters.

Expert is a word that's thrown around too much and has severely lost its true meaning but the characters I'm the most knowledgable about are Mario, Ness, Wario, and Fox.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

Midwest/St. Louis

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I consider my "community" to be the online community. I host online tournaments because I believe upholding the competitiveness of online play will keep Brawl alive for years to come. I also believe that it is important to uphold because, like me, there are many people who are in competitively "dry" areas and online play is there only reasonable source of competition outside of family and friends. People look down on the online community but I believe that it is simply a different environment that one has to adjust to if they wish to take a part in it and there are many skilled players who are a part of it.

Like I said earlier, I provide tutorials for all characters and offer constructive criticism via the Friend Finder. I also take part in my tournaments and try to stay in touch with the participants in order to help build a more tight knit community. We often practice against each other and I believe this greatly benefits us.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

Another person who is very knowledable about the game in general but, most importantly, someone who is connected to the online competitive community and genuinely cares about its growth. I believe this perspective would help not only the backroom but the Smash community as a whole.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

1. Whether or not Metaknight should be banned or if certain rules should be enforced to knock him down a peg.

2. How the online competitive community should be treated and what can be done to attract more people to it. Also, should the standards of online play be different than offline play based on lag?

3. What can be done to keep the Melee community alive and would it be possible to move Melee online like the original was in some areas? If so, what needs to be done to make this a reality?

4. What can be done to connect the Melee and Brawl communities and squash any hostility between them?

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

I'll post some if I come up with any but I think it's more the decision of other posters to say whether or not my posts are noteworthy. Also, I've been on this site on almost a daily basis since May 2007 even when I was touring other countries like France and England so it's hard to pick out something that would be considered "outstanding"especially when I rarely make threads out of impulse.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?

Here's one you probably haven't heard yet: Popeye! He's a crusty old sailor who lives a simple life and fights for a woman that makes Amish women look like super models, what's not to like? :laugh: To me, like Mario, he represents ordinary people who can do extraordinary things and, despite being a cartoon character, I consider that inspiring.

Deleted member

you're not the jerk, I am. It was still funny lol. what did you expect to happen when you posted to stop spamming on the internet?


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Funny, I always assumed that it was pronounced "Sleek," not "Slick."


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
1. DeliciousCake

2. I have been attending tournaments through Smashboards since my join date.

3. It's been variable, from 2nd place to 37th.

4. Yes. oGS Brawl, VT Smash. Average turnout is usually between 15 and 40 people.

5. Zero Suit Samus.
Self-proclaimed ZSS board matron. Secondary, Peach. Tertiary, Zelda/Jigglypuff.

6. NoVA/SoVA (depends on if I'm at school or not)

7. I regularly post and discuss tactics on the ZSS board. I try to keep things running smoothly.

8. I was never active during the Melee era of Smash, and I've been trying to make a name for myself since Brawl's release. I know I'm respected on the ZSS boards, and I would like to bridge the gap between the new stream of players of the Brawl era and those who have been around and regarded highly for a long time. Otherwise, I would generally just hope to inject my insight into the issues the BR has to review.

9. Obviously the hottest topic right now is the "Should Metaknight be banned" issue. Probably the next biggest issue would be regarding hacks as tournament standard/sub-standard.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=162044 (Frame data, site 404's now but I still have it all)



http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=190636 (This is actually an alternate account I made for managing the VT smashers.)

http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5617693&postcount=34 (No, I am not afraid to question the SBR's all-knowing members)

BONUS: Gambit. Dude throws charged up playing cards and has a kickass telescopic staff. How can you not be gay for Gambit?

@Xiivi: L2prettycoolguy. "I think Gambit is a pretty cool guy. eh throws cards and doesnt afraid of anything."


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases-JesiahTEG

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards? About 2 years.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend? 1st/2nd.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance. No, I've never hosted a tournament.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert? My Snake is my best tournament character. I can compete using Snake on a national level. I play MK on counterpicks where I feel Snake's manueverability can't cut it. I also used to play Toon Link, and I know a TON about him...I studied the character hardcore for a long time and have written up some stuff on the Toon Link boards.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...East Coast, Western New York.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community? I've placed 1st at our last 6 events, and I'm sure it's making people want to improve and beat me :)

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR? In addition to knowledge of the game and community, I have a very creative mind. I have the ability to see things from every perspective, and I think that's important when coming to conclusions or solutions. I'd be able to present different aspects of an issue to the SBR, and explain them thoroughly.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future? Obviously every issue regarding Metaknight, but there are also other important issues...The separation of Brawl/Melee community...anything from tournaments in general to spammy threads on Smashboards.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

Toon Link matchup thread: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=169292
Toon Link Stage guide: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=177040
My thoughts on Lucario: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost....8&postcount=68
Marth is the best character on Melee: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=195600

Thanks for reading.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
Funny, I always assumed that it was pronounced "Sleek," not "Slick."
You and EVERYONE IN FROM NIAGARA had that notion. I can't say I blame you, but at least you didn't think my name was Slig. Kudos on understanding the differences between q and g.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
Soul Society
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases


2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

My first on here was 2005

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

I usally place in the top 10

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event.

Yes,a samll local tournament with about 9 people.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments?

I main the links,zss and olimar,but I know a bit about all characters.

6. What area/region/community are you from?
I am austalian.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

Teach others,therefore I get more compotion at tournaments,since there is'nt a big smash scene here and of course promote the wii so we can get more players.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

Disscuss importaint issues add the missing link.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

Try to promote people to be there favorite character,not just one thats high off the tier list,halve the people on the meta-knight boards would leave if he was bottom tier. In otherwords scrap the tier list for a while.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?

Haha,crimson chin,why?? why not he has a freakingly HUGE chin!!!! (and he's cool).

Chaos F-15

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2007
Halifax, Nova Scotia
1: Chaos F-15
2: none really but I may attend one in November.
3: there was a none-smashboards tourney brawl last week (called frag for cancer 3) and i placed 7th on it for my first tourney.
4: none yet
5: Marth, Meta-knight, Fox, and G&W. But I'm known famous for my crazy Meta-knight.
6: Nova Scotia (East Coast of Canada)
7: I will show my ideas for rules, stage availible, and so much more.
8: I have created some techniques but I didn't show it yet.
9: Stages choices in tourneys! Right now, in my opinion, it's very bad. I want to fix it. Also, I think it's too early to have a tier list right now and try to ban characters like MK because I don't think MK is unbeatable. Also, I want to try to make custom stages legal in tournaments (like make Kongo jungle 64, etc.). and much more.






Bonus: Spider-man because I used to be a big fan of spidey. especially spider-man the animated series


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
1. Dojo

2. First tourney was in September 2006. I only attended 5 Melee tourneys. I've attended 1-2 brawl tourney's a month since the American release.

3. Top 3. I haven't placed below top 10 in tourney. Some have had over 100 players with regular attendants like Hylian, Sethlon, and RoyR. My worst placing was 9th out of 112 players at HOBO 11.

4. No. I live in a small isolated town and have to travel over 3 hours to any smash related scene/tourney. It'd be impossible to ask everyone else to come down here for a tourney.

5. Metaknight. Most people consider my MK to be best in Texas and a exper level MK in the community as a whole.

6. Texas

7. I give advice and my input to any and all players who ask for it. Whether advice on/against MK or just general gameplay. I'm also a panelist for the Texas PR, if that has any merited value. I love learning and developing the metagame to see how far we can take this game as a community.

8. My humor and input on issues regarding the development of the metagame as a whole. Ie. MK banning, the Tier list, Stage bannings, etc. :)

9. MK seems to be a big problem worldwide atm. I'd really like to study and help with this issue the best that I can as of now. I feel that since I main him, and understand alot of his potential on different matchups that I can add alot of insight to this discussion.

My quick thoughts on MK Banning over % handicap:
MK >> Fox Facts:
In response to a statement "Snake is way better than Rob and D3"

Wolverine takes it. He's an aggressive beast that doesn't take **** from anyone. That's how I do it. :cool:


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch
I guess it's worth a try.
1. IDK. formerly known as bigmack209. still so on AiB.

2. I have never gone to a tourney THROUGH SWF, but i have gone to... 12 tournaments by AiB references and local un-published tourneys. This began about a year ago? On the other hand, I played melee since the gamecube came out, so it is not as if i am inexperienced.

3. At my first 2 tourneys i basically got last. I only played doubles in my first, with my friend's brother who was not great, and we did get last. In my second i played singles, and i was something like 30 out of 40. Later on i have begun to place higher and higher, and i have actually won a bit.

4. Never hosted a real, popular, well known tourney, but i've had up to about 20 people at my house for simple experience tourneys.

5. I consider myself an expert with diddy and marth. I am pretty knowledgable with other characters too, however, as I have tried just about everyone. Among them I'd say I am closer to expertise with snake, oli, pit, falco, and fox. At tourneys all i would really use would be diddy, marth, or snake.

6. From the west coast. California to be specific.

7. Through SWF, i've posted a few diddy techs that are listed in vyse's "diddy kong must reads" thread. I was the discoverer of marth's upsmash stagespike. I have recently taken up making sigs and am now contributing artistically to SWF (I made my currently used sig). lastly, i participate in the Diddy kong backroom group.

8. See, this is a tough question, because it depends on what exactly is being discussed in the Back room at the time. Lately i've heard that it's mostly about MK. I can assure you that you can expect decent input on topics being discussed. I am fairly active on smashboards, so there should be no problem with that.

9. I think that what really needs to be discussed at the moment is the recent use of hacks in brawl to make it more melee-esque. with the recent wavedash, L cancel, (crouch cancel too?) hacks, it is obviously a topic being discussed around SWF, and it should be discussed specifically by knowledgable people. Also, of course, the obvious topic to state would be the ban of MK, which i have recently thought about and believe that i can provide a good addition to the discussion. I also think we should possibly add an entire section to smashboards (around the GBD, BTD... etc...) for the use of brawl hacks. it's been so popular lately that it's clogging up the real GBD with how to hack your wii tuts. the SBR possibly also needs to clarify to the boards whether they support the use of these hacks.

10. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=185118&page=1 (diddy contributions)
http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=107520 (here you can see how i helped a couple people out by making them sigs or showing them how to do things)
Marth upsmash discovery/research threads: (i was a nub at the time)

BONUS QUESTION: reminded me of this from AiB: "If you had 23 carrots and you dropped them into a washing machine while flying through the brain of a polar bear, which Smash character would be most likely to become a serial murderer and who would be their first victim(s)?" If i could pick, it would be anyone/thing that has anything to do/looks like one of diddy's bananas.

If i could add anything to this I would say a couple of things i like. I've read some manga, death note, megatokyo, terry goodkind. I play water polo and used to play basketball/high jump in track. I now play melee again and have been for a little while now so i am knowledgable in that area too if needed. There is not much else i can think of, but i wish myself and everyone else who applied good luck.

OH, and it's my birthday in like an hour, so MAKE ME HAPPY! I will consider it SWFs birthday present to me. haha. I hope i am well considered and hopefully accepted.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases: Dark.Pch/D.Pch

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards? I have been attending tournaments through smashboards for about 2 years now.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend? I usually finish up at 9th in tournaments. Best I have ever done is 7th. Worst I ever done is 13th. Here are my tournament records if they would help with this:

9th of 62 (Montage Presents: The Peak, Already? Princeton, New Jersey) 5/17/08
13th out of 30 (NYC weeklies) 6/??/08
13th out of 76 (Mass Madness 10, Massachusetts) 7/12/08
7th out of 44 (NYC Weeklies) 7/18/08
9th out of 60 (NYC weeklies) 7-25-08
9th out of 65 (Mass Madness 12, Massachutsetts) 10/04/08
?? out of ?? (Play N Trade, New York) 10/18/08 Tournament was screwed so lots of changes were made and I got not be placed as well as 75% of the people that went. Look up on the tournament or thread to see what happen. So this I wont count.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance. No I have not.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert? I go only Peach in tournaments. I never counterpick characters no matter who I face or what disadvantage I have. I know her like the back of my hand and have studied the character since day one of when I first touched her in brawl

6. What area/region/community are you from? East coast, New York city community.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community? I help out my fellow Peach players and upcomming ones who are new to Peach or have trouble with her. From time to time I get PM's or request to help peoples Peach's out and I work with them step by step to help them improve. And at their own pace, they get better.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR? Massive Data and info about Peach that many people may not notice. Also I do believe she is underratted and all cause not many know the character fully and cant handle how she is cause of her nerfs and cons. That's why a large % of melee players who mained Peach left her in brawl. And even bashed her in brawl. But since day one that I touched Peach in it I worked with what I have and never gave up on that no matter how hard it seemed. I have watched many Peach videos, look throw her meta game too see the average Peach play. The habits one has. Why they are winning/losing. What a Peach player does after they rolls or sidestep,etc. And use what I learn to see why people underrate her or why they are not doing as good as they want or should be. I have even studied how Japan plays Peach from the vids I saw. It may have been only 2 that they have of Peach but I work with what I can get.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future? The full understanding of characters from people who know what they are doing with them. Not from people who may look fancy and all. If you know the character half way, that is not good enough. And ones opinion won't mean much. Take it from players who enter tournaments with the character and stick with them in it most/all the time. And place well/great at that. They know the true pressure of a tournament with thier character. They know how to react and think quick when they are but in a dangerous situation. People may pick a character cause they are high tier and think they will win easy, but fail and lose to characters like Peach,yoshi and the likes. people need to understand its not all about tiers, camping and spamming. You need a brain. you need to think. You need to obverse,etc. (I can go on forever with this.)

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

Talk about my character:

My Peach guide- http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=167424
My post on people crying and complaining about how Peach is so bad- http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=3980749&postcount=54
Realizing How it works with Peach and what it takes- http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=4838416&postcount=2
Peach Debate Vs Marth (read to where I get to marth in my post)- http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=4262972&postcount=12
Peach debate Vs Marth. Another good Post- http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=4263792&postcount=16

General Talk:

Tournament mentality: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5213780&postcount=14
My opinion on how Tiers make people act and think- http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5030199&postcount=43
Meta knight being good or over used- http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=4762987&postcount=45
How to deal with Camping- http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=161145


Smash Champion
May 26, 2007
Brampton Ontario, Canada
Bwett for SBR....or lilB if he's applying >.> or 1 of those Ganondorf guys (but Samurai has that handled right for Ganondorf rep?) ....uh....


I like Spiderman, unlike Superman he's not "lame, unlike Batman he is still ethereal in that he got his powers.
Spiderman's powers while being an old comic series are still fresh today, and are much better than the "I have super strength,can fly, shoot lazah beams....oh and nothing can beat me....except green rocks" kinda guy.

Then again Link is a kind of super hero...so uh......Hero of time!


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2007
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

Fall of 2006. I think it was T.A.N.G 14 hosted by Aftermath and Juce, in fact, I got a falcon punch combo on the #3 Oregon guy at my first tournament.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

9-13 with Washinton people in attendance, you have to remember that Oregon is a lot worse than other states.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

I have hosted/help hosted three tournaments on smashboards. I also set up monthly smashoffs at my house for locals.

Helped with Salem Springbreak 13 in attendance: http://allisbrawl.com/ttournament.aspx?id=371

My very own tournament series "DoDu" over 30 ended up attending, it was at the time one of the biggest Oregon tournaments ever:

I have since then done a tournament series for my high school called 'Sprague Smashers' but I do not do this over smashboards. There are usually 20 people that attend.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I use Luigi exclusively and would consider myself an expert on him. I do independent research right now but I would definitely be more active if I made the SBR. There isn't a very good Luigi rep, I would definitely do a lot bigger part in developing Luigi if I was in the SBR, and I think I would be more able to do so because of the respect that comes with being in the SBR.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

The great Pacific Northwest.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I was the first competitive player in Salem, Oregon. I have personally taken it upon me to make Salem a place to smash, I hold tournaments with locals to try to get them involved, I have brought dozens of people to smashboards and to the competitive ideas thereof. I hosted the first real tournament in Salem that was multi-state involved and I have good relations with out of staters.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

I expect to add humor and insight to the SBR. When I'm not feeling lazy, I actually do a very detailed job in researching things, I think being in the SBR would be a very good catalyzer of my researching efforts for Luigi and the general metagame of brawl.

I am a very good philosopher and strategist, my rankings in tournaments may not be too impressive, my hands just can't keep up with my mind. I can help a very good player out and tell him what he needs to do and what adjustments he needs to make because he will actually be able to make those adjustments. I see brawl and melee on a very competitive level, I just can't seem to implement what I see in my mind to my own playing, which is fine as long as I can convey these thoughts to those that can demonstrate them.

Outside of the SBR, I would expect to bring the big city thoughts to the small towners. I would help the dying Luigi boards and I would foment competitive like thinking in my own area of Salem, Oregon. I think we need more of this, a more personal level of reaching out to people just think how privileged the Luigi board people will be to have their very own SBR representative, it could really get things moving. But lets be clear, I would do my best to branch out, I wouldn't limit myself to only learning about Luigi, I would do my best to help out the community as a whole.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

I think, right now, the most important issue is the use of codes to bringing advance techniques to brawl, bluntly, whether we should use codes to put make l-canceling, wavedash and remove tripping in brawl and whether that should be a standard or not in tournaments.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

I actually did a great deal for the melee Falcon, in philosophy. I made a lot of useful posts and really helped out before even before G-Reg got involved and man what a revolution he was, it was pretty much just AngeloBangelo, DYC and myself. I really helped the 'Falcon can do things as certain percent' movement like up-throw to knee will work on Fox at 98% that sort of stuff.

I don't have any specific posts to point at and they are all really old anyways.

BONUS QUESTION! :favorite comic book character/superhero and why?

Wonderboy and Young Nasty Man. The power to kill a Yak from 200 yards away...with mind bullets.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
I would apply but I wouldn't get in. I am too inactive when it comes to participation in tournaments. =(

Edit: On second thought I might as well. Who knows I might get lucky.

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Around 2 years and a half. From 2004 to early 2007. but I didn't often go to tournaments primarily because of school.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
I've been inconsistent. The best is around 10th the worst is 16th. none of those were recent.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
Sonic and Link. I wouldn't consider myself an expert per say but I am proficient with Sonic, less so with Link since I extremely dislike how he plays in Brawl. Not sure who I may secondary.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
East Coast NYC.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
Often discussing character matchups as well as discussing sonic's movesets and what he can or cannot do out of them as well as how reliable they may be. I also often go to other character forums in order to find out information and would discuss with those character boards the matchups.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Hmm that is a tough one. I suppose I would be able to bring in some of the thoughts shared by the Sonic board. The main issue that i often hear is that they feel they are not being heard or that they are not being taken seriously. Which I feel is somewhat true to a certain degree since i have seen several statements made that should not be made.

I could also play Devil's Advocate primaily because I often take a neutral approach to things until the issue is clearer. i.e. the metaKnight debate. Character matchup debates. Tier lists. I also make cookies.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Primarily gathering information of each characters metagame as well as their overall performance. I also eel that tournament behavior should also be discussed in greater depth because I feel it is taken more lightly than it should be. i also would want to see addressed the community as a whole. I often see that the community feels as if what the say is of little concern and that what they say doesn't mean anything compared to what the SBR says.
Also despite the taboo that I feel is often displayed, I would also like to ask about possible hack format. primarily because of the introduction of GeckoOS and Ocarin as well as the codes they provide (wavedashing, l canceling, no tripping etcetc).
In the past such an idea of a hack format was not possible because of the resources required were just non-existant. Due to the nature of SDgecko and ocarina I feel that it may be possible and that maybe it should be looked into if only a little.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
I am too critical to really feel any of my posts (other than this one) is really that interesting.

Bonus: Spiderman. He seems to me to be among the more human super heroes. How he always struggles with just being a superhero is what I like most because he has all this power and knows he can do so much good, but at the same time fears it because of how he can be twisted. He is imperfect. And is such a target for sex jokes. heheheh Sorry.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2007
Northeast Ohio (AKA Smashghetto)
I'll give this a go.

1. AgentJGV

2. unfortunatly I've never been to an official tournament. I've had just friendly tournys with my friends but I doubt you'll count those.

3. N/A (in the friendly tournaments I'm in the top 5 but I don't think you can really measure my skill from that. )

4. I've had semi-Smashfests with around 14 people.

5. I'm trying to use as many people as possible so I can get a feel for each one. Right now I would play in tournaments as MK, Ganondorf, Lucario, Marth, Captain Falcon, and MAYBE Pikachu. I consider myself an expert on Ganon, Lucario, and MK as they were my first mains. (note: I chose MK before the game came so...make of it what you will)

6. I'm from Ohio

7. I try to introduce my friends into smash and in fact Brawl is the reason that two of my friends got a Wii. Aditionally, one of my friends who was number one in the state on Halo actually got into Brawl. (he unofficially mains Wolf).

8. I believe that I can give a different perspective on Smash in general. Because of my lack of experience in tournaments, I have a different view of the game than most other people. Also, my friends are competitive-casual smashers (meaning that they play by the normal rules and are decient but just don't go to tournies) and that puts a whole new twist on how the game is looked at.

9. At the moment, the most important issue is technique and stratagy developing. Smashers are looking for things that will separate the Boy's from the Men. In the future obviosly the issue of Meta-knight comes up. I think that if no counter is found for him soon then that should move up on the priority list.

10. Here's my "How to pick a main" thread. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=189623
Theres really nothing else big I can show other than smaller posts from misc. threads. I'm currently working on a Meta-Knight Counter possibility thread but thats still a brain child right now.

Bonus: Batman because he doesn't have powers but he's still a superhero. That is beast.


Smash Hero
May 27, 2006
Wichita, KS
M3D said:
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

M3D said:
2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
I've been attending tournaments since the end of 2007. I entered a few melee tournaments before Brawl's release, but played melee mostly casually. Since Brawl's release I've entered around 6-7 tournaments, including HOBO11.

M3D said:
3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
I normally never place worse than 5th at Midwest tournaments. I've won around 2-3 tournaments in Kansas; the worst I've ever placed is 25th out of 112 at HOBO11.

M3D said:
4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
I co-host and created the Brawl Wichita, KS Bi-weekly tournaments. We usually bring in between 20-30 entrants. InfernoRage1 and I are 2 of the the most respected TOs in Kansas.

M3D said:
5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
Meta Knight and King Dedede. I consider myself an expert Meta Knight: I've been practicing mainly with him since April.

M3D said:
6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

M3D said:
7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
In Real Life: Going to tournaments, hosting tournaments, and helping those around me, either at tournaments or smashfests, who need advice or critiques.

On SWF: I contribute a lot in the Meta Knight boards, along with other character boards. I answer most questions that I see are posted, I run the MK Video Thread ( http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=191214 ) and the major MK Match-Up Thread ( http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=179463 ) that I always keep updated, and I always join intelligent discussions. I've also created a helpful video: (Meta Knight Combo Tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ5mx_UHPes )

M3D said:
8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I expect to intelligently, unbiasedly discuss every aspect of Smash today and Smash in the future, including character/stage analysis, match-ups, tournament discussion, and everything else.

M3D said:
9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
The main issue I see right now on SWF is whether or not Meta Knight should be banned from competitive play. My contribution to this subject, and every other subject/discussion in the SBR, will be completely unbiased as it has been on the boards already.

I am currently neutral on the subject. This is because I believe banning him will have a negative effect on most MK mains, due to them and me practicing mostly with MK since around the release of Brawl; however, I also believe banning him will balance out the rest the Brawl metagame.

M3D said:
10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
MK Video Thread ( http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=191214 )

MK Match-Up Thread ( http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=179463 )

M3D said:
EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p
Nightcrawler from X-men; He just screams awesome!
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