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Smash Back Room Application Thread!

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Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Ypsilanti, MI
1. Makkun. Mak for short.

2. Early 2005.

3. I've placed first many times, usually I only do poorly in matches due to poor character choice (I chose Bowser once in a Melee tournament semi-final, just for fun) or poor tournament moderation. (ie allowing certain illegal stages or completely ignoring counterpicking and such)

4. I hold semi-annual Melee/Brawl tournaments at my local library for anime conventions we have, although no big-name players attend. My geographical location isn't exactly the most competitive. I've held these tournaments since 2004. (At the first tournament, I had no knowledge of competitive Melee) Attendance is generally between 30 and 50 people.

5. I can use every single character in a competitive sense, maybe except PT and Ganon. Mostly I will use Falco and Snake if I want to make sure I do well, although I see myself as skillful with Luigi, Diddy, and Lucas. I don't think I've mastered any characters, since I took a break from Brawl for about 2 months. I don't like to main characters, I'd rather "main" all of them. I know quite a lot about Snake, however.

6. Midwest US. Ohio/Michigan.

7. Although the competitive Smash scene is nearly dead in my area, I've been trying to rejuvenate it. I hold tournaments semi-annually and I am trying teach many interested players in my area about competitive Smash. I hold regular discussions about new techniques or possibilities with my friends who previously were very involved Smash players.

8. Intelligent discussion and research about new techniques or anything else Smash-related. I am very interested in what some may call "Melee 2.0", however I see it more as Brawl+. I would like there to be a prominent community, maybe even a subforum, devoted to Brawl hacks and using them tactfully. There was a code released for Wavedashing recently, and it works like a charm. I believe this definitely adds MUCH more depth to Brawl's metagame. Although I am not going to push for a hacked version of Brawl to be standard, I would very much like to discuss the possibilities of it becoming a side-standard.

9. As I said before, I think a hacked side-standard for Brawl would be something considered by everybody. The actual Wii hacking process is very simple and the depth that has been added with wavedashing is insane. Bringing back some Melee elements could really make things interesting. I'm not positive about hitstun or L-cancelling, as much as I would love it. I think it would break some characters. (MK)

Which brings me to my next point. I think the community needs to be addressed about whether or not the SBR really thinks a MK ban is even negotiable. Someone needs to bring out solid evidence on WHY or WHY NOT MK should definitely be banned or not. Looking at his matchups and the thread about what would happen if MK was removed are very interesting starts, however.

Also, these two things sort of tie in together. While I'm not completely for it, it could prove to be VERY profitable if hacking Brawl went as far as to balance characters. This way a MK ban wouldn't even be needed and would solve both problems at once. (Brawl hacks and MK Ban)

10. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=173119 - My Smashboards pride and joy. This thread explains the uses and findings of ISJR (Infinite Second Jump Recovery) Though I did not discover this technique, I took it a step further and studied the technique which was found to be usable by every character. In this thread I have documented all known information about the technique, and included lists describing every character's entire moveset and whether or not the technique is usable with each move. I've also listed 19 videos (at this time) which were sent to me by those who wanted their video to be posted, in order to show the community how they can use their character to perform the technique.

Though this technique has been deemed useless because of how hard it is to pull off, I still look back on it with pride. This thread allowed me to show myself that I was capable of researching and studying an aspect of Smash, recording (video) results, and presenting it all in a way that allowed the community to easily learn about and reproduce the technique for themselves.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=199260 - My posts in this thread further the development of wavedashing in Brawl. I helped test codes and reported issues. Also, I have offered many times to help anybody who is having problems learning about or hacking their Wii.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=199810 - I spent about 4 hours writing this detailed tutorial on exactly how to hack a Wii and use Ocarina for codes such as No-Trip and Wavedash. I've just posted the thread so I don't know about how people will feel about it, but it's one of my contributions to the community.

In addition, I've sort of used the thread to show others that we are not so much trying to create Melee 2.0, but to improve Brawl in a way that many people would enjoy. Basically a lot of Melee fans who refuse to play Brawl because of a lack of ATs like wavedashing

BONUS: I like Batman 'cause he has no super powers. Although most would argue this bars him from being a superhero.

I also really like Spiderman, thanks to the animated series and his style in the Marvel vs. Capcom games. (:

EDIT: Posted a third link.


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)
To apply, please post in this thread with the following information:

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

1. Monk/Honkey/Banana "Monk"

2. Ever since I joined in October of 06'

3. For Melee my placement was very erratic(barely making it out of pools to placing fairly high for using only Mario). For Brawl when I attend tournaments I'm usually expected to place top 5-7

4. I haven't exactly ran a tournament but I usually help get the word around

5. I main Mario(Best or Second Best in FL) and occasionally Snake. I consider my Mario to be highly advanced, people have told me my edge game is the best they have seen

6. Florida, Mid West Florida to be more precise

7. Whenever there is a Smashfest in the area I'm usually in attendance. Whenever I play a match with someone I usually try to give them advice to help improve their game. I have also been working on edge options...because characters that can get CG'd need a safe place to go

8. I hope to add the perspective of a Mario main as well as an additional brain to future discussions

9. I believe the Stage List needs work some time in the future. For right now some discussion on the MK ban or not is needed

10. Mario Brawl Archive (My organization skills)
Mario Match-up Discussion(I occasionally post my insight on some matches)

Bonus:Silver Surfer...He's silver....And surfs in outer space


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Why not?


2. Early 2006.

3. Within the top 8, most of the time. I've placed 2nd in the only 'major' (20 or 30-something people) Melee tournament I've been to in November, 2007, playing a mix of Sheik and Luigi. Lately, I've won several small Brawl tournaments and lost a few others.

4. If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance. I've helped organize said 'major' Melee tournament. There were about 26 people there, I think.

5. I 'main' Yoshi, King Dedede, and Sheik, but dabble in Mario and Zamus. I don't consider myself an expert as any character, but I think my Yoshi game is slightly above-average. Because I live in an extremely rural area and have very little experience against out-of-town players, however, I can't really say.

6. I'm in the northern-Hillsborough county, New Hampshire area. I would say North East, but I'm very limited.

7. I've introduced several ATs into my very small community (such as wave dashing, chain grabbing/throwing, etc.).

8. I could provide a voice for the small-town Smashers out there. Like I've said before, I live in rural New England. If I had to guess, most of the SBRs live in communities where the Smash scene is popular and well-developed. However, in my area, the overwhelming majority of players have never heard of Smash Boards, and our meta-game is still developing. I've compared the way that we fight Brawl (exclding myself) compared to others out there via watching Youtube, and it's interesting. If I could get ahold of recording device, perhaps I could introduce the Smash community to new play-styles.

9. Whether or not hacked-Brawl should be the new Brawl. Personally, I'm against it-- I know I'll sound really lame when I say this, but what about all of the people out there who don't have hacking devices? Do we really need to do everything in our power to make Brawl Melee 2.0? The game can be fun without Wavedashing, imo.

The Meta Knight issue is large and looming, too. I'm yet to take a side on it.

10. Unfortunately for me, I haven't done much to make a name for myself on Smash Boards. I generally avoid Smash discussion.

Still, I've been an avid participant in SWF's competitive Pokemon scene. The RTP (Rate That Pokemon) thread I made for Toxicroak can be seen here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=2814144&highlight=nastycroak#post2814144 . If I find more threads, I'll post them.

BONUS QUESTION!: My favorite comic book character is Phoney Bone, from the Bone series. He's essentially a greedier, smarter, more sophisticated Wario, and I love it.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Since July. I felt the game was too new before that.
3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
5th to 9th out of 21 people.
4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I used Sheik/Zelda alone for about 6 months or so. I consider myself an expert on both characters although I'm not the best with her because of some general mechanics/skills.
My Toon Link has made a few scarce tournament appearances, my Toon Link is growing.
6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
North Alabama
7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
Here in Alabama, i try to get some more casual players into Brawl (it's hard though). I try to set an example of showing lots of respect for other players. I help with what ever I'm qualified to teach someone, i can't comment on lots of intangibles i don't have, but i tell people stuck in my ftilt to DI the other way.
8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Someone who doesn't want to just hear there own voice. I really am mostly applying because of a philosophical concept i once heard, that those rule are not actually fit to rule, all those who wish to rule desire power, and once they get any power they use it to gather more and oppress people.
The people who would really make good rulers don't want to rule.
I think this applies to the SBR in a different way, except differently, most applicants will place a great value on the own ideas, and great value on their own intelligence. This is bad for discussion.
And so, in stride with all that.. I'm not really that interested in being a SBR member, but i think that's why i should apply anyway.

On that note I STRONGLY suggest that you invite Tenki to the SBR, definitely more so than me. I don't actually know much about him, but several people have said he was very knowledgable. The fact that he wouldn't apply of his own volition is a good thing.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
The SBR needs to work on structure. The MK ban should have started with a discussion about what SBR will ban and what SBR will not ban. It would have been a great idea for this standard to have been preemptively created before Brawl's release.
Similar issues exist in other places. For instance, I feel that the Official Brawl Tier Discussion thread was not started with enough guidelines.
10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

I thought i would find the thread in which i debated about the utility of transformation as a viable match strategy, but I think it died from inactivity. :(
EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p
Doctor Octopus. He's a cool villain overall, and the story of how he goes evil is very good, he creates a fusion reactor but he creates these claws that begin to control his mind. He knew the risks, he took them, and now he's lost himself. It can be seen as a metaphor for addiction. Sorry, i just wrote a literary criticism paper last night :psycho:

EDIT: Plumber Joe is my new fave super hero, if you know who that awesome guy is.


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases? I normally just go by Ref in every tourney I enter. My smash boards name is Ref

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
I've been entering tourneys for about this summer, I got to face many players because of it.
I played both Melee and Brawl tourneys when I had the money to.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
My first tourney I placed 7th out of 19th, Usually I recently been placing in middle places or towards last place. I have placed 9th out of 18 in a melee tourney recently. I got to face many good players in my path. I recently got 9th out of 167 in a brawl tourney so I think I got out of the slump

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
I have not hosted any Tournaments.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
Personally I use Ness in tourneys, I consider myself an expert on Ness. I do often play random that way I get a sense of other character's abilities.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
I'm from the East coast, I started entering tourneys in CT, now I mainly go to NYC tourneys.
I did attend some of the ECRC Events such as Brawl's ESTICLES.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I participate within my community by helping Ness players understand the character, and the strategies that can help them play at a higher skill level. I constantly try to post to help others.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I expect to add knowledge, what ever knowledge I have of my character, smash, properties of the game. I want to open up New ideas that may have been over looked once. I do not want to ruin the other ideas of the SBR, therefore that is why we have discussion. I intend to accept all other reasonable thoughts members may have.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

•The Issues I feel are important for the SBR to address with the community right now are:
The proper organization of a constantly being updated rule set. Even though there is one rule set I do feel the SBR has to keep up with making sure this rule set stays updated to the current metagame.

• What the players think of characters and other game properties. I feel this needs to be discussed for us to understand why players feel the way they do about aspects of the game. I feel as the SBR you have to teach the players of what the game is in the highest of skill level. Many can just feel that they are playing at the highest skill level,

• The tournament scene: The tournament scene is the biggest part of the smash community, this is where techniques are used or even sometimes discovered. We need to see growth and expansion. Without this the community cannot develop.

In the future we will have to discuss:

• How much the game has changed? This is important to discuss, if the same players are dominating and nothing special has happened to make a huge change, we will have to find depth in the game. If no depth is ever found, then the community has not learned. To learn is to change. No change means that no body has learned from anything. We also have to analyze whatever new techniques or discovers that come. Dig into these discoveries and find out how to expand on it.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

My Ness guide: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=197824

My First tourney, I got 7th: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=185086

Ness player finder: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=187888

Ness Metagame discussion: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=189121

My most recent tourney I got 9th out of 167: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=200715

In all the tourneys I only used Ness...

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?

Personally I always liked The mask. Mainly because my dad always showed it to me. I often found it quite unusual and disturbing, nonetheless I liked it.

I guess that is all.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
Don't even take this seriously...

I'm doing this like one of those MySpace surveys that you do when you're bored? lol

Don't get it twisted though, I have the utmost respect for the SBR.

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
MarKO (MARK in Melee)

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
My first Melee tourney via Smashboards was in 2007.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
In Melee, I just barely make it out of pools. Local, non-Smashboard tourneys have me finishing top 4 always, bigger tourneys have me somewhere in the hi 10s to low 20s, the biggest Brawl tourney I went to in early summer had me ousted early by a MK...

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I've used Sonic, Marth, and Luigi. I'm also intrigued by Ike and Lucario.
I'm merely a student of the characters, I learn what the great ones teach.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I participate by asking questions. I can honestly say that I haven't done much to improve my community. All I've done was try to get more people into competitive smash, but my friends always say, "but then we're not playing Smash, we're playing Street Fighter, which you're obviously too good for us in." Okay, exaggeration, but something along those lines.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Stealing Tenki's answer, a Sonic main. Also, I would add someone who doesn't mind playing competitive Brawl with items (although, the more tourneys I go to, the more I start to dislike items... hmmmmmm...)

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
The MK controversy. Is he too good, or is there a way to teach people how to fight against him?

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
See, this is why I don't belong here... I'm too lazy to look them up... there was that whole Melee vs. Brawl thing where I was like the few 08ers who had reasons to like Brawl over Melee (do these reasons still stand?)... and then there was the time I told noobs to stop calling vets "elitists"...

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?
The Flash, because he's actually faster than Sonic.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2007
1. Smashboards Name - Envy/ Tournament Name - JuiceX

2. Since Super Champ Combo of 2007

3. 5th or up

4. Tons of Smashfest in my area :)

5. I use Mario in tournaments and yeah I consider myself an expert with him. People ask me for advice...which is cool.

6. West Coast

7. Posting in my area and word of mouth.

8. Can't do much really. I'd like to point out why Mario isn't low tier.

9. Public wants to know whats going on with Smash as far as MLG goes. Tier list. Tripless Brawl. MK banning etc....


Vids: Watch em if your bored.

Bonus Question: Probably Batman....I love dark heroes.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

Darc, TheAlmightyDarc, -Darc-

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

Cataclysm 2, March 4th 2006.
Joined Smashboards September 2005

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

Around New England I usually place top three in Melee, I do okay in brawl. I ended up beating OBM (possibly the best brawl player in New England) in one tourney then pooping out in another. I get top ten fo sho though.

I am ranked 3rd in the New England Melee Power Rankings behind KDJ and Cort.
I am ranked 14th in the North Atlantic Melee Power Rankings.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

I've helped out in Dazwa's Maine tournies. We've held about 10 or so and they usually get about 20 people, maybe more maybe less. I hold smashfests at my house and even run small local tournaments every Saturday at a card shop if I'm not at a tourney.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I use Marth or Falco. I do play Wolf sometimes and as always I have a pocket Metaknight

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

New England, East Coast, Northeast.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I regularly go to smash tournies. When asked I give people tips on their performance and what they could do to get better.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

I bring an insightful knowledge on the smash community. I know a ton of smashers names even if I haven't met them before. I know tons about Melee and I am still continuing to play, learn and enjoy brawl.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

*beats a dead horse* The question of banning Metaknight. There is still a lot to know about brawl and I plan to find that out as I did for Melee.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.


EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p

Deadpool, because he's Deadpool




Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
Writing this felt like an awful job application x.x

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
2006, so just over 2 years

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
Middle of the pack; I've only won like two tournaments ever.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
I've run brackets for a local tournament in SF in March '08 (around 20 people) and one in Pittsburgh in February '07 (also around 20 people). I'm not much into handling the non-smash stuff (finding a venue, handling money, etc.), but I like to help with bracketing/pools/etc. whenever I can

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
Brawl - Señor juego y reloj
Melee - Ice Climbers

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
Bay Area, Norcal now
Pittsburgh, PA and North NJ a year ago

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
Attend tournaments, host smashfests, train with locals, travel to tournaments that I can reasonably reach, house out of town smashers. Pretty standard stuff

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I like to think that I'm fairly level-headed and can stick to rationality in spite of personal attacks and emotional speak often brought up in discussions. I think one of my strengths is seeing all sides of an argument; for any controversial topic, I legitimately believe in my ability to present arguments for either side.

Having moved in the past year and still visiting EC from time to time, I feel like I can understand the mindsets behind the different communities out there

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
1) Clearly, the high-ups need to take an 'official' stance on the hacking suggestions going on, especially with regards to competitive play.
2) I think the 'official' rules list needs to be tweaked; I haven't been to a single tournament that implements the SBR recommended list for either brawl or melee, especially concerning stages. The recommended list needs to be realistically acceptable to the community as a whole, not just a theoretical ideal, because people new to the scene will look to it in regards to what they expect to find at tournaments. For example, iirc rainbow cruise is random for the SBR melee list, and I don't think I've ever seen that -_-.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

The only thread that I've ever started that I've put actual thought into was

Someone randomly bumped it 3 months after the fact (which is why I never bothered to respond to anything on the last page) and that it wasn't meant to be a serious proposition in the first place; more of a roundabout way of discussing the arguments against competitive brawl circling around at the time. I only refer to this in terms of my ability to present an argument and "think outside the box", not as an inherent good idea -_-

I'm sure I have a ton of posts about wobbling somewhere in the PA player finder thread and early in the brawl era, I posted in brawl general a lot, but there's not a single all-encompassing post in there that I'd submit for consideration, nor any that I really remember; it's hard to start new topics for discussion that haven't been discussed to death in some place or another. I don't do research and post stat pages, if that's relevant.

In reality, almost all threads in the "main" discussion forums get sidetracked far too rapidly to foster solid discussion, in my opinion. I prefer to just address discussions where they arise by incident among people you can trust to be civil, not where the wider public can wander in, spout some nonsense, then never return

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p
I require no extra cool points


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
(NOTE: I did not read any other applications before submitting my own. I will read them after though.)

1. Pierce7d. People call me Pierce or Dan

2. I started going to NYC Weeklies in mid 2006. I lurked the forums for all of 2006 before I finally joined.

3. Recently I've improved a lot. I'm generally expected to place fourth or so now. I haven't had the opportunity to travel to go to larger tournaments, but I will soon, and I expect to place well. I'm hoping I can attain my first 1st place this Friday.

4. My crew has hosted tournaments, although if I were to single out a specific host, I would say my crew leader and not myself. Due to the abundance of hosts in my areas, and the fact that I usually let my crew leader deal with important matters, such as hosting a tournament, I have not done so myself independently.

5. I go strictly Marth in tourney, although I can play many characters decently. I am considered to be a Marth expert both in person and on smashboards.

6. I live on the East Coast, Atlantic North. Specifically, I live in New Jersey. I'm estimated to be perhaps about 7th or 8th best in New Jersey, probably ranking underneath M2k (MK), teh_spammer (MK), Atomsk(D3), Inui(MK), BlackWaltz(Olimar), Keitaro(Falco), and perhaps JigglyMaster(Diddy).

(EDIT: My answer to question number 7 has been edited after reading other applications. Additions have been italicized.)
7. On Smashboards: I post on the Marth boards and in the Atlantic North threads nearly every day (school and other life activities permitted). I do read the other character boards periodically, but also spend quite a bit of time reading in tactical discussion. I frequently report spam, and do not support trolling and or redundancy. I try to make quality, constructive posts, and consider all perspectives, while remaining clear in my point, and providing thorough, yet concise reasoning. I feel that I regularly accomplish this.
With people: I am highly encouraging and education. Often people refer to me as coach, as a joke, since I'm always giving people advice on how to improve during their popular. Despite my lack of modesty, I do not overstep my boundaries, I know and admit when I'm wrong, I'm rather popular amongst almost everyone in my region, and I often can keep the peace, solve disputes, and relax situations. I help people improve their play, as I've improved my own, and I always encourage people to do better, and strive for victory. Very soon I may also become a NJ panelist, as I'm considered to the be best player in my crew, and I'm estimated to have an accurate idea of the relative skill levels of people in my crew. Being the social person I am, I keep in touch with most of the players in my region, and help aid as a communication link.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
A) I LOVE to do research. Similar to other top players, I often find little quirks that are informative to enhance play. I do not believe the metagame is stagnant, and quite frequently, I find things that contribute to the game.

B) I'm extremely open-minded AND patient. For example, currently, there are widespread discussions on whether or not MK has been banned. I have given this lots of thought, and am still undecided, because there are many good reasons both to ban and not to ban him.

C) I'm active. Most likely, whatever discussions are going on in the SBR, I can positively contribute to. If I don't know about the topic at hand, I love research, and I'll study it to join in. I'm a quick study, a fast learner, and I'm very intelligent, so rarely will you see me neglect to provide positive input to a discussion.

D) I am peaceful. Rarely will you see my have a negative conflict with other members of SBR, or other members of Smashboards in general.

E) I get to business. I'm all for fun and games, but serious topic is serious. My humor is there though.

F) I have an extensive knowledge of Brawl (not Melee). It is highly unlikely that I will not know what someone is referring to when they use the correct terminology, or when they bring up a commonly unknown fact about a character that well read players would know.

G) I hate disappointing people. If I got into the SBR, I'd probably increase my productivity even more than I already have, just to prove my worth. I probably will anyway, just because I think you might be watching after I post this application.

I have other positive traits as well of course, but these are probably the most important.

9. Right now, it seems that the hot topic of the day is whether MK should be banned or not. He's easy to use, and has many good options all the time. He has disadvantages, such as weight and killing ability, in truth, his only safe approach is Dtilt, which can be overcome by many aerials. Currently, if I were to be asked whether or not he should be banned, I would say that banning MK would help the community grow. All around me, I see players being discouraged by MK's clear dominance. There is fear that banning MK may cause some players to quit, but in actuality his presence in the game has already cause many players to quit. Although I believe that players can grow to overcome Mk's at their current level, I also have experience fighting the best MK in the country (world), and cannot realistically envision any character having a reasonable chance of beating him at any skill level, including Snake. I do not believe a "Wavedash" or "Lag-Canceling" replacement technique will be discovered, and I do not think Brawl will become as 'broken' as Melee, and even if there is something out there, like attachments to the ISJR AT to make it more viable and useful in regular play, I think that even if such a technique is discovered and it levels out play between the top characters, it's unwise to wait TOO LONG on something that possibly may not exist. I think that come March 10th, if Metaknight does not slow his outright dominance, he should be banned.

Another also not taken into consideration is that people often say that MK can be overcome. I already stated that I agree with this, but MK can overcome people much easier than people can overcome him. It has been nearly proven that people can beat better players who play good characters with Metaknight, and far too many times, people are forced to resort to dittos. It's important to remember that even in competative play, this game is played on all levels, not just the top level. Perhaps it is true that at the top level of play which some players such as M2k and Azen compete at, it's still true that for the VAST MAJORITY of smashers (and the includes many very good smashers)have a serious problem, even if some would complain that at top level they should. It's important that we also cater to the requests of the majority of smashers, since they make up the community we are trying to preserve, develop, and improve.

I also feel that Ankoku's thread has great meaning. I think the SBR as a team should work together to ensure the accuracy of the project.

I also think that the SBR released the tier list too early. In some ways it's good, and in some ways it not, but in the end I think it needed more time.

I am really against the idea of hacks for Brawl in standard play. I think the SBR's general opinion on this needs to be made very clear.

10. Note: I truly wish I could have demonstrated my ability to contribute to positive discussion when you came to the Marth boards to discuss the character. Unfortunately, I was on vacation that week.


Those are three recent examples. This has been a relatively busy week for me, so I haven't been able to post many general informative posts for me that are recent. I'll provide fresh examples and post them in this threads, making both an edit to link this post to them, and a new post in this thread with the links, and a link to this post. To be completely honest, I don't even think those are amazing examples. I'm sure I have better posts, and will link them when I'm not dying of sleep deprivation.

Also, this wasn't particularly asked, but I created the Marth Back Room social group. I'm 17 years old, though I am said to be mature beyond my years. I can also be very immature at time, but primarily for humor purposes, and making those around me feel more comfortable.

BONUS QUESTION!: Though Watchmen is a graphic novel, and Rorschach lacks super powers, he is easily my favorite hero. I have a copy of Watchmen sitting on my desk right now actually. Watchmen is probably my favorite book atm, I highly suggest you read it.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2006
San Francisco, CA [Sometimes Santa Cruz]
1. SuperRad[Brian]. The one, and only.

2. Over two years. My first tournament was MLG Anaheim 2006.

3. Dead, absolute last.

4. N/A

5. Brawl? **** that ****. Pabst Blue Ribbon!

6. NorCal

7. I post a lot on PacWest and go to tournaments when I can.

8. I'm basically the best poster in PacWest from NorCal so..

9. I think the most important thing is that the SBR lets me in but nobody else. It's gotta just be the elite.

10. http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=3468674&postcount=11490

BONUS QUESTION: I don't think I'm that well qualified to respond to this as a non comic book fan, but I'll go ahead and say Batman. He's a human being that is just rich and smart and a badass and suave as ****. That's MY kind of superhero.

Rogue Pit

Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2008
Philadelphia, Pa
1. Rogue Pit is my Smashboards name, AIB name, SN, youtube name and email name.

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
I started melee late and played with friends mainly, didn't really know much about competitive play, than when brawl came out i learned of a tournament on Smashboards so i guess a few days before Brawl's arrival to the US.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
Living in EC and seeing some top playings i usually rank within the 10s within most tournaments. In small ones I get second or third.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
No I haven't hosted them myself, But a good friend of mines ChiboSempai is a Smash Director and i usually help him with hosting, such as help bringing stuff into the venue, and calling out matchs.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I Always use Pit, and will probably never change unless i feel one of my other characters can compete competitively against main characters in Tournament scene. Faced with disadvantages everywhere i still sometimes come out on top.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
As i said in question 3 i Live in East Coast, Northern Atlantic. I live in PA and compete with PA and NJ. On the Last Power rankings I'm ranked 5th under velocity, Chibosempai, Pav, and Vex. But I've been doing much better and the creator says I should go up. I compete with NJ's best such as M2k, atomsk, inui, keitaro, blackwaltz, spammer, dapufferster, and Jbandrew, Dmbrandon, and Lord Knight. Including them I've played against and chilled with other pros, I've chilled with Dsf when he came to East coast, and NinjaLink, and Cactuar are cool friends of mines. I've played against Chillin, Azen, Chudat, and chilled with M2k. Not that it's really important but i guess it makes me look cooler and seem more familiar with my region, which is what i think you guys need right now, Someone new to bring something New.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
Base on the stereotype that pit has at the moment, Branded as spamming is the only way to win, I usually find myself helping other pits, with advice, such as what to do in this situation.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I Expect to add some diversity to SBR, Not to be Racism or anything, But I'm an African American person, who grew up in Philadelphia, i feel unique and will have a different opinion on situations with new ideas and an innovative way of going about things. I speak my mind and don't sugar-coat things for people, if it results in someone disliking me, i won't show animosity but I'm a blunt person. Recently Pit's Review came out, basically told the pit society to wake up and i feel that is only because there were not any pits in SBR to give an opposing argument. If you draw wisdom from one place, it becomes stale, but to take wisdom from all roots and different backgrounds, it will be more rigid.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Some important issues i think it is important for SBR to Address is the constant complaints for MK's Ban, ICs CGs, the current metagame of characters, how the tournament scene is changing also they should talk about the new hacks using the Ocarina for Brawl. Some futuristic issues could be a new tiers list.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
This isn't from Smashboards but i link things to and from this site and Boards I'm sure this would interest you guys
Other things are like
This is important


http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=197552 post 6

Also member of a PA/NJ crew been a member for a few months now.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?
Well i read the question wrong, Favorite comic book character is Harvin Dent or 2 Face from Batman. Poor Dent.... Dark Knight was a beautiful movie too, i recommend it to anyone who hasnt seen it. It'll be the best 2 hours of your life. Except.... nvm...

Last video of me playing friendlies, first result was tournament a few weeks ago.

One other thing is my Profile http://www.allisbrawl.com/profile.aspx?id=11791


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2006
St. Catharines, ON, CA
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

I've always gone by Percon, both online and at tournaments.

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

I had only started with tournaments about two years ago. Though I have a bit of Melee tournament experience, it isn't anything to brag about.

Thankfully, I'd say that my tournament experience in Brawl is more than makes up for that. GTAN was one of the first regions to get our hands on the Japanese copy of the game, so I've been playing Brawl at tournaments since early February.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

I have yet to come lower than 2nd place in ANY tournament in Canada, and I've attended quite a few. This includes:

Twilight of Smash 5 (Ottawa),
Fight for your Friends (Montreal),
Get Off My Level (Sauga)
The "Smash Bros at Niko's" Niagara Triweeklies (There were a bunch of these, a few were pretty big)

I also snagged 9th at CH4 (my worst placing to date, but one that I'm proud of).

In doubles, me and KingAce's team has been pretty much unchallenged in the country (so far), winning first place innumerable times. We got 4th in doubles at CH4.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

I have hosted Smashfest Niagara (aka Only in Niagara 1; Melee), which had a turnout of about 50-60. I am going to host Only in Niagara II (Brawl) this November. This is the topic:


It has about equal attendance right now with CAST4, the stickied Canadian tournament. We're expected (and prepared) for about 100 participants. This has been my main focus the last little while - I'm pulling my hair out on this one.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

My tournament characters are Kirby, DDD and Snake. Out of the three, I am most knowledgeable of (and most confident in) Kirby.

I'm very well-versed in what he can and can't pull off, and using his strengths to the highest degree. As a matter of fact, I made Umbreon complain about Kirby's "broken-ness and amazingly high-priority bair" when I played him at CH4. Ask him yourself.

PS to Umbreon: I'm just teasin' <3

But not really

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

GTAN (Greater Toronto Area + Niagara). I'm from the Niagara area specifically, but it's all so close it doesn't really matter.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I am one of the more respected members of my community for a few reasons, though mainly because I help everyone improve their game.

I hold casual practices at my place around once every week, where I help all those who are willing to show up improve their games. I help people out on an individual basis, critiquing them as I play, proving information on potentially useful followups and calling them out on anything predictable, mostly. I also break up community arguments on what seems like a weekly basis.

I'm also a tournament host, and I talk about rulesets very often with the rest of GTAN. I'm very active in debates regarding stages, I preach the Stage Striking rule (which I believe to be wonderful) to all the souls who seem confused or refuse to change, and I chat about other random rules as well. I'm also trying to develop the "perfect" balanced stage in stage builder (though as or right now that's more of a side-hobby than anything)

Whenever I lurk the boards and see something interesting where I can contribute (usually matchup-based), I do.

Oh, and I'm ALWAYS recruiting new players.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

I could give some insightful suggestion regarding stages. I know my stages pretty well, and I always check whatever I think is abusable terrain to see just how abusable it is. If SBR ever looks into custom stages I'll be right at the forefront of that, too.

I'm also glad to say I can debate objectively on just about anything, from touchy subjects like Metaknight to just random matchup discussion. I always consider the views of others and am not afraid to admit when I'm wrong about something. This may not be what you're looking for specifically, but these qualities can do nothing but good.

Also, GTAN really deserves some representation in the Back Room, in my humble opinion. In Canada, GTAN has the largest Brawl scene, and I think it would be valuable to have a Canadian representative to point out new or popular strategies, players and trends from the USA's favorite neighbour.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

I don't even think I need to mention Metaknight. This issue needs to be discussed right away and the SBR needs to agree either on keeping or banning him as soon as possible.

I also think the counterpick system should be tweaked slightly. Stage striking is a great start for deciding the first match of a set, but I think a few adjustments should be made to actual counterpicking. Since Brawl is a game with heavy counters, I personally thing the counterpick system should be a wee more restrictive.

While on the subject of stages, the legal stage list will need to be constantly revised; I see many tournaments straying from what the SBR suggested, and I don't think anyone will be in agreement for a while. I am very outspoken on what stages I think are fair and believe that I can meaningfully contribute to stage legality discussion.

Finally, there are a few more rule tweaks I think the SBR should look into, such as deciding the best time settings or number of games per set. There's no rush for deciding these but I'd like to contribute when these discussions do occur.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.



Superman is top tier for sure. He's got super strength right off the bat, so there's no reason for anyone to use the Hulk now. Same goes for laser eyes and cyclops.

He can fly, freeze breath, go back in time, etc. Also his only weakness is Kryptonite and honestly, who carries that with them? He may as well have no weaknesses. Superman is Broken.

Superman must be BANNED. NOW.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2008
Towson MD/Moscow ID
Haha, wow. I thought half of the people applying were already broomers. Especially the likes of choknater, Anther, and sliq... This sure makes me feel silly now >__<


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
1.Boss/turney name/also boss

2.i have been attending turneys through smashboards for about 2 years now.....

3.I usually place top ten/if not top 5 most of the time......im very common on the eastcoast.

4.i have never held or configured a smash event....

5.I am a lone mario expert... i pretty much no ups and downs strengths and weaknesses about mario....

6.i reside on the eastcoast.

7.i help out in turneys by recording matches setting up stations....help organizing etc....
basically I improve the community by making the impossiable.........possiable.

8.i expect to add a better understanding about how thing are ran in the....eastcoast also to answer...any questions anyone has got to ask...anything...hands down....and also to bring the status of mature and well envoled smashers of 08-09-and years to come...

9.the fact that changing the game of brawl isnt really needed...aka no tripping wavedash...etc....its a great game without changing...no one really gives it a chance cause they have yet to see the amazing qualitys this game has to bring.....

MK-there is no reason for MK to be banned...every character has their limits.......

brawl is basically a game where you are your only opponent...

10. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=174907

and my favorite hero would be mario.....y?

because mario prooves that you dont hafe to be super strengthed...with a sword....guns....bombs....etc
you can be strong with nothing but a pair of gloves,a hat,a mustache,and a dream....


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2007
Long Island NY.
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases: Boxob. B%B For Melee. 10 Boxob points if you can see why. ;]

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards? Mid 2006.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend? Almost always top 5. Although my first couple of tourneys have been complete fail what with getting knocked into losers bracket first round and what not. I'm much better now.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event.? : I was supposed to host one, I even had a thread open with a set date and people ready to go. Two days before tourney time, my parents decide they need to go on vacation, and that I can't host it at my house.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert? Sonic, Diddy, Link, Falcon, Fox. My specialty is without a doubt my Sonic though, I dedicate a large majority of my time researching and theorizing Sonic mechanics and ways to exploit them. An example of this can be seen here. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=198501
While the thread started as a hoax, the real discovery underneath my initial ridiculous claims is that you can cancel his fast fall lag frames with his SpindDash Cancel.

6. What area/region/community are you from? East coast, Long island New York.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community? I'm on the boards literally the entire day. I have a blackjack two with unlimited data plan, so even when I'm out and socializing, I'm frequently checking back on the tactical discussion, Melee sections, and Sonic boards.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR? Realistically, I'd like to further increase the overall awesomeness that the SBR already holds. With most posters from the SBR really knowing what they're talking about, adding another living breathing database (me) seems like it could help, or at the least, I could share my opinions in the matters of today and the inevitable future problems. Also, more run-on sentences.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?Well there's the ever so obvious Metaknight ban debate going on. But what else? My only present concern is the SBR Brawl recommended rule set. And that would require it's own thread for me to discuss in detail.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions. To be honest, my ability to positively contribute to information is scarcely represented. I often abstain from cluttering the boards with the little findings that I have, so I usually just post them in a pre-existing thread. Buuuuut, I do have two threads that come to mind that I do think are quite helpful.
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=199510 - A basic "ask whatever you want" kind of thread.

Most recent discovery. Sonic Fast fall Lag cancel, jokingly named Box canceling. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=198501

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? : I never really liked comics.

But I guess I've never really been cool either.


Wind Owl

Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2008
Suburbs of Philadelphia, PA
I am not going to enter as although I frequent these boards regularly enough and can partake in intelligent smash discussion, my smashing skills are far from what I want them to be. Plus, I feel I would have to inflate my own smash resume to really be considered. Instead I'll wait and actually be a member who deserves a spot next time, or the time after. So I won't, as failure is assured. But surely this isn't the most effective way to find new members? Do you realise the amount of spam that will ensue here? Let alone the amount of 08'ers that will apply!
Well, I saved you rejecting at least this one.
L8as SBRoomers.
This is basically a carbon copy of what I was going to post, but then read this.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
1. Sinz

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards? 4 years

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend? 1st place
http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=4341753&postcount=109 33 people, 1st place. In doubles, 9 teams. 1st place.
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=171424 NVGA Supercon. 2nd place singles, 1st place doubles.
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=191555 TPN. HS 7th place in singles(suicides :( ) 1st place in doubles.
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=180204 New Mexico's Mast. 5th place(lost to forward and DSF.) 3rd place in teams.
http://nvgaonline.com/Forums/index.php?showtopic=4562&hl= 18 people, 1st place.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance. Brawl.
NVGA Super Con. 46 people.
X-topia Giant Tournament, 58 people
Ninja Monkey bi weekly 20/22 people( only happened 3 times.)
Play N trade 20 people
NM Smashdown! 40 people
NM whos the best? 18 people(three states canceled on us the day of :( )

5. Snake, and MK

6.. South West, New Mexico.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community? Whenever I play someone, I try to show them little tips and tricks to try to help them get better.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR? I feel that I could help out with reasoning some things.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future? Stalling. and how to monitor it.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions. I have some somewhere. I just need to find it.


Smash Cadet
Apr 16, 2008
Motreal, Quebec Canada
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

xxvic1ousxx/ Brokn (sometimes in Brawl)

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

I've yet to attend any tournaments via Smashboards.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

I've played a lot of local tournaments at a LAN center called Game Zion, in Port Charlotte, Fl. A lot of pros have come through, and I've definitely learned a lot in the short amount of time I've been playing Melee/ Brawl. I've played several local tournaments thrown at Full Sail, in Orlando, Fl. as well.

I've consistently placed in top 3 in all tournaments I've been to.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

Nah, I've yet to throw my own tournament.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

While, I would say that I'm fairly knowledgable of the Smash series and can play well with most, if not all characters, I'd have to say that in Melee: Marth, Falco and Fox were my best; And in Brawl: Marth, Snake and Falco are my best.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

Well, I grew up gaming in Los Angeles, California; Pheonix, Arizona and Las Vegas Nevada. I moved to North Port, Florida over 6 years ago and lived there for about 5 years. My friends got me into Melee after months of reluctance in late '06 early '07. I moved to Orlando, Florida for a couple years and now I've just moved to Montreal, Quebec Canada. So, I guess I have a lot of experience, with a lot of different players, in a lot of different games, in a lot of different regions.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I try to stay well informed and as constructive as possible.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

Well, while I've had my account for several months, I've yet to post as much as I'd like to here on Smashboards. I've been frequenting Soul Calibur IV and Killzone 2 discussions recently as I went on a huge Sony binge. I'd like to get back into Brawl and frequent the Smashboards a lot more now that I feel I finally have a lot to learn as well as a lot to contribute since my absence.

Diversity & Experience
I, like some of you have been gaming nearly all of my life. Street Fighter being the first game I remember playing and ever since the competitive drive I've had since I was a child I knew that gaming was going to comsume all my attention. I have extensive experience in a large amount of titles, spreading across all platforms. From games like: Quake, Unreal Tournament and Counter-Strike to Smash, Virtua Fighter, Soul Calibur and Guilty Gear. Even Shadowrun, Call of Duty and Gears of War. I have some competitive experience with all of the Halo series as well. You might look at the said list and note it as irrelavent, but people fail to see that competitive experience across all platforms and various gaming genres increases your insight on how to deal with situations most don't expect. Most gamers fail to see the similarities in mindset, strategies and tactics between genres.

Respect & Sincerity
More than anything I'm a curtious, sincere and respectable individual and do nothing more, even in what little posts I have to ensure that every gamer I come across feels respected and informed no matter what we are debating about.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

With the recent news of MLG buying Smashboards, we can use this to expand rulesets, knowledge and overall diverity of Smash Bros. and more importantly, the Smashboards community. This may very well be the best oppurtunity to get not only MLG but other pro circuits to take Smash seriously. This will not only expand the Smashboards community, merging with MLG's, but will attract attention and hopfeully get other major pro circuits to pick up Smash Bros.

Enforce a more respectful and mature community
More important than expanding the community, is to ensure that the community as it is already is respectful of newcomers and experienced Smashers alike. We should be accepting of the diversity around us.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

Basically most of this page. Emblem Lord and I had a small debate.

While a discussion about Killzone 2 is irrelavent to the Smashboards, my level of maturity, knowledge and respect is prevalent thoughout this thread. These are some posts about Killzone 2's potential as a highly competitive title.

Killzone 2 MLG Discussion
Killzone 2 MLG Discussion 2

Onslaught, for sure. An omnipetent being with the ability to will matter into existence. C'mon whose going to stop that.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Might as well give it a shot.

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
If Melee tournaments count, November 2007 through Smashboards.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
3rd? O_O

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
No. =(

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
Toon Link.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
West Coast. (SoCal)

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I contribute my fair share to my charecter boards. I have a stickied video thread (that probably doesn't mean much), a few AT threads, in-depth posts in matchup discussions, and am working on a matchup thread that will replace our old, outdated one(might be done this weekend).

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
In-depth knowledge of my charecter and a view of the "common smashboardian" whose been around the forums quite a bit. I also don't try to take sides too quickly and look at both sides of the story for a while before coming to a conclusion.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
The whole MK issue is something everyone cares about right now People want an answer, but not a rushed one. Also a few charecter specific things.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
Spin Attack AT
Toon Link's edge game
Video Thread
Toon Link: Wario discussion (please read the posts in the thread, not the OP ^_^; )
Toon Link's ROB discussion

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?
Hmm....The Flash. He always lightens the mood and is just awesome.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
bwett1 / bwett

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
2 years

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

5th place

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
I hosted roughly 7 tournaments known as Bwogofest with regular attendance of 20 people

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

Yoshi, Ike, and Falco
I am an expert of Yoshi

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I hold smashfests to bring the community together and frequently attend any tournament in the area along with tournaments across the state. I also try to train any new member into the community to reach the level of everyone else.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I expect to add a logical aspect to SBR, making decisions based on tournament experience and common sense.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
The refinement of the SBR Rules, stage list, and the potential ban on MK

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?
Sonic the Hedgehog!!

Deleted member

I'd like to give a vote of confidence to Percon for SBR. Percon and I are probably 2 of your best candidates for Canadian representatives.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2006
Memphis, TN
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

smashboards: Ryanarius
tournament: Ryan!, Ryanator

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

Since brawls release. Before that I attended MLG shadowrun events as a top player.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

Since August I have competed in eight tournaments and placed first in all but one of them. Before that I usually placed top 4 using only pit but since August I've been using snake to deal with some of pits really hard matchups (mostly metaknights). Note I only play offline.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

I hosted one tournament which was generally a failure. Only 8 people attended I changed it to round robin style but 8 people making it to a tournament is definitely a failure.

I also hosted co hosted a tournament "ANIME CHARLESTON COMPETITIVE BRAWL TOURNAMENT". 18 people were in attendence in a rather isolated brawl area.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I main pit and secondary snake. I use pit mostly in tournaments except when a good player is using a character that is a very hard matchup for pit. I consider myself much more of an expert on pit then snake.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

Atlantic South- South Carolina to be exact. Because my region doesn't have the largest smash population I generally travel 2 and half hours to 5 hours for tournaments with players from all around the region.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I support almost every tournaments in my region. Not always by competing but by suggesting slight improve (times, entry fee, dates, rules and so on) when needed to improve turnout. I often post in the pit boards a lot of the pits have taken his metagame in a different direction then I did (most of the pits on the boards focus much more on his advance techniques then I do) so I contribute more knowledge and basic tips but I've admitdly contribute less frequently of late because most pits are set in their playstyle.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

Intelligent discussion mostly I suppose. I'm from a generally underrepresented region, I main pit and play quite differently from undrdog who is the only pit main broomer I know of. I tend to be more objective and logical then most. So if their is a valid argument for a point I was arguing against I can be persuaded. I would actively contribute to most activities involving the rest of community that the backroom does (tier list, rule sets and character reviews) .

I may be pushing the limits of the question throwing this in but I wrote an in-depth guide to shadowrun which is the first thing new players are pointed to. The linked version is a sticky on mlg and was the third posting of it so the viewcount is deceptively low. The relevance is that I have experience writing in-depth guides so if I find a topic in brawl that would greatly benefit the community and interest me I'd be willing and able to write a good guide for it.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

One of the biggest topics your hearing about right now is whether mk should be banned. I oppose an immediate ban on mk but I would support a mention that mk can be banned at tournament directors discretion and pay attention to the results of tournaments where he is banned.

In the future I would like to see more backroom driven community metagame improvement stuff. To give an example MLG has a get better fast program . The basic idea is its a single database for all the information that ideally any player needs to really advance the knowledge aspect of their game. The amount of smashers that often view MLG is very small but the concept is solid. The main flaw is that the only writer for it is alphaZealot so if he continues writing articles at the pace he does now he'll be able to make the database excellent in about 30 years. With MLG's okay the back room could write a large amount of simple articles for it and simply submit them to alpha zealot for editing. I'm not exactly saying backroom needs to write the lesson finder but it has the idea if backroom could provide the information the lessonfinder seeks to provide in an effective manner it'd be a huge benefit to the community.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

Investigating a glitch that had advance technique potential http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=182130

pit character matchup thread-

as mentioned before more recently on the pit boards my post are more general knowledge stuff like below:

aib group I co-founded that I believe has improved the south carolina smash community. aib but still gives you an idea that I contribute.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?
light from death note, everything he did is completely epic. Proof him eating potato chips http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noHySKemBzA (40seconds)


List Evader
Jun 3, 2003
The fact that you have to question it at all means you can't possibly have enough cool points :urg:

Deleted member

I'm very well-versed in what he can and can't pull off, and using his strengths to the highest degree. As a matter of fact, I made Umbreon complain about Kirby's "broken-ness and amazingly high-priority bair" when I played him at CH4. Ask him yourself.

PS to Umbreon: I'm just teasin' <3

But not really
**** that move, lol.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
how is that?

i'm sure if i were to profess my love for venom or something, that would make a difference

honestly, i'd speculate that the content of these posts barely makes a difference at all
Ugh. You're the first person to mention Venom and you won't even answer the question :/


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
Please, PLEASE, do not let someone with the smashboards name "sasukebowser" into the back room.

Also, SamuraiPanda, moar like SPAMuraiPanda, amirite?


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
Here goes...

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
knuxrouge, I was never in as official tourney, but if I was, I'd use my traditional Skye.

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Never was in an official tourney, mainly beause I never got the oppurtunity to participate in one in my region. I can't travel much because of school.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
For the sake of this application, I shall answer again that i have never participated in an official tourney, but I am currently in one, but it's not over.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
No, sorry.
5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I use Zelda as a main priority, then Pit, then Fox.
Including those, my mains are Ike and Mario

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
School events, primarily.
8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I expect to add a different view on certain topics. I am quite well at getting involved in intelligent discussions, as well as debates on physics of the game and how the phyche of the player reflects on it. Thats my primary strong point. But I can also give advice on certain characters, as well as individual techniques I use.
9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Well, notwithstanding the Tier List , which I know would take time to even consider re-adjusting, I believe that one of the main subjects for the SBR to tackle is the Meta-Knight banning issue, as many people have their different views on the topic. A ban may happen, but there could be a possible way to prevent it. Another topic to discuss would be concerning the hacked version of Brawl. IN my opinion, hacked versions should not be credible to the immediate community as it can eventually cause contreversy between those who wanted an Melee 2.0 that badly and others who dealt with it and worked hard enough to play the cards dealt to them.
10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
My input on the Meta Knight ban discussion
Here I got into a discussion about the Tier List and what it offers to the community. This goes all the way to page 168.
Here, I gave advice on playing Zelda against advid campers.
And here, I somehow got into a debate on a Fox Technique and it's usefulness.

And I'm a fairly decent Spiderman fan.
I hope this will suffice with my lack of Tournament experience.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases: Boxob. B%B For Melee. 10 Boxob points if you can see why. ;]

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards? Mid 2006.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend? Almost always top 5. Although my first couple of tourneys have been complete fail what with getting knocked into losers bracket first round and what not. I'm much better now.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event.? : I was supposed to host one, I even had a thread open with a set date and people ready to go. Two days before tourney time, my parents decide they need to go on vacation, and that I can't host it at my house.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert? Sonic, Diddy, Link, Falcon, Fox. My specialty is without a doubt my Sonic though, I dedicate a large majority of my time researching and theorizing Sonic mechanics and ways to exploit them. An example of this can be seen here. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=198501
While the thread started as a hoax, the real discovery underneath my initial ridiculous claims is that you can cancel his fast fall lag frames with his SpindDash Cancel.

6. What area/region/community are you from? East coast, Long island New York.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community? I'm on the boards literally the entire day. I have a blackjack two with unlimited data plan, so even when I'm out and socializing, I'm frequently checking back on the tactical discussion, Melee sections, and Sonic boards.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR? Realistically, I'd like to further increase the overall awesomeness that the SBR already holds. With most posters from the SBR really knowing what they're talking about, adding another living breathing database (me) seems like it could help, or at the least, I could share my opinions in the matters of today and the inevitable future problems. Also, more run-on sentences.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?Well there's the ever so obvious Metaknight ban debate going on. But what else? My only present concern is the SBR Brawl recommended rule set. And that would require it's own thread for me to discuss in detail.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions. To be honest, my ability to positively contribute to information is scarcely represented. I often abstain from cluttering the boards with the little findings that I have, so I usually just post them in a pre-existing thread. Buuuuut, I do have two threads that come to mind that I do think are quite helpful.
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=199510 - A basic "ask whatever you want" kind of thread.

Most recent discovery. Sonic Fast fall Lag cancel, jokingly named Box canceling. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=198501

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? : I never really liked comics.

But I guess I've never really been cool either.

I am Tenki and I approve of this applicant.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Applications don't need to be seconded by people that have no say in the process.

Just FYI.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Can people stop quoting others applicants and posting pointless spam?

We have to read through a lot already and honestly I don't want to see the same post over and over again.

If you want to suggest people, then tell them to apply. If they already have applied, you suggest them won't help them anymore.

Edit: LOL Apparently OS was thinking the exact same thing as me :).

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
I first started with competitive Melee in the middle of 2006 and joined Smashboards shortly thereafter.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
At smaller local brawl tournaments (<30 people) I usually manage to get top8 or somewhere close. At larger tournaments I've been to for Brawl I've made it out of pools and into brackets. I've gotten compliments about being inventive and a smart player, but suffering from bad habits that usually hold be back (terrible spotdodging habits that wreck me).

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
I have hosted a few melee and brawl tournaments. I hosted two melee tournaments before the end of brawl, one with 17 people the other with 23 people. I've hosted a few brawl tournaments since release as well, with 16, 21, and 35 players in attendance for each of the tournaments. I've held doubles at all but one of the tournaments where Brawl Low Tiers was played instead of teams.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
As of late I've been using Meta Knight and Snake in tournaments. However I have used Olimar, Fox, ROB, Peach, and Ganondorf all solo in tournaments to gain experience with them. I will undoubtedly use more characters in a tournament setting by themselves, as I have gotten good results with everyone I have played thus far. I do not really consider myself an "expert" for any character. However I am fully aware of each character's metagame and try to keep in practice with as many characters as possible. I pay attention to most of the character boards and am familar with how most characters are played at a competitive level. So while I may not be an "expert" on anyone in particular, I'm fairly knowledgable about everyone. Even my least played character has quite a few hours of training on him. This is a trend I have kept from Melee and N64 smash.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
My currect region is WNY. However I am in the Midwest a decent portion of time (breaks from college). I have also managed to luck out and enter a WC tournament as well. So I've gotten a pretty good taste of different regional philosophies.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I both go to tournaments as well as hold my own. I have actively tried to get new players into the smash scene in WNY and help them feel welcome. If someone is looking for someone to practice with, I volunteer to help them learn things. A lot of the community does not actively keep up with the boards, and I am generally good at helping them know what's going on. (Such as the SBR Ruleset and Tier List) I am able to record matches for people if they request it and host them on youtube for them to watch and learn from.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I would hope to help contribute to important rule decisions (such as legality of stages and specific character techniques), as well as character knowledge and discussion. I also find it would be good to help bring the various regions to agreements on various rules and not have the steep divide we do now. (Stages still vary greatly by region, in fact even the time limit still varies from region to region.) I've gotten a heavy dose of different philosophies from plenty of knowledgable players, so I'm familar with how the ideas vary. Deciding where smashboards takes brawl and keeping the community together is important to me.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
I find the most important thing right now would be getting the community on the same page. The game is still young and the players are still experimenting and making different decisions from area to area. It's important to watch this and make sure to keep the current ruleset for brawl up to date with common practices. With MLG now owning smashboards it is even more important to make sure that when MLG picks up Brawl, no region will find itself feeling alienated due to the final ruleset. As for the future, addressing any issues players may bring up is always a good idea. Whether the SBR disagrees with the community or not, it is always good to address their concerns as they appear. (Such as the debates concerning banning MK, banning specific infinites, etc...)

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
A rather old and out-dated ruleset, but it simply served as a good discussion for healthy debate and helped to increase knowledge of stages and tournament rule mindset.
Made in the early days of brawl, addressing the new 'change' from 4 stock to 3 stock.
An example of me helping Ankoku's Character Rankings List when it was first started. There are also plenty of other posts where I help decide how points should be distributed and such.
When the EVO Ruleset first appeared I made several posts in this thread running actual tests on various items to help SamuraiPanda and others have evidence to back up their claims with the SRK forums.
Random knowledge, I know a lot of facts about things in the game.
Xiivi exposes the SBR's darkest secret.
Xiivi makes an excellent application.

Bonus: Wolverine because he is awesome and doesn't afraid of anything.
i was going to submit my own application, but even though we have differing beliefs I am 100% confident that my time and energy is much better spent endorsing a good friend of mine.

I just met Xiivi about 3 months ago because until this year he was always here while i was off at school and he would go home when i came back to rochester. but since i met him he has been nothing but an intelligent, helpful and respectful person. Despite what he likes to say about himself sometimes, he is very smart and good at both Melee and Brawl. He is a person that is very good at examining all aspects of a situation, and thusly, finding out the best way to deal with any given situation, whether it be in the actual gameplay or when it comes to external factors such as rulesets and things of that nature.

I had the privlege of attending one of xiivi's tournament, and i can vouch for the fact that it was very well run, and incredibly enjoyable

Xiivi is one of the nicest, chillest dudes you will ever meet, and i can garantee you that he will be a great addition to the SBR, not only because of his intelligence, but also because of his ability to state knowledgable opinions in a tactful way. From what i can tell, the SBR is divided on a number of issues, and that can cause some heated debate. And I believe that Xiivi can handle these things incredibly well without alienating or angering other.

I dont know if this in any way influences your decision, but i just figured I'd do what i can to help someone that i consider a close friend do something that he not only would really enjoy but also that he whole-heartedly deserves.

Id also like to say that Xiivi does not know about this post. He, nor anybody else other than myself, commissioned me to write this. I did it solely because it is what I truly believe, and I felt that you all who are reviewing these applications should know.


really sorry about that, i just read the 2 posts above me. I read most of the thread but didnt get to the last page, so I throughly apologise. I will delete my post if need be. But for the record i dont really think my endorsement was as pointless as the others that hylian and OS referenced.
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