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Smash Back Room Application Thread!

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Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Since I joined here from April

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
Usually to the Top 4/Top 8 Area

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
Other than some casual get together (Not THAT type of "Casual"), I have never hosted any type of Tournament.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
Take a Wild Guess :yoshi:

Although I sometimes use Lucas and Ganondorf too

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
BC, Canada. In the middle of nowhere though :(

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
It depends on what community you mean though. I actually find the Yoshi Community on SBR more of "My" Community than the actual community I live with (My community is pretty much as perfect as I can possibly make it. Only a few people here, and only a few of them play Brawl or even Melee competitively for that matter). How do I improve my (2nd) Community? By breaking Yoshi, of course :laugh: :yoshi:

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
As an intelligent person, I hope to add onto the Intelligence that the Intelligent SBR process Intelligence.

But seriously, as a Person who focuses on the Lower Tier part of the community (Yoshi in particular), I hope to bring more insight to those characters. I'm also a Master Debater :bee:

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
The #1 Issue right now is the Completive aspect of Brawl. MetaKnight seems to be the one that stands out in that group. Another strong issue is with people wanting to allow Hacks in completive play to change the game into "Melee 2.0"

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

Most of my Impact making posts were for Yoshi though. Various things such as Release Spikes, Dthrow Chasing, Wall Infinites, Projectile Pinging, along with various other stuff.


I also Found Techniques on other characters: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=197931

There are tons of intelligent posts/discussions from me. Mostly though, I'm a guy who finds techniques. I test these fully before hand. Sometimes I miss one or two Key Aspects, but it usually happens in this business...

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?

Because Samuelson already said Gambit (Jerk >_>), I'm going to have to go with Wolverine. How can you not like a guy with huge Claws, and fights like... well a Wolverine. Plus he's Canadian! **** Yeah Eh!


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Here there fellow Smash BRoomer's, here is my application to apply:

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
My current Smashboards name is OmegaKoopa, my fellow tourneys friends refer me as G.K.

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Well, i've been attending tourneys ever since October 2006, that 4 months after I originally bought and played Super Smash Bros. Melee for the first time.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

well, in my very first Melee tourney, out of 56 entries, I ranked 14th place as Bowser, as I strated playing in more tourney's with the like's of Xyro and such, I began to fluctuate that rank number up a few spots, I will admit that i'm not where I want to be just yet, but I do have to say I am really getting the hang of ranking at least in the 15.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
Honestly, i've never actually held a BIG tournament, the only time I would say I ever held a tourney was at a small local renting location which was small local tourney consisting of 14 of the best people that knewhow to play melee, my small tourney consisted of Singles, Doubles, Friendlies, and of course money matches, though in the near future, with some help, I do want to host a big local tourney that will cativate some of the best players around my area such as Hylian, and LeeHarris.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

This is fairly simple, ever since I started playing Melee I considerably got better with Bowser, I would say that I am somewhat good with Snake as well as Samus. When I attend one of my local tournaments I tend to mainly use Bowser as he is the character I have the most knowledge and strategy with, as for my back-up I tend to use Snake as he has some similar mechanics to Bowser. I really wouldn't consider myself an "expert" on Bowser what I do have to say I'm and avid Bowser player.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

I am from the Southwest Regional Zone, more specifically in Houston, Texas, though I once was able to attend a West Coast tournament down in California when I traveled there.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
Well, in the Smash community, I tend to teach and offer advice to some of my tourney colleauges such as certain aspects of AT's, balancing issues and such. I have also contributed to several intellectual debate here on SWF based on match- up Tier's and such, I also go to local tourney's to help raise some money that is needed within the community, one such example is to attend tourneys in order to raise funds to help repair some of Hurracane Ike's damage.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

Aside from the obvious intelligent, unbiase discussion, I plan to give a perspective view of Bowser, as well as respond to basically any opinion that arises from any such discussion, though I don't let my emotions take part, unless I feel it's on a strongs matter that needs addresing to.

I also believe that my opinion as a competaive smasher and my contribution to tournament has had a great deal of impact on me, giving me more knowledge and understanding of what Smash is truly about. I feel that I would offer much discussion based on some of the most prominent issues that are within the Smash community today as well as help develop a stable tier list in which I believe I can offer load's of viable information.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Right now, I believe the issue is whether MetaKnight should be allowed or banned in tournaments, and I think that the Smash backgorund should heavily focus on this issue, which I intend to bring forth to the table.

I also believe and I know that the Tier list is far from determined and set, but I beieve there should be more discussion on this and include such information that will be vital to future tournament placement and banning based on the tier list.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
Kere is my take on Stage Legality: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5581824&postcount=3095
This is a bit based on Brawl evolvement, Pokemon trainer's development, Metaknight banning: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5604681&postcount=14

I will link to these posts later, but I will say that I undoubtedly have contributed to much stage discussion which atre based on whether they are counter/banned and such. I also have contributed to many character discussions such as Bowser meta game.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?
he, heh, My favorite Superhero definetly is non other that good ol' Spider Man, why you ask, simply because I have read many of his comic books as a child and also because I find his alternate costumes just cool looking such as Symbiote Spidey, I also find some of his enemies quite interesting such as Doc-Ock and Venom. Another superhero I recently discovered is Captain Marvel based on the DC comics which took place before Superman. it's quite intersting if you take a look at his history.


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
I first used Smashboards to locate events in Fall '07 after talking to Zig-Zag online. My first competitive tourney was a blast, and I made an account to PM people I met there. Before I knew it I was driving 11 hours home from a tourney in Ann Arbor, wondering what got me to this point...

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
In Melee, I normally barely made it out of pools at regional level events like MSOP2 (so consistently 25th) and got anywhere from 4th to 1st locally. In Brawl, I've gotten 1st in multiple local tournaments, and 17th at two midwest circuit events. (Frickin' Michigan...)

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
Besides smashfests, I've never organized a smash tourney in the sense of renting a venue and advertising. However, I can think of at least *six* events where the organizers had no idea what was going on and I took over, such as the explaining of the rules, setup and working of brackets, assigning pools and matches, recording, that sort of thing. (I have organized some local events that involve playing games like Smash to benefit Child's Play too though!) At the moment I'm planning a campus tourney that involves multiple games (including Brawl), and am talking with a store owner about some sort of large-scale event he wants to hold. I'm currently advertising "Smash Club" for this Friday at my university, hoping to introduce as many players as I can to the competitive side.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I currently consider myself the best Jigglypuff in Brawl, and I have mainly used Jigglypuff in tourneys for advantage by obscurity. I also consider myself an expert on Ganondorf, Ness, and Pokemon Trainer, in addition to having a pretty robust knowledge of all characters. (I go through every character sub-forum regularly and always try out the latest findings myself; most recently I was messing around with Toon Link and Donkey Kong.)

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
I normally live in Western KY, stuck between the Midwest and South. I go to school in St. Louis and attend smash events in the Midwest.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
At the local level, I hold smashfests, take people to smashfests, the usual. I also go out of my way to specifically talk to store managers and new tourney organizers to give advice about events they have planned, which does wonders for preventing stupidity. (Like that tourney that was going to be x2.0 damage ratio, WTF?) I also try to create SOME organization in St. Louis crew, which typically proves difficult. I mentioned that I am starting up "Smash Club" on campus this Friday at Wash U; putting up posters with Captain Falcon *always* counts as "improving your community", right?

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
There's no way around it: I read a lot about Brawl and do a lot of experiments. I just checked my documents, and holy crap, I have at least 15 different files starting with "Brawl" or "Smash", including two large spreadsheets with graphs. Everyone in our crew asks me their questions about the game. I own a USB Gecko and something like 13 GCN controllers, with about 2000 hours on Brawl... I'm kind of a junkie.

At the last circuit tourney, my favorite moment wasn't any particular game I played or match I watched, but the discussions I got to be part of. Discussing the characters, counters, and game mechanics with Overswarm, Joshu, Samurai(no_space)Panda, Blood Hawk, and Anther was better than most of the actual matches. For the first time, I was able to have an actual discussion about the game, instead of just explaining it to people. If I told anyone else that it was worth driving 6 hours to talk to some people about a video game, they'd think I was nuts.

I have opinions like everyone else, and I can debate and argue well like many other smashboards users. I'm not going to pretend that I have some magical fresh perspective on issues that will make me a valuable asset to blah blah blah or provided "needed representation" of some random city-state. I just want into the SBR because I'm obsessed with the game, obsessed with talking about it, and obsessed with it having a stable future.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Do I have to say Meta Knight? I don't want to. I just did? Crap.

But seriously, the biggest long-term concern currently for the SBR is custom stages. Custom stages can add a large amount of variety to the game, mainly in counter-pick options, but also in neutral stages under a strikeout system. I was really impressed with the custom stages that OS had at WTON, and would really like to see that develop. I feel like it's something I could be a part of.

The thing is, official custom stages will *never* develop without the SBR's initiative, and *only* the SBR can accomplish it. No other group exists that possibly could. TOs can ban or not ban MK if they want regardless of the SBR, but not standardize custom stages.

There is also another concern that Panda mentioned to me at WTON that I shouldn't mention in a public forum. However, it was a big issue that involved the game and community that I would really like to discuss, but haven't been able to talk to anyone about...

Well, Panda let the cat out of the bag, for better or for worse. Hacked Brawl could easily be the single biggest issue in the game's future. My large post on the matter:


A modified Brawl standard faces a large amount of problems. People will openly disagree as to the direction it will take, with many "purists" opposing it completely. From an administrative level, it must be handled with extreme care. I have a computer science background, experience with game design, and most importantly, an understanding of community impact: There's a reason the SBR exists, and that's discretion. At the risk of sounding elitist, if hacking Brawl is an issue on the table I am instantly more qualified than anyone else I have seen apply in this thread.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

In light of the hacked Brawl news, I dumped out all the posts in a smash blog I had been sitting on. It might not be what you are looking for, but it's really long (like 40 individual posts) and contains a lot of thoughts on the game and the characters.

Here are some of my better works:
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=156908 Project Vertical: MASSIVE List o' Stats
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=191854 The Best Jigglypuff Guide Ever
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=146816 hay guyz i met Sakurai plz be friends
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=159980 Discussion on Personal Bans
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=154163 Recovery Mechanics Guide
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=193267 Fall Speed Investigation
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=194363 Jigglypuff Stage Guide
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=142244 Stage Builder Discussion

Random posts that make me look knowledgeable:
http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5575843&postcount=60 Metagame-without-MetaKnight Analysis
http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=4478463&postcount=82 Random Diminishing Dair Numbers
http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5193307&postcount=42 Stage Discussion
http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5200107&postcount=12 Reviewing a Replay



I even made some terribly drawn St. Louis Smash comics, but the images of them seem to have been purged. Alas.

My favorite superhero is going to have to be the Haitian (from Heroes; they make online comics, so it counts!). No spoilers here, but he's a random mute guy with no name whose superpower is simply the ability to disable the superpowers of anyone around him. He's amazing as both a character and a plot device, since he can drastically alter a situation merely by showing up. He doesn't even have to do anything, just stand around in the background.

He is the ultimate counter to everyone in the Heroes universe, a real ace of spades. He also dresses much better than you.


$10 says you laugh.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Pearland ,Texas
1. Kown

2. 7 months (i know it seems like a short time but i've been dedicated to brawl since March) look at post count.

3. 80th percentile ( tournaments consistently have over 110 peaople attend)

4. No i have not hostend any smash tournaments directly.

5. I consider myself an expert on Pit. I think thier needs to be more SBR pit members.

6. Houston, Texas. region Southwest

7. In the smash community i am constantly trying to improve others by playing in smashfests. I have held smashfest at my house to increase the skill of players to compete better and faster than the competition. I participate by going to smashfests and play to learn. I have taught my friends to become better than me so that as a group of smashers we strive to be the best amongst each other and the world. I have taught myself and others to set extremely high goals, so that we can achieve greater than the norm.

8. I would give myself 110 percent to the community because i am known to my friends as a tenacious, hardworking person. I would contribute effective ideas and i am always open to criticism. Im not opinionated and i enjoy intelligent controlled debates becuase it helps me learn and help others learn.

9. Mk being bannned.

We need to have a set rules list for all regions.

Tier List.

The combining with MLG.

10. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=168533 - demonstrates my ability to bring players closer together.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=193772 - my development of helping Pit grow as a character

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxOsTB9vAEM / http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=196864 - more evidence of me trying to help pit grow into a better character

My favorite Super Hero is batman... i like dark mysterious men. heh jk but seriously..


Where's my Jameson?
Mar 30, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases


2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

Since July, though I've been playing smash since 64.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

The last tournament I went to (this past weekend) I got 9th: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5601795&postcount=237

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

I have not.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I use Marth only in tournaments. I do consider myself a Marth expert, I also have very extensive knowledge of all the other characters in the game.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

Atlantic North, NJ

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I use my knowledge and talent with Marth to help out the community to the best of my ability. I am considered one of the leaders of the Marth boards and I am very active there.

I led the Marth community through every match-up discussion and debated with members of other character boards. I made threads contributing to his metagame while the game was still brand new and continue to do so. I also help out other boards when they discuss the match up vs Marth. I'm very unbiased in my analysis and look at each character's tools and how they can apply them to the match up.

Most recently I have made a Marth video critique thread where I critique any video that is posted and go into deep analysis for them in order to improve their gameplay.

I enjoy helping others, which is why I've done all of this for the community.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

I plan to contribute in intelligent discussions in order to further the development of Brawl as a competitive game. I know that I will provide very knowledgeable and constructive posts to further this community to the best it can be. I also love my debates ^_^

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

The obvious one being Meta Knight of course. This is a very big issue right now and for a good reason. I will also provide input on "hacked" Brawl as well as providing ideas to keep this game fresh and tournament attendance high.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

Here are a few threads I made to help or advance Marth's metagame:





EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p

My favorite is Superman. Why? He's the man of steel. My real life name is Steel. Any questions?


Creator of delicious desserts
Feb 23, 2008
♥There's bound to be a lot of applicants....and the chance is very slim but..... I'll give it a shot anyway! ^__^

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases


2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

♥Hmmmmmm...I'm not tournament happy ( due to other commitments and obstacles in the way of going), but I've tampered with tourneys since Brawl's release. I joined just when the majority of the Melee scene was dwindling so I haven't gotten into the swing of going to any Melee tournaments at the moment.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

♥At some of the bigger tournaments, I've placed above average. I usually get around 8th out of 64 entries in those kinds of gatherings(on the occasions I actually go and get some luck on my side). But I've just won first place in a smaller tournament (25 entrants).

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

♥Nope, I'd love to. I'm not that great in that department.;)

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

♥ I usually use Peach in my tourney brawls, but if I get confident (or need a really effective counter) I will use one of my secondaries. ;) The secondaries I use most are Pit, Zelda/Sheik and Kirby.

♥Expert? I wouldn't call myself an expert on any character. But the characters I have a relatively high knowledge about are Pit, Kirby, Zelda/Sheik, and Peach.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

♥I'm, pretty sure I'd count as someone from the East Coast. ;) New York to be precise. ;)

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

♥If you're talking about the East Coast specific board...not much. I just haven't stuck around there and it doesn't appeal to me. But overall on Smashboards I tend to welcome new members, cool down the useless flames, and deal with spam in a nice manner.

♥Outside of Smashboards, I tend to nicely straighten out debates with some non-competitive people explaining the competitive point of view on some aspects such as Metaknight/Snake, advanced techniques, and item usage. I also teach friends/ people who want to learn about some simple techniques/strategies such as Directional Influence, how mind games work, glide tossing, and auto-canceling..... it might not influence their play by a lot, but it's something that helps them improve. ;)

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

♥Maybe add a female view to the Smash Back Room? ( Wait... that's a bit sexist) <__<;

♥Well, I suspect that there are going to be a lot of debates there. (It seems like the Smash Version of the Debate Hall) And most debates are bound to get ugly at one point. ;) I'll make sure to keep things in order, on topic, and non-hostile. ;)

♥I'll also add my viewpoints on various topics such as Tier list placements, banned practices, character metagames, etc. I'd try to contribute whatever I can basically.

♥It also doesn't hurt to help lighten up the mood once and a while! ;)

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

♥The Banning of Metaknight: People think it's inevitable, others think it's impossible. The Smash Back Room needs to find a straight answer to this predicament.

♥Hacking Brawl to Fit the "Melee" Standards of Play : Thee have been plenty of hacks distributed already. Many are harmless( moveset swaps, color changes) but there has also been speak of hacks being the new standard of tournaments. Some examples are the "non-tripping"hack and the "wavedash" hack. There are discussion of this right at this second and needs to be straightened out.

♥Online Play Meaning no Demonstration of Skill: People say "Oh, winning online requires no skill". Well, In "Random Anybody" matches, that may be the case, but with friends and under standard tournament rules.... the view is much different.

♥I still have more! ... I just can't remember them atm. ;)

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.










♥I'm not even sure if those links help me or not.( They might actually make things worse.^__^;) It's just great to have references. ;)

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why

♥Hmmmmm... My favorite SuperHero?

Spiderman..... cause there's actually a normal person behind the mask, not some Millionaire or Businessman,etc. ;)


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2008
I realize my chances are pratically null, but I gotta try just to see.

1. Blackbelt

2. Just this year.

3. Not as well as I'd like.

4. No.

5. I use Mario and Lucas.

6. West Coast.

7. I participate mainly by dealing with matchup discussions, and also testing various techniques.

8. I merely expect to add my own experiences and point of views to continuing discussions, as I believe all points of view should be explored before something is decided.

9. Well obviously, the most important thing right now would be Metaknight's status as a tournament legal character, not only as a singles character, but also as a doubles character. As for the future, well that all depends upon what may or may not come up. As much as I wish I could, I cannot see the future.

10. The Lucas Weekly Matchup Discussion: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=183767

Bonus: I'm quite fond of Dream, from The Sandman. I can't really explain it, but something about him just makes him so cool.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
1. Niko_K, Though I prefer and use NikoK in every tournament I attend. The underscore is a huge annoyance.

2. I've been attending tournaments from SWF since my join date (Oct .07)

3. The majority of tournaments I attend here in Ontario I place amongst the top of the tournaments. At the tri-weeklies I had running I placed no lower than fourth and highest of 2nd. These tri-weeklies hosted every player from southern ontario's PR and was fierce competition.

4. I have hosted about 10 tournaments in real life. Though about 7 of them are notable.

SBaN#1 - 22 People
SBaN#2 - 16 People
SBaN#3 - 16 People
SBaN#4 - 24 People
SBaN#5 - 44 people
SBaN#6 - 24 people
SBaN#7 - 19 people

5. I use strictly Peach in tournaments and consider myself to be an expert with Peach.

6. I am from Toronto, as DeLoRtEd1 mentioned it is home to one of Canada's largest smash communities, and at the moment home to Canada's most skilled brawl players.

7. I am one of the people who jump-started the brawl community here in Ontario. I imported the *** Version of Brawl upon release so our community could play the game earlier and start running tournaments before english release. We had successfully ran our first tournament on march 3rd and with very positive results spawned a bunch of new players and formed a whole new community.

8. I'm expecting to add a lot of input based around important discussion within the Brawl community, such as hacking, match-ups, bannable tactics and characters, and more.

9. I think some issues the SBR should address are revisions to the lower half of the current tier list, as well as continuing discussion on the recommended rule list to revise it further as well.

10. Peach Frame Data Thread: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=191426
First Impressions of Peach: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=147990
I can't seem to dig up all the posts about my discovering of glide-tossing. Though I contributed huge in that aspect.

Batman is my favorite super hero because I used to **** the hell out of the batman game for Sega Genesis. And because of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7rw8zvNv3Y



Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

Sethlon :)

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

First tournament I went to was MOAST3, on January 15th-16th of 2005. Best first tourney ever.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

In Melee, playing as Roy: At houston monthlies, usually2-3rd.
At Final Smash 2 (which was held at San Antonio, Texas, 1/19/08) I went 2-0 with Forward's sheik in pools, although I ended up getting 25th/98 while Forwards ended up pulling off 1st place.
I placed i believe 64th out of 275 at FC:D, got eliminated in the second round of pools at Pound3 (in a pool of Hugs, Dope, QueenDVS, Eggz and N64...I was the only one who won the set against Eggz).

In Brawl: Usually top 10. I've won two of the Houston monthlies (one with about 30 people, the other with 82), and I've gotten 2nd at three others.
At AzOneTwoStep I got 9th.

I think it should be noted all the different states I've travelled to for tournies: Pretty much everywhere in texas (countless Houston/San Antonio's, a few Dallas), Oklahoma (for OHSNAP2), Indiana (For FC:6 and Diamond), Maryland (for Pound3), and Arizona (for AzOneTwoStep)

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

Never personally, but I've given a hand in running TGM's houston tournies at times, which tend to be around 90 heads. I also helped run the SSBS tournies that my crew used to throw in Tomball, Texas, back in '04 (all of which got around 25 people)

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I use Falco almost exclusively. Occasionally I'll throw in an Ike, but only for good counterpicks. I consider myself to be a Falco expert, although there is much more for me to learn about him.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...


7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I go to every single tournament within my power to help get practice in and advance the meta-game, and as often as possible I get my matches recorded to try to give lower level players an idea of what they should be doing in a match.
For example, my contribution to the Roy Video thread (there are also many vids that I posted later on in the thread that didn't get added to the front page)

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

For one, I can accurately represent the thoughts of Houston. I'm sure Hylian does a pretty good job of that, but Texas is a big place, and being from Austin he can only do so much. Having been around for a long time and being rather friendly, I'm well acquainted with everyone in Houston (and Texas in general, for that matter). For another, I can give accurate information on Falco as a character, having main'd him since Brawl has released. Seeing all the players in Houston, I can also give well educated thoughts on many matchups outside of my own character.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

The obvious one is the possibility of banning metaknight, but there are plenty of other issues; the thoughts of having hacks as possible tournament standards, the relations and dealings with tournament circuits (MLG comes to mind, and then there is the whole debacle with Evo and Mr. Wizard), and the SBR recommended ruleset (which is working fine now, but will likely be needing a modification in the future). The tier lists are somewhat important, but IMO shouldn't take as high a priority as other issues.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

On roy's match up vs samus

Roy vs luigi/Doc

On Falco chain grabbing Marth and Sonic

More chain grabbing

Falco in general

The matchup of Falco vs Snake

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p

I'm assuming you're including super villains in this :lick:
My favorite is the Joker. He doesn't have any superpowers, but nevertheless hes one of the most dangerous people in the DC Universe. Joker always gets away with his plans by having them very well thought out and with a lot of psychological warfare, rather than relying on innate advantages over others. Hes the comic book equivalent of a low tier character that wins tournaments :cool:
I had this quote in my sig for a long while:

"This is what it all comes down to. 'Where the rubber meets the
road', as they say. You can talk all you want, Lex, but let's
face it: in the end the only thing that matters is who's got
the stones to pull the trigger and spill the guts...and in that
regard, I always, always have the advantage. Want to
know why, Lex? Because I'm the only one who truly understands
that this -- everything around us, always and ever -- is all
just a game."
-The Joker


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases


2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

about 2.5 years now, my first tournament was MLG chicago in 2006.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

I usually come out top 8 but at the last tournament I went to I got 17th.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

Yes I have. I hosted a tournament called W.A.I.T. (What? an Illinois tournament) in the summer with 18 people showing up. (not many people play the smash games in springfield)

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I use DK and DK alone, even against DDDs. That's the only character I have used since the beginning of Brawl and the only character I plan on using from now on. If anybody needs to know something about DK, I'm your man

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

midwest. springfield, Il

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I participate in the community by going to tournaments and actively engage in discussion about any of the smash series or any other game for that fact. On the boards I try and respond to any question with the best of my ability.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

I plan on adding info upon the tier list first. I find everyone's argument on how there character may have an advantage over another or when someone says a character should be higher on the tier list fascinating. I love looking at both sides, mainly because I think being ignorant is one of the worst things you can be. I do everything I can to be unbiased.

anything else that comes up that is worth our discussion I would be glad to input my opinion.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

I do think that the banning of meta knight is an important issue right now and for the future, but I have not decided whether he is bannable or not.

another important issue that I have thought about is the actual competitiveness of brawl. is it truly a good game for competition? there are so many infinites, "cheap exploits", and unplayable matches that some people complain about that I wonder about its future.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=198290&page=2 post 19



http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=195222 not complete but working on it

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p

my personal favorite hero would have to be The Flash. My favorite ability that I would imagine myself with as a kid was super speed. I remember an episode of justice league when brainiac fused with Lex and he took out every super hero but Flash. Flash then got so angry he started running around the earth and every time he did so, he punched Lex in the face! he eventually went so fast that he eventually unfused Lex and brainiac by splitting every molecule that joined them but he went so fast that he vibrated his molecules into a different dimension. THAT WAS AWESOME!!!

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

I usually enter as Jam Stunna at tournaments.

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

Since 2006.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

Usually middle of the pack, between 13th-17th place.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

I. Hartford, CT Tournament (approximately 25 people)

II. Weeklies at Capital Community College (approximately 10 people each week)

III. The Player's Brawl (approximately 25 people)

IV. The Four Swords are Bringing Sexy Back! (approximately 30-35 people)

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I used to use Ike in tournaments. I wouldn't consider myself an expert on him, but I knew what worked and what didn't, I suppose. I don't own the game any longer though.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

I'm from Atlantic North, Connecticut to be exact.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I always try to hold Smash weeklies every summer (with varying degrees of success), and I do my best to attend tournaments in my area and to help other people improve by practicing with them and trying to pass on my (admittedly limited) knowledge of the game.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

I would like to join SBR in order to help provide historical perspective and documentation to the higher levels of competitive play and decision-making for our community. I am in school as a history major, and I enjoy writing analytically about many subjects, including competitive gaming. Sometimes, I think we don't realize that we are making history here. Smash has been at the forefront of pushing competitive gaming into the mainstream, and has consistently been one of most popular games in a competitive setting, and hands down the most popular fighter in the world. These are not insignificant achievements, and I feel that there needs to be accurate documentation of not only that success, but the people and decisions that have helped it to grow into the global force it is.

In addition, I think it would be useful to SBR to have someone who is specifically focused on the more mundane tasks related to competitive Smash: regional philosophies, demographic patterns, historical context in regards to metagame development, etc. For example, it is widely believed to this day that Sheik is the best character in Melee, yet she has less major tournament wins than other top and high tier characters. What are the underlying factors that cause this? And speaking of Sheik, are there any historical parallels between her early dominance in Melee, and Metaknight's dominance of Brawl?

These are questions and issues that I am sure come up in SBR, among others, and I think it would be helpful to have someone specifically dedicated to exploring these from a historical perspective. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not very good at playing Smash, but I am very good at writing about playing Smash. We are living history right now, and at the very least that needs to be recorded for posterity, because we are blazing a path that many in the future will continue to travel down. And if Ken's success on Survivor is any indication, our mainstream exposure will only continue to grow, making it even more important to remember how this all started.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

I think that the competitive nature of Brawl is the most pressing issue that faces the Smash community going forward. There are several problems facing Brawl, as evidenced by the rampant amounts of responses in the "Metaknight Ban" thread and the corresponding movement; Ankoku's list being taken down; the community of people attempting to mod Brawl into something similar to Melee; the general backlash against Brawl that began even before the game was released in the States and seems to be picking up steam in certain regions, etc. These issues threaten the very sustainability of the Smash community, as we appear to be faced with a no-win situation: We are either 1) playing a game that has less competitive value than it's predecessor, or 2) we are going back to its predecessor, and now face the challenge of bringing in new players to a community playing a game that is seven years old.

How do we navigate these treacherous waters? It will take strong, decisive leadership from SBR to move the community forward in either direction. I won't mince words: it is a goal of mine to end what I consider to be the competitive charade that is Brawl, and to re-double our efforts to grow Melee. I won't do it with malice or flames though, but instead through careful analysis, logic and reason, as those three tools are as necessary to the decision-making process that SBR goes through as knowledge of tournament results and frame data.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.


EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?

My favorite character is Spiderman. He was just some regular geek that was transformed into a super hero by fate. But my major reason for liking him is because he is a man of science and knowledge, and he uses that knowledge to defeat his enemies as opposed to relying purely on physical strength. I suppose that his character was designed specifically to appeal to someone like me, and it definitely does. I appreciate Stan Lee's decision to let the smart guy win.

Also, I believe the line, "With great power comes great responsibility" is one of the greatest lines in the history of Western literature.


Oct 27, 2007
Gravity Falls, OR
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

heytallman/previously entered tournaments as "Tallman"

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

Since April of 2008.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

For the past few tournaments, about 49th of about 100-118

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

No, but I'm planning on hosting a Smashfest sometime. I've hosted small gatherings, with about 4-5 other people besides myself in attendance.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I main Lucas and alt ROB. I would say that I am very knowledgeable about Lucas.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

Houston, Texas

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I attend as many tournaments and smashfests as I can, and offer my view on issues that are discussed within my local thread.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

I expect to add a special view on the issues. I do not consider myself a pro, nor do I consider myself a "scrub." I will vouch for what I believe to be fair, and for what I feel will benefit the community most. I do not make decisions out of ignorance, but speak after experiencing something firsthand.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

A big issue people would probably say is whether or not to ban Meta Knight. But to say something besides the obvious, I think that tournament etiquette should be discussed, i.e. stalling in between matches of a set (by texting, talking with someone else, etc) and recommending that the winner of a set report the match. I have experienced firsthand a loser of a set reporting that he actually won, and it caused the tournament to delay a bit, as the actual winner came forward after some time, and the TOs let him play the match he should have played. This shouldn't have to happen.

Also, I think hacks and patches should be discussed. I've only heard stuff about them very recently, but I think it's important that a decision be made before people begin running tournaments with these hacks/patches, while others continue running Brawl as it was made.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=4492673#post4492673 - Proof of invincibility frames on one of Lucas' attacks

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=129007 - Speculation made in Dec. of last year which turned out to be scarily accurate.

^^^Discussions of some matchups, stage preferences, and playstyle for Lucases.


Batman. I grew up watching Batman: The Animated Series and have loved the dark knight ever since. I had a few Batman action figures, too. Even though some say that Batman isn't a real superhero because he doesn't have any real powers (except wealth), he's just so bad***!


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases


2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

Since the early 60s.l

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

I've always came first. I pick Sonic and use his homing attack over and over again, it's impossible to stop it.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

At my birthday party after we went to Chucky Cheese we went back to my house and played a couple games of Smash and Mario Party!

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

Sonic. I consider myself an expert as I have yet to meet someone who can beat my homing attack strategy.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

Mom says I live in Toronto!

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

Once I'm in the Smash Back Room (I know I will be) people will pay attention to my homing attack techniques and Sonic will become top tier and everyone will be happy! I will also introduce new rules like no edgehogging because it's cheap.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

I really think the SBR lacks a really good Sonic user. That's where I come in.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

Edgehogging. It's the cheapest thing ever. Also, tiers should no longer exist because tiers r 4 queers. Also no attacking when someone is taunting and shield grabbing should be banned as well. Also, no using Ike because you can just keep using his forward smash to win. He's nearly unstoppable.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.


For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?

Archie because he's wacky and cool and my mom won't let me read any other comics because they're to violent!


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Stingers135/XENO during matches/The Kids during teams

I joined the melee scene in 2006 and have been pretty active throughout, I try my best to go to any local NC tournaments but I haven't been able to go OoS much due to money issues...hopefully that'll change soon.

I was okay at melee, mained Peach and usually won a few matches but I never got to the finals or anything. I'd say it was because I joined the scene so late, but so did PC Chris and look at him XD. I've won Game Store tournaments, does that count? ;_;

I'm pretty good at Brawl though, but Brawl tournaments are kind of lol so I've only been to one...I got 5th though :laugh:. I'm hoping to hit up another one soon just so I can win some easy money (because I'm tons better now :laugh)

Sadly no :( Don't really have the money for it. It really does sound like a fun experience though, if I ever had a chance to host a tournament, I'd definitely go for it. NC has been slightly lacking in tournaments lately also, Bill's biweeklies are really the only thing keeping NC smash together. We need some people to start hosting tournaments...hopefully that'll be me.

I use ROB/Marth during tournaments, though I play a bunch more. I consider myself a ROB expert, ask me anything about him and I'll get you the answer from memory no problem :laugh:. Unless it's Frame Data, but I'm no SuperDoodleMan :( don't be hatin'. And since our good friend Overswarm decided to drop him for no reason recently, I'm gonna be the best you've got o_o. Take it or leave it, bros. *Slides a briefcase of monopoly money under your chair*

East Coast, Atlantic South. To be specific, North Carolina. To be more specific, Hickory, North Carolina. No one lives here. LAME ;_;

I go to tournaments, play tons and tons of friendlies with anyone and everyone, invite people over my house for mini-smashfests, just general stuff like that. Sorry to say I'm not active enough within my community to be vital really :( I really wish I was but man, I just don't have the money for that kind of stuff. Hopefully someday soon...

(I'm pretty good with girl advice ^_~)

I can start to add that ROB influence that the SBR really needs since you guys have no pro ROB players anymore (thanks OS </3). Also, I'm noted to be a pretty different style of ROB then most people (more like Maxxxpower then Overswarm or Sudai, so I don't camp like a mofo :laugh:) so I can give you advice on ROB that you don't usually see. And even if I was a campy ROB, the SBR needs more ROB players :( Affirmative Action! Anyway...most people say to shield his lasers and get up close and you'll be fine...:laugh:. Yeah. My name is Mew2King and I've kissed a girl before.

The SBR needs to talk a lot more about Meta Knight, since currently the community is split half and half about banning him or not. An official announcement on the Announcement board (not about whether he's banned or not, just that the SBR is talking about it so rest easy) would do a lot to quell every thread that has the words "Meta Knight" in it from turning into a ban argument or not.

Also, the SBR should put down a stance on whether hacks (No Tripping, among other less important ones) could possibly be a standard in tournaments. Obviously it'd be pretty difficult to get every wii situated with a No Tripping code, but just the Finals Wii having No Tripping on would be a tremendous improvement over what we have now.

Also (random) I think SWF should have a poll of the day. That's more administrative then SBR, but where else can I list it? lolz


Bonus Question:
Best superhero is definitely The Tick.
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Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2008
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

Stroupes, Ganon

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
None. But I've hosted/competed in local tournies for several years now.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
Top 5, most often. Otherwise, top 10.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
Hm. 5 or so. Everytime, the turnout was usually around 25-40
I don't have any links, because they were relatively tiny, local gatherings.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
Captain Falcon, Diddy, Pit.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
East Coast

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
Recently, not much. What I have done includes character specific discussion, such as AT potential, or strategies involving certain specific characters.
Unless this means my regional community. Little to nothing, because Chattanooga, TN isn't exactly the Smash pro depot.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Whatever problems and/or discussions that need to be addressed.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Brawl metagame improval/tournament data.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
I don't have many of these :ohwell:
I haven't contributed much lately. I'll edit/add to this over time.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Tijuana, México
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
I've been attending tourneys through Smashboards for 3.5 months.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
I usually finish 1st or 2nd in both doubles and singles.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event?
I don't host tournaments.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I play MK and IC. I know too much about MK. Too bad this is what got me to main him.

6. What area/region/community are you from?
I'm from Mexico and play in SoCal.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I try to assist the MK boards by posting my opinion, and other boards by posting about MK. I always try to help people get better by providing tips and character suggestions.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I expect to, at the least, help generate a complete Brawl Character Matchup Chart.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
I think it's important to address the Metaknight issue, and synchronizing each character's matchup chart in each character-specific board, so that they all match, and everyone has a reliable source of information.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

"Fox vs MK"
"Snake vs MK"

"Metaknight's Match-up List"
"IC vs MK" (may be outdated if it tells to always back and forth chaingrab and an uneffective desynch method)


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Lol i have no shame anymore :p

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
DJBrowny/ DJB

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Early this year, imported japanese brawl was my first one

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
of the two proper Offline tournaments ive attended so far, ive come 1st in both singles and doubles for each tournament (average about 18 people). Am actually ranked #1 in my state at the moment in an official nationwide wifi ladder

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.Never hosted, as much as I would like to someone else in my state is already doing an amazing job.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
Lucario mostly, with Sonic and Snake for counterpicks. I have put a lot of effort into researching Sonic and Lucario with frame data on all thier attacks, priorities etc and think I know thier mechanics as well as anyone.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
Australia, South Australia

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
Post on smashboards an awful lot (not spam) and am always in matchup discussions and any move question threads. Id like to think im one of the main contributors on my main's boards, and am uploading my videos for matchup discussions if required. I hope to improve myself by always watching tournament videos of the best players, lurking in all other character boards matchup discussions etc.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Knowledge about my mains, specifically Sonic and Lucario. Hopefully add another voice from the australian smash scene, which seems to be quite different from the US at the moment. An awful lot of talk about banning MK when hes not even close to dominating like he in in the US... yet

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Encourage people not to drop thier mains in favour of MK. Banning him this early isnt the answer (although he may deserve it soon enough) but it doesnt help when so many top players are switching to him, hurting the tourney scene.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
my frame data on sonic thread http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=196148
(actually did lucarios too, but timber's is the same)
i thought my take on ness in this matchup discussion (over 5 or so pages) was pretty good

it would appear many of my matchup discussion posts in other character boards have been long lost as the forums delete threads older than 2 months.
i guess this is another, researching into sonics usmash spike
I took the instructional video down as i did it wrong and havent put it back up >_<

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p
I never read comics... but i know sonic has been in some, so ill say him :D

srsly though, +1 vote for Tenki. hes too good


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
1. Shaya for both.

2. Just under a year, but have been going to smashboards arranged 'meets' since I joined.

3. I generally always place top 8, I seem to have a knack for coming 5th.

4. I run tournaments on a monthly basis in Sydney, Australia. I have from time to time hosted general meets.
I have been running/hosting tournaments monthly since August, the third one being this Sunday (19/10). The amount of players in attendance have been between 25-30.
I am also currently a NSW (New South Wales) referee for Australia's national Brawl ladder (run by Gotgames and managed by SBR's Caotic) that will be having a major to decide finalists to attend the finale in Melbourne representing NSW. This 'major' I will most likely be hosting in January/February.

5. I am known to and mostly use Marth in tournaments, I dabble with Meta Knight and Snake on occasion. I consider myself an expert on Marth who I am constantly writing guides for. I believe due to the extent I know Marth (hence his matchups) that I have a very broad range of knowledge of many characters. I enjoy the discussion of the psychological side of playing the game to a large degree too.

6. I am from the Australia region.

7. As stated I run and manage the only tournaments currently being held in my 'city'. I also manage improvements in tournament rulings and settings for the use throughout the country and perhaps eventually the world. To add further I manage Australia's "own" Character Rank List (similar to Ankoku) just for our region.

8. I consider myself honest and I am all about supreme organisation and efficiency. I delve and enjoy testing theories and other things continually. I like debating and arguing, and believe to have a very different scope of understanding, generally bringing new and different ideas to the table.

How does my 'personality' add to the SBR? I am knowledgeable, energetic and an entrepreneur. I believe my 'uniqueness' and enthusiasm is never not going to be profitable (so to speak) to any organisation.

9. I see that the worldwide community is in strife over a particular character. I see the issue and conflicting opinions on the matter are spreading a bad stigma throughout the community and to onlookers, weakening us over all. I also see issues with the 'splitting' of the community over Brawl and Melee to be now and in the future, especially with many person's keenness to transform Brawl into "Melee 2.0" [with the use of codes to add wavedashing, remove tripping, etc etc.]. Some underused characters in Brawl are being completely ignored and their communities are in anarchy without a stable person (i.e. an SBR member) leading them. The issues of now have ways to instantly improve or change, with the right ideas and implementations. The problems of the future will be extremely complicated to handle as a contingency of people may perhaps start to competitively play the "melee 2.0", something hard to be 'continuous' throughout the scene.

10. A current guide I am writing, something I adore is not yet finished, but I will hopefully be able to display it soon. Moving on:

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=185358 - My monthly tournament topic.
http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5394240&postcount=413 - A possible rule set (beta) I have been arguing and am going to be testing this monthly [Caotic can fill you in more].

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5519352 - A guide on Marth's vertical kill moves.
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=191157 - A general guide on the most Frequently Asked Questions about Marth.

Throughout the Marth boards I continue to help the community by answering questions, rating videos (http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=197441 [a couple of occasions in here]), discussing matchups and disproving beliefs and other things.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=192128 - I also instigated the tier list discussion in relation to Marth.

http://www.theintensity.com/wiki/doku.php?id=brawl:aus_rank_list - The "Australian Character Rank List" that I manage. Relatively new and lacking of a large array of data, but is inline in a lot of areas of the international rank list.

Bonus Question:
I never was a huge comic book fan. I enjoyed Superman on a critiquing level as the 'American Hero' personified to combat the woes of the time of it's creation [the great depression, WWII, etc]. In modern times I've only enjoyed "Light Yagami" from Death Note (does manga count?) and 'sensei' from Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei (SZS). Oh, and of course Batman for the nananananananna theme song :)

Thanks for reading, and I hope I haven’t wasted your time :).


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Since 3-4 years ago.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
Melee: 1st - 2nd, Brawl: 3rd - 5th (That's what no practice will do to you)

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
(Brawl) Tournament for my campus: 84 participants
(Melee) Several (about a dozen or more) local tournaments: 20-30 participants

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
Metaknight, G&W, DDD, DK.
If by expert you mean playing the character to the best of its ability, just G&W. If you meant knowledge about the character, I'd say most of the game's cast. I read up a lot, I'm a smash nerd like KirbyKid.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
Texas. Hells yeah DrDrew =)

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I help setup/run local tournaments with tio. I carpool people to out-of-town tournaments. The long drive usually involves some long discussion about a character and general strategies / silly glitches. I also look for weak areas of other players and help them improve, when applicable.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Detailed and thorough discussion about characters, tactics, stages, and gameplay in general. Simply put, I'd almost say I love talking about the game and how it's so amazing in every little aspect vs. physically playing the game. Heck I usually just play through scenarios or spoken combos in my head when I hear about them anyway.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Would saying the word Metaknight do anything for me? There are obviously some issues here, no need to discuss now. Probably more important are the attitudes and experiences of fellow brawlers. It's important that the SBR, as a leader in smash community (for the world really), to be on top of things with a clear understanding and decision on any given topic. When people look up to you, it's important to be direct and confident about your answers.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
Probably the most recent is the tournament argument about Simultaneous Death using MK's upthrow on Skyworld sent as a PM to DrDrew (no thread to link to that I can see).

Here are some threads:
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=83757 (Old tournament with Scav winning)
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=116225 (I still dare you to figure this one out)
and posts:
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5281839#post5281839 (Discussion about a glitch)

As you can see I don't have any nice long wall-of-text posts to link to. I usually just like adding to the discussion. Normally I wouldn't start a thread except for some fun glitch I discovered =)

BONUS QUESTION: Green Lantern. Why? Because he's green? (Where have I heard that before?)

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
1-Prince of Fire/POF/Prince

2-October 2007-IX Esticle

3- Brawl: An average of 8th place Melee-Last or second to last

4-Yes, Long Live Hit Stun I and II (See my post list for threads.) LLHS I: 20-23, LLHS II: 29-32

5-Marth, Meta Knight, Snake, GAW. Meta Knight is my best character followed by Marth.

6-East Coast.

7-I have just begun hosting my own tournament and enjoy doing it very much. They are Melee tournaments and I want to help keep Melee alive despite most people believe it to be dying. I'm not the best smasher around but am very dedicated and am anxious to develop.

8-Intellectual insight on the development of Brawls Meta-Game, add to the discussion of whether or not MK should be banned, The enforcement of keeping Melee and Brawl together as one and not tearing the community apart, etc.

9-Currently-Should MK be banned? Future-Should these newly discovered "glitches" (wavedash, no tripping, etc) be allowed for future tournaments???



This debate throughout the late stages of the thread-

My eagerness to develop-


Morph from X-Men.

He has every ability in the X-Men world. Who would not want that? Enough said. :)


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
Tommy Der Meister/Tommy

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
One year

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
Usually about mid, to low placings

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
No, but I really would like to, I hear it's fun

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I use Snake and King Dedede. I do feel that my Snake is much better than my Dedede, so I'm an expert with my Snake.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
Southwest, Tucson, AZ

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
In my community I turn people who are not really in the competitive scene, who are interested in learning ways to improve, to Smashboards to try and learn about our community and how great the competitive scene is. Other than that, I do provide some good lolz from time to time.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I expect to add intelligent posts and overall discussion to the SBR. I expect to help with the finalized decisions of important topics or conflicts that affect the future of the Smashboards community as a whole.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Right now: The SBR needs to address the Melee vs. Brawl debates. I notice some threads easily go into heated and unnecessary arguments that lead to completely off-topic discussion, and just general fail.

In the future: The only thing SBR should do in the upcoming time for the future, is all and or any talk with MLG about events or anything of that nature.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=185342 - the topic I created on the Snake forums asking about C4 recovering from under a stage. I was the only person to create such a topic, and it could have helped other people who had the same problem.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?
One of my favorite comic book characters would have to be.....Alf. You'll find after (not so) extensive research, that Marvel comics published about 50 Alf comics over the course of four years. With Alf being a Marvel comic book character, one could only imagine the intense battle with such villains as Magneto. Alf would definitely **** **** in battle with Magneto, as Alf and Magneto would get into a heated discussion about deep-space metals....but after just 47 minutes, Magneto would become so bored with the discussion, and just want to kill himself because Alf just won't stop talking and would have by then moved the discussion to be about how awesome POGS are. Now I've never read the Alf comic book series...but I'm sure it's filled with all the light-hearted, intensely boring adventures of Alf's day to day routine.



Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases


2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

I've been attending tournaments since late 2005.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

In Melee, I place 1st - 3rd in every tournament in the northwest for the past year or so.
I've placed mediocrely at OOS tournaments, and usually been crafty enough to forge a plethora of johns for them all.

In Brawl: Usually top 3. Recently I've been out of practice and have been placing poorly. I always win teams in NW.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

I've been hosting tournaments monthly for about 3 months now, as well as small random tournaments. I've had about 5 15 personish tournaments, and a 30ish person tournament at my house, as well as helped out with our larger scale monthlies.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I main DeDeDe and Metaknight.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...


7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I'm pretty much the core of the Washington Melee and Brawl communities, having the most experience out of any of the active players. I facilitate growth among our new players and encourage fellow veterans to do their part as well.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Just some more genius insight, specifically on pressing issues involving the developing games ruleset.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
The banning of Metaknight and contributing insight to the default ruleset.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
The Mario melee threads, my blogs on Allisbrawl.com. yee.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?

Deadpool. Hes a cocky douchebag with healing factor and crazy martial arts/weaponry skillz. Whats not to like?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I highlighted the Application Questions in Blue to hopefully make it easier to discern the questions from the replies.

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

dr.mario guy/DMG

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

Honestly I think my first tourney through Smashboards was a local Brawl one. I kinda missed the boat on Melee; I wasn't aware that Waco had an active Melee/Smash community until I joined Smashboards.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

For the local tournaments, I'm usually #1, if not in the top 3 when Dallas or out of city players come. (Mostly 1st though).
For the bigger State tourneys like HOBO, I have gotten 4th at both I have attended, although I have to point out that for the most recent HOBO that M2K, Azen, and a lot of OOS players came, so the competition was a lot tougher than just a regular State tourney.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

I have never hosted a tournament before. I have announced brackets, moderated over disputes, and worked with TIO before, but I don't have the equipment myself to efficiently run/host a tourney.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

Wario is my main character, secondaries include G&W, Snake, DK, Olimar, Dedede, IC's, and others. For almost every tourney I go to though, I go all Wario just to see how far I can get with him alone.

I would consider myself an expert on Wario, and a few people I know like Hylian and Lee Harris would probably say the same.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

Texas/Southwest . I try to play a lot more with the Dallas and Houston communities whenever I have the chance, since my local community feels stagnate with tourney results repeating for most local players.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

Well obviously for participation I try to go to tourneys when I can, and I have made a Wario matchup thread to hopefully spark some discussion on the Wario boards and to help people get towards a focal point where we agree on the matchups, at least for the ones involving Wario. I have to admit, it is tougher than I thought to shuffle through my thoughts and experiences on matchups and pin them down to a specific number that most people view as relatively accurate.

I also go to other character boards and discuss with them Matchups involving their specific character and Wario.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

I am not aware of any SBR members that main Wario, and I feel that the SBR would benefit with a Wario main like myself that is knowledgeable but also humble and realistic with his character.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

A possible ban on MK is certainly an important topic that will affect the community irregardless of whether action is taken or not. The discussion on whether to allow Brawl modifications or not is also something that I feel is a serious question.

I also think that minor issues like Stages allowed can be resolved fairly easily with a periodical reviews/revisions of stages and their respective qualities, something that I'm almost certain the SBR does anyways.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.


That's my matchup thread for Wario on the Wario boards.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?

Superman. He's like the overall superhero that's good at just about everything, but not really specializing in any particular area. Superman's weakness to Kryptonite is important symbolically; even the mightiest of men aren't perfect and have weaknesses. Also, everyone knows he and Superwoman hook up daily, who doesn't love a superhero that gets some regularly? :D

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
ChiboSempai's Application

I'm sorry my answers are so long, but it's good to have detail! (and im bored at work lol)

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

I go by ChiboSempai, but sometimes you'll see me in tourneys as Chibo because a lot of TO's don't feel like typing in my full name. "Sempai" also gets misspelled often. In my oldest tourneys you'll see me by my previous nickname, ElChibo. I'm pretty sure the only tourney I've attended as ElChibo was Evo East 2k7. I changed my name to ChiboSempai about a year ago.

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

I have been interested in tournaments through Smashboards since when I started playing smash (competitively) in October of 2006. I didn't attend a tournament I found through Smashboards until Evo East 2k7. Around the same time I also advertised and posted results for mini tournaments I've held at my college such as this one. I started regularly attending tournaments in September of 2007 with the VGXPO tourney, NEC 2k7, and Scar's Smashpocalypse tournaments. Fast forward to today where I attend tournaments just about every weekend.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

In Melee I usually placed at an average rank. I would almost always make it out of pools if they were eliminating (except Pound 3 lol). Melee tourneys today I place much lower, but that's because they normally have less people in attendance and are filled with just pros lol, however I'm still improving a lot and closer to placing higher each time. In Brawl I started off strong and almost always place top 10 (except maybe a little lower at a national tourney), and I have been lately placing top 3 in small to mid-size tourneys. I'm currently power ranked as 2nd in Pennsylvania.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

Good thing this was asked, it's one of my strongest points in smash! I've been holding tourneys since my first small one at college in December of 2006, and have continued holding them since, each getting better than the last.
  • Calhoun Tourney: The Sequel - This was the second small tourney I held at my college. It was originally advertised as sort of an amateur tourney, but RyokoYaksa (the mod here on SWF) decided to come crash the party lol. 22 entrants, and even had a guest appearance by Mew2King who was in the area at the time.
  • VGXPO Saturday and Sunday - You may have heard about the VGXPO held annually in Philadelphia, and I am a normal volunteer for it. When I heard they were holding a Melee tourney, I stepped up to run it and made it awesome. There were actually 2 separate tourneys, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. Saturday had 41 entrants and Sunday had 21 entrants. The tourney attracted some surprise guests such as Drexel's Will Luong who took out Velocity in finals, Lord Knight, and DireVulcan!
  • Clash of the Titans - This is my first standard tourney you could say. We got a regular venue, held singles and doubles, and strongly advertised it primarily on Smashboards. This went on to become a series of tournaments. 32 singles entrants.
  • Clash of the Titans II - The sequel to the last Clash of the Titans. More TVs, bigger pot, better tournament. The tourney thread for this was also used for later CoTs. 31 singles entrants.
  • Clash of the Titans III - The long awaited sequel to the last one. This is where my tournaments really started to get serious. I had a HUGE venue, had even more TVs than CoT2, held more events, and made it a 2 day tournament. The first day featured Melee Singles, Doubles, and Crews, while the second featured Brawl Singles and Doubles. The turnout wasn't as high as I had hoped due to short advertising time, the venue I had rented out didn't give me much notice that I could use it before the tourney date. 23 melee singles entrants, 36 brawl singles entrants.
  • Smash at the Shore - I got a new venue in my hometown of Brigantine, NJ which is right next to the popular Atlantic City in New Jersey. I didn't have the ability to make it a 2 day tourney like CoT3, but I was still able to hold Melee Singles, Brawl Doubles, and Brawl Singles. 39 entrants in brawl singles, and there were a lot of people who played doubles who didn't stay for singles, and people who entered Melee only.
  • Smashtality 4 - While WoZ was the main TO for the recent Smashtality 4, he looked to me to run the Brawl tournament on day 2 of the event. 26 entrants in singles.
  • Philadelphia Drexel Biweeklies - My latest string of tournaments is the much requested biweeklies held at my college in Philadelphia, PA. I am strictly holding these biweekly, trying not to miss any dates. They alternate between Melee and Brawl each tournament. I held sort of a beta test tourney for this the week before it started at my apartment called Chibo's We Need a Tourney... Tourney simply because, people wanted a tourney! This tourney held Melee Singles and Brawl Singles. There weren't many attendees because I literally organized the whole tourney in less than 24 hours. Unfortunately I also only had about 24 hours notice for the first biweekly which accounted for the poor attendance, but I already have the dates posted for the next couple biweeklies now on SWF well in advance. The next biweekly this friday (10/17/08) is looking to be a great tourney even with some good OOS attendance. The first biweekly had about 20 entrants, but only 11 entered singles.

I have big plans for the next CoT tournaments which I'm currently arranging with my venues now where I plan to hold a national size Melee and Brawl tourney (two seperate tournies). I've already talked to many people in places such as the midwest and Canada, and they are all interested in making the trip!

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I main ROB in Brawl and secondary Falco. I use my ROB in almost every matchup except I need Falco for a couple bad matchups here and there like Zero Suit Samus. I'm currently working on a counter for Game and Watch, perhaps Diddy or Snake. I can easily say with confidence that I am an expert with ROB.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

I live in the East Coast. My permanent home residence is in South Jersey, but I attend college (year round) in Philadelphia, PA.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I do all I can to help advance the smash community. One way is by holding quality tournaments. My attendees love them, and I'll continue to hold more making them better and better. I engage in intelligent discussion here on Smashboards, whether it be discussing topics in the character specific forums, or talking about current events in the regional zones. I am also a panelist for PA's Brawl Power Rankings. My two latest accomplishments however are: My involvement in the ECRC. I am one of the directors for the East Coast Regional Circuit, the Brawl circuit being held in the Atlantic North. The other thing would be the ANMC. I was disappointed to hear that there will be no Melee involvement in the ECRC, despite how many people in the Atl North wanted it and still play Melee. This lead me to solely organizing what I call the Atlantic North Melee Circuit which is going on now. I essentially own and operate the whole thing myself, though I do have help with some of the best TOs in the area such as WoZ, Scar, Eggm, Alukard, Vanz, and more. I have implemented a good point system to be used in singles and teams, found great ways to raise money for the final prize, and more. Our first event kicks off on November 1st with Alukard's No Johns Biweekly. You can find the ANMC thread stickied in the Atl North regional zone.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

I really wish to be able to participate in intelligent discussion that is sort of on the next level from the regular Smashboards. I can add intelligent input on various topics being discussed such as the banning of MetaKnight (lol), the state of Melee in our community, chime in with specific information about the Altantic North, and much more. I consider myself to be one of the most knowledgeable smashers here in the Atl North when it comes to knowing about the games, about the players, and about the events. Knowing this, I feel that I can easily contribute a lot to the SBR.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

One of the most important things I believe is Melee and Brawl's involvement in the community. The community is starting to split between Melee and Brawl, and I think we need to find a way to sort of bring us back together in a way. While we can't exactly force players to play the game they don't like, I feel there are other answers or possible actions we can take. I'd rather not say the banning of MetaKnight as it's too cliche at this point but it seems like that's what everyone is talking about. Perhaps more discussion about MLG buying SWF and how we can use this to our advantage in advancing the community.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
Edit: I guess I missed where it said ability to contribute positively to discussions, as I included my threads of good discussion, as well as threads with helping the community and showing various skills of mine like my sig shop or combo video.

  • Chibo's Brawl Wavedash Guide - People are interested in the newest hack found for wavedashing in Brawl, and I sought out to provide information to those who haven't been able to try it out for themselves yet with a guide, and accompanying video.
  • The Titans of Smash Crew Thread - I am one of the original members and leaders of my crew, the Titans of Smash. I manage the first post of our crew thread, and put A LOT of work into this crew and it shows. We are one of the fastest growing crews in the Atl North constantly recruiting new members. We have pros in Smash 64, Melee, and Brawl. I even go beyond the normal crew activities and have gone as far as recently organizing a free dinner for all of our crew members at a nice restaurant, where some of the people in the crew met others for the first time.
  • ChiboSempai: Assistant Sensei - I figured it was worth mentioning that I'm a skilled video editor (I would love to make some kind of montage video for SWF someday) and this is one of my recent projects which happens to be my latest combo video. In addition to combo videos (which I've made like 3 of) I have made a video for our crew, currently working on combo videos for other smashers (big names too, but I'm not allowed to say at the moment), and I've posted TONS of smash videos on YouTube, including the #1 watched smash video in 2007, Mew2King vs PC Chris Finals at Evo East 2k7.
  • ChiboSempai's Amazing Smash Video Archive - So people don't have to scour through my YouTube Channel (ElChibo) to find my smash videos, I keep this thread with links to all of my videos that people can watch. I need to update it with a couple of my most recent vids though lol.
  • Atlantic North Melee Circuit - I already mentioned this earlier, but I figured I would link to the thread here.
  • Re-evaluating the ROB vs MK matchup - People complain about MetaKnight... a lot. People say it's ROB's worst matchup, but I simply don't believe that. We had already looked at the matchup in the matchup discussion thread that's stickied in the ROB boards, but I felt it needed to be looked at again, and I was able to offer a lot of my personal advice (from practicing with M2k all the time) on the topic.
  • ChiboSempai's Sig Shop - I used to hold a sigshop in the artwork emporium and I made some impressive sigs. Eventually it sort of fell apart though as I was way too busy with work and school to continue to maintain it.
  • Brawl Impressions From a Competitive Player - Back when Brawl was first available in Japanese, everyone wanted to know what it was like. I was lucky enough to get some hands on time with it at Pound 3 before I got my own Japanese copy, so I wrote up detailed impressions on what I had learned in the game so far.
  • Official Ask ChiboSempai Thread: Ask All Of Your Digital Video Questions Here - As I mentioned I am very skilled with video editing and other forms of digital media. I found a lot of people always had problems with things like recording smash videos, so I had a thread where I helped people. Eventually though like my sig shop, it kind of fell apart.
  • The End of All Smash Brawl HDTV Lag Debates - When Brawl was announced for the Wii, everyone wanted to know if it would lag on their fancy new HDTV. People were very confused about the technical aspects of this conundrum, so I wrote a very detailed guide details how the lag exactly works in video games and how it effects the Wii and Brawl.
BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?

Is Sonic allowed? He has a line of comics lol. For actual comic book characters I might have to say Wolverine. The kick *** sideburns, smokin a cigar and the whole tough guy persona really makes him cool and standout from most superheros.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
My SBR application

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
My only alias is Jumpman.

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
I have been attending tournaments for about a month now. I have only played two tournaments and one smashfest, but will be attending to more tournaments. I have been following everything. Next month I will play in a tournament with over 100 people. Several foreign people will be joining. I am looking forward to this.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
I haven't placed top eight (yet), but I'm sure I eventually will. The Dutch smash scene isn't that big (still pretty big, for the Netherlands) so it's hard to not place lower than 20th (50 man tournament). I can probably beat some people who place top eight. The last couple of weeks I have been practicing against people who place top 8 most of the time.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
No, I have never hosted a tournament. (I am quite young, so hosting a tournament really brings too much responsibilities with it, I am planning on organising one though, in which someone else will the host.)

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I have had Brawl (I have never played tournaments in Melee, I knew a lot of ATs though. I mostly played with friends that knew those too. I wasn't good, but I have followed the metagame for a long while) since the PAL release. Since then I wanted to make up for my lack of quality in Melee. Before I had the game, I had followed the NTSC metagame (Brawl) since the release. I want to become at least top 8 once. I do not consider myself to be an expert in Brawl or Melee, experience is the key in this. I have only played Brawl for 5 months, so I cannot consider myself an expert.

I play with Meta Knight and several other characters. I chose Meta Knight because it felt great. I have never based my mains on tier lists. I am trying to play Brawl tournaments with Meta Knight, Marth and other characters (I haven't decided this yet). My Meta Knight and Marth are decent at least, so I think I will use Marth in the next tournament.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
I live in the Netherlands, in Europe.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I have been involved in the Dutch smash community since the release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I try to help whenever help is needed. I hope to improve my community by sharing knowledge and experience. I hope I will be able to host a tournament, so I can help my community by doing that.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I know a lot about the Dutch Smash scene, so I can give the SBR information about that. I also play a lot so can share my experience. Being able to add a lot to discussions is also something I expect to do.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
I think the SBR doesn't involve this community enough. I haven't seen any threads with post from the SBR. I think the current tier list should be explained for example. I think Meta Knight needs to be addressed (obviously), but should not be banned. This is something I need to think about.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
Unfortunately I cannot show the SBR posts in which I contribute a lot to a discussion, but this is because I want to be more experienced. I cannot discuss certain things yet, because I don't know enough about the subject. I have always been following discussion and are very interested in them though. But I certainly will in the future.

I have contributed to Smogon, for example. I have played Pokemon competetively for a long while (and still am, but not as much), so I knew a lot about the metagame etc.

My favourite super hero is, of course, Mario (as my nick suggests). But Marth is really close. Tiara's are way too cool.

I hope this post helps. If the SBR needs to know more, just contact me. I will answer within 24 hours most of the time.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
1. My alias is Pakman.

2. Locally, I started going to tournaments on an off from 04-05. Since 2006 i have attended local and regional tournaments pretty regularly. I go at least once a month; usually more.

3. I get 7th-3rd at local stuff. Top 20 at regional.

4. Technically, I have never hosted an event. I did however, help organize and run TSA's smashtality 4. It had about 30 melee and 30 brawl players for a 2 day event. I also have helped Scar run smashpocalypse in Philadelphia.

5. I am generally a melee player. In Brawl I play snake and Luigi. I know a fair amount of Luigi.

6. East Coast - Philadelphia

7. I post on the Luigi boards with hints and tips for players. I go to tournaments and play a variety of characters. I record a fair amount. Recently, I provided a microphone for smash commentary at the No John's Biweekly in Northern New Jesey. I am also involved with the power rankings in Pennsylvania

8. Experience and knowledge. I have been around for awhile. I frequently talk with M2K Cactuar and Scar about various Melee and Brawl strategies, and add novel input.

9. There are a few issues that would require addressing. Standardization is one. There are so many rules and stage problems in the brawl and melee communities. What I really want is a better way to unify smashers. Some of the most memorable moments have been the larger national tournaments. They seem to be dwindling and I would like to try and fix that.

10. Several posts in this thread -> http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=143473

Rankings discussion -> http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5128306&postcount=834

Early Brawl Vs Melee stuff http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=4312865&postcount=2709

Some more Luigi stuff http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=3372203&postcount=35

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: Spiderman. Spider man is a real person. Characters like superman and batman seem like archetype characters who generally don't have to deal with normal human problems. Spiderman is a poor student. He has to deal with money, girlfriend and the honoring the credo of his Uncle.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2008

Heh, SBR applications? I dunno, maybe you could invite some people to read-only too. I main a low-tier and due to the fact that I live in the middle of nowhere, I've never been to a tournament. I have a cousin who goes to VT and knows Chillin and stuff, and I play his MK a few times a year and usually can get a stock off. He usually places top three or something in tournaments, but I'm not sure if it's just his MK that owns, since I can generally beat his Luigi and Wolf every few matches. I mean, I probably know Smash theory as well as anyone on SBR, but since I'm in no position to attend tournaments, I can't really say I'm good enough at Brawl to get into SBR.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Well...you never know until you try...
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
Rickerdy-doo-da-day. This of course doesn't fit on my name when fighting so I just call myself Rick

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
I sadly haven't entered any tourneys throughout Smashboards yet. I plan on doing so but currently, my life simply does not allow it. I also have a very big issue of time and time zones - it's normally late at night/around 1-2 am when things really start happening on SmashBoards where I live. Full time education and common sense stop me from staying up that late

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
See above. I'm currently part of a group and we always have serious Brawls all the time. I can (forgive me my modesty) beat all/the large majority of the players in the group. I am always fighting new people and I very rarely lose the majority of my matches vs other players

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
Again, no. I have next to none tourney experience (there's no point in denying it). You'd be hard pressed to find any tourneys around where I live...you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who has a Wii for that matter

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I main Peach and Sonic if that helps...I use Falco, Snake and Nolimar (yes Nolimar) ocassionally as well for fun. I would say I have a very good understanding of Peach but I still have much to learn and there are still many things to discover with Peach

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc... Europe, England. Specifically West Yorkshire. Not that any of you will probably have heard of that

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
Within the Brawl community in England? Well...where I live, there isn't one. Infact I'm starting to doubt if there is one in England at all. My community is at SmashBoards and very heavily online based. It's the only resource available for me.
At SmashBoards, I'm always willing to offer people advice and give them tips (e.g. when viewing videos) If anyone needs Peach experience then I have no problem helping them with that paticular match up. If they need help with another character, then my viewing of other character boards allows me to give my opponent basic knowledge on what to expect when fighting an expert using that paticular character (e.g. make them aware of various AT's a certai character might use, where to DI from attacks, how to punish, how to stop bad habits etc.)

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Specifically knowledge on Peach. The first tier list made me think she is being seriously underestimated (no offence) She is very much the only character I seriously use and I'm constantly trying to find ways to improve her. I am also very analytical and when making a desicion, I make sure I don't make hasty desicions. I also enjoy writing and imo, I can very clearly explain things to people on a topic they may not know.
Whilst my knowledge isn't vast in other areas, I'm intelligent enough to understand things about other characters, match ups, pros, cons etc. I am very keen to learn and I also hope to bring fresh blood to the SBR - not that there is anything wrong with the current SBR.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
The current Meta Knight crisis everyone is panicing about. The negativity people feel towards Brawl is depressing and really needs sorting out - preferablly with a solution that doesn't involve cutting out sections of the game or modifying them (e.g. banning a character such as Meta Knight) A solid tier list is also essential imo as well

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
Here is work that I reckon would be important...

A list of which Final Smashes Toad can and can't Block/avoid

Final Smashes - A list of what they do and how to avoid them

Royal Protection - A guide on using Toad

Setting the Scene - A Guide and Analysis of Stages and how they affect Peach

And I'm currently working on:
Raving Radishes - An in depth study and guide on using Turnips

I also make regular contributions to other threads, such as the the Peach Match up Thread and The Peach Back Room social group


My favourite superhero/comic book hero? I would say Sonic is my favourite superhero who I've grown up with but he's not really a comic book hero...Dennis the Menace doesn't count either I guess?

I'll go with Spiderman. He's very much an ordinary person and starts as a normal, if somewhat mocked, person. He's been through harsh lessons in life and as a reuslt become a better person. I've always thought it would be cool to swing all the way around the city...I enjoyed the TV program as well as the comics. I never did find out what happened to the real Mary Jane...


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
*gets disqualified*

I'm a bit too lazy to write one of these things up, but I would be interested in joining the SBR. Everyone knows who I am, and I have long history of useful contributions to the melee community.


Apr 10, 2008
I'm not applying to the SBR, but I'd like to recomend Peanut Butter and Jam and Vyse. They're very knowledgable and have been very helpful to the community.

Also, more Olimar love? (^_^)b


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

lilb93 tag is lil b

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

since brawl came out

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?


4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

never hosted a smash tourney

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I use Yoshi and I consider my self an expert with yoshi because I have mastered many of his techniques like the CG and I have learned to space well and use all of yoshis moves well

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

I live in NoVA and compete in maryland and Virginia

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I have gone to all the local tourneys including chu's biweeklies, C3, and Cyberden. I improve my community by helping other yoshi mains, teaching people the yoshi match ups, bring full set ups to every tourney, help discuss dates of tourneys and attend tourneys at least 1 or 2 times a month.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

Knowledge on the yoshi match up and help disscuse a variety of things like advance techs, match ups, tournament disscusions and a lot more. Me being a good YOshi main can contribute a lot to the SBR.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

I think it would be important to discuse counter pick stages, the MK should or should not be banned, whether or not no tripping codes should be suggested as being used in tourneys and general talk on match ups and problems in the community.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

The CG list http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=178435

Yoshi Tournament results thread http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=188787

Post about telling people to practice the CG is not that easy and that you need practice http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=5411900&postcount=258

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why

Batman because he does not have any super powers and still kicks butt


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2005
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
Sir 0rion or just 0rion.

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
About 3 years.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
Generally top 16, with a few top 8s and a couple of places and wins.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
None for Brawl, but I used to host regional Melee tournaments back around 2003. I quit for scheduling reasons.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments?
I'd honestly rather not be type-cast by the character that I use, so I'll say R.O.B, Snake, and Meta Knight.

On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I have a thorough knowledge of each characters' current metagame, and am constantly theorizing and experimenting. To be honest, though, my win/loss record isn't very impressive with characters such as Ness, Olimar, and King DeDeDe.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
Southwest, mostly, though I've traveled on occasion for tournaments.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I'm always more than happy to offer opinions and observations on characters and statistical analysis on character match-ups and current metagame. I don't talk about characters based on who I "like," I talk about them based on what they can or can't do.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I am constantly and actively experimenting to discover new ATs and strategies for many different characters, both used and unused. I'm not easily taken in by supposedly new discoveries, and I'm EXTRAORDINARILY good at both gaming theory and metrics.

I promise that more than anything else, I can offer a comprehensive and exhaustive analysis on every aspect of this game. Just ask.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Alright, I know that it might not be the best thing in the world to offer criticism to the group I'm trying to impress, but I think the current tier list needs to be reexamined quite a bit, first and foremost.

By which I mean this - it seems like the method for determining one's tier placement was inconsistent from character to character.

For example, Link currently ranks second-lowest in tier placement, and it stands to reason that this is mostly due to his lack of impressive tournament results, since his match-ups aren't terrible (though they're not fantastic, either), and his meta-game is fairly advanced. However, if this is the case, characters like Luigi have no business being anywhere near as high on the list as they are. If, for example, match-ups are the current deciding factor, then characters like DeDeDe should be much lower. If it's a combination of these attributes, then some of the extremes of character placement need to be thoroughly reexamined.

Either way, the MOST important thing is full disclosure. SBR is considered the definitive source of Smash Bros. knowledge, but that knowledge is no good whatsoever if it isn't shared with anyone. Have people EXPLAIN why characters are placed where they are, so more valuable perspective can be gained from it. Right now the tier list sticky is nothing but a lot of [un]educated guesses and commentary about why characters are where they are.

You have explanations for stage/tournament legality, for instance, so explaining the method for evaluating tier placement in more depth should in no way cause any trouble.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?
Oh, that's easy. Definitely Ranma. I mean, not only can he turn into a girl, but he freaking has a better track record in fights than GOKU. The dude actually won a fight where he was tied up, hanging upside-down and unconscious. Doesn't get much cooler than that.

For American comics... I'll have to go with The Amazing Spider-Man. It's really a toss-up between him and Venom, but they're both such incredible characters with a surprising amount of depth (yes, even Venom). It's too bad this has yet to be shown on the big screen. Oh, well. :bee:

I certainly hope that I can help do my part for the SBR and the Smash community in general. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Bellingham, Washington
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases?
Kasai, pronounced (Kuh-sigh)

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
For as long as I've been a member of smashboards and somewhat before. Basically, since brawl came out. Unfortunately, until last month, I lived in Hawaii, on an island with very, very little tourney activity. I managed to go to a few off island but other than that, the main tourney activity is going to begin now, as I'm in Washington state.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
Within the top eight and depending on the intensity of the tourney, possibly higher.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
Nothing more than small smashfests with a handful of friends.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
Lucario and Toon link for competitive, tournament play. I would consider myself a high calibur Lucario player and Toon link is a work in progress.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
Up until a month ago, Hawaii. I'm currently in Washington State.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I contribute information and participate in constructive discussion. I've done research when its needed, I've tested things, etc. Basically, I'm an active member of my "smash community" and try to contribute as much as possible.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Well, hopefully I'll be able to engage in the discussions that go on in the SBR. I'm not the most experienced player when it comes to tournament activity but at the same time, I'm pretty good at hypothetical situations and "smash theory" (if you could call it that). In addition, I feel it important to diversify the SBR to help improve the metagame of characters other than MK and other higher ups.

Also, I offer the ability to test people about the pronunciation of the Hawaiian state fish, the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (surprisingly few people know how to say it)

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Well, aside from the ongoing discussion about the tier list and the shenanigans that follow from that, I think that currently the Metaknight fiasco seems pretty important, although it still seems too soon to make any sort of concrete decision on that. In addition, other fine point topics that contribute to the total tourney scene (CPs, overall brawl diversity (and how to keep/make it diverse), etc).

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussion.
Here are some match up posts that I did:

Here's one about some research I did on crouch canceling jabs:

BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p
Spider man, simply because he is bad ***.
All in all, I realize that I'm relatively new to the community as a whole, but I still feel that I can contribute and offer some constructivism to the Smash back room.


Smash Champion
May 26, 2007
Brampton Ontario, Canada
I nominate bwett also yes please get in a canadian rep some how...if you can though I dont want your groups integrity ruined...that wouldn't be cool.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
leave me alone D:

:dizzy:@weird people who want me in SBR. I'm far from qualified for that.

Just for the lulz so you people stop PMing me to apply:
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
Tenki for 1v1s, Steak for pools.

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
I'm a Brawl newb, through and through.

Less than 6 months.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
I hit 1st out of a 16-man tourney last week.

I'll go ahead and shoot it down with: the 4 people who made it to the semifinals were probably the only people worth playing against lol. (<3 HtH)

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
a) Sonic. I used Falcon for some friendlies though.

b) ...Sonic.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
Southeast (ATL)

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I answer questions in the Sonic boards. I test stuff and make suggestions for them.

and as of me joining the Sonic boards, I'm the only one ever allowed to discover anything for Sonic.

I spam alot and word things so even my spam sounds useful.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Nothing really. Except a Sonic main.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Maybe Metaknight atm. In the future, maybe something concerning the infinites. Performing a standing infinite on a character until 300% takes a considerably long time. It probably should be lowered quite a bit. Probably with much less significance, rules concerning hacks. For example, if there's a suggested codeset/ruleset associated with them. It seems to be the newest rage but that should be left to SFR. Smash FUN room >;/

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
Finishing moves and setups: aka HOW TO KILL WITH SONIC?!
Eh, basic no-DI escapable setups that can be adapted to by the player. More importantly, I found a rough estimate for Sonic's kill moves, with and without DI. One of my first threads in SWF and in Sonic boards. Noone read it. Noone reads it. Even to this day.

Side-B and down-B Mechanics: EXPLAINED! +moar
In mid-May, AFAIK, I'm the first one to have published this information. Sonic's aerial down-B was shield cancellable, and had multi-hit combos attached to it, and a bunch of other useful stuff. Arguably changed the Sonic metagame, or at least gave Sonic players more options. I also broke down the differences between the phases of the special in great detail.
Noone reads it anymore.

Foxtrot and Pivot Moves
Experimental stuff.

Why Sonic Sucks - aka Learn to Player
I tell people to stop saying that Sonic is a good character, that his options are mostly tools that players can use to outplay opponents, but as a character, moveset speaking, and disregarding speed like everyone else does in matchup discussions... sucks. c wut I did thar?

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p

wut is comics.

Vash. Eh shoots gunz for love and peace and is afraid of everything.

Happy now?
quit sending me PM's :urg:


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
i started last year mid December. since i joined this community ive been going to a majority of the tournaments held here in Connecticut.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
my tournament results have gone the following (i wont say the ones i dont find a thread about)

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=158069- here i got 2/40-50 there were only like 7 competitive players there, however

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=1642530 -33rd/65 (getting cort 2nd round and hbk right after johns)

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=182935 -5/49 heavy competition

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=185323 - 3/17

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=183020 - 1/20-23

id say about top 6

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
i have not. i do plan on hosting a big event for next summer though

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
eastcoast, CT

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
i actively play other players from the area also attend tournaments, smashfests, ect.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
im planning on debating my points for strong topics such as SBR tier lists, whether or not metaknight should be banned, stage legality, and all that good stuff. im also writing a ROB guide which will include uses for his moves, hit percentages, character match ups and (hopefully) frame data.
ive been working on a list for each individual character which inform readers on all the % the corresponding characters do. heres what i have so far:
jab fresh: 5% each
foward smash fresh:33%// first hit of the attack 10% second part 23%
down smash fresh:21%// first six hits 2% final hit does 9%
up smash fresh:20%
forward tilt fresh:11%
down tilt fresh: 25%// first hit 14% second hit 11%
up tilt fresh:12%
nuetral b: 1% from far 2% close up per hit
side b:18%
up b: 11% first hit, hard to tell each individual hits due to knock back, let me know and ill up date this.
down b:24% 4% first hit (going up) 20% landing
forward air:11%
nuetral air:13%
back air:15%
downair:23% 8 hits first 7 hits does 3% last hit 2%
up air:17%

Captain Falcon
jab: first hit 3% second 2% third hit 6% the rest 2%
forward smash:19%
down smash:34% (both hits) first hit 18% second hit 16%
up smash:21% first hit 8% second hit 13%
forward tilt:10%
down tilt:10%
neutral b:27%
side b:7%
up b:17% first hit 5% second hit 12%
down b:13%
forward air:19% (sweet spotted) middle part of hit(lenght after its out) 6% last part 3%
nuetral air:10% first hit 4% second 6%
back air:14%
down air:14%
up air:12%

Diddy Kong
jab: first hit 3% second 2% third 2% all others 2%
forward smash:18% first hit 5% second hit 13%
down smash:28% first hit 16% second hit 12%
up smash:16% first hit 5% second hit 5% last hit 6%
forward tilt:11%
down tilt:7%
nuetral b:5%
side b: grab:15% attack 10%
up b:if they are above 20% below 10%
down b: thrown 5% tossed back (pressing down b) 4%
forward air:14%
nuetral air:6%
back air:9%
down air:12%
up air:11%

Donkey Kong
jab:10% first hit 4% second hit 6%
forward smash:20%
down smash:17%
up smash:18%
forward tilt:10%
down tilt:8%
nuetral b:10%
side b:10%
up b:5% first 2 hits after that 4% (cant go further since i didnt have anyone with me to di into it for all the hits)
down b:14% first hit===========^^^^
forward air:16%
nuetral air:11%
back air:13%
down air:16%
up air:14%

this of course is a roughdraft/not complete yet

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
right now the community should have knowledge of the rumored MLG brawl circuit. and information regarding MetaKnight.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
i made a post on useful edgeguarding tactics in the ROB forums, but im no longer subcribed to the thread and it was months back so itll be difficult to find it.

BONUS: spiderman. no big reason really i just watched it alot when i was younger
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