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Smash Back Room Application Thread!

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Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
Louisville Ky.
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases


2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

ROFL who the hell am I kidding?



Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
Kourou, French Guiana
Ok, so Marc told me that since this thread wasn't closed, I'd better post my application even though it's a bit too late.
Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained =p

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
Slhoka and only Slhoka

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Through Smashboards... it's pretty hard to say since I never really used Smashboards as my main way to attend tournaments (I used each country's own boards). But I've been using Smashboards to be aware of what's happening in the smash scene and hosting tournaments, so I'll say since march or april 2007, when I co-hosted ESA1.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
Pretty far from the top. Let's say I'm one of the last advanced players. So yeah, I pretty much suck as a player (which doesn't mean my smash knowledge sucks).

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
- Epita Smash Arena 1 (91 players)
- Epita Smash Arena 2 (231 players)
- Super Lion tournament (35 players)

I never was the only host for these tournaments, but my role was always more than significant, especially fot ESA2, where I did most of the work (though it wasn't enough =/).
I also took part in many tournaments' organization in a more passive way (what I mean is that even though I didn't attend the tournament, I helped the host to prepare the tournament).

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I never attended a Brawl tournament (not yet =p), but I play Bowser, Zelda and Marth.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

France, so Western Europe.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
Well, we can't really see it on Smashboards since the French community has its own forum, but I take part in tournament organisation (I pretty much help hosting every tournament which isn't happening during a anime convention, even though I'm not attending it.), I also help new -and more advanced- players to improve, answering their questions and explaining smash related things. I've contributed to the smashwiki (but I don't do it anymore), and tried to create its French counterpart, though it didn't work. I'm also the current secretary of SSBUP, the french smash players association which helps players hosting tournaments (it helps a lot, especially when it comes to find venues), and I may be its president as soon as next Sunday.
I also try to link players around the world and help people discover the other smash scenes even though there's the language barrier.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
If I had to say something which I think the SBR hasn't enough of, I'd say a european (not to say french) point of view. It's not like I think the european smash community is better than the others (far from it), but I think all the smash communities are different, which is an excellent thing when it comes to discussing how to make all these communities better.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future ?

According to me, the SBR must find a way to unite the Melee and Brawl communities, because we don't really have one community but more than one, at the moment. The SBR has to make its best to encourage unity whithin the smash games (including SSB64).
The SBR should also follow very closely Brawl's competitive ruleset, due to the current evolution of the game.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

A short response to people saying Ohana should be a Melee only tournament.
My point of view about Tonberry's experiments for a "justice rule" at SR4.
My anwsers and apologies for ESA2, a really big tournament where there were so many problems.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p

Armand Reynal de Maupertuis, which you don't know since he's the character of a french comic book called De Cape et de Crocs. I don't read american comics and do not have any particular manga character I like. so I can't find a character you know, sorry =p


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
You and EVERYONE IN FROM NIAGARA had that notion. I can't say I blame you, but at least you didn't think my name was Slig. Kudos on understanding the differences between q and g.
I remember that, that was tooo funny. I was like the only one calling you "slick" Everyone was honestly just doing it as a joke to fawk with you.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Based on a quick count...
132 applications + 3 late applications

And they'll only accept 5-10/135...hope everyone enjoys the 3.7%-7.4% chance of getting in. Apparently this was way more competitive that I would have guessed. It's actually really good for the SBR though, plenty to choose from...as well as plenty of time to burn through deciding. :laugh:


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2006
On top of Milktea
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Since I joined this site.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
Depends on how big it is and who's there. I guess I usually finish top 10 in large locals and in all the nationals I've been to I've made it into brackets.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
Yes, my first tournament ever was hosted by me. 25 people went, and it was advertised in Regional Zones because I was a silly little scrub.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
Link, MK, Snake, Falco and Zelda (teams). I'm an expert on Link I guess.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
New England, formally known as the "best region".

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I go to tons of tournaments, just went to 3 in a row so I missed the deadline. If you check out my posts you'll see how I improve the community.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Everything it's missing and more.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Metaknight. In the future probably more stage related stuff. Melee is still having stage disputes so Brawl will too.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
Ask Skler about Link

New Link recovery Technique

Skler talks about the boomerang and love

Skler explains why the EC is good against Link

Skler is a Blade Breaker

I do believe that is everything.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
The Smash Back Room is looking for 5-10 new members who can contribute regularly and intelligently to our discussions and decision-making process. As the community continues to grow, it is vitally important that the best minds come together and help shape the direction of the tournament scene. So we're looking for the brightest and the best new members to help our committee of leaders steer things in the right direction.

READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY! Failure to follow the application format will result in you being disqualified.

To apply, please post in this thread with the following information:

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p

Once you fill out this application and post it here in the thread, the current members of the SBR will review all applications and select the best applicants for membership. So your best chance of being admitted is to fill this out completely and carefully and to already be a contributing member to the community. However, you do not NEED to have run a tournament or placed in the top 8 at a major tournament to become a member. Those details just help us make an informed decision about your abilities and level of involvement.

If you don't get in this time, take this as an opportunity to get better involved in the community and then reapply next time. We generally do these applications twice a year, so you'll have some time between now and the next one to make an impact and earn your spot.

DEADLINE for applications is Tuesday, Oct 21st at 11:59pm EST. Any applications in after that deadline will not be considered!

Thanks for your interest and best of luck!

Ack, I did not see the deadline and was up till 2 AM finishing schoolwork last night. Darn uni. I'm sorry. I know I'm submitting this late, but maybe it'll still be considered. Or perhaps not. My own fault.

1. Praxis.

2. Since February 2008. Yes, I realize I am technically a "Brawl noob". However, I've been studying the smash scene, and competitive scenes very heavily, read Sirlin's writings, and associate with more than a couple of BRoomers, and feel that I can contribute as much as most longtime members.

3. On average, usually around 9th/40. There have been a few anomalous really good days, such as 2nd of 250. I attend nearly every Brawl tournament in Washington state.

4. Not yet. I am, however, involved in the hosting of a major regional tournament scheduled for January 2009, which current has over 120 pre-registered attendees, including DSF, a NorCal crew, and SK92.

5. I am a Peach purist in tournaments, though I dabble in other characters. I simply find that I do better learning to overcome my bad matchups than I do counterpicking.

6. West Coast, eastern Washington state.

7. I am a member of the WA PR committee, and am actively involved in the local scene, attending and bringing a TV and Wii to almost every tournament and assisting in the planning of any tournament that will help bring new people in.

8. A fresh outlook, well written discussions, and awesomeness?

9. The Metaknight issue is dangerous and potentially community-splitting.

10. I think this one stands out the most to me...

Also: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5616274#post5616274

I'm also one of the most active posters in the Peach boards.

Tough. My top three would be:

1) Deadpool. He's hilarious. And he can see his own thought balloons.

2) Spider-Man, prior to the Joe Quesada run. Or even better, the Ultimate Spider-Man spinoff. He's just so relatable as the nerd. :)

3) Squirrel Girl, because she's awesome and defeated Dr. Doom with an army of squirrels.

Again, sorry for the timing, and thanks for any consideration!

EDIT: Does having Charles Martinet's personal cell phone number and having met Shigeru Miyamoto do anything for me? xD


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2008
Running for my life in the forests of Eelong
Ack, I did not see the deadline and was up till 2 AM finishing schoolwork last night. Darn uni. I'm sorry. I know I'm submitting this late, but maybe it'll still be considered. Or perhaps not. My own fault.

1. Praxis.

2. Since February 2008. Yes, I realize I am technically a "Brawl noob". However, I've been studying the smash scene, and competitive scenes very heavily, read Sirlin's writings, and associate with more than a couple of BRoomers, and feel that I can contribute as much as most longtime members.

3. On average, usually around 9th/40. There have been a few anomalous really good days, such as 2nd of 250. I attend nearly every Brawl tournament in Washington state.

4. Not yet. I am, however, involved in the hosting of a major regional tournament scheduled for January 2009, which current has over 120 pre-registered attendees, including DSF, a NorCal crew, and SK92.

5. I am a Peach purist in tournaments, though I dabble in other characters. I simply find that I do better learning to overcome my bad matchups than I do counterpicking.

6. West Coast, eastern Washington state.

7. I am a member of the WA PR committee, and am actively involved in the local scene, attending and bringing a TV and Wii to almost every tournament and assisting in the planning of any tournament that will help bring new people in.

8. A fresh outlook, well written discussions, and awesomeness?

9. The Metaknight issue is dangerous and potentially community-splitting.

10. I think this one stands out the most to me...

Also: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5616274#post5616274

I'm also one of the most active posters in the Peach boards.

Tough. My top three would be:

1) Deadpool. He's hilarious. And he can see his own thought balloons.

2) Spider-Man, prior to the Joe Quesada run. Or even better, the Ultimate Spider-Man spinoff. He's just so relatable as the nerd. :)

3) Squirrel Girl, because she's awesome and defeated Dr. Doom with an army of squirrels.

Again, sorry for the timing, and thanks for any consideration!
... Nomination:ohwell:


Smash Journeyman
Aug 19, 2008
Well there's a tree... and.... uh i see a car... a
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
At tourneys i am refferd to as Da Ryry for my epic skill

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Since i joined about. 3 months

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
1st (Thats right)

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
Yes about 15 people came.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I condier my self a Wolf and Wario master.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
NJ area

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I can build on topics and get involved in important issues.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I expect to add a lot of information i have been playing Smsah Bros since the first day it was released and know a lot about it.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
The tier list, whether Meta Knight should be banned or not, and many others

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

Bonus Question:

Spider-Man he just rules so much it amazes me


Smash Lord
Feb 8, 2008
ventura county CA
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
since april '08

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
usually around the 7th-13th range

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
I've hosted a few local events, helped host a regional, and I am starting the biweeklies in my area this weekend

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I use dk, and I know a lot about dk, with a decent amount of knowledge on luigi, bowser, ness, and wario

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
Pac west, socal to be specific

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I go out of my way to start the local smash scene, which is currently small in my immediate area. I host local events and try to get people rides to most of the other tournaments (since everythings about an hour away minimum)

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
Knowledge on certain characters, because I'm one of the few people that have testing things with dk since release. I can also serve as a bridge to allisbrawl, since I'm very active and well known on that site

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Tier list, Metaknight (who i personally do not think should be banned)

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
well i currently run the donkey kong matchup thread, so http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=193883

and my favorite hero is gambit from xmen


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch
kay, close this lol. maybe they havent yet because they're going to post on who was accepted or something? seriously guys tho, deadline is over.

smash superstar

Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2005
Taylorville, IL
well since other people are posting in late...I might as well put mine on here since its already made out.
Just to see what kind of opinion they have on me =)
1. smash superstar/ T~rAv
2. Around a year
3. Anywhere from near top to mid area.
4. Yes. I have hosted two small local tournaments. Both had somewhere between 15 to 20 people. There was one for Melee and one for Brawl.
5. I use Pit or Wario most of the time. I also sometimes play Fox or Marth. For the fun of it I may play Sonic as well.
6. The Midwest, IL to be exact.
7. A few of my close friends basically made Smash bros in my old hometown. Before we started getting people to play it everyone thought the game series was dumb. I have been very open to hosting my own tournaments, it just gets hard to find venues in my area.
8. I hope to be able to add the opinion of the people, kind of like me, that do not have their name out there yet, but can hold their own in smash bros.
9. I think a big one is the hacking going on in Brawl to make it basically Melee 2.0. I really think this is something to look into, since it basically makes it an all new game.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=195198 (going from Brawl to melee)

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=200320 (if tournaments approved hacks)
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=195200 (gathering scahumburg il area smashers)
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=162885 (hosting my own tournament)
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=172928 ( adding my funny excuses)
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=157162 ( took over the tournament when the host left)
putting in my two cents about religion)

For bonus points!:
My favorite super hero, is not your "traditional" super hero. Mine is the blue blur himself, Sonic the Hedgehog. Even though I do not agree with the route sega and sonic team have taken for my favorite blue animal, I still hold Sonic as one of my favorite characters of all time. Ever since the very first game long long ago, I have been a Sonic freak. From the comics to the cloths I had it all. Of course my fanboy like for the hedgehog has died down a lot now that I am older. He will still remain one of my favorite heros, just because he is so differnt. With his differnt look and color for a hedgehog, to his style and speed. He will remain a favorite to me!


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
i wonder if ill make it in? with only a 3% chance the odds are as against me like 3 MKs vs. Fox...
My little math statistic a few posts back was a joke. This isn't a lottery. They aren't just randomly picking 5-10 out of the 135 applications. They're picking the best 5-10. If you really are wondering if you're getting in or not, start at the beginning of the thread and starting looking at the applications. Once you run past 10 who are more qualified than you are, stop and realize you aren't getting in. If you get through all of them and can't find that many people more qualified than you, then you're probably in.

It's that simple.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2005
Small hole, looks nice though~
i saw probobly about 7 or 8 that looked way more qualified than me, still its not like anyone is guaranteed a spot so i wont lost hope...or at least i shouldn't, in the end even if i didint get in this time I could work harder to getting in next time...

also, lol3MKsvsFox


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
1. Smashboards name/common tournament aliases.

Sadaharu Inui, but I enter as just Inui.

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

Since my join date, basically. My first tournament was in November of 2005 in NYC.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

I'm a top player. My medal case on AllIsBrawl is proof of that. I've taken sets from Bum, Atomsk, dmbrandon, Hylian, Velocity, NinjaLink, teh_spamerer, Keitaro, AlphaZealot, Shadow, Snakeee, BlackWaltz, and many other good players. I won a major tournament in Ohio just last weekend and won teams three times in a row recently, beating NinjaLink and Bum twice.

I'm currently ranked 4th in a very strong state, NJ. We do have Mew2King, afterall, so being 1st is basically impossible for the rest of us.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

I host the largest events in NJ. Our last event had 71 players. I'm a certified host on AllIsBrawl and considered one of the best hosts in my region at this point. My events are praised for being run smoothly and being comfortable. I actually started hosting way back in early 2006 for Melee. My dad works at a hotel that I get to use as a venue. In the link to my AiB medal case, a lot of those tournaments were hosted by me. Montage events, Enemy Controller Events, and the Princeton Smashfest series to be specific, as well as three online events.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

I'm a Meta Knight, but I used to do really well with Marth, Pit, Snake, and Dedede as well. I frequently use those characters but I now use only Meta Knight in tournament sets.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

Atlantic North.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I host events very frequently, often two per month. This gives my region an awesome place to play very often. I organize my crew and help keep us strong and active. I'm a top player in my region and contribute to the growth of the game.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

Another opinionated voice! In all seriousness, I hope to help fix a lot of the problems I see, which are listed in the answer to the next question.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

-Squash the "omg we suck and can't beat Meta Knight, so let's ban him" nonsense.
-Release a better standard ruleset that doesn't include a large amount of CLEARLY bannable stages that most hosts ban anyways.
-Make a better tier list that actually seems to have some grasp of the concept of ratios of bad matches to good matches.

I'm not trying to insult the SBR, but...come on, guys. I know you can do a lot better.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

This question is a bit hard to answer because finding specific posts to link to isn't that easy. Most of my posts are in Atlantic North and tournament boards with regards to tournaments and my community, not so much informational stuff and character discussion things that one would use in this section.

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?

Definitely going with Batman. Winning all the time with no superpowers = awesome.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Closed. Thanks for applying. The SBR will be reviewing applications and admitting members over the next few weeks. Do not PM me to ask if you got in. If you are accepted, we will PM you. Thanks.
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