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Smash Back Room Application Thread!

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Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2005
Small hole, looks nice though~
hmm....ill give it a go! Im only semi confident that I may even be considered but if i dont try ill never know huh?:

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Somewhat shortly after joining Smashboards when Vicko introduced me to VegasSmash
3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
I cant really come up with a avrage rank but my higest placing was in a Top-8
4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
No, Not yet but i do plan on doing one
5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?Fox, some Ice Climbers,and Doc and Roy in Melee

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
West Coast ftw!(Las Vegas, NV)
7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I read alot, From stratgetys to techniques and matchups aswell, whenever i get human practice,i input all that ive read and experiment
8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I want to use my vast amount of resources and knowledge to prove than i have what it takes to become a part of the SBR.
9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
Right now, theres has been alot of debate over various things like introducing hacks to tourneys and the though to make them legal, i feel it it indeed something worth looking into even if it dosent fully develop into standard or not in the future.
10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
Ice Climbers Matchup Thread
More from IC matchups thread
Some stuff from Stage Legality Disscussion
I guess those are good,im sure i have more but these are somewhat more recent
EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?
The Flash, I guess its the speed thing, and i also like his personality...i guess


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
zaf, which i have always gone by.

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

Since this summer.
I have only been here since brawl.
There are not that many tournaments to attend in Quebec.
But the ones i go to , i make sure they count.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

Usually make it out of pools and into brackets, from there about mid.
I've improved since then and expect to be placing much higher.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

None, but one is expected to be held by me in January.
but I actually organize the tournaments at the Montreal weeklies.
Which are the $2 tournies and the leaderboard tourney.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

Game and watch/Meta knight.

I am highly skilled with my characters, but i am not an expert with them. There is always more to learn about characters while in such an early stage of the brawl metagame. More things are being discovered every day.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

I am from East Coast Canada. Montreal, Quebec.
I often play with the broomer chesterr01

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I have never missed a weekly since they have started, and always host and attend smashfests. I play pretty reguarly. I help improve the community by playing with everyone, so they can learn match ups, and so that I can as well. When i see mistakes from players i try and help them to improve.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

Anything and everything.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

-The mk ban/leave debate.
-The issue of the hacks.
-High level game play and how characters should be played.
A lot of characters are being over looked and need to be better studied.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

I mostly used to help develop toon link. I posted a lot in that forum. On how to play the character, match ups, at discussion and etc. I speak with Santi a lot on aim, we discuss many things with toon link. He usually gathers our conversations and posts them. He told me, that there are only a handful of us toon players who actually understand the character.


Favorite Super hero and why:

I grew up watching him, and I have always wanted to be like him. To have the powers that he had, to have the strength that he had. Not only the physical strength but the mental strength. The catch phrase " with great power, comes great responsibility" has forever been something that has been a part of my life.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2008
Victoria, B.C.
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
1. Liverymen/Liverymen

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
2. Since Brawl's release (March)

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
3. Worst I've ever gotten is fifth, best is second. I've been to about 10 since brawl release (about one every 3 weeks or so). The tourneys have had anywhere from 15-45 entrants with many familiar names showing up (Eggz, Superboom, Hitsugaya, Dieslow, Clouderz)

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
4. I run the University of Victoria (UVic for short) Smash club, which means I organize the meetings of the UVic/victoria smash community. We get around 15-20 people at our weekly sessions. Soon to be upped to around 30 ish when we feel we have enough setups. We'll be having large one-day tourneys starting in a month or so once we've gotten enough experience hosting enough mini tourneys within our group. Other than that I've taken over a few fanboy/fangirl run tourneys at anime cons because they didn't have any clue what they were doing.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
5. Olimar is what I'm known for in the Western Canada tourneys. Mostly Olimar because he stood a chance against MK (since west coast canada tourneys are about 50% MK) when MK became big, and I could beat all MKs in tourney aside from one (Clouderz) but couldn't handle snakes (Olimar's Fsmash is destroyed by snakes ftilt, and olimar's grab does not trade hits with opponent's hits like other character's do, but instead Olimar loses.... so any of my slow moving grabs only needed a snake ftilt to be beaten...). So I'm exploring other options at the moment. Currently DK, which, for me, revolves around his cargo grab into edgeguarding game (which is one of the best in the game) to constantly be at an advantageous position, and wario who's able to pressure/punish opponents in bad situations well because of his mobility/awesome air chase game (unlike other less mobile characters who are more restricted) and D3 for obvious snake reasons.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
6. West Coast of Canada... meaning Hitsugaya, Dieslow, Clouderz, Superboom etc and visitors like Eggz, DJ-C and SilentWolf if they decide to actually show up!!

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
7. Once again I run the UVic smash club. I'm always trying to promote a competitive practice scene for all the members and give everyone info on how they, too, can travel to the tourneys that I've been to so often. I even drive people to the SFU tourneys when I can.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
8. Firstly I can provide a voice for how BC handles competitive smash. I can voice my own thoughts on high level brawl play since I compete with top players. I have extensive knowledge of the characters that I do play and knowledge on how to handle fights against certain characters that I face in tourneys often. I spend wayyyyyyy too much time thinking about this **** game so my opinions are always well thought out/slept on/thought out more/left open to see if anything changes/slept on some more and I for some reaon I try to keep an open mind... though changing my opinions is usually difficult since I spend a lot of time developing them. Opinions are from experience and competitive brawl players have all had very similar experiences since the game is a bit on the shallow side (not that that's slowing me down, I'm still trying to find new ways to make certain matchups viable and overcome certain tactics).

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
9. The obvious controversial MK situation... which is impacting nearly all brawl tourney scenes including the one I'm part of. Brawl's competitive future is going to be greatly affected by the progression of this topic. I've looked at both ends of the argument many, many times even after forming my own opinion on the situation, but I haven't posted it in detail, since although there are only a few sides to the argument, there are so many angles to look at it from, and also I've spent more time discussing it with BC players than posting it online >.>. It's an enormous deal that will greatly effect the brawl metagame and I honestly find the outcome rather exciting. I've got a pretty one-sided view of the idea of modded brawl tourneys, not getting into that in this topic either. Whatever the situation I'm always up for trying to be the best player I can be in whatever situation is present to make and break certain strategies and help advance brawl's metagame.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
Lol, honestly I don't post in the public forums often enough becuase posts are far too easily overlooked there unless your name is in a colour that isn't yellow >.> *cough cough*. I've been part of large forum communities before so I know that new members aren't taken all too seriously (though I've been around since melee, just not on the boards).
I've posted a few things though, nothing too important or detailed due to the reasons above:
lawl facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=8482617617#/group.php?gid=8482617617

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p
Captain commando is super hero enough for me. Anyone who's name announces that they're wearing no underwear... although freaky is... wait no... just freaky @_@!


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch
if i edit mine, will it still be read as edited? or preedited? i'm asking this because i thought of something i should add but i dont know whether to just edit it in to that previous post.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
1. Meta-Kirby

2. About a year now.

3. I usually finish towards the middle of the pack. Best I have ever done is 4th in a Ness/Lucas Tournament.

4. No, I have never hosted an "in-person" tournament.

5. I used Captain Olimar, Fox, and Lucario for tournaments. "Expert" is a really vague term, but I consider myself knowledgeable on Lucario and Captain Olimar.

6. I'm from the East Coast. I live in North Carolina.

7. The way I participate in my community is not defined by any one thing, but more so a combination of many other things. If you've ever been to the Poke Center forum, you could see that I'm part of a spriting shop called "The Custom Pokemon Shop". People request sprites for me and the other workers to make, and we make them. I think it's important to fulfill the needs of the community rather than yourself first. I also contribute greatly to forum disputes (although I usually avoid the Melee vs. Brawl threads), provide tournament feedback, and take part in Brawl studies for the greater good.

8. I expect to add some sort of voice for the people who may not be the strongest person in the tournament scene, but someone who longs to get better at the game. I don't conform easily to other's opinions, and I can easily argue my side if need be. High level tournament play is not nearly the only form of Brawl tournament players, and I hope to represent those who may not be able to make it to those types of tournaments, but also have experience with many characters and match-ups.

9. There are a multitude of issues that the Smash Back Room is either undecided on or has not addressed yet. For one, the ban on Meta-Knight. There is such an overwhelming plethora of information on both sides of the argument that it has gotten to the point where we can't say/do anything until the SBR makes a decision. Other important things that need to be addressed, reworked, or established by the Smash Back Room include the Competitive Tier List (obviously, it will change, I presume), Explanation of tier list standings, the definetions of stalling and/or pronlonging the game to an unreasonable extent, and/or a tutoring or mentoring program that can help people who may not have the biggest grasp on the overall mechanics and mindgames of the game just yet.

10. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5560638#post5560638 (My first tournament using Fox, and an overall synopsis of the event).
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5490873#post5490873 (A post in the Meta-Knight ban thread indicating some rules that every person that tries to argue one way or another needs to know)
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5490813#post5490813 (The rules that I posted pertaining to the link above)
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5469392#post5469392 (A post in the 2008 Election Thread, I was pretty frustrated that day :p)
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=170052 (The Custom Pokemon Shop, run by FirustheHedgehog and Spire III. It's a great place that shows my dedication and commitment to the community in other ways besides tournament placings).
http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=4697425&postcount=641 (My sprite page, showing the multitude of sprites I have created for many, many people.)

BONUS: Hmm, I'd have to say my favorite comic book character is Hobbes from Calvin and Hobbes. I know, I know, he doesn't have any superpowers or anything, but his witty comments and overall outlook on life always make my day. Calvin and Hobbes is the epitome of a great comic book series, and I think that in itself makes for a good character :D


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
if i edit mine, will it still be read as edited? or preedited? i'm asking this because i thought of something i should add but i dont know whether to just edit it in to that previous post.
We're going through them all after the deadline has passed; as long as you edit it before then.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
DEADLINE for applications is Tuesday, Oct 21st at 11:59pm EST. Any applications in after that deadline will not be considered


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
My application for the SBR:

1. I go by ZMan or Z~Mangz

2. Thanks to smashboards I've been going to smash tournaments since November of 2005 :bee:

3. I'm super inconsistant. I wither place in the top 5 or near the bottom, but more recently near the bottom :urg:

4. I've never hosted a tournament, ever. :(

5. I was a Lucas purist from Febuary till around the first weekend of October. Then I mained GAW/Luigi/Wario with no sucess. Now it's back to Lucas and now Sonic (:cry: ) for me. I'm knowledgable in the ways of Lucas and I'm starting to learn Sonic more and more.

6. Southwest/New Mexico baybee! :bee:

7. I almost always go to tournaments and smashfests whehever they happen here. I do my best to help new players learn their counter picks and give them strats to improve their game. I also occasionaly assist TO run the tournament if needed. Plus without me no one in NM would have anyone to laugh at :laugh:

8. Give NM some representation in the SBR while gaining NM more respect and give voices to characters that have no or few mainers in the SBR (like Lucas and Sonic).

9. Banning of MK is on everybody's mind, tier list might need some working one, and perhaps re-evaluate the tournament ruleset for brawl. But the possible banning of MK is an issue that really needs to be decided. Also the debate of having modded Wiis as a tourny standard and banning ledge stalling could be major issues that need to be discussed thoroughly.

10. Some threads you might like to see are:
Index of Imporatnt Lucas threads to help n00bs manuver around the Lucas boards.
The old Lucas tourny placing thread.
My ignored Lucas Guide Peekay Bay Bay. Kinda old but theres some good **** in there somewhere.
Some Lucas counter picking ideas. Alas, it was ignored too. :(
My super cool Lucas Q&A thread. I kinda feel like the Weegee of the Lucas boards in the fact that I post some good **** but everyone ignores it.

Cool points: My favorite comic book character is proabably Magneto from the X-Men. I think these two vids prove my point on why he's my favorite :laugh:

Now I'm submitting it.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
1. Santi

2. I started attending tournaments during the fall of '06, but I only went to a few Melee tournaments, but since Brawl came out I've been able to go to a couple tournaments every month since the release in America.

3. Lately, I've been placing top 20. Lower than top 20 was at HOBO 10 where I placed 25th place.

4. I've never hosted a real life tournament. I live in a small town where our smash community consists of 3 players and we live atleast 3 hours from any major city.

5. I consider myself an expert with Toon Link, I'm probably one of the best Toon's on this side of the hemisphere and when I go out in public women flock to me and ask for my autograph and tell me how I'm Toon Nasty

6. Texas

7.I'm very active in the Toon Link boards and I'm always sharing my ideas and contributing to important discussions. I reply to all my messages from people asking for advice whether it be on combos, setups, or general character matchups. I try to better my character and advance it's metagame and I relay what I learn to my community.

8. My educated and unbiased opinion on matters being discussed. I'm usually at a neutral stance and don't take sides until I've heard both sides of the argument and have given the subject a lot of thought. I'm fair and I want what's best for the game and the community . I'm willing to fight for the right thing and put in the time needed to see that it gets done.

9. I think the Ruleset needs to be refined. Ofcourse the Meta Knight ban is an immensly important issue with Brawl's competive future. And I think the teir list needs to be adjusted quite a bit with certain characters evolving over the past couple months.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.



EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?
My favorite superhero would probably have to be........

Spiderman or Hylian.
Oct 20, 2008
Not here.
Tch. No offense guys, but who'd want to be part of the smash back room? I know, its cool and all, but I don't like being "Up there." I like challenges, and who really gets to vs the famous (more like infamous) smash back room? Did i mention i'd like to take em on? Ignore the noob thing. I'm a noob to the site, not the game.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
When is the deadline if I am ask.
I have no clue how I did not see that. But thanks
Cuz' your dumb. [/IRONY]
aren't we all.
there was a decent amount of text so uh it shouldnt be hard to miss it
he is ask
this is kinda dumb
Tch. No offense guys, but who'd want to be part of the smash back room? I know, its cool and all, but I don't like being "Up there." I like challenges, and who really gets to vs the famous (more like infamous) smash back room? Did i mention i'd like to take em on? Ignore the noob thing. I'm a noob to the site, not the game.







Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
1. Daimonster/d4bA

2. Beginning of March 2008.

3. Top 3

4. In the process of hosting a large TX tournament in Dallas.

5. MK/Snake/Falco. Metaknight

6. Texas

7. I'm a very strong fighter in multiple platforms. My knowledge of basic and advanced fighter strategy allows me to help other players in the community. I actively target players in the community and try to break down their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, I try to point out their most glaring leaks in their game.

8. My ideas revolving the SBR ruleset should provoke discussion and lead SSBB's metagame in a positive direction.

9. Currently, the effect of MK and ledge-hogging in the tournament scene is a major issue. In the future, revamping the counterpick system seems necessary.

10. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5558086#post5558086
Standard discussion.

Bonus games: The Punisher. He has very limited super powers in comparison to other superheroes and still kicks that ***.


Smash Cadet
Aug 15, 2007
1. Kasht

2. I have attended tournaments since 2004, including 3 EVOs, 4 Final Rounds, FAST1, etc. I have attended over 100 tournaments (non-Smash) since 1999, as a Tekken player, 39 of those tournaments in 2005.

3. I have not participated in Smash tournaments, but if we talk Tekken 5, I would place Top 10 in every major, and I'm ranked among the top 3 Julia Chang players in the US, with international experience as well.

4. That's my thing. I currently own SmashPR.com, which is the online community in Puerto Rico. I have ran 6 events in the last year, including the following:

Kaisen 4 (63 people - 8-8 man pools) - http://www.smashpr.com/forums/showthread.php?t=829
The Return (34 people - double elim) - http://www.smashpr.com/forums/showthread.php?t=924
BFE Finals (36 people - double elim) - http://www.smashpr.com/forums/showthread.php?t=715
BFE South (40 people - double elim) - http://www.smashpr.com/forums/showthread.php?t=654
BFE East (29 people - double elim) - http://www.smashpr.com/forums/showthread.php?t=610
BFE West (77 people - double elim) - http://www.smashpr.com/forums/showthread.php?t=550

I have also hosted many other tournaments for other games, but those 6 are the ones that have had Smash.

5. Haven't participated in one yet, but if I were to participate in a Brawl tournament, my best characters would be ROB and Peach.

6. I currently live in Raleigh, North Carolina, but travel to Puerto Rico every 1 or 2 months to run an event, and sponsor players from PR to attend events here in the US (EVO2K8, FAST1, etc...)

7. I am the founder and Admin of SmashPR, the online community for Smash players in Puerto Rico, which consists of 432 members.

8. I have a lot of input from the community not only in Puerto Rico, but other countries in Latin America, including Central and South America, and the Caribbean. There are many debates on rulesets, tiers, characters, etc where it would perhaps be really beneficial to see the point of view of other countries in the world.

9. There are a few issues that need to be addressed, starting with the Metaknight ban/no ban controversy. I am part of the Soul Calibur 4 Nationals staff and we are currently undergoing a similar situation with Algol, and the game has only be out a little over 2 months. A definite decision needs to be made and the topic should be put to rest once it is made. Also, with the MLG adquisition, things need to be reviewed for consistency if for example, SSBB gets incorporated into their circuit. I am familiar with GameBattles and sponsor 2 teams and a few players from Puerto Rico for SSBB, and even though the ruleset used is based on the SBR ruleset, there hasn't been a definite ruleset established. Lastly, the SBR is the voice and vote for the ENTIRE Smashboards community. Even though the decision making process is mostly based on the SBR input, it is imperative that different approaches are taken in order to study the community's sentiment over an issue, a stage, etc. This is a community of 132,000+ players, and the key to keeping a community running is to listen to all of them.

10. Unfortunately, I don't have too many posts in Smashboards. I try to get one of my sponsored players (Lord HDL) to be the voice in my case. As I described in item 9, sometimes it is difficult for "newcomers" to get their voice out and be heard, specially in a community this big. I can help the SBR with this. :)

BONUS QUESTION!: LOL, to be honest, nothing came to my head except for Spiderman. I just had a recent encounter with a Black Widow nest in my backyard, so I guess I'm scarred for life! Those things are scary, you really don't wanna mess with them!


Smash Hero
May 27, 2006
Wichita, KS
I consider myself an expert with Toon Link, I'm probably one of the best Toon's on this side of the hemisphere and when I go out in public women flock to me and ask for my autograph and advice on the Meta Knight matchup.



Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
I just want to say... a lot of people that are posting here aren't entirely truthful in their success or their pedigree in the community. I'm sure SBR is aware of this but some of this stuff is ridiculous..


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I just want to say... a lot of people that are posting here aren't entirely truthful in their success or their pedigree in the community. I'm sure SBR is aware of this but some of this stuff is ridiculous..
Yeah. We know.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
1. My Smashboards and tournament user alias is Ulevo.

2. I have been effectively active in the tournament scene since the summer of 2008. I was previously unable to attend tournaments prior to then because of my location and costs to travel.

3. My placement in tournaments is sparatic, and not impressive due to my lack of previous tournament experience and ability to attend tournaments. I placed 13th at T9 in the GTA with an attendance of rougly 40 - 60 players, while at GOML I was tied for last amongst the rest after losing to Niko K with an attendance of roughly 60 players. I did do very well in my pools during that same tournament however, winning 2-0 in all my matches excluding two. I also placed 1st in a local tournament me and another SWF member hosted in my town, 2-0 and 3-0 each set. I plan to attend future tournaments in Niagara and GTA, despite having to pay through the nose for it.

4. As I stated in #3, a friend and I hosted a tournament at a local supermarket with an attendance of 14 people to jump start the Smash community in my town.

5. My main characters I use and train with for tournaments are Marth, Meta Knight, Falco, and Dedede. Marth and Meta Knight have had the most tournament usage. A character I would consider myself an expert in with would most definitely be Marth.

6. I lived in a small town called Midland, roughly two hours away from Toronto, during the time I had attended my previous three tournaments. I now reside in a town further north, Gravenhurst. The smash community I would be associated with the most would be the GTA in that respect.

7. When I lived in the town of Midland, I was responsible for gathering Smash players in the area, as well as improving them, to properly form a small competitive scene. I trained most of the players in that location, teaching the simple basics and complex advance tactics of Brawl, as well as informing them of the rules and regulations around the competitive scene of Smash.

8. I know that as a member of SBR I could add a valuable, analytical, and decisive mind set for proper decision making and effective discussion. I am very constructive and thorough in my way of thinking, and consider every detail when presented with an idea or topic at hand. I also enjoy thoroughly studying the different specifics of Smash, and how I can use the knowledge I gain through testing ideas to improve the overall community and its evolution. Evidence of this is present in the threads I have composed, from character guides to attack lists. I am very optimistic on the idea that I could use my ideas and findings to aid, as well as improve, the Smash community as a whole.

9. The most obvious and important concern that needs to be addressed presently is the issue around the potential ban of Meta Knight, including the effects on the tournament scene in the future regarding that decision. Other ideas I believe will become increasingly important is the topic of hacks and modifications for Brawl, considering the path some of the present community members have taken to make an alternate Brawl a reality.

10. Emblem Dedication: A Competitive Marth Guide ~ - A guide I composed to improve myself and other Marth players through the constant gathering of information within the Marth community. I am due to update it in the very near future.

Anti-Tornado Attack List ~ - My productive response to complaints about Meta Knights Mach Tornado, and the overwhelming priority it has.

Official Chain Grab List ~ - A list I compiled of which characters in Brawl were capable of Chain Grabs, and later, Release Grabs.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Only Marth and PK Trainer can infinite Grab Ness! ~ - An example of how my knowledge and test results have helped to improve and aid the community in a specific circumstance or situation. There is also a counter thread to this for Lucas as well.

Attention All Wario Users: Don't Get Grabbed! ~ - My test results on Release Grabs lead to the handicap of Wario players everywhere. Another example of my actions being used in an attempt to inform and grow.

Using Aerials For Recovery ~ - A thread I created to address the issue of using aerials for better recovery, thus improving the overall lifespan of a players ability to live in battle.

Bonus: My favorite comic book super hero is The Flash. Reason being is because all his moves start up on frame 1, he has Tornado, all of his attacks are completely lagless, he has the fastest running speed, plus his Dash Attack is amazing. :p


Smash Cadet
Oct 18, 2008
Where do YOU live?
1. _Chrono/CR

2. Just recently joined here but I played in tournaments hosted on GameFAQS.

3. Not many tournaments in St. Pete. Usually get top 4 with marth, top 10 with sheik

4. No.

5. Marth and sheik. I actually know more about lucas than any other character but I hate using him now. But I have tons of playing hours with marth.

6. I live in St. Pete which is about 30 minutes from Tampa bay. AKA, the middle of the east coast of florida.

7. Try to convince people how competitive brawl is. People underrate it way too much sometimes.

8. A gamers idea that is legit and is not biased.

9. Meta knight of course, but right now i'm mostly focusing on stages such as which are starters, which are counters, which are banned. I love the stages.

10. Haven't been affiliated here for more than a week. I posted somewhat alot on gameFAQS. At the time mostly explaining how competitive brawl is and how tiers obviously exist. My cousin posted alot of ASCII's in a topic when I forgot to logout one day and got me banned though. I think all my topics have purged by now.

BONUS. Isai is crazy awsome. The way he 6 stocked people in SSB is what made me get into competitive smash. I don't care if he isn't in comic books or movies.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 12, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
1. WilldaBeast

2. About 6 months

3.Sixth to Twelfth usually

4.One Smashfest. about 15-17 people attended. Not a big deal, mostly with my friends but a couple of people did attend. Mostly to show people that Ottawa does have a smash community.

5. I am competent King Dedede player, who seconds Wolf and Experiments with Bowser.

6.I am from southern Ontario, Ottawa to be specific.

7.I do my best to debate and put my ideas out into the community so maybe they can be taken word for word or possibly be built off of.

8. I want to provide my unique way of thinking to the SBR. I might be a little bit strange, but I think that my way of thinking will open up new paths to opportunity. People will most likely not understand how I think but the people who do think I have great ideas, and I believe the back room will be a perfect outlets for these ideas.

9.Right now, the banning of Metaknight seems to be a pressing issue, also helping with the tier lists is an obvious point of discussion. I think the potentiality of releasing patches for Brawl will be an interesting thing to discusss.



All of my posts form both pages. It is not much but it proves itself.

11. I choose Youko. He's pretty badass :p

But seriously, I'll go with Wolverine, he is dominating, angry and unforgiving. Also, he's Canadian, which I always liked.

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
Two years and four months.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.
I have not hosted a tournament but I have hosted a Smashfest at my University. There was a blizzard the night before that stopped some people from coming, but we still had about 15 smashers.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
I use Wario and G&W in brawl tournaments. I consider myself a Wario expert. I am no Futile, but I have contributed heavily to the Wario community since Brawl's release.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
Midwest: Minnesota/Wisconsin (we have adopted South Dakota as well)

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I am one of the biggest recruiters of smashers to the Minnesota Smash Forum, a large forum where Minnesota smashers (and often smashers from other regions as well) gather and discuss a wide variety of topics not limited to just Smash. The MNSmash Forum currently has 294 registered members, and a total of 18,796 posts.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
I plan to contribute to any discussions about Wario, his matchups and fighting vs him, and I would also like to represent the voice of the Minnesota Smash scene in the SBR. As far as I know, there is nobody from Minnesota in the SBR though I consider SuperDoodleMan to be a prime candidate.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
The issue of whether or not to ban Metaknight, also the growing complaints about the legality of ledge camping/ledge stalling.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

Wario on Jungle Japes - http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5530531#post5530531

Game & Watch Video Thread [Melee] - http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=93825
Minnesota Smash recruiting - http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=109101
Jab-canceling [refresher] - http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=167346
Elemental effects vs PT's Pokemon - http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=145980
Making use of Wario's Bike and Tires - http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=166034
Wario Tech: Stage-Canceled Aerials - http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=161313
Thread detailing Wario's Bike Spike - http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=158512
Wario Aerial Tricks - http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=155728
-This thread was made very early, and this information definitely gave a jump-start to Wario's metagame at that time. It helps that a lot of it was adopted into the stickied Wario Guide :)

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why?
I'm gonna have to go with the Riddler, of the Batman series. His ability to create hundreds upon hundreds of extremely elaborate deathtraps just boggles my mind. It's very interesting how he uses his engineering skills and creativity to make up for a lack of physical prowess. :)


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases
Rockettrainer, though I prefer RT as of late.

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?
I have been participating in Houston tournaments since Summer of 2006.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?
Within the past few months, my tournament placings have been somewhat inconsistent. I have placed as high as 5th and as low as last place.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.[/orange]
I have never hosted a tournament, but I have helped setup/run tournaments and have experience using Tio.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?
My main is Lucario. I have also used Marth occasionally in tournaments. I also have some experience using Snake, Meta Knight, Rob, Pokemon Trainer, and Game and Watch. I do not consider myself an expert with any of these characters, because there is always something new to learn about a character. :)

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...
Texas, specifically Houston.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?
I try to connect with and encourage players, both new and old, to be more active in the community. By being friendly and open, newbies are more inclined to join and be active within the community. Through this effort, the community can expand far beyond anyone's expectations. I also try to give tactical advice to people who seek it. I try to attend as many Smash-related events as possible, but school and work may prevent this from time to time.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?
For SBR, I believe I could help voice the opinion of Houston players. Houston is one of the more active Smash communities in the US, but there isn't any Houston representation at all in the SBR! I hope to change this and will make an effort to coordinate information between Houston's TOs and top players and the SBR. Also, I could add some input towards Lucario matchups, since Houston has character representation for almost every single character.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?
The major hot topic is without a doubt the proposed ban on Meta Knight. Some communities have already placed a ban on Meta Knight and several upcoming tournaments will feature a No-Meta rule (Houston included). This change will result in a slight shift in the metagame and will definitely yield interesting tournament results. Another topic of interest would be the ongoing Tier List project, which could change if the Meta-ban is approved. Also, there have been several complaints about the current ruleset, and a revision will be needed in the near future.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.
Some arguements on the ruleset for Houston tourneys:

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p
Batman. He has no superpowers and relies only on his skills of observation and deduction. And money too.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I'm really tempted to make a completely bogus application. Claiming to have written threads by Broomers and that sort of stuff.
Why don't you just not visit smashboards for a week? Same thing.


Smash Lord
Apr 28, 2008
Tempe, AZ
o.O The fabled back room! People, don't say you're not going to get in then apply anyway...modesty is no good. Groveling and asskissing, however, is just dandy.
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

Swoops, that guy over there, hey you, Swoops etc.

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

Despite what my join date up there^ says, I've been here since 2003 going to a few Melee tourneys and Brawl tourneys. Recently, school and other things have taken some of my time, but I'm commited to getting back into the Smash scene and helping out with the largely divided community, Melee or Brawl (preferably Brawl >.>)

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

In layman's terms, somewhere about halfway.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

No, never hosted a tournament.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

The 'Dorf. Right now I pretty much go in depth with every aspect of Ganon I can find, including doing frame data for him, and finding applications for a lot of his buffering and other things people seem to neglect. I've also gone through out the board trying to keep up to date on every character, and I've personally had just about every low or mid tier character as a secondary at one point or another. I came to terms with the fact that I'm a low tier ***** :p. I know first hand a lot of their potential, what they can do at the moment, and realistic non-biased match ups against the other character.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

Tricky...lol I'm originally from the Midwest (Indiana) but I moved to Arizona a couple years ago. Reason that's important is because I actually go back to the Midwest quite a bit, and I'm always ready to smash when I go back.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

Depends on what community you are talking about. My fellow online Ganon community I contribute to heavily, and I contribute to SWF as much as I can. In local communities it’s been kind of hard for me lately with switching between states and with school, but with inclusion into the SBR I would definitely be helping out as much as I can, and most likely getting into my local community a lot more.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

I really just expect to add an outside, logical, and non-biased view to help with discussions and debate. I hope to add a lot of representation for the boards. I want to help positive discussion on tier placement, rules, and help include the community as much as possible. I’d also like to add a lot of input on the coming discussion of tweaks and balance patches, which I think is a pretty good idea. As long as we aren’t including anything ridiculous, or anything like directional air dodging and l-canceling, I’m all for adding some of my opinions about a couple frame, bug, and damage changes…if we can do it. I play SCIV competitively and I’m around a lot of ideas about frame changes and such. Not a huge qualification but it’s there.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

The ridiculous metaknight issue for one, I can’t imagine why anyone would be so quick to ban him just because he is good. He is dominating a lot of tourneys, but that in no way qualifies him for banning. I think moderation is a bit of an issue too. I’m not at all critiquing any of the mods right now, but maybe a few character specific mods would be good, as we have something like 8 mods to handle 36 character boards and the *gasp* Brawl General and Tactical boards. I also think it’s important to get our community together, as there are many splits dividing Brawlers, Melee players, inexperienced, experienced, and hell there are like 4 other Brawl communities on the web (AiB, Central Brawl Rankings or something like that.) I’m not saying we should try and get those shut down (although we could) but we should try to make our community a more unified one in order to again make it as strong as it was and influence more people to decide that this is the best Smash community. But we had a influx of many new members, and it got overwhelming to a lot of people. A world where Brawl and Melee could live in harmony would be nice too, but now I’m just wishing for unicorns and fairy dust. The idea of a back room is a decent one, but I feel like it isolates a lot of people and the back room gives the impression that it’s a god like entity or powerful government deciding everything and knowing all. But the SBR is a place where very productive discussion should happen without very big interruption or interference. We’re all a community, and the SBR should try to include people as much as possible.

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=200364 – Ganondorf Guide that I just made
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=191653 – A look at frame data stuff for Ganondorf, as well as application for buffering and reverse buffering

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p

Hmm...in no particular order: Deadpool, Venom (f*ck mac gargan...it's a tie between regular venom or lethal protector >.>), and Juggy before they constantly toned his *** down...well, still juggy but it annoys me they weakened his standard a lot.


Hm, thought the deadline was 10/25. Oh well, got it in anyways...yeahuhz!


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2005
San Diego, CA
NOTE: If you saw the old Johns note about me missing the deadline, pretend it didn't happen. I thought it was Tuesday, not Monday when I first submitted this. I even sent a PM to M3D about it. >_>

NOTE 2: The edit that was done today was me just ADHD-ley making sure my grammar, spelling, and paragraph chunks were good. I had no paragraph breaks beforehand, and I wanted to make it easier to read on you guys.

1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases


2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

I haven't used Smashboards to find tournaments per se, but Smashboards got me interested in being a competitive gamer. So, indirectly, I have been going to tournaments since the 28th of September. Only been to two so far, though I would've gone much sooner had there been tournaments closer to my area.

Since I went to College, I've had more access to tournaments in my area, and show a very big interest in them. It should be noted I have been interested in competitive gaming since Melee in 2005/2006, but I hadn't gone to any tournies due to my young age(15/16).

Despite not posting here for a long while, I had been lurking through the years, slowly gaining knowledge. Most of what I post contributes to a discussion is some way-I often correct innacuricies or give some advice/knowledge to the person. I like analysis, and basically hyperfocus on Brawl when I get into it, and that's where I shine.

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

To be fair, I've only been to two thus far, so tourney jitters played a big part in my poor performance. But I guess no johns. Thus, last place in both. They were both full of Palm Dale guys, so the competition was above average for sure. However, I do plan to be very active in the tourney scene and make my name. I feel I am already on my way, but I still have a ways to go.

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

I haven't hosted a tournament.

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

For the two that I've been to, Pokemon Trainer and Lucas. I dropped PT after my most recent tourney, and have since picked up Pit, who I plan to use as a secondary next time around. If I had been going to Tournaments previously, I would've been been using Pikachu and Kirby as well.

Pikachu, Lucas, Kirby, and Pokemon Trainer have been used a minimum of 4 months each by me. In order of how well I know the characters, it goes Lucas, Pokemon Trainer, Kirby, and Pikachu. Lucas and Pokemon Trainer especially, since those are the ones I've used most recently.

My technical knowledge of those two characters is very high. Like, obsessively high. However, Lucas has a huge gap between him and PT. For Lucas, I have flat-out memorized everything related to grabs and throws(kill percents, grab attack rate, range, lag, etc), know the percents of the rest of their kills moves, and counting normal attacks, I've learned the properties of nearly all of them(range, sweet spot, sour spot, general priority, start lag, end lag, what it chains into and what chains into it, potential "mindgames", capacity for it to be a brickwall/trap, etc.), and more.

This may sound like I'm tooting my own horn, but I really do know this about Lucas. I am blatently obsessive(not boardline obsessive) about the technical side of Brawl, and seek to learn more about it every day. Regrettably, my ability to read opponents is what holds me back from being a better player, though that is being worked on currently.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

West Coast, Southern Califronia. Around L.A. to be sepcific.

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I go to tournaments whenever possible, I share my knowledge of Brawl whenever I can, and like to discuss it often. As far as induvidual achievements go, I have shed light on the fact that you can also Hyrdoplane Fsmashes and Dsmashes as Squirtle(they were already in the AT thread, but not under the "Hyrdoplaning" section, despite being identicaly in function). They were not known to the extent that many people credited me with discovering the technique itself. I have delved into the details of Buffering Pokemon Change into other moves-no breakthoughs came from the testing, sadly.

I have written "Articles" so to speak, about the positioning of Pokemon Trainer and Lucas in the tier list, why they're there, and how they can possibly improve their respective positions. It should be noted that at the 2nd tournament I went to, someone mentioned that they remembered reading that on Smashboards. I believe it was Typh-a well known and very competitve PT in the Palmdale area.

These are some specific examples I can name off the top of my head, though I should note I am constantly testing the "Utility" moves of my mains to see if their are any tricks one can pull off with them. It usually results in something of an "Oh, I didn't know that. That could easily catch someone off guard once or twice". But every once in a while, I find something half-decent that can actually be used with some consistantly. It may be things already known about the character, but I keep experimenting regardless in hopes of finding something big.

Just today I found a way to aim PK Thunder-grounded-that looks like you'll be launched one way, but you go another. It involves aiming PK Thunder at a 45* downward angle so it just passes your over and behind you. It basically skims the back of his head. It can be done with a vertical PK Thunder as well, but that does not hold the same surprise factor.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

I expect to contribute to a reletively expansive pool of knowledge. I read up on the latest things going on, new ATs, discussions, the like. I take in all this, and then I pretty much can repeat it on command. I also expect to add a new perspective of the metagame, being a newew member. Additonally, since I'm very capable of being the devil's advocate, I'll hopfully be able to get some discussions going. I am also a huge analyst, and soak up information like a sponge, and actively seek such information. Also, if there's any new discovery that pops up, I'll probably be doing testing to shed more light on the situation.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

The ever obvious "Should MK be Banned?" topic. I won't really take a side here, but the heart of the problem lies in the fact that no set criteria for banning exists. Akuma was banned in Street Fighter because he was completly broken and designed to be as such. But MK is not broken to that extent, and not designed to be as "broken" as he is now.

The reason why this debate will never really get anywhere is that each party does not agree with what constitutes a ban, and so they're arguments never get anywhere-they are debating two different topics. Recently, people have been arguing over what constitutes a ban/agreed on that, but it often strays away from that onto the finer details that-ultimately-do not matter.

There are other, more trivial issues, such as Brawl being competitive or not, theories that the game becomes balanced with an intelligent execution of "Items On". To delve deeper into the MK issue, is weather or not MK should be banned in doubles. No one has really looked into that. There is also an "If MK is banned, how would the tier list change?" topic that is becoming a bit more popular.

For the future, I am very interested in the mods/hacks of Brawl. No, Tripping, Wavedashing(!), soon L-Canceling. This is very novel, and may or may not become the competitive standard. Realistically, it probably won't, but it is definately an interesting venue to be explored. I have already seen a topic on the Lucas boards showing Lucas' wavedash(which has like, 3/4 Luigi range but more speed and much less skidding.)

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.

I took a break to do more lurking from May-August, but I never stopped checking this site. I am listing topics that show my abilities on both a macro and micro scale. I can easily churn much more expansive and detailed versions of anything you see below. Technical data compilation, analysis, and compilation are my specialties. Some of these posts also illustrate my character knowledge, for example.

In each post, I explain what the purpose of it is. It may not cover much, but my very long "articles" show that I can take any of the skills shown here and apply them on a very very large scale.


A. I give percent listings for Lucas' TRUE combo of Dthrow->Utilt. I had a complete percent list of all characters, but I lost it. This topic shows testing and data compilation. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=4389211#post4389211


B. The Squirtle Hyrdoplane thing I mentioned earlier. This was considered a discovery since the actual AT this supposedly is was very obscure, and poorly worded on how to execute it. This showcases my ability to test and compile data, as well as analysis of how to execute:


C. My analysis of Lucas and PT's Tier placements and how to improve them. This shows my knowledge of those characters, the metagame they reside in, and general analysis of moves: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5273075#post5273075


D. I inform the PT community of some interesting stats and information, and give them an easy to read compilation of the stats relating to PT only. This shows my ability to compile data into an easy to read format, and analysis of said data: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=198232

E. My results on trying to Buffer the Down+B. This is, again, testing, compilation of data, and possible uses of exectution: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=198276

F. I talk about Lucas' recovery game This shows technical knowledge of my character: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5566831#post5566831

G. In regards to that new "Zoning, Spacing, Killing" I give a preliminary analysis of Lucas prior to discussion. I have changed my opinion on some ratings, since I realized I was a bit biased. This shows a heavy amount of technical knowledge and analysis, as well as some metagame knowledge-how he "stacks up" due to being given a scale to rate him by: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5599945#post5599945

H. I talk about counters to Ledge Camping. I am wrong on some counts, but I feel it is fairly accurate. This shows general character knowledge: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5610025#post5610025

I. A poster makes incorrect statements with no proof behind them regarding Lucas, in a questionable tone. I respond with some sarcasm at the beginning, but quickly move on to the meat of the argument. Show cases debating skills and character knowledge: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5606892#post5606892

I. Here, I talk more about Lucas on Zoning, Spacing, etc stuff. This time, I'm helping out a player who doesn't quite understand what's going on. This is more analysis, and also some people skills: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=200031


The Hulk. He's big, he green, he kicks ***. He has that whole "get mad and stronger thing". Oh yeah, and he has smash attacks.

Terios the Hedgehog

Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2006
Shenandoah, PA
1. Smashboards name/ common tournament aliases

Terios the Hedgehog

2. How long have you been attending tournaments through Smashboards?

Haven't D:

3. About what rank/place do you usually finish at the tournaments you attend?

Haven't D:

4. Have you ever hosted a REAL LIFE Smash event (Melee or Brawl, Online tournaments do NOT count)? If so, please list the tournaments and the number of players in attendance.

Nope D:

5. What characters do you use for Brawl tournaments? On which characters do you consider yourself an expert?

Sonic. Falcon.

6. What area/region/community are you from? Examples: East Coast, West Coast, Texas, NYC, DC area, South Florida, Toronto, Northern Europe, etc...

East Coast

7. How do you participate within and improve your community?

I don't. At best I practically ran the Ask a simple question thread once I found out about it.

8. What do you expect to add to the SBR?

Honestly? Nothing really. Everything I want to say in the character discussion threads are covered before they even get moved to the public. Can anybody really ADD to what's already back there? At best I MIGHT be able to correct misconceptions about low tiers since I mostly play low/ low mid tier. (Not cause I'm anti tiers or anything. I just like them best) I would really have to see WHAT'S back there before I try to answer that.

9. What issues do you think are important for the SBR to address with the community right now and in the future?

MK problem. Tiers. Stage legality. Ruleset. Impact of hacking on competitive Brawl. Matchups. Obvious stuff ftw

10. Please link to some of your posts that the SBR might find interesting or that demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to discussions.


Sonic Stage counterpick/ban discussion (admittedly a stolen format)

EDIT BONUS QUESTION!: For cool points, who is your favorite comic book character/superhero and why? :p

Flash is a pretty cool guy, eh beats the hell out of Luther/Brainiac, runs fast and doesn't afraid of anything.
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