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Official BBR Tier List v6

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Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
the fact is you still have to predict what lucario does in order to get damage. you retreat a nair to punish forward roll and lucario stays in shield then at worst it'll reset for lucario because even if the nair doesn't whiff lucario will be able to easily reset the situation if he wants.

my point this entire time has been that it's not just ggs once peach gets in, she does actually have to do work to get the damage.
To get a read is hard work in general. To get chase in melee and keep the opponent at bay to do more damage is not something simple. to get mixups is hard work? Do you even know the terms and traditions of a fighting game? Know what an educated guess is or a read is? Know what option select is? You are really not gonna understand any of this is you don't

At this point, I don't even know what the argument is anymore. If it's Peach being high tier, than I can agree with that. But being better than Dedede, nope.
Whn the hell did i say Peach was better then DDD. i never said she was better character then DDD. Know what just happen here? I destroyed your whole **** with my post, and this is the best you can do to whip of the destruction. You actually know what is going on. You just trying to be slick.

Then again, this is kind of like saying Falco is not viable because of his -3 on Pika and -2 on climbers. I think that if a character like Dedede has solid +2 advantages on Wario and Lucario and has a +1 matchup aainst Snake and Marth, that makes a character viable in a tournament. You also never mention Peach with her horrible -3 MK matchup and her -2 matchup on Snake.
Meta knight is banned dunce cap. And if I was to add meta knight, it does not mean **** cause everyone one loses to him.

You think peach vs snake is -2 for us. You must really know her options on what she is suppose to do and can't do in this match up. pop quizz tool. Answer these questions. You get them right, snake is a -2. (everyone else stay out of this, thanks.)

- How many ways can Peach set off snakes nades when he is shielding and what are they?

- What attack Can snake do when hanging off the ledge When I am spacing bairs near the ledge to hit her?

- Name three ways Peach can use turnips to take advantage.slow down snakes camping and get in.

- What attack can snake OoS to stop my pressure.

- What attack is best used to hit snake if he does a get up attack or jumps off the ledge?

- If I am on the ledge and snake is spacing tilts, what is the one thing I can do to punish snake for it and not get hit at all?

get these right and snake is -2. You must speak like you know the match up, and all my options vs him. So now it is time to put your money where your mouth is.

A secondary would matter because they can help you overcome their bad matchups. As long as someone can do good stuff, they should be considered viable. If you consider Peach viable, then Dedede has another good +1 matchup and moves higher in rankings.
Peach has better top tier match ups then DDD.

Also, lets talk about strengths and weaknesses. Dedede has good power, great range, good and rather broken chain/grab game, good edge guarding, pretty well dodging tools, amazing cp system, and opponents not being able to DI or SDI out of chaingrab combos. His 3 main weaknesses which are pretty big ones are speed, recovery, huge hurtbox, and lack of camping except slow *** characters like Ike. Peach has the strength of floating powers, little lag attacks, decent combos (But nowhere near as good as D3's), and recovery (Which D3 actually is actually good at punishing). Her weaknesses are poor power, kind of crappy approaching (Although D3 is a lot worse), the ability of SDIing and DIing of opponents, Dedede's chaingrab (The high traction, the ability for D3 to up smash combo on every upward slope while being easy to kill (Unlike Lucario, you can up smash it stale and is easier to do unstale), and one of the better frame advantages), easy to kill, and certain air combos like marth's fair and D3's bair.

Your lil back air chain. if you really wanna call that a combo, That's your only option. My options:

*= Depends on where your enemy is/goes after the first or second hit of the combo

-*Dair>Dair>falling Dair>Usmash/Utilt/Up-B
-Fair>Jab>grab> (look at the list of what you can do after grabs)
-*Falling Dair>Jab>(look at the list of what you can do after jabs/grabs)
-*Falling Dair> Usmash/Utilt/Up-B/Nair/Bair/Jab>w/e you want

Also, if you are gonna be using your bair alot, it is gona get stale, where even light characters such as Peach will live long. I lived to 160+ cause the only option I gave DDD to hit me alot with was his Bair. Did not let him chain chain grab me and I Nair everr damm waddle dee that came in my way. With my combos I don't really burn my kill options, I rack up damage fast and have more then one way to do it.

People at high damage and i can't combo no more you say? BS. I can Dair and fall before the 4th kick comes out. That's where the strong hit box comes out. So I cancel the 4th hit too:

- Nair
- Jab
- Dsmash
- Upsmash
- Utilt
- Up-B

"But we can smash DI, trololololololol!"

You smash DI I can take advantage of. If I short hop my dair and you smash DI, I can get a free uptilt/nair no matter what % you on. You will usually jump or just be over me already with not enough time to get away. This ***** heavy characters. if I am fast enough, I can even get an upsmash.

And let me add that I can Z drop turnips to a fair/nair. And kill you with it at the right% Auto combo. 1 frame for the item to leave my hand and have it be an active hit box.

Crappy approaching. Do you realize Peach has the most ways to approach in this game?

- FC>Fair
- Dair
- FC>Dair
- FC>Nair
- Turnip>Fair
- FC>Turnip>Fair
- Bair
- Glide tossing
- Nair

Advance approaches:

- Glide toss> FC>Nair
- Glide toss>reverse Bair
- Glide toss>Nair
- Glide toss>Grab
- Reverse Glide toss> Dsmash or Fsmash
- Reverse Glide toss> Bair

Good god you don't know anything.

Use D3 for Wario, Snake, Lucario, and Marth.

Really? It's still pretty good though for 3rd best. A lot ****ing better than that ***** Peach ***** can do against him.
Answer my questions on what Peach can do vs him then. Since you know so much about that *****.

Dedede has like Wario (They both do good, but D3 is very solid and much better with control of air release, chaingrab, and slope infinites), Snake (The one I think largely matters), MK (MK legalness, Peach has to be less viable), Marth (Another good one like Snake), Lucario (Not as important as Marth and Snake, but an alright one), Game and Watch (Alright), Wolf (Amazing one), Peach (lol :awesome:), and toonlink (Alright).
Coney just told you, (some who who actually goes to tournaments and does not **** behind a computer talking ****) And you call it a good match up for you? Good grife.

Also this whole time I been talking about top tier match ups. The ones that are more important and characters you would see more in tournament. I already gave you my list of characters there peach does not lose too. You do not out class her when it comes to that list. Out that list, you Have Marth and wario as you say. I have way more then 2 good match ups there.[/QUOTE]

You can't just look at bad matchups, you need to look at good matchups. Dedede has 2/13 good matchups. Peach has nothing. Chance you're actually gonna be using this ***** is ZERO! D3 will have a little viability.
Im sorry, mods i give you full permission to infract me for this.

Im not even gonna bring up the list of peach good match ups to crush you. Im gonna have you end your own self with what you said.

Doc king, you are the dumbest smash player i have ever EVER met in my 7 years of playing smash competitive. The dumbest. You mentions before that peach does amazing Vs IC. Ok, I am not gonna bring anyone else up. We are gonna go with just IC.

Doc King: Peach and IC (amazing)

Thats one match up, ok. few mins later......

Doc king: Dedede has 2/13 good matchups. Peach has nothing

At what point between now and then did you become so stupid that you lost the ability to count?

Why would you wanna play a killless piece of **** that can't beat **** over an alright character with a few counters?
Cause this piece of **** character has better top tier match ups then That fat duck with no neck.

Edit: I would honestly put Falco, Marth, and Dedede as -2 for Peach. Marth will have a fun time fairing Peach, D3 can chaingrab and bair and survive and has stage abusing. Falco can lazer and play keep away pretty well on Peach.

Also, Lucario has a handful of -2 matchups against D3, Fox, and Snake. Is he unviable then?

Wario has the same thing with Dedede and Marth. Is he unviable?

Falco has a hard counter and a -2.

Fox and Wolf has 2 freaking -3's.
DDD Vs Peach. I find it funny you say this when I played you and I was beating the **** out of you. I space well, DDD can not grab me. the same concept with IC. Thats one of the reasons she does good Vs IC. She spaces well, they can't grab me. And it makes it worst since the have the shortest grab range in the game. i camp better than you do. I pressure you and you have no OoS options for me. space fair to jab or jab cancels to a mix up after, DDD is not grabbing me.

Whats next, bair spam, spacing? If you are doing bairs at mid level to me, I can Full hop dair and hit DDD out of his dair. if you wanna place this spa/camp game with bairs in the air, all I have to do is get one turnip, glide towards you while tossing it up. You get hit. Easy way to get in on you. and I can even link that to an uptilt.

Speed? I am not even gonna get started on how a princess with payless heels beats your dumb *** in speed.

Approaching? The only solid thing DDD even has to appoaching Peach is his Bair. I can approach your slow behind in many ways. I have options. I can run, camp and space my moves to a point it will become very hard to get in. And something else you don't know. Fsmash> DDD bair.

Combat? One I get in your face you are done, this is why DDD as to commit to spacing bairs and waddle Dee to slow her down and bait openings. So he can get damage with chain grabs and bairs. Or anything to get her in the air/offstage and edguard her out. If your face I pressure you, you can't do ****, but roll/side step. Thats what you was doing against me, and guess what, I reacted on time, read your stupid backward rolls and punished you for it. And when you sidestep/ You ate dairs/nair.

Damage? I rack up damage faster then you do and have mutiple ways of doing it.

Air combat, I have more ways of fighting in the air then you, thus having more options. Really since I can fight with a turnip in my hand. Something no other character in this game can do. And if I wanna go in even more, I can bring my air game to the ground to abuse his crappy ground game.

Edguarding? I can edgeuard you just as bad as you can to me. Once I get you off the stage, I have to toss one turnip out of the stage. and have one in my hand. With these 2 I create a wall outside of the stage. This forces DDD to use his Jumps. All I need him to do is burn 3 of his jumps. getting hit with a turnip will force this. From there, he is forced to use his up-B high. and which case I can hit him on the sides upon coming down. if I wanted to be safe, I can do this, force him to up-B, and grab the ledge. You have no choice but to go for the stage. After this I can floatland on the stage for an easy punish on you.

"But when I land I have the starts on the side that you will get hit with, trololololol."

Wrong, cause with her floatland, if I do it right, I get about 5 frames of invincibility when I touch the stage. Its about the same as Marth up-B. He is invincible when he up-B frame 1-5. the Hitbox of his up-B comes after that. Stage with platforms is even worst. Easy uptilts and even an upsmash. DDD is really slow in the air, thus with a wall of turnips I can make him burn his jumps, and control his up-b for me to punish. And if you are over Peach while I turnip juggle and glide toss upward to follow your slow air speed momentun, it becomes hard for you to touch the floor. if you do, you will be eating alot of damage before you land.

I would say Peach Vs DDD is even. But for NOW, I give it a plus one for DDD cause we can both do nasty **** to each other. But if ether of us makes a mistake, DDD punishes the mistake harder then I can do him. And it can cost a chain grab, get her off stage, edgeguard, and possible death.

Marth is a -2 for us. but not cause of fair. Peach bair can compete and beat Marths Fair. its her main move to get in. But wtf would you know about any of that. Bet you can't even name me three ways peach can punish Marths Nair.

And you damm well don't know jack about Peach vs Falco and how she can get in. or punish his camping to a point he has to limit it.

In the end, you are some moron who ****s behind a computer, spits nonsense with out doing their research or asking questions. You play the mister know it all on subjects you dont know about. Even with your own character. But see you so ad right now, and here is why.

You are soooooooooooooooo pissed that a piece of **** character, this ***** Peach actually does match ups better then a character that is generally better then her. This piece of **** character does the tuff work better then someone that is stronger and better than her. it makes you look weak, worthless. And your dumb self can't accept that. Face it kid, you are getting outclassed by a character that is so dumb, she gets kidnap too many times and does not learn her lesson by now. (Man you and her have alot in common) A weak BLONDE princess with $19.99 playless heels, cheap jewelery, kitchen and sports wear, and vegetables gets outclass by a Big strong duck with a big hammer and minions on the field to help him out. You just can't except this. It burns you deep on the inside. to get outclassed by something such as this. Face it and accepted it moron. The truth will set you free. And you might not be as stupid as you are now. So just quit posting BS already. You lost. You made a fool out of yourself long enough. I win!



Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Arguing with dark peach is almost as bad as arguing with reflex.
Cause people don't know what they are talking about and act like they do. Then we bring them facts and info to shut them down? Yea, it's a fight you don't have a chance of winning. unwinable match up for you.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
But then you're not looking at how viable the character really is if you're just picking and choosing when to use him. If I only use D3 vs DK, that doesn't mean D3 is viable because I'm opting out of his bad MU's in tournament.

Anyone in the world can avoid their bad MU's by not picking that character in that scenario lol. That doesn't change the character's actual viability unless you're analyzing specific shifts and patterns in the metagame that say hey people are using less D3 counter and more D3 good MU's.
Correct, the pragmatic version would count picket ddd uses. So use the first option. All in saying is whichever one you pick, stick to it.



Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
uh Doc, Lucario doesn't lose -2 to D3, Fox, or Snake. those are all -1s. I think they should all be -2 but that's not what they are. Lucario has no -2s outside of MK.

@dark.pch- we were basically agreeing with each other the whole time... lol

also amazing post.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2011
K.I.D you misunderstood what I meant. I usmash with Ike all the time after reading an air dodge near the ground or a roll/DA. But at high level play I'm sure it would be much more difficult to land. Top players don't do poorly timed air dodges as often nor do they just run into it.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Yes. The MU chart is wrong.

You're in the BBR. Make sure that doesn't happen next time.
I tried. We put Dedede as -2 and Peach as -1 vs Wario

They got flipped


da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2011


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2011
Lost in Thought
I think it's interesting how Brawl members tend to focus on tournament results for character placings more than human-level theorycrafted options.

Also, DarkPch..."reads" could be taken to a much higher level in Brawl than they are now. I appreciate your reverence of them, but...heh.



Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2008
Pikachu the intelligent rodent, and slayer of metaknights, is on the rise again.

With his magnificent electric abilities he can totally destroy water characters like Squirtle and his UP-B is a devastating device. I feel that many players underestimate the total chaos that Pikachu can unleash upon his opponent; thereby yielding Pikachu a lower spot on the tier list than he deserves. This is mainly because people view Pikachu as a silly childish character because he is yellow and has a tail.

Let me tell you now, Pikachu is serious business. He destroys some of the best characters in the game like King DDD and MK and he sits in the desert calmly smoking a cigarette by himself at night:



Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2011
Lost in Thought
Why is it interesting? Do you think human-level theorycrafted options should be focused on more than results?

Ease of mastery / skill of player does not change the character match-up. Players may discover new techniques to cope, but then the match-up should alter according to those techniques rather than tournament results.

That's my stance, anyway :)



Smash Lord
Dec 25, 2010
But that's dumb.

That's like if in an experiment using the scientific method you have a hypothesis (theorycrafting), and after doing the actual experiment (playing matches) and getting results that contradict your hypothesis, you then decide to ignore the results and support your hypothesis anyway in your conclusion.


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
Like 50% of the matchups in the chart aren't even heavily based on tournaments because they happen very rarely at a high level.

Can we all agree ignoring what actually happens in practice at a high level is dumb?


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
... +-----------------+
....|...... Please ......|
....|....... don't........|
....|......feed the.....|
....|.Thanks, mgmt..|


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Results aren't infallible, but I would be more willing trust what actually happens in tournament to theorycraft on most cases.


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2009
yes. now can we tell marth mains to stop being dumb?
what does falco win at a high level?

I mean clearly there are several top placing falcos outside of DEHF (and shugo) the former who hasn't placed top 8 at a national since he won apex 2010 (maybe he placed top 8 at raliegh lol).

By the marth drop logic falco should be dropped. Olimar has considerably better widespread results than falco, are you going to advocate olimar being above falco on the tier list?

What about olimar above snake while we're at it. Olimar also has considerably better representation than snake within the last year.

Unless you're willing to make olimar like top 3 on the tier list (which if thats you're opinion you are allowed to have it) dropping marth because his results aren't as good doesn't really make a lot of sense to me.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Well Olimar is top 3 on the Japanese Tier List. Maybe he is better than Falco and Snake. Doesn't he have less counters?


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
what does falco win at a high level?

I mean clearly there are several top placing falcos outside of DEHF (and shugo) the former who hasn't placed top 8 at a national since he won apex 2010 (maybe he placed top 8 at raliegh lol).

By the marth drop logic falco should be dropped. Olimar has considerably better widespread results than falco, are you going to advocate olimar being above falco on the tier list?
I don't know about Steam, but I think Falco is worse than IC and Olimar, he's the only one in that area that has two really dumb matchups. And then when you look at results Olimar is ahead too. The tier list just needs updating.

Also Falco never had people meatriding him as hard as Marth mains do. Falco's matchup spread is perfectly believable and applicable to practice. Marth's is full of wishful thinking.

What about olimar above snake while we're at it. Olimar also has considerably better representation than snake within the last year.
Nope, only if you apply selective memory.

Doc King

Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2010
Well Olimar is top 3 on the Japanese Tier List. Maybe he is better than Falco and Snake. Doesn't he have less counters?
Idk about Snake, but he does have less painful matchups than Falco has. Falco has a -2 on Pika and Climbers.

Although, I don't think that Olimar is better than Snake because Snake gets a ton of money and he has the best cash and him and diddy have a pretty big gap compare to the others.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
what does falco win at a high level?

I mean clearly there are several top placing falcos outside of DEHF (and shugo) the former who hasn't placed top 8 at a national since he won apex 2010 (maybe he placed top 8 at raliegh lol).

By the marth drop logic falco should be dropped. Olimar has considerably better widespread results than falco, are you going to advocate olimar being above falco on the tier list?

What about olimar above snake while we're at it. Olimar also has considerably better representation than snake within the last year.

Unless you're willing to make olimar like top 3 on the tier list (which if thats you're opinion you are allowed to have it) dropping marth because his results aren't as good doesn't really make a lot of sense to me.
olimar is better than falco IMO.

also what flayl said. with marth's current matchup spread he should be winning nationals or at absolute least getting top 8 consistently... but he does worse than pretty much all the high tiers :I

Doc King

Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2010
Imo Olimar is #3 if you dont count MK.

So like:
:diddy: :snake: :olimar:
I actually think that Olimar is 3rd best, but I don't think he's in Diddy and Snake's tier.

I also think that Snake>Diddy. Snake has made more and doesn't have so many even matchups.
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