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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Wow congrats mogwai! Hopefully we'll meet up sometime :)



Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
So does this means riot gizmo?

Dream team now has a rioter on the team, why are we not #1 in the ladder now



Smash Master
May 30, 2002
If Mogwai were somehow able to get us in at Riot, I would love to help them run tournaments.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Jesus man, congrats.

I dunno, maybe small nerfs are in order but I don't think he's the undisputed best carry in the game. I think it's that he's the best carry for aggressive comps which are very popular for Asian teams right now.

Also he's popular even when he's not one of the best.
He's been the undisputed best in every scene for a while. Pretty much right after PFE, people discovered "w max is really really good" and suddenly he switches from "never played" to being in almost every game he's not banned.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Ez undeniably best range ad carry for so long?
Damn people are so prone to forgetting Graves' win rates and Corki's much better performance at high level before they did the ol scaling nerfs.

AD carries are very very hard to balance, a +1 here (or even a 0.1 per level or something) is the difference between a super strong ranged carry everyone says is 'undeniably the best ranged carry' or **** tier unusable. Not too many people would have even been here during the days in which Corki was the undeniably best ranged carry in the game for something like 8 months while every other ranged carry was ****-tier except Ashe (every other ad carry: kog, MF, ezreal, twitch [all considered high tier characters w/corki until they all were massacred while corki was barely touched]).

Corki dropped in significant usage by a -10 damage (or -20?) on q and the removal of the blind (also some other minor damage adjustments). Back then I thought it was a ****ty wrist slap, but the effect was actually monstrous.

When Corki/Graves/Ez were at their peaks they did "wrist slaps" to graves and imo a big cut to Corki. While Ez was given a mystic shot buff (which I love, because I'm maxing out Q again and this character is just a lot more enjoyable to me that way) and a minor usability nerf.

Ezreal also fits better in the meta for a few reasons:
1. Bloodthirster usage (due to better tower pushing meta **** + its stacking mechanic buff): Ez was considered so-so for a long time because BT was considered his best BF sword upgrade but he'd always fall short in damage to IE getting carries (and honestly, still would, but meta meta meta meta). Yes, make the true AD carry damage item that has poor synergy on Ezreal compared to other ranged carries obsolete and make the only viable build for any ranged carry the one which works with Ezreal the best. Yeah, back in the day when Sheen/Brutalizer was the Ezreal build you would see many ad carries get brutalizer, so I do accept that it's a two way street.

2. Attack speed ****: Every new character has auto attack things, and nearly every new character is 'generally' stronger than the older ones. Riot's game and item design was more balanced with a smaller cast. Attack speed reductions are abundant on mobile and/or tanky characters and they **** 40% or more of the enemy team every game (often 60% or sometimes 80%). Frozen Heart is ridiculous on everyone. What's more balanced? Alternative burst characters (old ranged carry balance / various bruisers) or slightly more balanced mid to high tier characters who force a tippity-top tier to exist who destroy them all as they rely too much on auto attacks?

Attack speed reductions have close to no counters and are stupendously more destructive now than they were in the past (you don't think we've dealt with Gragas and Malphite with heart + randuins before?)

3. Lane Mechanics: They've nerfed sustain a lot. The burstier characters came out on top. The pokier characters came out on top. Janna and Soraka were good against Ezreal.

4. Role balances: AP Carries been nerfed countless times and they were the AD carry killers (or they were meant to be in a game of tank > mage > carry > tank). If Ezreal doesn't die in one burst he's likely to get away. AP carries being weaker in damage, utility and late game strength eventually has its effects. Many a bruiser used to **** on Ez too but W didn't used to be that effective (mana reduction, length of debuff increased, cooldown decreased and aforementioned rebalances around auto attacks to many characters). Assassins were nerfed too (there are no viable assassins left other than rengar... lol) (I think Eve works too, but this nagging feeling of her needing to be a laner and being melee etc)

Team fighting wise, Ezreal is a beast: in terms of mobile carry scaling, even in his low points I knew that if I had a Triforce, bloodthirster and high CDR I would never die and be a complete ****ing *******/menace. I'm sure mogwai remembers DAT FEELING. But Ezreal used to struggle more in lane as mana is a *****. It was very easy to snowball against Ezreal in lane back in the day. His high base damages fell to his mediocre scaling on them so rapidly it was sad. However, all the things Ezreal had now that people are *****ing about are what he's always had, and good players used them but they were just weaker in effectiveness.

If they removed Ezreal's attack speed reduction on W and nothing else, I would bet that he would be close to "bottom tier" like before (when he wasn't 'bottom tier' just other carries were slightly better in the maths and more suited to the meta) in people's minds. If they unbuffed his base damages (ad per level / hp / attack speed) he would be Ashe level at best and bottom tier at worst.

I generally feel a character who is just 1% better than their cohort will statistically snowball in usage / dominance / perception of being overpowered. A character who was once in that state is now 1% worst will stay popular / have the same perception for a lot longer than actuality defines. Balance in the game takes time to have its true effects. Ezreal is/probably the best ad carry but anything but precise changes will just alter the meta towards something else (or he will retain usage due to attack speed reductions being dumb) or he'll just be nerfed again because the 'new meta' wasn't found yet.

At nearly every stage of this game's existence there has always been a "Best ranged carry" and Ashe. Right now though I'm not even sure if Ashe exists, every character having an aa reset means ashe is getting hit twice instead of only once before maybe being able to get away, plus she's even harder to babysit now than before. The best ranged carry wasn't always on the winning team. And that "best" ranged carry has suddenly never been seen again many times before with only slight nerfs.


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb

I figure this is relevant to the ez discussion

That's the picks/bans for worlds btw

Pfft Ez graphs got nuttin' on MK graphs.

Let the meta evolve, maybe find a counter...oneday. Lrn2play MU scrubz.

In all seriousness, something has to be done about his free iFlash 2.0.
Also Eve is a now a nightmare. Classic Riot <3


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Both Ezreals in World's Finals maxed Q over W. Just something to note on those W nerfs being somewhat effective.


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
Solo queue, hell yea. Vayne's laning phase is abysmal. Twitch can actually win trades in lane.
So she requires early coordination from her jungler to help her snowball cuz she can't really do it well on her own?

About to buy her so that's why i'm asking this stuff lol.

Edit: Actually i'm deciding between vayne and rengar...still deciding. Rengar is banned so often so i'm not sure...
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