Cant wait to use delfino and castle seige myself :D
gona be some fun ****.
but yea, I didn't lose to Tommy G anyway this tourny, i lost to Gmoney where i lost to the same thing as you, where i lost the first match with my MK vs his wario. good match, but i wasn't all D3.
The only match i lost all day was to ur olimar on luigi's (with d3 i mean), which in my opionion is super hardcore counterpick.
I feel i could have done better in that match even then if i had played smarter by focusing more on breaking the house instead of challenging you in the rooms.
In any case, I will from now on be keeping my eyes on the person im playing to ban the GAY stages they like, rather than banning the one neutral i dont like that much.
Then again, if lylat was a couterpick instead of a neutral, i'd win the set every time.
I've already figured out, hrnut, that if i win the first match vs you, or anyone really, i've won the entire set.
Which is why in 99% of my matches i'll ban yoshi's no matter who im fighting.
of course, if lylat is counterpick already i mean.
What i do, is ALSO smart. I pick the neutral stage that adds the most randomness and ban it. Cuz i know that i can win on any neutral stage with ddd over 80% of the time vs whomever im fighting.
So i make sure my chances of winning the first match are at its highest.
That way people like you, or anyone that counters gay stages, can pick they're gay little stage/character counter on the 2nd match, maybe even win that one, it doesn't matter, im already thinking about winning the third match, with the counter in my favor.
So, thats why, hrnut, i wish you the best of luck, under more normal circumstances, in beating me in a set. This also goes to Gmoney, or anyone else.
Don't get me wrong, i enjoyed each set i had with you guys and you fought very well and beat me fare and square.
I just love seeing people beating me fair and square twice. It makes it that much more solid, and if you guys are confident enough that you did beat me, it shouldn't be that hard to do it again, right?
Best of luck to you all, see you at next gigs, or any tourny we happen to meet before than.
Btw, im not going to C3, i've got a mission to complete here in FL first.