No, I got it. My entire post wasn't based on what you said, I just built off of it. My entire point is "don't be a f@g if you don't need to be". I don't support any bans really, just because I feel people should find a way to beat it instead of whining "less QQ moar pew pew" basically.
thats a nice sentiment to live by.... in friendlies.
the sad truth is, people in tourny matches vs someone good can and will do whatever it takes, whatever exploit they can get they're hands on to win.
I can name 4 people that come to mind.
Hrnut(master of counterpicking) its gay, not a regular way most play smash, but he's really good with quite a few characters on quite a few gay stages, and thats respectable somewhat.
Rx-(Tornadospam extraordinare) kept our minds busy for about a month and a half, 6 months from those days though, he's still doing this tactic we all almost quit the game over, and hes getting owned for it.
Myself(Grabby) i play ddd, i exploit his grabs to the most extreme. however i do believe things like standing/step foward infinites should be banned, i do not believe the thing vs wario should be banned, and neither does afro, wen i told him i wouldn't do it, he said if i didn't do it, he'd just forfiet to me, cuz he wants the hardest time possible with his characters flaws. (this can be taken from characters like wolf that should man up and figure out edgestalls. take it as you will) I do believe however, than including the standing infinites, are any infinites done to lucas/ness, like with marth, or in lucasvsness.
Danny(EdgeCamp) you could also call out plank on this one, but i'd have to say as far as FL goes, danny has givin people the most issues, cuz even when your ahead in %, he can do this cuz hes using his arrows to safely rack up damage. (negotiable to just be allowed?)
even he is starting to hate this strat, and the thought process that goes through his own head as he starts.. "ok, so i got 5 minutes and a stock lead, i can camp the ledge for 5 minutes..." that was an exact quote he gave me that he thought of during his 2nd match vs equi.
but yea, people have gotten around gay strats in the pass, its up to FL as a whole to decide if this one takes the cake and should just be banned off the bat, or we should persevere through and either figure it out, and have ALOT of MK dittoes/MK vs Pit/mk vs random characterX in our future.
Do some thinking before every post you make here, i want valid arguments, not pointless opionions.