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  • people ****post about socrates but people don't realise he was also like, an elite hoplite. like, you sort of expect him to be some scrawny yanderedev-looking ***** who like jumps out at you in the street and screams about the human condition but he was literally ripped as **** so like its like 80s arnold schwartzenegger steps in front of you being like 9 feet tall and starts aggressively questioning your psychological state
    allow me if you will to postulate a gaming conspiracy theory: video game creepypasta was invented to prevent piracy. consider the following:
    • almost all creepypasta feature unmarked or plain discs/cartridges, indicating they're unofficial copies
    • they're usually bought from a shady or otherwise unofficial dealer of some kind like a garage sale
    • the games have various unique but negative effects such as killing you or being haunted
    • the protagonist usually presents themselves as being at fault for buying/collecting the game
    • the 2000s was a major period in anti-piracy advertising such as "you wouldn't download a car"
    but that's just a theory, a game theory, thanks for watching
    things the internet teaches you:
    • you can actually make money by just ******** at people
    • you can't actually make money by just ******** at people
    • even people who don't make money by ******** at people do so because they ****ing love it
    • girls find adblock unattractive, thats why the hot singles in your area disappear when you turn it on
    • gamers are oppressed
    • all of your interests are wrong, childish, oppressive and immature. yes, all of them
    • all of your interests are also unoriginal but in the best possible way
    • you are not alone
    • you are very alone
    • if you type "how to make a bomb" into google at 3am a mysterious being known as "the policeman" will appear in your house and sentence you to death for "attempted terrorism"
    • don't forget to like, subscribe and hit that bell for notifications
    • you're wrong
    • even if you're right, you're wrong
    • evidence in an argument only counts if it's against you, if it's in your favour, nobody asked for your opinion
    • that's just a theory - a game theory
    • if it can be monetized, it will be monetized
    • you need to stick around until the film credits end for the hype post-credit scene
    • copyright is an all-encompassing fact of life
    • copyright is a force to be utterly ignored
    • everyone grooms children
    • your credit card information is essential to get access to anything
    • there are more minecraft lets play episodes than individual bacteria
    • there is always someone in a worse situation than you
    • there is always someone in a better situation than you
    • deleting system32 makes everyone laugh for some reason
    i don't get it why did my teacher say the internet was dangerous
    in light of the utter ****storm going on in the scp community over dr. bright being renamed (for a very good reason) i would like to take the opportunity to once again remind you all that dado is the single best character in the entire canon
    What happened with Dr. Bright?
    Tl;dr, AdminBright (the guy who created the character Dr. Bright, bear in mind that self-inserts were more common during early SCP) has been banned from the SCP Wiki for, shall we say, not very good reasons (and evidence and so forth, it's apparently been around since around 2020 at least but this is only from cursory research so take anything I actually say with a grain of salt.) I'll send a screencap of the official ban message:

    Obviously I don't have all of the evidence or all of the research at this point to pass any judgement or make any comments, so I'll just say this seems like a ****ing yikes moment given what I've read so far, and honestly not much else.

    With that being said, given that the character of Dr. Jack Bright is in the Creative Commons because of how the SCP Wiki works, they kinda wanna just seperate him from AdminBright somewhat which makes sense so apparently he's being renamed to "Dr. Elias Shaw" so they can keep him around (which apparently was suggested by djkaktus but again I might be wrong here.) There's also some other matters that have been brought up recently in response - most prominently the List of Things That Dr. Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation, which a lot of people have suggested to be primarily responsible for the flanderization of the character in the first place (but that's a whole other can of worms). Needless to say it's a bit all a bit of a ****show
    Pokelego999 Pokelego999
    I believe that he (the actual person who the character Dr. Bright is named after) was doing a lot of weird creepy sex stuff and it was basically an open secret with the rest of the SCP admins until eventually someone said "hey this is weird sex stuff Bright is doing is kinda ****ed up" and he got removed as an admin and banned from the site and now they're renaming the character that was named after him. Do correct me if I'm wrong about anythign though.
    guys i think i just had a ****ing genius idea

    what if we automated ceos

    like, we have the technology to

    consider. ceos are some of the highest paid roles in any given company and they basically do nothing except the odd presentation and occasional photoshoots. now imagine for a moment if the next apple device was presented by ****ing idk hatsune miku. leans into the whole "omg technology,,,," schtick and thus requires people in your company to actually do something - also it saves you like several million a year which is something
    Yeah I mean that’s the reason Zuckerberg didn’t go for CEO (although i think it might’ve been Palmer Luckey with Oculus now that I say it out loud), because it was mainly a ton of grunt work for the sake of being a company’s face. Eliminating that position with AI is also a good idea because it has a less biased idea of how much workers should be paid and that kinda thing
    Slime Master
    Slime Master
    My deep learning professor was talking about this not too long ago. His take was "CEOs are probably one of the easiest jobs to replace with AI, but also the least likely since the person making that decision would be the CEO"

    Also, careful assuming AI is unbiased. AI is trained on a large corpus of existing data, so when that data is systemically biased the AI develops the same biases. If you tell a language model to generate a random sentence "he is a doctor" is much more likely to come up than "she is a doctor," for example.
    There’s no way an AI CEO would be less biased, though; every current IRL AI must be trained on some kind of data set, and, if there is bias in the data set, the AI will also be biased. It would most likely be trained upon the actions of other CEOs and would thus acquires the biases of them.
    edit: I took way too long typing this and got semi ninja’d
    So, I was recently trawling aimlessly around the Internet looking for Nintendo franchises (in relation to the recent roster extension image I made a few days ago) and I made a really cool discovery that I only just sort of realised that I actually just rediscovered. With this in mind, I have a brief character concept of probably one of the most obscure characters I might have put forward so far, but I think they'd be fun:

    I feel like a rep for the bit Generations/Art Style series would have the potential to be incredibly fun, even if it's hardly the first series you'd think of in terms of Smash representation.

    Working Title: bit Bounder. Look, these games aren't exactly story-driven.

    For context: Skip Ltd. (same ones behind GiFTPiA and Chibi-Robo!) made this really weird series of seven games very late into the life of the GBA, being the bit Generations series - a series particularly notable for simplistic controls, minimalistic design, and unique but approachable gameplay, as well as its unique packaging. They were intended more as "coffee table games", the sort of thing that could work as a conversation starter or something of the like. bit Generations would never, unfortunately, release outside of Japan - but many of the games would. Art Style (a series best-known for its close association with WiiWare and DSiWare) had some unique releases (like Decode/Base 10/Code and Cubeleo/Cubello), but also ported a variety of the GBA titles with a fresh coat of paint, as well as in some cases reinventing them completely.

    Whilst an obscure minigame-based series of puzzle/experimental games overall, the original seven titles very nearly got to be released worldwide. In fact, the series shared a similar plight with another prominent Japan-exclusive GBA title, a certain Mother 3. Whilst Lucas and various pieces of content from that game would make their way into Super Smash Bros. Brawl, as it happened - so did bit Generations! Well... in the form of five stickers, but something's better than nothing.

    (Pictured - direct gameripped sprites of the stickers in question. Credit to the Spriters' Resource!)

    Being in the unusual situation of being one of the few first-party series to have been outright cut from the Smash series, not to return even in Ultimate (though this is likely due to its obscurity), bit Generations has, well... kind of been forgotten. It's a series only occasionally brought up in conversation if at all... and yet it's a concept I think, firstly, really ought to be brought back using the Switch, and secondly, is cool enough to have plenty of potential!

    So, first up, why bit Bounder? (I'm just going to call him "Bounder" from now on.) Well, Boundish (the second game in the series) is quite notable for being one of the only games in the series as a whole to actually feature characters. With a lot of these games being either puzzle-based (such as Dialhex and Coloris) or somewhat experimental in nature (such as Orbital and Soundvoyager), Boundish was a natural place to pull from. Bounder specifically is pulled from the game's default mode, Pool Flower (which is sort of like Pong but you can move freely and also there's spheres that you can make yours!)

    Bounder could have a massive variety of moves to pull from. Whether you were to put the unique gravitational mechanics of Orbital or the exciting speed of Dotstream in his moveset, he'd end up for the most part being a complex but bizarre character with a uniquely simplistic artstyle. I imagine he'd be a little like Mr. Game and Watch, but with more outright bizarre moves overall - a variety of projectiles and weird hitboxes, maybe a reflector here and there, you get the idea. Something like Human League being his recovery could also be a lot of fun, and on that note, it'd be neat if he could "talk" in a similar way to Human League's backstops.

    Altogether, whilst the bit Generations series is hardly one of the most obvious or "deserving" franchises in Nintendo's extensive and vast back-catalogue, I do think it's one unique enough to stand out amongst the pack. Even if not in the form of a playable character, something like a stage or assist trophy would be just as awesome!
    This might seem like an odd question, but: are there any particular characters you'd like to see in a future Mario Kart (or maybe the Booster Course Pass!) that haven't been in - but that a lot of people probably won't think of, agree, or mention?

    Personally, I'd quite like to see Foreman Spike. As for his specific design... I'm really partial to the '98 look, but the classic one works too I suppose. Aside from him - I think a Chain Chomp would also be a lot of fun too. What are your thoughts?
    what if "green" and "red" are actually just the same colour but if you're "not colourblind" your brain tosses a coin to decide whether you see it as green or red and sometimes it changes the order just to **** with you
    me sat on the front doorstep of my apple ihouse in 2038 (after not perfectly matching my facial expression from my 10 year old passport photo that apple stole in order to use it as my id, and typing the wrong number, ive been locked out of my house for 3 years, 4 months, 23 days, 46 minutes and 18 seconds. i attempted to call apple services but they quoted $10,000 for an "opening fee". all of the apple repair places have been closed by apple stores for "patent infringement". im cold. im lonely. i can feel the bitter coldness creeping into my bones.)
    okay so hear me out

    what if a wii tank was added to the smash bros

    no like seriously itd be hilarious but itd be so cool
    The funny thing about the history of Dada and of the surrealist movement, to me at least, is that it very quickly becomes apparent that it's far easier for people to decry art as senseless than it is for them to do the same to war.

    It's interesting, almost, that humour in the modern meme culture has driven onward to a point of near-incomprehensibility. A small part of me has to wonder whether this is a product of the world in which these memes have been created: observing the similarities between modern ****posts and the dadaist touchstones of the 1910s and 1920s provides a striking and strange echo of familiarity, does it not?

    Meaning is naught but a farcical colander for imbeciles to wear atop their heads in place of trousers. Awibble.
    Memes are art. Regardless of the opinion on either the sociological concept or the internet phenomena, I am shocked to see that this is still such a seemingly fringe opinion. They are the method of expression for a disillusioned age - a second language of intuitive understanding coupled with the insane ramblings the likes of which you'd find from absent-mindedly twirling a radio dial as one might locks of their own hair, and with all the white noise you'd expect from such an activity. They are a reflection of both what lies within, and without - of the circus we call a world, and of those clowns who happen to reside in it.

    Say what you will, but I do genuinely believe that there should be exhibitions for memes. They are just as emotional, just as complex, just as multi-layered and intricate as any other form of art - and all of the excuses I've seen for them not being a form of art are farcical. "They rip off other people's media!" And what of collage? "They comment on political and social issues as opposed to pure emotion!" And what of satire? "They don't have a point, or even make sense to the observer!" And what of abstraction?
    Come to think of it, one specific form of meme springs to mind as a particular (unintentional) callback to the Dada movement.

    At first glance: a joke. Funny, isn't it? The concept of imagining esteemed ancient strategist Sun Tzu becoming entrapped within a common manifestation of a fear, drawn forth by the modern social contract, is admittedly pretty funny - especially given the juxtaposition of his nature as a comparively ancient individual most commonly represented in the form of a statue. The thing is, however, this meme has a multi-layered and complex foundation that I truly believe merits discussion.

    Firstly: the concept of importance. Sun Tzu is an interesting figure in history. Sure, we all recognise that he's important - but not necessarily why. He exists in the public consciousness as a consistent object of "importance", but only in the same way that you would awaken at three in the morning and realise you'd forgotten something from your shopping list - "important", but with no real reason or justification aside from the expectation of importance.

    A representation of this is, of course, statues. The creation and erection of a statue - a permenant monument to a specific individual or ideal - is universally accepted and recognised as a symbol of that concept's importance. Statues of celebrities, such as the massively ****ed up one of Ronaldo or that one statue of Margaret Thatcher that people keep egging, indicate those people's cultural significance. Statues of legendary individuals throughout history, such as Christ the Redeemer, indicate an individual's historical importance. Even statues representing a concept - such as the Statue of Liberty, or the Statue of Justice atop London's Old Bailey, indicate a concept's importance. The necessary to expend time, resources, and space to craft a monument of this kind necessitates that a statue represent something, and thus the observation of a statue indicates subliminally a degree of importance.

    This ties in nicely back to Sun Tzu. The man, who lived a life of his own beyond his defining work The Art of War, is unknown. The question we ask now is "What is Sun Tzu?", not "Who is Sun Tzu?", which is a testament to his continuing presence within society. His only living representation is through a statue and a written work. The parallels to the great Ozymandias, king of kings, aren't lost on me. The meme itself presents the name, the statue. The litany of memes that this one is based on usually feature the caption, "- Sun Tzu, 'The Art of War'". All elements of what this man was and is are showcased in this meme.

    And yet, the juxtaposition is humerous. The subtle jab at atheism, a self-referential in-joke in relation to the history of atheism within internet circles on websites such as Reddit, indicates a knowing and almost understanding tone. A situation or scenario, one you would never wish to find yourself in, but one that could easily have - or perhaps even already has - happened to you. A manifestation of the awkward juxtaposition between humanity's nature as literal animals with basic bodily needs and functions, and humanity's intellectual need to enforce a "social contract" of polite conduct and of unspoken but universally understood rules. This "social contract" almost exclusively is presented not as a necessity when alone - but only when in the presence of other human beings. It is by its very nature a silent conflict, and conflict - as you may have already pieced together - is the central focus of The Art of War.

    And yet, it's farcical. The concept of such an "important" and "esteemed" figure as Sun Tzu giving joking advice on what to do if you clog a friend's toilet whilst passive-aggressively referencing an 00s/10s Reddit movement is by its very nature an absurd extrapolation of disparate threads of society and life, and by its very nature makes no sense. A literal and obvious response is "Sun Tzu didn't say that." An alternate, but logical, response, is a laugh - a quiet chuckle, even a knowing smile. But why? Why would we respond by understanding it as funny?

    It's because of the internal depiction of the fundamental dichotomy between importance and mundanity. We do not often picture the concept of kings cooking their own meals. We do not typically imagine iconic scientists, artists, and thinkers as the oft-scorned societal outcasts many were during their lifetimes. Likewise, we do not typically imagine Sun Tzu as a man with common problems such as a blocked plumbing system. (This may mostly be due to the lack of plumbing systems at the time, but I digress.)

    The very dichotomy itself is a reflection of the world in which we live - where lies are truth and truths are lies, and where farce and spectacle reigns supreme over logic and substance. The query of "Why?" is typically ignored and responded to at best with a shrug, a glance, and a curt and firm "Why not?" Well, I'd like to pose to you a question in response to all of this, a fundamental lynchpin of what this simple in-joke represents.

    Why work to understand the importance of society's value of importance, when you can simply use the world's strange and twisting structures to **** into the messy and badly-maintained piping of the social contract and, metaphorically at least, block your friend's toilet in the process?
    Open question: in crossover games (such as the Smash series), do you feel it to be more important/necessary that a "main" character is added first, or do you feel that side characters in a given series can be better (or a mix of both?)

    I'm intrigued as to what people think about this kind of thing, mostly because of the movement to what I like to call "post-modern Smash speculation" - that is, a large movement toward rebooting or vastly retooling the series as a whole, as opposed to just continuing to work from the previous installment in the series. Given the inclusion of characters like Min Min and sort-of-also Pyra/Mythra, I'm kind of interested to know what people think on this front!
    I feel a healthy mix of both is important. You obviously need a character who can be defined as a main character, but you also need some exciting side characters to keep things interesting.
    I want a mix. It's pretty obvious why main characters should usually get priority but you're missing out on so much potential if you don't include side characters too, especially when in so many franchises side characters can end up being nearly or just as iconic as the leads.
    Regarding Smash specifically - it should be important to note that every series or game has the (or a) main protagonist or mascot character playable, with the sole exceptions of XBC2, but we know this was due to a Blade-swapping mechanic not being supported by the system, and ARMS, but it was stated directly that every ARMS character is "the main character", and Min Min is the most popular regardless.
    Obviously, this is because it's easiest to implement those characters over the other ones. When you're playing a game, most of your attachment will be to either the player character, or in games with multiple player characters, the primary mascot, as those are the characters you immediately think of when you think about those games. Subsequently, these characters usually showcase the core gameplay of a given series the best, and that's what Smash prioritizes. Note that characters such as Joker and Byleth implement elements that represent the entire game, and are not necessarily specific to their characters; This goes doubly so for Avatar characters such as Hero, Inkling, Villager, etc.
    Truth be told it has always made sense to me that the playable characters should be the ones that get prioritized, especially in the case where much of the game revolves around them anyway.

    I feel as if it is this mindset that leads to modern Smash speculation - when people try to "reboot" Smash (which is an ideology I hate for various reasons, mostly in part to how the Smash community perceives it), they simply just do main characters because that is the precedent Smash has set thus far, and is also why the late additions of the Aegis and Min Min are such hot topics, because they were implemented long after said precedent.
    But, in both those cases, I feel as if those are the best case scenarios for how those games could have been represented anyway. Everybody is always bringing up Spring Man but honestly Spring Man is awfully boring and has nowhere near as much appeal as Min Min; The Aegis being playable was mostly a compromise for not being able to get Rex to work, but I would prefer their unique transformation gimmick rather than just have Rex on his own.

    It's usually only when a series gets more than 1 character we see the side characters get the limelight. Although, in most cases this makes sense- for certain series, especially self-titled ones, you can't really grab for anyone else first but the main character. Imagine if we got Tails instead of Sonic, or the Champions instead of Link - it doesn't really make sense. But there are other series/games where a side character has more potential or is more popular, and thus warrants being included before the "Main" character, i.e. Min Min. Though, there are extremely few examples besides this.

    I think it's just more important to have the context of the series and the specific character in mind, rather than trying to map out a prioritization chart of "Protagonists > Deuteragonists > Antagonists > Tertiaries", etc. 9/10 times the main character is the best option for expressing the series and gameplay as a whole, which is where the mindset forms.

    Edit: Since we're talking about crossover fighters, you guys should check out Hasbro Game Night Fight and vote for our next character!
    come to think of it, social anxiety & stage fright are actually really rational fears when you really consider it. like, if you **** up in front of your tribe and get ostracised, there's the potential for you to die in the cold due to a lack of a support network and necessities like food, water, etc. move that same implicit "don't **** this up" mindset forward like 5000 or so years and doing a powerpoint is basically the same thing albeit less to a life-or-death extent
    I have to say, for all of the hate that the Internet gets, I find it pretty funny that deepfakes have almost completely been used for the sake of ****posts and memes - because like, there's an unspoken rule that everything the Internet touches turns to crap, and yet here we are.

    I can't wait for the inevitable headline of some Christian mothers' Facebook group going absolutely bat**** insane over a deepfake of Joe Biden hitting the griddy whilst saying "I AM THE ANTICHRIST, SLEEPY JOE 666" or something though, it's bount to happen at some point

    (i would be stuck until the end of time on the ceiling of this bus stop)
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