If you're familiar with the
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series - or indeed any other series where the main point of interest is the concept that all fiction is
real - I think there's one particular event that would be unendingly hilarious to both observe and report on, despite its macabre nature.
(Please note that the attached image is
frame 312, not
frame 313, I don't know if it's against the rules to show the President's death here but I'm going to presume it is)
Consider for a moment the sheer number of plots in fiction that, in some way or another, are associated with the events that took place in Dallas, 1963. Let's presume, firstly, that Kennedy
is still the President - depending on what fictionalised President you're talking about (or even what fiction you're talking about, if you take on the
Twilight Zone episode "Profile in Silver" wherein Kennedy is taken into the far future and replaced with a distant ancestor) there's a vast number of candidates, but let's simplify it.
From memory, aside from alleged groups in real-life fiction, and aside from the now-present groups posed by various conspiracies and urban legends, Kennedy would also be in the presence of the Umbrella Academy, English teacher Jake Epping on several occasions, Kennedy himself courtesy of
Red Dwarf, Sherlock Holmes (despite having been dead for
decades before this point), the Doctor and the Master, Red Skull, all invididuals involved in SCP-3780, probably also Soviet Superman, Grassy Noel Atkinson, the Comedian, Magneto, an unnamed cigarette-smoking man, and possibly
hundreds of others, mostly gathering either on the Grassy Knoll or in the Texas School Book Depository.
I'm reminded of that one Onion article wherein the President was shot "129 times from 43 different angles" thinking about all of this, because I can't help but imagine Dallas being absolutely full of bizarre happenings for the entire day leading up to Kennedy's assassination and his parade
still not being called off for some bizarre reason - likely resulting in a massively reduced presence of the Secret Service considering how much they would be dealing with simultaneously - all culminating in hundreds of bullets, lasers, fists, magnetic fields, and chunks of traffic lights entering Kennedy's skull at the
exact same moment. I'm probably terrible for thinking this, but it's a pretty funny image to picture.