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  • I got a Steam copy of Sonic Generations two months ago and I'm pretty close to beating it 100%-just a few Red Star Rings left. But as I was playing the missions, I got hit with a wave of nostalgia. Back to when I was stuck at my mom's house on the weekends, with the only things to entertain myself being an XBOX 360, Sonic Generations, 06, and the movie Finding Nemo. Gens became the first game I ever beat 100% for that reason alone. And when I was done with that, I would replay my favorite levels or missions over and over again. It's a bittersweet thought, and it weirdly makes me pity my younger self for not having anything else to do on the weekends, like hanging out with friends (none lived by my mom's house) or at least playing a different game-which makes me want to 100% Generations again that much more.
    Only Generations and 06? I can see why you 100% the former.
    I probably would've done the same with 06 if kid me could've beaten the final boss of Silver's story. I unironically loved that game as a kid and still like it today-thought I do admit it's not very good.
    Thanks, Splatoon community. We owe you one.
    Sadly the splatoon community has to suffer because people can't keep toxicity in their own game.
    Mind you I'm not saying what Nintendo did was ok and I am proud of the solution community is standing tall but the community needs these tournaments to bring in new people.
    Of course. The reason I'm thanking them in the first place is because they were wiling to go as far as to have a tournament stream be cancelled just to show their support.
    I don't know if I'll ever get into competitive Melee, but if I do I'm maining Bowser and no one can stop me.
    Sonic Unleashed has some of the best level design of any Sonic game.
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    Yeah. Like Chaotix, the levels are pretty and vibrant. But like...
    WHERE DO I GO? But I know there are a lot of people who prefer the labyrinth-like design and that's totally fine. Just like how I prefer more linear level design (as you could probably tell by the OP)
    Deleted member
    Generations had really good levels too. Loved Speed Highway.
    Oh man, Speed Highway takes me back. I remember revisiting it over and over on my 360 when I was a kid. Fun times.
    Can something even be considered "objectively" good anymore?
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    Just look at the facts and ignore preferences and biases. That's what it means to be objective. There's plenty of stuff out there, you just have to find it and hope it appeals to your preferences on top being of good quality.
    "Good" is objectively a subjective property so...no.
    It really isn't. A glitchy, unpolished, ugly game is not a good game.

    Good games and bad games exist whether one likes it or not. If they didn't, people like Angry Video Game Nerd wouldn't have the numerous videos they do harping on what is very clearly bad game design.

    He doesn't just throw potty mouth insults at games like Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde for the NES. Plenty of the stuff he says within that is still truthful, factual, researchable, objective imformation about the game that would remain true even if he wasn't so comically angry about how terrible the game is.

    Subjectivity applies to more preferential factors regardless of their actual quality of being good or bad. Objectively, I cannot say if Fire Emblem is even good nor would I know because subjectively, I hate the SRPG genre as it is just not my preference.

    Turns out that weekly content drop for Sonic was, in fact, wallpapers and avatars. Can't say I'm surprised.
    Week could still get better-maybe a port or Q&A or something-but I don't expect it too. We'll likely get something in April.
    Decided to listen to the Sonic Schoolhouse OST out of pure curiosity. Very much a slow, dreamlike, "Fun Colors and Shapes: The Game", feel to it.
    It's alright, no standout tracks though. Except this one, which would feel right at home as a menu theme in a Sonic game.
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    Mr. Peepee
    Mr. Peepee
    Sega should have re-released Sonic Schoolhouse in Sonic Gems Collection
    I would've liked to see Kncukles' Chaotix and the Game Gear games too.
    Games I'm thinking of picking up:
    Sonic Lost World, as I know I won't enjoy it but I want to be able to say I played it so that I can have a real debate about it with people.
    Classic Megaman LC, because I enjoyed X LC so thoroughly.
    3D All Stars, probably gonna get it secondhand because the last thing I'll do is support that anti-consumer decision.
    Team Sonic Racing since Silver and Blaze are finally playable again (even if they're in cars and paired with Vector for seemingly no reason) and it looks like they're putting a decent amount of effort into the world of Sonic again.
    Uncharted Lost Legacy since 4 is one of my all time favorite games.
    I thought Forces was a decent amount. They got an effective antagonist, OC's that you can project on, a good Chemical Plant Zone, and cool bosses and minibosses. Some of the levels were amazing. The only problem is that to defeat the final boss I had to button mash with both hands.
    My problems with Forces were the reliance on what came before and how the levels felt like a straight line with some curves. None of the characters controlled very well, and it tries to tell a darker story without understanding why the story of Adventure 2 worked. But it has some great qualities and I see why people like it.
    Shadow would be such a hectic character to be unveiled in FP2. The community would be toxic for weeks.
    -very similar to Sonic in their own series, making people feel cheated
    -would anger those who thought AT's deconfirmed
    -would anger those who wanted Waluigi or Issac or Zero instead
    -would anger Sonic fans who wanted someone else much more
    -would anger Sega fans who wanted a different franchise to be repped
    -would anger Shadow's haters
    -would anger non-Sonic fans who hate the series
    And I would be watching the Chaos (pun intended) unfold.
    Regardless if Shadow was unique, semi-clone, or a Echo, a lot of people would be thrilled to see him in. There was a reason he was in the Grinch leak afterall.
    I don't really see much hate coming from a potential Shadow reveal outside of some Waluigi fans. Disappointment is always possible no matter who gets revealed, but I feel like said disappointment might come from his moveset, especially if he's made to be a Sonic echo. Shadow can do much more than copying Sonic. That's how I felt with Dark Samus.
    ^^Well to be fair everyone and there dog where speculating he'd be in as an echo at the time, so it'd look suspicious if he wasn't included in that hoax. Ironic how that turned out.

    He's still got a ton of fans, and I think for every Isacc/Waluigi fan who'd be angry it wasn't their pick there'd be two more who'd be happy their most wanted is on the table. I think Shadow would get mixed reception at worst.
    I want Waluigi's neutral special to be where he does any neutral special in the game at random. He could do Homing Attack, Metal Blade, Fireball, Darkest Lariat-anything. And it's random every time.
    Yeah it would be a competitive nightmare, but a funny one.
    Apparently Ben Drowned just ended like, a week ago?
    Alright, I've been out of the loop long enough, starting this weekend I'm gonna see what this series is all about.
    "If you like a bad game, then honestly who cares?"
    -Alpharad, 2020
    I don't really watch this guy anymore but if he actually said this, then he has my utmost respect cuz he's right. Like what you like even if it sucks. No rule or law saying you can only like good games. I wish more people could be less insecure about enjoying media and just admitting when something they like isn't that good.
    As cool as Classic Sonic would be in terms of gameplay, putting him in Smash is (almost) the absolute worst thing that could happen to the series right now.
    Thinking about it now, I probably should've specified "could happen to the Sonic series". I guess it wouldn't be that bad for Smash.
    Champion of Hyrule
    Champion of Hyrule
    The only issue I have with using classic sonic is that classic sonic can’t do some of the things modern sonic does, but modern sonic can do some of the things classic sonic does.

    Also I kinda feel like the sonic community and the game so themselves would be a lot better if there was less of a distinction between classic and modern sonic.
    It feels like the fandom is constantly arguing if Sonic with slightly lighter shade of blue is better than sonic with slightly darker shade of blue
    Personally I think it would be best if Sonic got a moveset overhaul in the next game that pulled from his entire series for inspiration, and you could choose a lighter blue, black eyes alternate costume, which would be Classic's representation aside from spirits and stages.
    Me: Yeah, I've gotten close to beating Mega Man X a while back. Surely I can do it again!
    Also me: is stuck on Armored Armadillo's stage for two hours like an idiot before I realize he has a weakness like every other MM boss
    What was this? I can't see the video.
    It’s the (coming soon) episode 4 of Sonic and Tails R, a fan-series made by Emi Jones that features voice actors from the official Sonic cast like Ryan Drummond. And it’s teased that Pete Capella will return as Silver in episode 4, which is why I’m happy about it.
    Holy ***t, Bowser is an S tier amiibo?
    Aright guess I'm going to do amiibo tournaments now. Sounds fun and apparently I main (and have a figure of) one of the best characters in the meta.
    EDIT: Oh, apparently he's so good a lot of tournaments straight up ban him.
    Oh well. This will still be fun.
    Got 2nd at last weekend's tournament. Basically the same place I've been in for a while. This time it's more impressive, because while there were only 10 people, I did manage to 2-0 Vika, our best Pikachu and second-place-holder of our most recent major tournament. Lost Grand Finals to the same Sonic main as the week before, and the week before, etc. He's a demon of sorts for me. Hopefully I can find a way to take him down next week, or at the very least not get 3-0'd.
    The question is inarguable if Sega should make Sonic Adventure 3. It's been clamored for for years, it's gotten the least attention of any gameplay style and yet remains the second most beloved, the name alone would sell millions upon millions, and it could remind people why Sonic Adventure 2 was so good.
    The only thing is, can they? Can they possibly make a sequel to a beloved twenty year old duology and somehow not **** it up? I think that's the question Sega needs to ask themselves before they start work on something like that. They can't just do Adventure 3 out of obligation.
    Is...that supposed to be a criticism of the idea? Of course it's going to be a 3D Sonic game, that much is obvious.
    Champion of Hyrule
    Champion of Hyrule
    Well yeah, obviously. I’m just saying that I personally don’t think there would be much special about Sonic Adventure 3 like people say there would be.

    I can also definitely see Sega missing the point about what people liked about Sonic Adventure 3, or not really fixing the problems with the older Sonic Adventure games. This has happened a lot in the past and I can see it happening again
    I definitely agree-I can't pretend slapping a title on the game is going to fix the problems immediately. Like I said in my OP, they can't do it unless they know they can do it well.
    Don't get why people say ACNH doesn't deserve a GOTY nomination just because it's not a 50 hour long single player experience with cutting edge graphics and a revolutionary combat system.
    Meanwhile, us Hades fans are cautiously optimistic about an indie sneaking up.
    I haven't played that game, but from what I'm told from someone whom has, that game has done a good number of inconvenient things.

    Tried Animal Crossing before myself and I really don't find as much appeal in how islands are so small and the repetition of doing chores for Sanrio wannabes.

    I'd argue Fantasy Life is a much better game of that genre.
    For me personally the inconveniences are just those-inconveniences. I haven't been back to the game in a hot minute, but I really loved it despite those. But yeah, I think being able to craft wherever you want and other small fixes like that would go a long way.
    This is something Nintendo just didn't need to interfere with. If they chose to ignore Big House's Melee tournament, then there would be a lot less trouble and Nintendo would have a way better reputation for letting a big and sponsored tournament use a fanmade online service.
    Yes, Slippi has a Patreon. You can play 100, 1,000, 10,000 hours of Slippi and don't have to pay a cent. This is an optional thing. What's more, Sega is totally fine with this kind of thing. There's no written law saying "Nintendo must take down everything with a Patreon." What's more, did I mention Nintendo is the richest company in Japan? Slippi wouldn't do anything to harm them. It's not IP protection either, all Slippi is is online mode for a 19 year old game.
    I don't care what anyone says. Nintendo's just trying to kill this game. I may not play it, but I send my condolences to Melee fans, and luck that their community continues to thrive.
    Meanwhile in the competitive Smash scene, Nintendo is being Nintendo once again.
    Once I finish Astral Chain I have to make a moveset for Akira. My idea would be that if you hold B, you can move your Legion at free will, potentially trapping up your opponent in the chain or keeping them at bay from across the stage. This character would be toxic as heck and I love that idea.
    Playing Astral Chain currently. Much needed break from my unbreakable norm of platformers, platformers, platformers, and Smash. It's really fun so far, but I am keeping it on casual mode as I'm a noob to the action games genre.
    Saw something the other day, someone asking why Shadow was a hedgehog of all things. Well, here ya' go:

    Ancient Echidna mural, depicting a hedgehog with raised-up quills using the power of the Chaos Emerald, which is being held by a mustached figure with a triangle nose and glasses.

    As told by the picture above, Gerald was obsessed with ancient Echidna society, so he probably stumbled across the mural at some point. While it clearly shows Sonic retrieving the Master Emerald from Eggman at the end of Sonic 3&K, Gerald must have misinterpreted it as the ancient Echidna tribe having a prophecy that he would create a hedgehog with the power of the Chaos Emerald (one with raised quills, might I add.) He must have been running tests on the prototype Ultimate Life Form around this time. Since that one was slow and unintelligent, and needed a huge life support pack with a major weak point to survive, a new, small, better form would be much more convenient. Plus, hedgehogs are very fast and strong in this universe, which would help if this Ultimate Life Form is to save humanity.
    Sorry for the lengthy explanation. It just really grinds my gears when people call a good story bad for minuscule things like this.
    Thanks to Sonic Adventure DX, I'm currently playing through 8-bit Sonic 1 on my PC. From the first zone, here's my thoughts.
    It's not the classic some made it out to be, nor is it the dumpster fire others proclaimed it as. It's pretty fun. Not 1-1 with the Genesis games but a heck of a lot better then Generations Classic was. Can't wait to beat it as I really love the artstyle and controls.
    Well, I was gonna get a used DS + some games for my birthday...but damn! Why are the games so expensive?
    Gonna get flamed for this, but...
    People who hate Shadow for the sole reason of his edginess and him trying too hard to be cool, are just the modern day equivalent of the old lady from the Sonic 1 commercial.
    "Why can't he be more like that nice boy Sonic?"
    Chicken Little has one of those plots that has me convinced that the writers had a few short days to write it, and-instead of having an outline and a plan and all that jazz-they just wrote the script from the opening to the ending without stopping. The movie goes all over the place and seemingly has no end goal in mind. I think that's why I love it so much.
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