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  • If I were ever to direct a sequel to Subspace, I'd probably settle a few things right out the gate:
    Make the environments more similar to iconic videogame worlds. We had a few like the Halberd, but more would be great-deserts and forests were cool but bland.
    Give every character a purpose. Sonic's scene was cool, but he kinda got snubbed with his screen time-same for TL, Wolf, and Jigglypuff.
    Pick it up a few years or so after the original story.
    Include more iconic enemies (Mets from Megaman, Bokoblins from Zelda, all kinds of Pokemon, Ghosts from PAC-MAN, all sorts of Eggman's robots from Sonic, etc)
    Make some of the levels a little less maze-like.
    Have a little more voice acting to add some spice-"Kept you waiting, huh?" is one of my favorite lines in videogames, and I don't even know what a Metal Gear Solid is.
    Finally, include an RPG system, where you get stronger as you go on. This would make every collectible feel that much more important and give more reason to fight instead of running away. You could even choose to have a skill tree or Spirits like WoL (though Spirits would have to be balanced a bit so you don't just power through every enemy effortlessly).
    I'll get some flack for this, but I really couldn't care less about the environments in 2D Mario. Grass, Dessert, Ice, Beach/Forest, Lava. They've all blended together and at this point (unless we're talking about 64 or Odyssey) I don't care about the Mushroom Kingdom or its surrounding areas. Even the ghosts houses, generally very unique environments, have become bland and uninspired, using the same design since SMW. I would really like to see some variety in the worlds these games put out. They've made some short lived attempts, which I appreciate, and those end up being some of my favorite levels of the bunch. If and when Nintendo makes a 2D game that isn't Mario Maker, I really hope they try something new for the environments, and maybe even the gameplay, considering it's stayed mostly the same since the first New game.
    Sorry about bashing on these games. I love them, I really do. I just want to get excited about their worlds again, the way I got excited about Odyssey's kingdoms.
    That's the problem with the NSMB series really. Everything's the same. Plot: Bowser captures Peach. Levels: As you mentioned. Bosses: Koopalings, who are samey in one game, let alone 3. Plot twist: Bowser gets big. Characters: Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Toads, Peach, Bowser, Jr., Koopalings, 1 Mini Boss, Enemies. I just hope 1: the next 2D game is different, and 2: future 3D games don't suffer the same fate
    Yeah. I don't have a problem with the first four games nearly as much, since it was just starting up (1, 3 and World). But besides the graphical overhaul and a couple of new power ups, it's the same Mario. Not that the base formula of those games should change, but they've done the bare minimum to keep it slightly interesting. New characters, stages, gimmicks, plots, etc. would really help, like you said. It's become this thing where they lean on their original 2D games to keep them afloat. Well, at least that doesn't keep the 3D games from evolving, unlike some other franchise I know.
    Yeah, the worlds in the 3D Mario games are a lot more creative and innovative than the worlds in 2D Mario games. The Galaxy games especially show this.

    Mario 3D All Stars better move over.
    I'll do YOU one better: High-Speed trilogy mentioned above releases about the same time as Sonic Jam 2, sans Chaotix and with 3D Blast added (giving the option to have a homing attack at all times that can be turned off). Sonic Gems 2 comes out later, with Chaotix, Chaos, Triple Trouble, Segasonic The Hedgehog, R, The Fighters, and Blast.
    Next year we get the Boost Trilogy (Unleashed, Colors, Generations) plus later on the GBA collection (Advance 1, 2, 3, Battle). DS collection later on (Rush trilogy). Finally to top it all off, a Dark Ages collection (Shadow, Riders, 06, Storybook games). Obviously some of these collections would be priced more or less depending on the games and how much of an improvement they are over the originals.
    This is never gonna happen, but man, imagine being able to play all of Sonic's history on your switch.
    You made my heart stop for a second thinking this was actually real.
    Sadly no. But Sonic Twitter has been dropping some hints, including Adventure memes and artwork, so maybe...
    I have zero inside information (and wouldn't want it, anyways) but I feel extremely confident in this.
    Tomorrow, 1:00 pm EDT, Geno fighter video shadowdropped, 9.0 releasing next week (seven days later).
    On the subject of 2nd Sonic character speculation in Ultimate, here are my thoughts:
    Shadow is my most wanted, and his odds certainly aren't bad. He's the second most popular character in the franchise and, at least from what I've seen, the most highly requested Sonic character. He's also Takashi Iizuka's (head of Sonic Team) favorite character, so if Sakurai was just going to include Iizuka's favorite character, it would be Shadow. Shadow is pretty similar to Sonic (so he'd be easier to develop than a newer character) while also having more than enough differences from Sonic for a moveset of his own (so fewer people get upset over buying an echo or semi-echo, which Shadow wouldn't be if he were in fp2 as a CP). Alternatively, they can make him a non-challenger pack character but he would be an echo without a stage or music-though I'd at least like to see Throw It All Away make an appearance. The biggest thing holding Shadow back are being an Assist Trophy, but since Min Min broke that spirit rule mere months ago, I think Shadow could do the same. Another thing is that if he was to be an echo, Metal Sonic would be the much more obvious choice.
    Dr. Eggman, however, has just as much of a chance as Shadow, if not more. He's one of the few characters that returns for every installment, even when the series tries to completely reboot or reinvent itself. He was the very second Sonic character and arguably the first if you count his developing stages, where he was originally pitched as Sega's new mascot before Sonic was a thing. He's more important to the series than any of the other characters I mention here and has more moveset potential as well (imo). He's an extremely expressive character which would make his taunts and animations an absolute delight, and his many appearances throughout the franchise mean he won't really upset many Sonic fans with his inclusion alone. The biggest thing holding him back-well, if I'm being honest, Shadow and Bowser Jr. Shadow is the more heavily requested character from what I've seen, but that's not a huge deal, Sakurai won't choose a character on want alone (correct me if I'm wrong). Bowser Jr, is a weird case, because he also possesses a flying fortress (no pun intended) that has various tools coming out of it to attack his opponent-which is more or less how I'd imagine Eggman. They have more than enough material to make him different, but the fact that BJ already has a flying automobile of his own might ward Sakurai off of making a moveset for Eggman, fearing they would be too similar. Still, my bet's on Eggman.
    Knuckles is like Shadow, where both are assist trophies that share traits with Sonic in thier games. Knuckles has lots of potential for a moveset, where he'd be a kind of glass canon that deals lots of damage but dies just as early as Sonic. He has things like the glide, melee attacks, and climb to differentiate himself from Sonic. I don't possess strong feelings for Knux as a fighter one way or another, but he would be a logical choice to please the majority of the fanbase (as Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario said in a profile post a while back). Knuckles is a wise choice, but I think he has the least chance of these four characters.
    Tails is the strangest case. He's similar to Sonic, but more so is Shadow. He's a very early character in the series, but Eggman is earlier. He's a friend of Sonic's, but so is Knuckles and Shadow. He has lots of moveset potential, but so do Shadow and Eggman. I can totally see Sakurai going for Tails if he's aiming for protagonists only, because while Shadow and Knuckles are also protagonists they are also Sonic's rivals, plus Tails is Sonic's best friend. As it stands I also don't have strong feelings for Tails but would love it if he got in, as I would with any other Sonic character. He doesn't have much holding him back, apart from the "Sega has three reps" argument, which also applies to everyone else here.
    I still think that there should be a second Sonic rep-I know Sega has three reps, but Sonic is one of the most influential icons of the 90's and has one of the strongest followings as well as one of the biggest hate trains of gaming. Not to mention his 30th anniversary is next year, which would be the perfect time to announce one of these characters for a Challenger Pack.
    Anyways, that's what I think. Might put this in Newcomer Speculation as well.
    I can never understand how some people function with more than six or seven tabs open at once-though I applaud them. Just looking at those things squished together gives me stress on its own.
    Oz o:
    Oz o:
    I don't function, really. A lot of the time, I just leave them for days, and I end up closing them without giving them full attention. Multi-tasking is a really bad habit.

    Contrary to popular belief, you can be productive and still get nothing done.
    I can only have 3 tabs open on desktop at max before starting to mentally go insane. Same applies to mobile (iPhones in particular), and even more so when people leave over 15-20 apps running at once (my mother does this). Drives me crazy.

    Now imagine me having to do a college project or essay, and having to cite sources.
    God, been there. Not for college-haven’t made it there yet-but citing sources using a laptop in and of itself is a pain.
    The storybook games were really good at presentation, honestly. Would love to see Black Knight return with button controls, as the Wiimote was the one thing I didn't like about the game.
    So, I was curious about what Yuji Naka did between leaving Sega and joining Square, and apparently one of the things he made was a multimedia project called "Sega Hard Girls" (collaberation with Sega) that "re-imagines various Sega video game consoles as anthropomorphized goddesses who appear all over modern Japan". Quote came from the Wikipedia article.
    You learn something new every day.
    Apparently #cancelsonictwitter is now tending because a fangame creator is allowing optional donations from players for financial support and people are taking that as “profiting off of an existing IP.”
    If you ask me, though, it seems like Sonic fans and haters alike are using it as an excuse to hate on the Sonic franchise. Some people are using the hashtag without having the faintest idea of its origin.
    I’m baffled.
    Oracle Link
    Oracle Link
    I dont find any other place to talk about this so i guess im out of place
    I just started playing Sonic Smackdown and i think its neat Although im still confused is it a mod beacuse Chaos feels like venom and Metal sonic feels like a jedi? Also kanji!
    charcters i would love seeing added is Charmy Bee (i know it would be weird if he doesnt fly), Eggpawns, mephiles and the weirdest choice:
    Silver sonic no not this one this one:
    hes just so cute! And derpy!
    Yeah, a lot of the characters from that game are based off of other fighting game characters (Metal=Wolverine and Blaze=Akuma for example). I don’t know if I would want those characters specifically as playable but it’s if the game had assists they would certainly fit right in.
    Oracle Link
    Oracle Link
    I mean mephiles does make sense as a full char the main reason i want Eggpawn is to have a generic Robot to fight! I dont wannna beat up G/emerl!
    Does anyone know any decent Sonic message boards/forums? I don't want to spam all my Sonic-related takes on a Smash Bros website for forever.
    The 3D Mario All-Stars thing exists, but it sure comes with an expiration date and not a ton of changes to the games themselves. So maybe this is Sega’s opportunity to reveal that Sonic Adventure remake they’ve been hinting at. It would certainly brighten their image if they announced game that’s rebuilt from the ground up, with additions to improve gameplay experience, and a run of the game that isn’t limited.
    ...or just rerelease three Sonic games on modern hardware. That would also work.
    Had some free time on my hands earlier in the year, so I did this. Very pleased with how it’s coming out!
    Sonic Adventure 2 is a good game and I am willing to defend it until the day I die.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    Not a fan personally, but then again I unironically admire Knuckles' Chaotix so who am I to speak?
    I haven’t actually tried that one before.
    But yeah, the biggest complaint I see about SA2 are the mech and treasure hunting stages. I find them to be fun after going in and doing the missions. The treasure hunting stages focus on exploration and knowing the ins and outs of the level to beat it in record time, which is what I loved about the classic games (and yeah, I do like those better than Adventure style ones). Mechs are a bit weirder, you like them if you like them. More about going slow and knowing enemy placements.
    Chao garden alone makes it god-tier, nevermind the rest.
    I really like how Nintendo used the B button for Min Min-not just your standard four special attacks. It would be cool if they did it again in the future-for example, if Madeline were to get in, maybe the B button would just be her dash, and she could use it in 8 different directions.
    Should I feel bad for using Google as a tool when I’m trying to 100% a game-in this case, Celeste?
    With how many dead or probably dead franchises Nintendo has now, I’d be down for a Captain Rainbow sequel.
    Sonic Generations for 3DS was probably the weirdest Sonic game I played outside of 06. It features levels different from the console versions-Mushroom Hill and Radical Highway, for example-no cutscenes, no side quest missions, no Super Sonic except for the end fight, and for whatever reason they gave Classic Sonic a homing attack. Not an unenjoyable game by any means-but an odd tidbit of Sonic history.
    Ever since I started playing competitive Smash last year, I’ve wanted to go PGR, maybe even top 8. But I’m also fourteen, and with the recent scandals, I don’t know if I’ll muster up the courage to return to locals.
    If you really want to follow your dreams of becoming a top player, just keep at it. This community has been through this same thing many times in the past and has always recovered and reemerged from it, so they know how to deal with it.
    Chances are your locals don't have any offenders, but if they do, report them to the TO and they should ban them. In case the TO refuses to, you should probably switch to a different local.
    I find it frustrating that even though Min Min has broken a fan rule about spirits, some are still enforcing the fan rule that assist trophies deconfirm. I get that it is a more complex situation for assist trophies, but still. There’s no reason for this “rule” other than to invalidate other people’s opinions.
    Pokémon Smile is a generation-defining title that will revolutionize the gaming industry.
    How did anyone ever complete Sonic Adventure while having to first play as Big? He’s slow as heck and the fishing is boring-Big’s gameplay makes me just want to skip his story and move on to SA2.
    I’ve been at the same skill level for about a year now in terms of competitive Smash Ultimate. Not only that, but during quarantine it’s been my #1 priority, which definitely shouldn’t be. That’s why I’m vacationing from it, starting today. Once I find some GC cords, I’m going to try and beat Sonic Adventure 100%, as I am a Sonic fan but somehow still haven’t played the Adventure titles.
    I think Smash needs an overhaul for its sixth entry. A 3D arena fighter might work, as they could cut down on the roster heavily while also giving characters more unique move sets. It would keep the meta on its toes and keep Smash interesting. ARMS is a good step towards the arena fighter genre, as well as Poken tournament (sorry if I misspelt that), but Smash just makes sense in that format. It might have to start out with a much smaller roster (say, 25-30 characters) but more could be added over time. I’d love to see how BotW Link or Cloud could work in this type of format.
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