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VaNz Stuff.. about Peach (Tactical Discussion)


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
troll harder, crush.

Its funny cuz Mccain said exactly what I said, and you still didnt listen.
the difference is that he didn't understand that i agreed with most of what he was saying. he just felt like being a catty douche.

What Mccain said still stands, it really must suck to get carried in YOUR region because everyone around you doesnt know how to play.

How unfortunate.
how do you "get carried" in melee? if anything people get carried by being surrounded with amazing players to practice with.


Smash Ace
Feb 10, 2006
I guess that's what I was going for except that I phrased it very poorly. In the particular line that I quoted, it sounded like "numbers" was going to be the only acceptable answer to MacD's claim.

I agree 100% that frame data is a TOOL, and that your statement about the mechanical limitations of the game is valid and true. I'm just afraid players may try to use such a tool in lieu of experience, or site frame data in the face of players defying our assumptions of what "is possible."

But I apologize, my statement was too narrow and ultimate


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2008
Richmond, TX
to be fair, even though socal has so many top level players i dont think they really play each other outside of tournaments anymore, and even then them playing each other normally moslty happens in the tournament proper


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2007
Speaking of senseless b¡tch¡ness........n¡ce job w¡nn¡ng that tournament last weekend, baka. I just watched your matches and ¡t looks l¡ke you're cont¡nually ¡mprov¡ng. :)


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2008
Richmond, TX
Speaking of senseless b¡tch¡ness........n¡ce job w¡nn¡ng that tournament last weekend, baka. I just watched your matches and ¡t looks l¡ke you're cont¡nually ¡mprov¡ng. :)
haha thanks. its always nice to hear words of encouragement! although im a bit confused as to why thats related to senseless *****iness?

also mafia understands me well. yay :)

woah i typed the same word and my post got censored while composeurs didnt lol wtf


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
Pretty much what everyone just said, just because you're in the same region as the best player in the world doesnt mean you always play with them. Moreover, even if you do consistently play with good people that doesnt mean you yourself will be good.

Being in a good region is not the reason people are better than you.

Also, I re-read your post john, and all I saw were counter arguments to Mccain's posts. So can you point out where exactly you agreed with him, or on what topics you agreed with him?


Frame Savant
Jun 20, 2008
Kent Lakes, New York
Even veril knows, we're not playing super theory brothers, and though it can help, knowledge of tech skill alone will probably never win you a game.
I like frame data. There is a lot more to interpreting it then just being like move x has a 4 frame advantage on block, therefore you dsmash/jabx2, overly simplistic. When does it have that advantage, how does staleness effect this, what are your options after move x for exploiting the advantage? Like if you fair falco's shield on a platform and they transition into a bair, the +4 advantage wouldn't necessarily be accurate. Things like this make it interesting imo.

I don't think this makes me good at the game, but its fun... W/e


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I also really like watching baka's matches. Keep it up, you...you Peach main, you.

Is it weird that when I was first starting out with Melee, I used to hate Falcon, and now I hate Marth? I actually don't do badly against Falcons at my level, but I just struggle against Marth. I don't know if I can say that I struggle, but the Marth MU is so annoying that I feel like I'm not getting anywhere. And I actually don't have problems with Fox, surprisingly. And Sheik is dumb.

So...just MU johns.


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2010
Thank you Based Mimi.
Sometimes I'm good against Falcon, other times... not so much. I feel like I have to be in the mood to play Falcon or something :p. Patient Fox is probably my toughest MU right now.


Jul 1, 2004
Washington, DC
I'm really drunk and high on endorphins, but waveland downsmash not only is cooler than djc downsmash, it also covers more options as you can't djc from the main stage onto top platforms and you'd have to be running to cover tech rolls on lower platforms.

I love boys. best first date ever omg dc <3


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
Also, I re-read your post john, and all I saw were counter arguments to Mccain's posts. So can you point out where exactly you agreed with him, or on what topics you agreed with him?
he said that jab was good as a mix-up. in my first post on the topic i said that jab was good as an occasional mindgame, which is basically a mix-up. we just disagreed on the extent to which jab should be used... i thought it should be rare and he thought it should be more often... i thought that jab on shield was more punishable, and he thought that dsmash on shield was more punishable.


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
he said that jab was good as a mix-up. in my first post on the topic i said that jab was good as an occasional mindgame, which is basically a mix-up. we just disagreed on the extent to which jab should be used... i thought it should be rare and he thought it should be more often... i thought that jab on shield was more punishable, and he thought that dsmash on shield was more punishable.
i just gave all the options where jabbing is good, never said how often to use it

and i never said one was more punishable than the other

dsmash on shield though, is easier to punish when it comes to reaction, after a jab you have a few frames to react. you have the whole time during the dsmash to get ready to do whatever it is you want to do to punish and then react when it's done.

to recap

all i see is me saying to "stop being dumb" once, then going on and explaining why dsmash is not just a "Better option." i personally figured we were talking about the time where it would obviously shield poke, cause no ****, good choice there. then i even say how to counter jabbing someones shield

then i go to my next post, where i tell you why dsmash is not "guaranteed" and how it's easily punishable by most every character, at least at high levels

then, instead of taking my word, you demand numbers, tell me fair dsmash can't be rolled out of (still can punish after), then insult me, after i said you keep beating baddies, which is just another way of saying if you keep doing that, you aren't going to get better/beat good people with that mentality but whatever

hopefully this will open your eyes as to how i'm not an elitiest *****, and how i was just trying to correct you on everything you thought was good and right and how not everything you said was good and right

but it's k, you can get super defensive and act like i'm the bad guy here. you should know i'm one of the last people to have an ego problem, but when people are calling you out on info you are giving, it's really annoying. and instead of pulling the "i'm a better player than you" card, i explained everything i could and then still get *****ed at

then alan says the exact same thing and he gets praise

like i said though, it's k


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
I don't get what Macd and john! are arguing about cause they keep saying the same things.

My opinion though: I d-smash/jab/grab after aerials on shield based on how the opponent reacts to my aerials. If I notice they like to spot dodge I d-smash, if they like jumping/rolling/grabbing I jab, if they like to sit in their shield I grab. If I notice they roll a LOT I wait for the roll and dash attack them, which leads to combos. I also do spaced fc fair to d-tilt, but that's something I'm still working on. Until I know the opponent's habits I mix it up between the three randomly. They all can be beaten by certain strategies, it's just like a game off rock-paper-scissors.

They only really good players I have practice against are Doll and Cyrain, but I was going even with Doll last time I played him, so I guess I'm getting pretty good.

And **** you DoH. After I move from DC I find out it has the most amazing gay scene/clubs/parties and I'm stuck in one of the worst gay cities in the world. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
But hey, we had pride last weekend and I danced with my shirt off. Lol, how stereotypical. The first (and only) date I ever landed here ended with the other guy crying...

Oh yea, I started spamming wd to d-smash recently. Yay for winning by spacing. I'm so bad at spacing, it's why I lose to Marth's so bad I think.


Jul 1, 2004
Washington, DC
Dc gays are generally horrible. They're like the unfriendly black hotties table from the Mean Girls cafeteria.

Also he thinks my melee playing is cool. I wonder how I can **** this up.

McCain so bitter lol



Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
brawl peach boards are currently titled "gyllenhaal.jpg"
Jake or Maggie?

I don't get what Macd and john! are arguing about cause they keep saying the same things.

My opinion though: I d-smash/jab/grab after aerials on shield based on how the opponent reacts to my aerials. If I notice they like to spot dodge I d-smash, if they like jumping/rolling/grabbing I jab, if they like to sit in their shield I grab. If I notice they roll a LOT I wait for the roll and dash attack them, which leads to combos. I also do spaced fc fair to d-tilt, but that's something I'm still working on. Until I know the opponent's habits I mix it up between the three randomly. They all can be beaten by certain strategies, it's just like a game off rock-paper-scissors.
Thank you. This is what I was thinking about at work today, that all of these mixups are good ONCE YOU KNOW YOUR OPPONENT. I was thinking to myself that the argument was pointless to the extent that you should be mixing it up based on what your opponent's habits are. Jab is good for catching jumps/rolls, downsmash is good for shield stabs and spot dodges, grabs are good for people who are comfy in shield. It's opponent dependent. There isn't usually a "this option is good all the time" answer.

I hope you continue to post in here, MacD, cause I as well as others learn from you. You're the one who told me I had bad DI the first day I posted in here, and now my DI is actually kind of good. :) And my FC nairs are also good, thanks to your critique.

So...yeah. I hope that we can just shrug this off and move on.


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
Gay spam wasn't annoying to me but straight spam is. Stop it.

Float Camping on FoD: Just learn how to control Peach more effectively. Just check if the platform is in your way and if it is, don't try to float camp cuz the platform will interrupt you. Remember you cannot fastfall through platforms while doing aerials. You can ff through a platform and then do an aerial, but then you can't fc it. Honestly just be wary of the heights of the platforms. Also remember, if you hit a tall character standing underneath a platform with your d-smash on top of them, it's pretty good. So you can say float camp to d-smash instead of doing an aerial. Or you can fc an aerial onto the platform purposely and then d-smash immediately afterwards. And remember Peach's duck + her any up attacks like u-smash underneath those platforms can be pretty good too.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
Gay spam wasn't annoying to me but straight spam is. Stop it.
*rolls eyes* I'm not even sure if I should respond seriously to this, or not, but spam is spam. Doesn't help to discriminate against one type, and allow another.
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