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VaNz Stuff.. about Peach (Tactical Discussion)


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
It's baka's SWF anniversary today. Just a random tidbit of info. Happy anniversary, baka.

Anyone feel like watching a 36 minute Peach/Puff set? I'm trying to learn as much as I can about that particular matchup, and in-depth critique would be nice. I understand if no one wants to, I'm just putting it out there.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011

Video is taking longer to upload than I'd like. But if you're even an ounce serious (you're a better person than I if you are) I'll post it, eventually. Gotta love external uploaders.


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
In theory Peach vs. Puff is a rather simple matchup, but in practice it's extremely frustrating to play.

Deleted member

to be fair, even though socal has so many top level players i dont think they really play each other outside of tournaments anymore, and even then them playing each other normally moslty happens in the tournament proper
u are hella dum dont lie about socal plz


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
wait what lol i didnt know that howd u know that?

edit: wow nvm if u just meant october 1st then im dumb

also the puff mu is lame and requires so much thinking...
on the main page near the bottom it lists anniversary's of people who joined on that day.

Also when i fc i try to switch it up between d-smash,jab,and grab. i never seem to land the grab but now after reading some of this thread i am wondering if i am doing it to slow. Also i think i've seen armada d-tilt after a fc, i cant believe this works but its armada so he must be right. lastly how do people feel about trying to fc to another fc aerial.

ps. macd dont stop posting

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
idk why there's all this john! hate
he's a pretty cool guy imo, despite the fact that he thinks ally sheedy is less attractive than molly ringwald
she is PERFECT before the end, then she gets lame and not cute when she's all dressed up

anyway if y'all want to see me almost lose to a link you can do it here:
My set with skler from mass madness. I played him in pools and lost, so i wanted to try falcon game 1. didn't quite play the matchup how i wanted so i went peach for game 2. Game 3 was close as baaaaaaalls but I managed to pull through at the end.

Nagace, you gotta be ballsy to commit to fc aerial to fc aerial. If I want to do another aerial i usually do sh fadeaway nair. Dtilt is more of a mixup than it is a "this is a good idea because of the frames" idea, like fc fair to grab, at least to my knowledge. If you want to hit fair to grab, just focus on getting the grab out as soon as you land. it's escapable if the fair hits too high and if they buffer a roll out.


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
Oh yea, I am hetero-phobic. Have you seen how heterosexuals dress? Their hygiene habits? Where exactly they put they penises into? How gross!


I can't play Ness anymore in melee now that I'm a Peach main. They are simply too similar and it confuses me. I tried playing Peach in brawl and I couldn't kill anything.

Hey guys, do you have any tips for edgeguarding spacies? One of my friends recently figured out he should mix up between recovering low and high and it really confuses me.

A lot of my friends are starting up Peach hate. They always john and stuff, even when they are playing better characters >_>; The only one that can say anything is the IC player haha. That matchup is really dumb (though it's supposed to be even at high levels of play, I haven't experienced that myself...)

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
Hey guys, do you have any tips for edgeguarding spacies? One of my friends recently figured out he should mix up between recovering low and high and it really confuses me.

A lot of my friends are starting up Peach hate. They always john and stuff, even when they are playing better characters >_>; The only one that can say anything is the IC player haha. That matchup is really dumb (though it's supposed to be even at high levels of play, I haven't experienced that myself...)
One thing I started doing vs spacies that up b high is I'll groundfloat fair by the ledge, since the hitbox comes out high it doesn't trade if they recover down to the ledge like bair does. also, since I'm groundfloating, I can do the fair anyway and if they end up going high i can fullhop nair where they fall. If they recover to the top platforms, tough beans. I just try to use my positioning advantage from there.

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
Well, if you're in the center of the stage and they're on the top platform, you have the obvious positioning advantage. This means their only real way to regain advantage is to drop down and fight you, which you can beat if you're prepared for it. You can sometimes agress the top platform (I reccomend autocancel umbrella) but it really only works if you're catching them off guard. The best idea is to bait them into making an agressive move towards the center, which you should punish, seeing as it's your space.

Cort exemplifies this idea. Every move doesn't put his opponent in a terrible situation, but every move puts them in a worse situation, until eventually he can predict their next defensive move and punish it, usually just by putting them in a ledgeguard situation (which is really the worst situation possible).

What this means in your situation is basically just patient play. You really have no reason to chase them, so just watch for how they try to approach and punish. if they drop down on you with dair, you can predict it and usmash, or react to it and trade nair. They can't get their footing in the center of the stage unless you let them, so keep them off their footing, and when you see your chance make an agressive commitment, like dash attack/aerial to dsmash/grab.


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
I was gonna read your advice and then I realized your formatting is horrible.

In other words, make your posts cuter kthx


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
I've always dreamed of watching a 36 minute Peach/Puff set on a Friday night.
last friday night
Yeah we played some peach vs puff
And he used too many bairs
had a stitch but I forgot

macd's too good
awwwww gee thanks andre

macdre getting hyphy with the DADS is too too good though

I was gonna read your advice and then I realized your formatting is horrible.

In other words, make your posts cuter kthx
dude, if we were mods, totally woulda given him a warning for having a ****ty post

why won't people let us be in charge?


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Went to a melee tournament today.. I need to do that more. they get more and more difficult everytime :(



Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Oh yea, I am hetero-phobic. Have you seen how heterosexuals dress? Their hygiene habits? Where exactly they put they penises into? How gross!

Hey i have very good hygiene, and i enjoy what my penis goes into. :) (i do not dress very well i will give u that one)

Yo so the other day i pulled of my fav combo ever. I was playing my friends ganon, he was at a high %. I had a turnip and a threw it up into the air. He dodged it but then i got a grab on him. I meant to f-throw him then edge guard for the kill but my controller decided that d-throw was a better option i guess (and my controller was correct in the end). At this point i was thinking "**** i wont even be able to hit him with a aerial". even thinking this i jumped after him hoping i could somehow get a nair off. after i jumped after him it was clear he was going to far away from me, until the turnip came down hit him and poped him back into me were then i hot the nair for the kill. this was a long explanation but i think it was worth it for how much i loved how that worked out


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I dress pretty well, I would say. And I have very good hygeine. Nothing to say on the other one. =P


36 minutes of Peach/Puff. Watch if you dare. I'm not really comfortable in the first match, but after that, I settle in. We were doing some serious matches, cause I wanted to learn Peach/Puff, and he was nice enough to oblige. He's definitely better than I am, but I think I held on pretty well.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
It's hard to tell if you're being serious, but OK. =)

It would be a favorite of mine, but I need to play more of it first.

EDIT: Also, I just realized that that Peach (Kalamazhu) is representing a little known city in Michigan, called Kalamazoo. Don't ask me how I know that, though.

Get Low

Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2011
Niles, Ohio
I have a question. When I'm playing against a Fox with Peach and I'm getting waveshined across the stage, what is the best thing to do? I instinctively mash down on the C-stick over and over hoping that they mess up so they'll eat a dsmash, but is there any better options besides that?


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I was told something once that has helped me out with that. Each time you get hit by the shine (like as you get hit) flick the control stick away or in, to SDI the shines. I usually SDI the shines in (though you should mix this up), and then they overshoot, giving me a free downsmash. Mashing c-stick alone won't help, you have to SDI the shines.

Get Low

Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2011
Niles, Ohio
i THINK all you can do is hold L/R to shield and try to SDI every shine away from fox. if you shield a shine then you can grab/nair or something.
I was told something once that has helped me out with that. Each time you get hit by the shine (like as you get hit) flick the control stick away or in, to SDI the shines. I usually SDI the shines in (though you should mix this up), and then they overshoot, giving me a free downsmash. Mashing c-stick alone won't help, you have to SDI the shines.
Thank you guys so much for this advice. I'll definitely try this out.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
I have a question. When I'm playing against a Fox with Peach and I'm getting waveshined across the stage, what is the best thing to do? I instinctively mash down on the C-stick over and over hoping that they mess up so they'll eat a dsmash, but is there any better options besides that?
Eggm told me that Cort just quickly rotates both the control stick and C-stick so that he gets a random DI out of the waveshine haha.



Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2007
Eggm told me that Cort just quickly rotates both the control stick and C-stick so that he gets a random DI out of the waveshine haha.

Interesting. Does he mean fully rotating both or wiggling bock left and right? Has anyone tested this to see if it has any viability? Veril? :D
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