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To the mango nation

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Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
Lovage: Same old story one more time ;)

JPOBS: Well I honestly thinks it's impossible to become the people's champ if you are playing Peach (and from Sweden) = Biased people based on what char/country you are from ;)


Certified Ponch
May 2, 2010
Mantua, OH
^ I'm the same way. Just figured I'd make sure you knew the differences of something absolute and something opinionated :p

All this "which is better" talk just makes me want to play PAL lol


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
Gotta admit though, Mango's been demolishing the last 6 months. Melee FC, Big House 2, IMPULSE, both Rule 6s, UCSB...and I wouldn't be surprised if he wins RoM and Kings of Cali.

APEX 2013 will be veeeerrryyy interesting

The Good Doctor

Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2007
who gives a ****, it will all be answered soon

apex 2013
euro tourny
genesis 3

that's the trilogy that i think will finally put all the GOAT question to rest
Like it was "going to be answered" at any other national they played at?
This has been going on since Genesis, it's sad that people refuse to comprehend something so ****ing simple.

Until Mango beats Armada again, Armada is better.


Certified Ponch
May 2, 2010
Mantua, OH
Gotta admit though, Mango's been demolishing the last 6 months. Melee FC, Big House 2, IMPULSE, both Rule 6s, UCSB...and I wouldn't be surprised if he wins RoM and Kings of Cali.

APEX 2013 will be veeeerrryyy interesting
This. I want to watch these two throw blows. But Armada ain't no Hanky Panky though : P


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
Gotta admit though, Mango's been demolishing the last 6 months. Melee FC, Big House 2, IMPULSE, both Rule 6s, UCSB...and I wouldn't be surprised if he wins RoM and Kings of Cali.

APEX 2013 will be veeeerrryyy interesting
Yeah Mango seems to be ready for Apex and that makes me happy for sure =).

I will work really hard to beat him at Apex 2013 and I hope everyone will see some great matches!

Bidwell: Haha yeah true.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
Various things?
Like what? (No examples so far :p)

No I can see that you don't look at sets individually or results from tournaments over the past few years either :p

What is a legit win? Cause no one on this boards seems to have a answer for that :p
Does it have to be close between me/Mango? Cause then last set at Genesis 1 can count either (more then 3 years ago anyway) ;)

I have no idea how good in shape Mango was at Apex 2012 but he was rapeing everything until WF and destroyed PP at Rom 4(?) 4-5 weeks before Apex 2012 (if big tournaments like that was held that often in Europe :p)

Yeah you are free to have your opinion I just sometimes wonder how people think and how they come to conclussions that's why Im asking =)
Armada, I love you, respect you, blah blah blah, and most of the time I find what you say intelligent, useful, and relatively free of bias. The following series of remarks is not intended as a slam on you as a person or as a player, or on your fans (European or not), and if it comes across that way I'm genuinely sorry. Also please note that this is all coming from someone who genuinely believes that you are currently the best player in the world and will believe so until you have failed to win twice in a row, because for me, no matter how things "look" subjectively, it takes proof in the form of two wins to be "the best." Only takes one to be the champ, takes two to be the undisputed best.

That being said:

Here's a link of you, as the "linked comment" connected to Mango's top comment on the linked video, claiming you walked away from losing Genesis thinking you were the superior player:


So what's a legit win, Armada? Because from my perspective, since in your opinion you were better even though you lost at Genesis, you don't really have a good answer either. I can see that you don't look at sets individually (post-Genesis, Mango v. Armada, 2-1) or results from tournaments (him outplacing you). This isn't an attempt at a callout, this is me genuinely not having a clue what you're trying to say. Your own logic seems to make it pretty damn easy to declare Mango superior. If you can discount his wins and walk away from losing five games straight over two losing sets thinking you were better than him, why can't his fanboys discount all your accomplishments without so much as batting an eye? And yeah, you back off in that same comment and concede that you believe Mango was better at Pound IV, but all your fanboys claim sick johns for that one, so why can't Mango's fanboys take Genesis 2 and say "Mango was superior even though he lost" and take Apex 2012 and say "He was having an off day?" or some random john? Why are Mango johns any less legitimate than Armada johns?

God, I remember this one post in the Genesis results thread where some derpy Armada fanboy claimed that Mango reading the roll in that famous moment of Game 4 was lucky. And all I could think was, "FFS, how about the stitch that Armada drew the game before? No luck there, right? No sir, takes a whole lot more skill to pull a stitch than to predict a roll at the exact right moment." How easy would it be to take anything from one of the games at either of these last tourneys and be like, "Armada just got lucky?"

Everybody johns, everybody's biased, there will always be some group or another that flies in the face of logic because of what they want to believe is true. If Armada loses five tourneys in a row and leaves the scene forever to retire to a tropical island with all his Melee babes, I think damn near everybody in this topic knows that there will still be some people that claim Armada's the best player ever and was still the best when he left and will john each and every loss away in one way or another.

This is coming off as WAY more bitter than I want it to, because I love Armada and Mango both and am just rooting for some good Melee at Apex and in the months and years to come. But seriously, people, just... get over it. Stop pretending that the phenomenon doesn't exist on all sides and will always exist whenever there's any kind of debate until the end of time.

tl;dr: Johns johns johns johns johns, people falling on either side of the great debate, stop pretending you and your own don't do it.

Good luck at Apex.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2009
Daaaaamn, Habefiet going ham, deeper than the deep blue sea.

On some real talk I'm looking forward to seeing what transpires over the next 5 or so months. Will mango continue his domination over the U.S. And defeat pp in the falco ditto(will he continue dittoing/will he go fox/puff although unlikely) the next 2 tournament(back to back mind u) will armada continue his string of victories over the likes of mango/pp. All these question questions and more to be answered on the next episode of....



Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
Habefiet: Yeah you have a lot of good questions there and I will try to answer all of them.

Legit win: Hard to draw a specific line. But if you are not terrible sick or not in condition to hold a controller I think it should be considred a legit win. I know beeing sick is something you can feel bad/very bad about exc. I think the only one that can to 100% say how you feel is yourself. The only one you truly are lying for in the end is yourself.

I think I have only been feeling that way once during all my years as a smasher but like I said it's more up to the person. But that makes it very hard for fanboys exc cause they don't know but pretend they does.

"claiming you walked away from losing Genesis thinking you were the superior player"

Yes that is true and Im never ever gonna deny that. With that said Mango was the better player. But one thing I have always done to myself is that Im in "my mind" the best player. This helps me cause just the "view" of beeing there is something that helps me focus on the goals I do have. This can be a pretty stupid way to handle things cause I guess most people would be destroyed by the fact that they can't understand beeing the best in your mind and beeing the best is 2 completly different things.

I don't deffend those johns from anyone. People that said that read on that roll was luck is actually far away from the truth. Also the people that think stuff I did was luck. Im not deffending anything of those things.

That comment was probably made when I was in a bad mode and didn't really was thinking what I was saying. But ofc I do take responsibillity for what I did but I hope you can see my "point" even if my way to "pressure myself" is kinda specific and can bee seen as stupid.

Mango was better then me at Genesis1/Pound 4 for sure cause he did beat/outplace me and I was not able to do what it was needed to win those tournaments. After this I guess it can bee seen as "everything" cause Mango was not playing serious for a long time and that did it impossible to rate him.

I do believe he still was better then me at Pound V exc though.
But yeah if some people have the mind of me "benefiting myself" I can just say Im sorry and that's not the case. Proveing yourself is what makes you the best player. How to get there is another thing but I did take them for the same thing at one point/comment.


I paint controllers
Aug 1, 2005
Hirosaki, Japan / San Diego State
In my mind this is how I see the relationship between these top players. Mango is the most skilled player. He can play four characters at the highest level. But, Armada is the world champion. He plays to win like no one our scene has ever witnessed. In that way, he will always be better than Mango. Until Mango brings out the four chars and counterpicks Armada, he will continue to prove he doesn't want to win as badly as Armada does. I think a lot of people want to see him bring out the falco/puff/falcon against Armada, but he has yet to do so. I completely understand that he wants to win with fox, but even if he does the next time they meet, that would only even the score between these two. He needs to break out the other chars, counterpick Armada, and play to win before he will ever be the world champion.


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
Uhm... Mango only uses puff in teams now. Lol.
And he plays fox against armada because thats his most comfortable peach counter.

As for not wanting to win badly, I think his recent effort disproves that...


I paint controllers
Aug 1, 2005
Hirosaki, Japan / San Diego State
I completely disagree that fox is his most comfortable peach counter. Why didn't he play fox against Hanky Panky? He went falcon and tapped hard. He is simply on a whole different level than all the other US players. He has even said that he feels like going falcon would be a cop out against Armada, so that further proves my point that he doesn't want it as badly.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2010
yeah mango has definitely said that going falcon to win against armada would be lame. although I guarantee we will be seeing his falcon at apex.



Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden
tldr: armadas a hypocrite, he johns and makes excuses while saying others shouldn't do it JUST LIKE mango, and everyone else.

I'm just really tired of certain people (like armada in this thread) trying to claim that they are saints or that they just have a moral high ground because we've all done the same things as we hate on

Sure, maybe bias has a lot to do with the fact that people still consider Mango the best, but that isn't all there is to it... and Armada has clearly shown himself that when he loses he still considers himself the best so calling out others on thinking the same way while essentially lying about how you'd think yourself (by not talking about how you felt when you were in the same situation before) seem pretty ****ing ******** to me.

This is not even to mention that Mango could be better at the game now (he does have a better record against every other top player)... he doesn't become the best the moment that he wins Apex2013, he just proves that he is the best by winning. If he wins he was probably "the best" long before the tournament, so I don't see why its wrong to judge him as "the best" atm.


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
Nobody called mango a saint.
He is a god in his own right, but certainly not a saint.

Yea mango johns a bit when he loses, as does armada, and everybody else (except a few. I dont think i've ever seen hbox john)
But for the most part the johning is done, not by themselves, but by their fanboys.

In all seriousness, the coming Armada/Mango match will be really close and super hype and I'm excited for it :3

Also, simply beating armada wouldnt make mango the best. Hbox beat armada twice, and while he's damn good, i would never have said he's been the best in the world at any given point.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
Leffen: Im not saying I have never complaind/johned about anything. And yeah I know those very rare cases I do have of complaining under all those years is bad but trying to put me in the same spot as other people that complain after basically EVERY tournament (yes you are included and one of the very few) is extremly wrong if you ask me. When I wanna see people stop johning the best would be if everyone could just stop with everything. We are humans though and we all make misstakes but take peole that have very rare cases of doing it and people that always is doing it is extremly wrong. I assume it's a way for you to "cover" for your behavior in a easy way and not look like a worse person or something.

And I have never ever tried to claim Im a saint or way better then people. Yes I do think I have a lot of sportmanship compared to most people but Im still working on it. Tbh you are actually that one vert often praise yourself with how good you are (often in a combination of how much worse the other person is and very often to make them feel worse).

Yeah I don't deny that I after Genesis was walking away thinking I was the better player. But that is, like I explained, how I have been working to get myself better in anyting I does. In one moment I did said this thing on YT. Even if Im "in my mind" is the best it's not sure it has to be to truth at all just a way for me to work to get there. Even when I started playing smash I was that way and it has never changed. But I never said to people "Im better then EK". Still bad I was makeing that post. If I would in all honestly to myself think I was better then Mango after Genesis (again just a way to trick myself to be better) I would have complained about the seedning. I didn't which indeed proves I deep down knew it (I did say something at Apex 2010 after M2k getting better seed then my after beating him twice though but at Pound 4 I never cared) Anyway tournaments results is facts and something people should look at when it comes to this kind of discussions. How many times/exc it takes is not up to me to judge cause me like everyone else will have a opinion based on what we think.

And the thing about how other people is thinking: Yeah if Mango randomly have the same strategy like me to get better (doubt it though) I get it. But when people talk about other people this "strategy" Im useing is not working. That means I would not put Ice (for example) on a higher spot in a ranking list then M2k (another example) cause the strategy is based on yourself and not other people. But if someone is useing som other weird **** I would glady read it =).

You also change your way to "rank" **** Leffen (Almost all the time to benefit yourself). I remember when I first said I "prove it twice before beeing better" except for specific situations ofc (people not proveing themselfs for a very long time/three way ties and other **** like that). You thought one tournament was enough. When you first had one bad tournament you changed the logic and in public many times said that you were better. Then after two times loseing the same thing happend (the rules is way different for you then others). So if it isn't wrong to call player B better then A before B have actually won why do you think it's wrong to have A (you) lower then B (example IVP) after loseing/get outplaced twice in a row? But yeah I guess you aren't a hypocrite at all...

Yeah Mango can be better then me at this point, not impossible he is. It is also not impossible that Nintendoboy123 from Greece is way better then you. Those things haven't been proved and that means in a ranking going by "what can happen" works worse. Or do you think we should have seeds in Europe based on what can happen?

Yeah Mango does have a better score against those top players if you count winning ratio per set (I still have positive against them all though). Very important to remember is that Mango lives in the USA which means it is basically impossible for anyone from another country then USA to win as many times against those players as he does (will be for you too but once you come to that point I guess this argument is not valid anymore). And well he dosen't have a better record against me then I have to him ;)


Smash Cadet
Nov 28, 2011
Imagine if all this was Mango's plan, to mess with Armada's head through all these people questioning him and calling him out?

Nah, mango's too legit for that. He'd want to beat him straight up.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden
lol i am not reading that
that post is a messssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
skimming through i realize that you did not get what I said at all

WE ARE ALL ****ING HYPOCRITES, THATS THE POINT. You spend 1038103 words trying to do the same ****ing thing again, to put yourself above me on a moral level by stating how wrong I am and all the bad things I've done in the past.
That doesn't mean ****, and thats the point. If you see a problem in what I say, then answer that instead of trying to put me down with "oh well u did this before ohohoho"

How the **** can you blame me on thinking that I am better even though the results may not have said so when you do the exact same thing? Just because you try to hide it with "oh well i had a bad day when I said it" doesn't change anything.
I just ****ing say what I think, and if some rules like "you have to win twice to be the best" have to be bent then **** it, we do not live in a black and white world and rules are meant to be broken.

Also, please don't confuse seeding with "who is the best". Getting the highest seed is not even close to the same thing as being considered the best by yourself/others. No one in this thread wants mango to be seeded over you, but people do think that he is better. Mango doesn't say he wants the highest seed, but he still thinks that he is the best. See the connection? There isn't necessarily a connection between top seed and who people think is the best, and there shouldn't be.

and I said OTHER top players, I am very well aware of his score against you, smartass.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
Yeah I get your point but I don't agree with few cases compared to haveing it for a style as a person is the same. But if go against something you try to live after and always do it is the same then we clearly have different opinions.

Ofc I use examples in the past. This to prove my point. My youtube comment is even older then examples I was showing you and pretty much you entire first post against me was based on "something I did before". Guess only one is allowed to play that game.

I don't blame you for thinking you are better. Like you said it is what I use too. BUT trying to get higher seedning/easier way to winning is actually something you have done a lot of times. There is a difference between us for sure.

I don't say "winning twice" have to be a rule. I usually use when Im seeding in Sweden cause it makes the seedning way more accurate (guess you don't know how that stuff works). Yeah rules is meant to be broken and reflect over them. But don't even try to deny you don't bend the rules to benefit yourself.

Seedning dosen't mean you have to be the best atm, if so we don't need tournaments and can just look at the seedning. But a seedning is something you work on after facts you do have from the past. Which mean best seed of all (Mango in America for example) is most likely to win and the results from the past puts him there cause he deserves it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 16, 2012
Outside of Pittsburgh
As exciting as a rematch between these two legends would be; there are in fact other players. I mean, we're months away from Apex and it seems like some of us already have Mango vs. Armada as the GF. It's very likely to happen especially with the way they've both been performing as of late but I feel like it's wrong to just push aside all the other players.

In a way it's kind of sad how predetermined things are with tournaments. If it's a US tournament: Is Mango in the tournament? Mango is going to win. Or if it's a European Tournament: Armada is going to win. My point is that it comes down to two, three players that are more or less destined to win every major tournament. I kind of wish the controversy for "best player in the world" was expanded beyond just Mango, Armada, Hbox etc. etc. and included not even the top 5, but the top 10. I feel like this would encourage competitive play and get rid of the bull**** mentality of "trying for second" that many players who aren't Mango or Armada have aquired. Sadly, this is not the case and so with that I look forward to watching the continued saga of Mango vs. Armada.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden
Yeah I get your point but I don't agree with few cases compared to haveing it for a style as a person is the same. But if go against something you try to live after and always do it is the same then we clearly have different opinions.

I dont understand a word of this

Ofc I use examples in the past. This to prove my point. My youtube comment is even older then examples I was showing you and pretty much you entire first post against me was based on "something I did before". Guess only one is allowed to play that game.

I never said that you shouldnt use old examples, I'm saying that you shouldn't ****ing use unrelated ones to disprove my arguments. I already admitted that we are all hypocrites who hate on things that we have done in the past (realizing ones mistakes ey) and you try to prove that I'm a hypocrite by using past examples. See were you went wrong?

I don't blame you for thinking you are better. Like you said it is what I use too. BUT trying to get higher seedning/easier way to winning is actually something you have done a lot of times. There is a difference between us for sure.

Well congratulations, there is a difference between us that is in your opinion in your favor. No **** sherlock. And "a lot" of times is a HUGE overstatement, and I could without any problems find examples of you doing biased/wrong decisions too, but that isn't ****ing relevant.

I don't say "winning twice" have to be a rule. I usually use when Im seeding in Sweden cause it makes the seedning way more accurate (guess you don't know how that stuff works). Yeah rules is meant to be broken and reflect over them. But don't even try to deny you don't bend the rules to benefit yourself.

Again with the "I am better than you HAHA!". I think "winning twice" is a very flawed rule, but in many cases it can be true. Why you constantly try to attack me personally when it isn't of any relevance boggles my mind.

Seedning dosen't mean you have to be the best atm, if so we don't need tournaments and can just look at the seedning. But a seedning is something you work on after facts you do have from the past. Which mean best seed of all (Mango in America for example) is most likely to win and the results from the past puts him there cause he deserves it.

this part is messy...
You and all big TOs don't seed after "who's the most likely to win". You seed after "who has done the best in the past". "Who is the best" is a third category, that should be related but not dependent on "who has done the best in the past".

I do not get why you try to make this a personal debate, all I wanted was to comment on how people think when determining who they think is the best and to explain this, and you make it personal.

Whatever, I'm not gonna discuss this because its obviously not constructive since you prefer to use Ad hominem


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2003
Chicago area
Armada's grammar and spelling get worse when the debate heats up.

Let's go back to being friends y'all. Armada, Leffen, and Mango are all pretty good.
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