Why aren't there enough videos of people playing the Higher Tier characters? I mean, yeah, it's great to see a lot of Lower Tier characters getting better with the codes but relatively, how well do they really stack against the Top/High Tiers+? I'm afraid that some of these codes may cause a bigger imbalance in the game than initially perceived...
We played from about 5 to 8. Out of that time we tested:
C. Falcon
Out of the characters, we spent at least an hour on:
Out of the characters we played, the only ones out of the high/top tiers I can give oppinions on are
MK doesn't seem too much different, if at all from his Brawl counterpart. The biggest difference is that it's much easier to gimp characters with MK than before. We hardly use down smash, so it being slower than the norm has no affect on our play styles. MK is more than likely still the best character for Brawl+.
Marth is buffed IMO. Without ASSL, Marth's edgeguarding game gets a huge buff, plus with no stale moves, all of his attacks not only retain their decent combo abilities, but his ko prowess never diminish. It's extremely easy to KO with Marth, it's ridiculous. He's definitely still high/top tier material.
Me, and my testing partners are nowhere near good enough with any of the top tier/high tier characters, with the exception of Falco, with Falco being my main, along with Ike.
Falco took a big hit losing his ridiculous chain grab, but with this code set his movility increased 10 fold. His laser game improved exponentially. He moves much quicker, and further with his lasers, making it possible not only to camp, but to approach with them. He still has a terrible time KOing, but with his laser game, and no stale moves, it doesn't matter. All he has to do is either play gay, or keep up the pressure. He has decent range, and alot of priority. Even without a free 50% from chain grabbing, he can deal the same damage in a negligible amount of time regardless.
I'll hopefully be getting in more testing tomorrow. I'll keep the boards updated with my opinions, and observations.