Though I see what you're saying, I utterly disagree. vBrawl is all about the defense. You mention "mindgames", and "baiting", probably because the players don't actually want to make the first move, as the attacker is at a disadvantage (shield grab).
In vBrawl, there was no reward for skill, no reward for the insane level of "mindgaming." After all of that effort spent tricking your enemy, no sooner they leave your attack they strike back at you due to the absence of hitstun. There's nothing mildly enjoyable about that.
Flipping Brawl upside down, turning it from a defensive game to an offensive is very important. Each and every code we have from ASL to whatever is essential. Speeding up the game, changing character attributes (such as SH, gravity.. etc.) is also essential to improving Brawl. There's no denying it.
So you argue that it's easier now. I disagree. You say that it's less thoughtful now, again, I disagree. MIndgames are more important than ever because now there's a huge consequence for messing up; you can be comboed. Now, in Brawl+, you can bait the enemy into an attack, and from that attack you can unleash a world of pain on them. However, at the same time, the combo isn't handed to you, you have to work for it. Remember, they can DI out of your combos (depending on the circumstances).
In Brawl, there was no risk vs reward. It honestly felt like a game of tag. Jumping in the air, going after each other, dodging through each other, hanging back-- letting the enemy come to you. To actually get a hit meant nothing, because then you too could be hit immediately there after.
Brawl+ is succeeding in its goals; it has sped up the game, repaired the edge game, tweaked character attributes, added better movement options, so on and so forth. There's really no fun in playing a less altered version of Brawl... there's really no point.