Apparently, the idea that Brawl is a decent game is pretty radical around here, so I'll keep saying it. And I think there's a lot of point in starting a civilized debate about it, because I think this codeset's charted course has a goal that is undesirable to me, and I'm evidently not alone, so I don't think I'm all that crazy for thinking that way.@ph00tbag and ShortFuse: if you come into a Brawl+ thread, you can expect to find some level of bias for it and against vBrawl. Sorry. However, as someone said, Brawl+ has it's course pretty well chartered, so unless you all have radically new ideas, there's little point in starting even a civilized debate about it, let alone a flame war.
I feel like most of the people in this thread are starting from the patently false assumption that Brawl is entirely a bad game, so if they can make even the weakest argument against some aspect, they will remove it, whether that aspect is really problematic or not, and aside from ShortFuse and me, no one has really tried to make a counterargument, it seems. This just tells me that no one in here is really concerned about analyzing what actually works in Brawl, whether they know what works or not.
I make black and white statements, then I back them up by telling you what you sound like to me. Argue with what I'm presenting. If I'm misunderstanding you, that's not necessarily my fault. I call them as I see them, so it's your duty to yourself to clarify if I misread.I love your black and white statments.
@Orca "...your opinion is wrong."
@me "'s not apt at all."
I guess my entire analogy is not apt at all because you said so, huh?
Read it again. Distill it down. "Brawl+ is vBrawl with more options." That's not even an opinion, it's a fact, and you're over here telling me I'm ignorant?
Do you know why I called your analogy not apt? Because you didn't mention Brawl+ at all. You said Brawl was like chess without certain pieces. You made no reference to what a full game of chess actually is, I was lead to believe that you were simply saying that Brawl was in itself a game with none but the most basic options, and like I said, that shows that you are either willfully ignoring the reality of the way people play Brawl, or you don't actually know.
And even now, you still give a problematic analogy. Allow me to give you a better one. With Brawl, we are playing chess, but Brawl+ is Raumschach chess. You've created a slew of new options (removed a few others), and possibly even made a deeper game. Is it better? Who knows?
This goes even further. Believe it or not, there is an investment to make in Brawl+, although it's not financial. I can either forgo purchasing any new games from now on for my Wii, or run the risk of installing Firmware version 3.4. Not everyone will be willing to take that risk. I have one friend who was incredibly excited at the notion of removing tripping, but when I told him about the details of version 3.4, he decided against it. Say what you will about whether it's a legitimate fear; others may not share your optimism. For this reason, some will only have access to Brawl+ through their friends.
And you still haven't touched the enforceability issue.
On the topic of problems with 3.1, I've been getting the black rumble today. It happens if I'm holding down at the end of a match. I'm using a three day old codeset, though, so if any changes have been made since, then it might have already been fixed.