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The Botanical Gardens of the Mushroom Kingdom

Are you awesome?

  • Well DUH!

    Votes: 160 30.8%
  • lolz no I'm a minority

    Votes: 245 47.1%
  • I'm confused :c

    Votes: 115 22.1%

  • Total voters
Aug 6, 2008
I got my wisdom teeth pulled a couple years ago? and that was a great experience. Not the pain before my teeth were pulled, but the LEGAL DRUGS! :D The laughing gas was good. I remember them saying I would feel really good, that people like this part. And I was running my mouth "Man, this just smells funny, I don't know why people do drugs this is stupi........[deep voice]Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh[/deep voice]" Yeah. I remember him looking for a vein, and he was shaking and slapping my arm (to make sure I wasnt still awake while he was going to pull them out, and to find a vein.) He was checking both arms, shaking and slapping.

(Him) You still there Nicholas?
(Me) Yeeaahh~
/wait, laughing gas still going
(Him) You still there Nicholas?
(Me) Yyeeeaaahhh~~
/wait, more gas
(Him) You still there Nicholas?
(Me) Yyyeeeeaaaahhhh~~~

Then I was out. I came around quickly (seemed quick to me) and asked if I was finished... but I couldnt talk because my mouth was packed with those cotton things. They had to keep packing my mouth because I was extra juicy (:D) I was really surprised, because my muffled words came out awful, but they could understand me just fine :DDD Super dentists and assistants!

Then I was sent home and got Percocets! Those are wonderful to me (no bad reactions), just pain relief, and I feel all fuzzy and warm, and want to talk to people and tell them I love them and that they should know I love them. I'm a friendly drunk, if you haven't noticed (most of you are underaged anyway!)

I get very defiant when under the 'sleeping gas'. When going under I am pretty fine. I do not feel anything out of the ordinary. I sort of sit there not saying much of anything really just watching things happen. It's when I come out of it that things go wrong.

Apprently, the first 5-10 minutes I was under I was very obnoxious. I would just not listen to the directions given to me. Although, I do not remember any of it. The only thing I remember is coming out of the room with a slight woozy feeling. But apart from that, nothing. I have a feeling I coudl get very violent I bet. If I am very rigid against following orders when sub-conciously, then I wonder what would happen if they pushed me too far :(


Smash Apprentice
Mar 29, 2010
Hey its good to see the boards are back up again (hopefully they stay up)

So anyways i have a question for yal.. should i keep this account and wait until i can pay $4 to buy premium and change my name or should i just make a new account now?

Happy Easter everyone!! :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 29, 2010
Oh sorry, i cant make it. See my dad has been gone for 6 months and is coming back next month and will only be here for 1 month until he leaves for afghanistan again for another year. So next month im going to be doing a lot of fishing/hunting/ w.e else with him.

I should be able to go to some tournaments this summer though.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK

I'm not going to lie: I genuinely found this disgusting.

If a couple who owned a hotel turned down a couple because they were black or Hispanic, there'd be a huge outcry and they'd get done for racial discrimination. Why should same-sex couples be any different? The only reason most homophobic people have a problem with gays are thoughts of what they do in the bedroom or they're afraid they'll hit on them or something. With a ten-year-old it's just about understandable; fully-grown adults should know better. The Christianity thing is clearly a cover-up. Yes, it's their own home, but if they aren't willing to provide service for all races, religions and sexual orientations, they shouldn't be running a B&B in the first place.

Some day I'd really like to move to somewhere like the Netherlands or Sweden, where people seem to actually have something resembling common sense and aren't stuck in the 1950s... Unfortunately, that's probably never going to happen.

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida

I'm not going to lie: I genuinely found this disgusting.

If a couple who owned a hotel turned down a couple because they were black or Hispanic, there'd be a huge outcry and they'd get done for racial discrimination. Why should same-sex couples be any different? The only reason most homophobic people have a problem with gays are thoughts of what they do in the bedroom or they're afraid they'll hit on them or something. With a ten-year-old it's just about understandable; fully-grown adults should know better. The Christianity thing is clearly a cover-up. Yes, it's their own home, but if they aren't willing to provide service for all races, religions and sexual orientations, they shouldn't be running a B&B in the first place.

Some day I'd really like to move to somewhere like the Netherlands or Sweden, where people seem to actually have something resembling common sense and aren't stuck in the 1950s... Unfortunately, that's probably never going to happen.
Hmmm..... *shakes head* I don't know about this world or how the future will be. I feel like the world is getting used to same sex relationships. There will always be someone in the world that will disagree and hate it and cause a scene. Now adays that is strongly being looked at as a stupid thing and a waste of time. I know what I am and if im not mistaken most people here or in the smash community likes me for who I am and the way I treat them. Respect and friendship is the key.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
well when i had my root canal they numbed me once and i was like yeah just hurry and get it over with the thing was sooo bad tho they had to go all the way down to the nerve >_> i just took the pain tho and then they stuck me with another needle RIGHT on the nerve when i didnt even ask for more numbing >_< buut i mean i sucked up the pain psh im pretty manly :)
Yeah this is pretty much exactly how it was for me. Some numbing, but it's not really enough..i guess it depends how good your dentist is


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Washington, D.C.
So I found these two videos of me doing doubles with Dtorr :D


The first one was pretty close. But the second one is attrocious.
I have this curse, you can ask the people near me who I teamed with, that in doubles, I literally, just kill myself. I mean there are times where I just walk off stage unconsciously and literally die. So just ignore the second video ;P

Marie Antoinette

Smash Apprentice
Oct 6, 2009
^Love that FF song on the second video.

Haven't played in ages. My Peach is at her fugliest. Any 0-death discoveries?

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
^Love that FF song on the second video.
Yeah same here. Great choice of song!

Awesome matches Hiroi, yeah the second one was a little rough but that's ok lol. Their footstool to PKT2 combo at the end was disgusting though. O.o

Which FD texture was that? The Phazon one? I have the Melee FD on mine right now but I might change it to that if it's the right one.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Washington, D.C.
Yeah same here. Great choice of song!

Awesome matches Hiroi, yeah the second one was a little rough but that's ok lol. Their footstool to PKT2 combo at the end was disgusting though. O.o

Which FD texture was that? The Phazon one? I have the Melee FD on mine right now but I might change it to that if it's the right one.
I felt in the FD one, that I completely negated Ness. Ftilt beats fair and utilt beats dair! I was so :D. When they did the 'Fourth Impact' Combo on me, I was just baffled and so enlightened and happy that they did it on me.

And the hacks and everything is Dtorr's so ask him :p

Don't make me post up some team matches of me!
Aug 6, 2008
Peach is great, let us discuss how we should all main her. Also, I need Marth stuff because I will be challenging a ton. Turnips is about all I got right now.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
Nice matches Hiroi! I can't believe that finished both matches with that combo :o

Snakeee you should post some videos

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
*mains Peach again ^.^

she's my best char, suits me perfectly, is probably viable enough, and she's just too fun
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