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The Botanical Gardens of the Mushroom Kingdom

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Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
So since there are new Peach players. If you guys tend to be here for quite a while you should make a profile. Under my name it said turnip thrower and now it doesn't.... they didn't fix it back to it..... :(


Smash Apprentice
Mar 29, 2010
I also hate the dentist lol, i get very scared... i think its the smell of the place of a doctor/dentist office that scares me the most. Plus you can hear everyone else screaming so its like(holy crap thats going to be me in a few minutes lol)

I had 2 route canals done at the same time and like 2 or 3 fillings done (dont ask me why i cant remember how many filling i got because they did them all at the same time)

I now brush my teeth once or twice a day but a least once.

Oh and that lady gaga pic is to funny because its so random xD


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
that lady gaga pic is pretty cute i must admit xD annnd i had a root canal or w.e. done before ^^, I didnt mind im honestly rlly good with the dentists they all love me cuz i dont complain :) Im good at taking orders ;)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 29, 2010
Well my tooth chipped (one of the teeth that i had a root canal on) and when it chipped part of the filling from the root canal came out. I was so mad because i was about to get it capped but now i might have to get it pulled because im not sure if enough of the tooth is gone for them to save it or not. So im really not sure if i want to go back to the dentist because i know i cant handle them pulling my tooth unless they put me to sleep which i dont think they owuld do.

I know they would give me the numbing stuff but that seriously doesnt work with me. If someone says that this will make me sick, it never does. If someone says this will numb me, it never does. If someone says this will make you sleepy in just a littlw while, it never does.

So as you can see a lot of stuff doesnt work on me which in my opinion isnt good because like right now im scared to go back because im not sure if there stuff will work on me or not and i really dont wanna go through them pulling me tooth with me feeling all that pain.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
The last time i wen't to the dentist, they were all like "lets skip the numbing stuff and go straight for the drilling! :B"..... i hate the dentist sooo much T__T


Smash Apprentice
Mar 29, 2010
I just recently went to the dentist. Had to get some teeth pulled out....

....Wisdom teeth x.x

Ouch that had to hurt.

Oh and joey i would have just ran right out of there xD

And as for you Airgemini, if the root canal didnt hurt then the refilling wont be nothing to you, i bet you wont even feel it lol.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I decided to get dressed up and head out to chinatown. I bring my yugioh cards since that is a yugioh hotstop. And gonna hang around the arcade. I'm going alone. Wanna see how this plays out.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I had a root canal. Didn't hurt NEARRRLY as much as I thought it would. It really didn't hurt at all.
This appointment was to get a refilling. D:
You are extremely lucky. When I got a root canal..well, I can easily say, that was the most physical pain i've felt in my life, no questions asked.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 29, 2010
Yeah i have to agree that when i had my root canals done it was just way to much pain. I know for a fact i gave that dentist a hard time because he said wave my hand when it hurt to much to handle and he would either stop or try to comfort me but i was waveing my hand like the whole time lol. Plus i waved my hand one time and he was just looking at my teeth xD.

But yeah i was swollen and if the air hit me teeth i would seriously cry. It was no joke. Plus i was only like 10 so just think of a kid in that much pain.

But yeah thats probably why i dont want to go to the dentist ever again hahaha

Edit-- I agree with you Xeylode, i had a few shots in my mouth and ive had shots in my arm before and they dont hold a candle to the pain of a root canal xD


Smash Apprentice
Mar 29, 2010
hahahaha yeah i bet that would work.

Oh btw i know this is off-topic and i really dont mean to change the subject but im going to anyways lol.

Ok the main thing i hate is limiting myself to 1-3 characters, it drives me crazy because #1 i dont like to have limits, #2 the game gets boring after awhile to me if i just play a few characters.

So here are 2 things i would like to do, either be a counterpicker and just CP there character or main random. Now i know maining random seems like a longshot but after looking at boss being that well at the game and he mains mario, luigi and random and he is just freaking awesome.

So me and my brother are competitive double brawlers and we have been trying to think of a team that we both like. We thought of Mario and Luigi as a team or Marth and Ike but we are still unsure on the team.

So if you could please post a good duo team for me and him that would be great.

Oh and also i wouldnt mind maining 1 character and then maining random, that way if its a serious match i have a main and if its just a friendlies then i can pick random. (I would much rather have 1 main and random than 2 mains and random)

Alright sorry for such a long post, please give me some ideas on some good duo teams and then lets continue to talk about why we all hate dentist xD
Aug 6, 2008
I say do not even care about good doubles teams.

Skill > Character choice

If you and your doubles partner are good enough with your characters against the other two, you should be fine. Although, I would say pick people that can at least handle all that weird stuff you might see like dual MK's and tornado spammy.

And about the character choice strategy of CP, really do not CP characters based on MU numbers. CP characters based on your opponents playstyle and weaknesses. In order to back those match-ups, you need the skill with the character and lets face it. If you main random, you will not have the skill behind every CP character you use.

It's better to CP a particular playstyle rather than a character. Many people will have abnormal responses to characters. Many might have excellent skill against ICs, Olimar, MK, and Link while they fail to TL, Marth, DDD, and Snake because those characters functions similarly, yet still differently.

Peach boards = associated with dental problems? D:
You are nurse Chansey AG (AirGemini). You might as well cure everyone's problems with this thing:

(Needle is 6 feet long)
Everyone say open up and say "ahh" :)


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
well when i had my root canal they numbed me once and i was like yeah just hurry and get it over with the thing was sooo bad tho they had to go all the way down to the nerve >_> i just took the pain tho and then they stuck me with another needle RIGHT on the nerve when i didnt even ask for more numbing >_< buut i mean i sucked up the pain psh im pretty manly :)
Aug 6, 2008
AIB Peach boards = boring and dead :urg:

I only use their ladders.
Well, if more people used them, then they may not be so boring and dead. It takes one person to start a conversation. If another sees a conversation, others are typically bound to join in eventually.

I am even considering dropping Snake. HIs playstyle is a bit too ackward for what I'm used to with Peach, Falco and Diddy. I like there playstyles a lot better. lol, the projectile approach xD


Smash Apprentice
Mar 29, 2010
Lets face it, smashboards is the best lo. But yeah i was kinda bored without this site but i just played brawl a lot and talked on skype.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
FINALLY! I was so bored without this site.
Seriously that sucked. I realized today that I go on these boards A LOT lol.

And I'm allergic to Novocain. The only time I ever got it, I was drooling uncontrollably out of my mouth for 18 hours. If i opened my mouth big bubbles would form and a ton of drool would pour out. Funnnny stuff ( not really :embarrass)!


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Seriously that sucked. I realized today that I go on these boards A LOT lol.

And I'm allergic to Novocain. The only time I ever got it, I was drooling uncontrollably out of my mouth for 18 hours. If i opened my mouth big bubbles would form and a ton of drool would pour out. Funnnny stuff ( not really :embarrass)!
Not gonna lie i laughed a little but...i feel bad too :3 not taking the laugh back though i didnt laugh until you mentioned big bubbles forming xDDDD but i thought of Bubbles from powerpuffgirls coming out ur mouth xD anyways that sucks that your allergic i guess they didnt charge you? :D or w.e.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
@Hiroi good stuffs :3 and i dont think anyone can rlly hate your sig even if they dont like lady gaga she looks sexy there xD


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
[I was reading smashboards and made a reply... and at that point it had cut off. I was pissed. Thankfully I saved it for you all to read! (It was a book and I would have been maaaaaad if it disappeared in 502 BAD GATEWAY >:()]

I've only had one bad experience with one lady cleaning my teeth, she was scraping so roughly (entire family complained) and we were all swollen/tender after.

But yeah~ When I was little, I went to dentists, and they'd have a box of toys that you could take after you had your cleaning session. Maaaaaaaaaaaaan I got this goo-ball once (the size of a golf ball) and it went SPLAT when you threw it, stuck to things, then pulled itself back into a ball. Coolest thing ever! (Until it got all dusty and gross and didnt stick to things well anymore ;() And I've just enjoyed the whole "someone is helping take care of me" that I feel. Idk, I guess I'm not used to being touched, and when people do it in a non-creepy way (like... the dentist) I get really relaxed. I'm weird I know~

I got my wisdom teeth pulled a couple years ago? and that was a great experience. Not the pain before my teeth were pulled, but the LEGAL DRUGS! :D The laughing gas was good. I remember them saying I would feel really good, that people like this part. And I was running my mouth "Man, this just smells funny, I don't know why people do drugs this is stupi........[deep voice]Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh[/deep voice]" Yeah. I remember him looking for a vein, and he was shaking and slapping my arm (to make sure I wasnt still awake while he was going to pull them out, and to find a vein.) He was checking both arms, shaking and slapping.

(Him) You still there Nicholas?
(Me) Yeeaahh~
/wait, laughing gas still going
(Him) You still there Nicholas?
(Me) Yyeeeaaahhh~~
/wait, more gas
(Him) You still there Nicholas?
(Me) Yyyeeeeaaaahhhh~~~

Then I was out. I came around quickly (seemed quick to me) and asked if I was finished... but I couldnt talk because my mouth was packed with those cotton things. They had to keep packing my mouth because I was extra juicy (:D) I was really surprised, because my muffled words came out awful, but they could understand me just fine :DDD Super dentists and assistants!

Then I was sent home and got Percocets! Those are wonderful to me (no bad reactions), just pain relief, and I feel all fuzzy and warm, and want to talk to people and tell them I love them and that they should know I love them. I'm a friendly drunk, if you haven't noticed (most of you are underaged anyway!)

So yeah, all good experiences pretty much, save that one lady who wasn't there when I went back the next time :D

As far as pain experiences, I've never had a root canal (I'm awesome I know, always had good teeth!), but I'm sure it can't hurt as much as some of the stuff I've suffered growing up (and occasionally still now, but much much less in frequency and duration.) I had a bad "joke" played on me by my little brother's best friend. She thought it would be funny to throw MY OWN BOOT at my groin (I have boy parts down there in case you were wondering, some things need to be said as I'm aware :D) from across the room. That was pretty bad, but it was like 1/4 or so the pain of what I'm "used to." "Smashed groin" has a kind of "shock value" to it that really makes it up, with some throbbing up inside.

Ever since I was little, I would have lower abdominal pain that would hit me about once a week, sometimes more, and sometimes less if I was lucky. The only way I can describe it is like having a baseball covered in sandpaper, dipped in acid, moving inside me. I would cry (just from pain, but I definitely remember being upset when it would happen in public), break out into a cold sweat, and just have to tough it out, and it would last like 30mins~+1hr. It was awful. I'm pretty sure it's "bathroom" related, but my (future) visit with the doctor will help me find out and rule out the possibility of extra organs inside :D
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