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School is in Session 4: *Results!!* UPDATED!! January 8th, 2011!


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2007
St. Louis, MO
He's a Dalek Human!!!

Oh I forgot:

@ Sai: Sorry I didn't bring cookies this time! Come to one of my future tournaments and you'll have an array to choose from ;p One had only different types of cookies, the other one had brownies, rice crispy treats, chocolate chip banana bread, and cookies too!


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2004
He's a Dalek Human!!!

Oh I forgot:

@ Sai: Sorry I didn't bring cookies this time! Come to one of my future tournaments and you'll have an array to choose from ;p One had only different types of cookies, the other one had brownies, rice crispy treats, chocolate chip banana bread, and cookies too!
were these cookies at brainshock, cause if so those were top tier.

Deleted member

1. Mew2King :metaknight: - Dude, I've always wanted to play you and have been told countless times that "It's not even worth it". Boy, that was a load of BS. I had a really good time fighting you in pools, and look forward to doing it at the next tourney we both attend.

2. Ally :metaknight: :snake: - Snaaaaaaaaaaaake!

3. Katy Perry (Atomsk) :metaknight: :dedede: :popo: - GGs in doubles. I wish I could fight Katy Perry, though...lol

4. AlphaZealot :diddy: - You liked my dance menu music? I saw you raving in pools. lmao

5. Coney :dedede: - Meanest penguin on the planet. j/k, but really though, you're extremely good.

7. Vinnie :gw: :metaknight: :popo: - I've heard you were good. Beating Shugo is a testament to that. Good job!

7. Kel :metaknight: - Well....so much for the DDR. :<

9. Kain :wolf: - Sorry I didn't play/talk to you at the tournament. I posted why in the IL thread. I just need to man up. xD

9: Y.b.M. :kirby: :zerosuitsamus: - Fresh Prince almost got beaten by a fresh princess.

13: Blue Rogue :wario: - You liked your Deputy status a lot, didn't you? lol

13: Hylian :popo: :gw: - Teaming with Wolves is usually a good idea. ;)

17: Infern :snake: - Dem shiny's.

17: Cook :olimar: :dedede: - I need to learn how to fight good Olimars...lol. GGs.

17: Fizzle :metaknight: :dedede: :lucario: - I got the text the moment you beat Shugo. Damn, man. Nice!

17: Fonz :lucario: :metaknight: - Lucario used "MAN-GRUNT" on Auspher. It's super effective. :awesome:

25: King Beef :peach: :metaknight: :pikachu: - You owe me that MM! I'm trying to make it to Delta Upsilon. Maybe there? Also, where was Wolf? :<

25: Nicole :peach: - Your Peach is amazing.

25: Shugo :falco: :metaknight: - Don't give up or David Archuleta will cry!!

25: Dooms :gw: - We didn't really get to talk, but I watched some of your matches. You're pretty awesome.

33: Sai :diddy: - 'Nanas.

33: ArgentStew :lucario: - No Pokemon Trainer? lol

33: KassandraNova :metaknight: - Yeah, we should play each other. Also, Lucas ditto. :bee:

33: Judo :sheik: - Best Sheik in da MW!

33: Links :toonlink: - I STILL haven't played you, lol.

33: SneakyTako :rob: - Yeah, I need to be less laser happy. I can't help it. >_<

33: Luminoth :wolf: - Good job making it to bracket!! GGs in doubles, too!

33: Hilt :olimar: - The tournament was fun, despite some of it's problems. Don't let the complaints get you down!

33: Mister Eric :rob: - Beep.

49: TKBro :kirby: - FREE HUGS!!! Thanks! :>

49: Lou :gw: - Married? Damn...lol, jk

49: DLA :metaknight: - Where's da Ganon?

49: MX778 :yoshi: - I thought you were gonna make bracket for sure....still awesome, though.

49: Slim :metaknight: :kirby: - GGs in dubs.

49: Legan :link: - How do yo do that with Link?

49: Silhouette :rob: - Your R.O.B. da bess in da MW. I don't care what anyone says, lol.

49: Ripple :dk: :metaknight: - Come to SiiS5!

49: Excel :sonic: :metaknight: - Ugh...I played so ****ty against you. That match was just disappointing. :(

65: Smash64 :snake: :diddy: :ness: - You canceled with your PK-Thunder...or something...what..how....?

65: Fromundaman :kirby: :mario: :wolf: - Plumbers....psshhhhhhh

65: Tyr :lucas: - Wooooocas.

65: HadesBlade :yoshi: - Most inspirational Yoshi.

65: Jiffy :wario: :ness: - WA-WA-WAAAAAAHHH

65: Today :gw: - You looked bubbly as usual, despite the stress of the tournament. I had a lot of fun!!

65: Solecalibur :zerosuitsamus: :dedede: - Good **** against AZ! You almost had him!

65: Wrath :wario: - FMA?

65: Zephil :fox: - Fawx. Good Fawx indeed.

65: Auspher :wolf: - Get better.

81: Dajayman :ness: - Ultimate Smash64 meatrider...lol.

81: 4Biddin :fox: - How'd that $20 Kain MM go?

81: Clowsui :falco: :marth: - I don't know if I'm gonna make it to that tourney. It solely depends on Sole(lol), so convince him.

81: Pane :wolf: - Why didn't I meet or play with you? :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

81: Geno :samus: - Best Samus I've seen in person.

81: Composer :samus: :wario: - Trap Door Bairs.

81: Mr. E :rob: - We survived a Chipotle trip with Sole, lol.

81: Technical Chase :snake: :falco: - Falco? o_O. I know you used D3, though. Nice talking to you.

81: WTP :falco: :kirby: - You got pretty good.

81: Radium :kirby: - I think Kirby is one of my favorite characters to team with now. :3 It was really fun!

81: Jowii :kirby: :fox: - Your Kirby wrecks. Sil gave me some tips, so the outcome may be different next time!

97: SpongeJordan :lucas: - <3 Lucas.

97: Juushichi :mario: :sheik: - GGs in doubles. I was a little surprised to see you go Pit. He was pretty good, though.

97: Kiest :dedede: - Too bad we didn't get to play a doubles friendly... :< Might be able to this weekend, though.

97: Hael Phael :pikachu: - Awwww hael

97: Rikku :zerosuitsamus: - You're so good at Zero Suit that people think a Lucario is on the screen.

113: Umashi :toonlink: - GGs in pools!


Smash Champion
Apr 30, 2009

1. Mew2King :metaknight: Fun MM set your so good and fast. Never been juggled so bad like that by an MK. Good **** on first nice to see you around again
2. Ally :metaknight: :snake: Your Lain is amazing made me laugh so hard. Fun MM I failed so bad though LOL. Always fun seeing you and good **** I know you can get first just do it
3. Katy Perry (Atomsk) :metaknight: :dedede: :popo: Fun games next time you'll get me for sure. Now I'm scared on the next time we play @_@ time to go practice!
4. AlphaZealot :diddy: Was cool to finally play but I want a rematch next time I see you. Good **** on 4th doesn't make me feel as bad XD.
5. Coney :dedede: Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn too many DDD's I swear. GGs nonetheless. Next time and good **** too!
5. Kingtoon :toonlink: You gay son but then again I'm gay back for trying to CP you back LOL. Cool talking and **** and GGs next time I'll just go all wolf
7. Vinnie :gw: :metaknight: :popo: Cool seeing you but we didn't get to play. Next time man
7. Kel :metaknight: Was cool talking to you finally instead of AiB. Next time hopefully we can play too
9. Logic :olimar: :metaknight: We didn't do our regular MM we always do when we see each other lol. Fun dubs set
9: Y.b.M. :kirby: :zerosuitsamus: 9th and you forfeited....what a beast LOL. Chill as **** always cool seeing you and thanks for inviting me into the God Kais Ima rep mad hard son
9: Krystedez :pit: :wario: Daaaaaaaamn didn't think you were gonna brag about the 5$ maybe next time I'll play the MU right and not approach you constantly. Still ggs rematch next time I see you
13: Arty :falco: Bracket thing was mad dumb. I wanted you to get all the DDD's LOL. Mad fun ride your always good for a laugh and thanks for picking me up even though I got kidnapped
13: Hylian :popo: :gw: You carried me hard some matches so it's all good since we got better towards the end even tho i feel i kinda blew our last set. Was still fun
17: Infern :snake: You were sposed to side bet on me son. LOL always cool seeing you and talking to you we'll play eventually
17: Capem :metaknight: I didn't think you were gonna be that good. Fun pools set
17: Fizzle :metaknight: :dedede: :lucario: So many DDD's my god. Glad I didn't have to play you LOL
17: Sago :metaknight: The backseat was too legit. And you try hard as **** to sleep LOL. You need to take notes from Genosamus just saying
25: Quik :wario: Finally made it out good shiiiiiiiiiiit. I LOLd when u ragequit as wolf step ur game up son
25: King Beef :peach: :metaknight: :pikachu: Sucks we didn't get to finish our MM. Fun playing though
25: xzax :falco: :metaknight: Was cool seeing you again brah. Cept you quit Wolf so I hate you now. Nah I'm playing, unrust yoself foo.
25: Shugo :falco: :metaknight: Don't even sweat it man we all have bad ones. I felt exactly how you did after HDR2 LOL. Just come back I know you can you too **** son. Just get that IC's MU down. Pick Wolf yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
33: Scythe :lucario: You were dead at the end of the tourny LOOOOOOOL. Least we know where Eagleeye is now. Mad fun car ride, thanks for saving me from the disaster
33: ArgentStew :lucario: Yeah it was AiB lol never done GB
33: KassandraNova :metaknight: I'm sorry :( was still fun playing though and you can always say you didn't know how to fight wolf. Play more next time
33: Quivo :toonlink: Your dubs set was amazing to watch vs Logic/Kingtoon. Good shiet
33: Future :popo: Yeah me vs M2k would of been mad hype but I failed. Cool seeing you again man
33: SneakyTako :rob: Was fun talking lol your a very amiable guy
33: Meneil :ike: OMG you beat Blue Rogue goooooooooood ****! And making it out of pools as Ike
33: Akashi :marth: Good job making it out of pools. Glad you could make it out with IL always relaxing to be able to joke around and stuff when your around
33: Tutu :falco: :sheik: Fun friendly set
33: Hilt :olimar: Good job with TOing as always.
49: TKBro :kirby: Your amazing on commentating and was cool as hell meeting you. Next time make it out of pools I know you have the skill too
49: SoraSin :falco: "Your wolf man" XDDDD too good. Mad fun playing you in pools wish you would of made it out. Nice talking to you
49: DLA :metaknight: DAAAAAAAAAAMN your eyes were red as ****. Still tho you did alot for IL by driving and sacrificing yourself. Get some sleep next time bro you should of made it out of pools for sure
49: Legan :link: ***** please you ain't no average link ain't nobody falling for that **** LOOOOOOL. Always fun talkin to you you cool as ****
49: Rowan :peach: Fun friendly your peach is legit
49: TWSS :gw: Should of won that dubs set maaan. Mad disappoint. Get em next time tho. Nice seeing you around
49: Ripple :dk: :metaknight: More brawl less melee son
49: Excel :sonic: :metaknight: Was cool seeing you around again.
65: Fromundaman :kirby: :mario: :wolf: Fun pools set. Glad I helped your wolf out by playing with you I better see more of it next time. You were giving me the bizness first game tho O_O
65: Zwarm :rob: Always cool talking with you, sucks we had to play dubs first set **** was wack. Also my baby would be the best damn wolf in the whole universe
65: Today :gw: It was still a fun tournament even with the things that happened. I would still come out to the next one no doubt! Just improve on the little things next time, I'm sure the community still appreciates what you did for it with this event and everything.
65: Zephil :fox: Your fox looked really good. You just seem to have a hard time keeping yourself from approaching. I'm surprised you didn't make it out. Was fun watching yoru fox tho
65: Machine Gun Norm :lucario: Without you we wouldn't of even been here lol. Thanks for everything it's much appreciated, especially the morale booster you give me after matches. I'll always be IL first yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
65: Xyless :peach: You and TWSS had that dubs match so bad. Miscommunication tho but oh well get em next time. Nice seeing you
65: Auspher :wolf: Didn't really see you around, should of played some wolf dittos son
81: Tmacc :dedede: Always cool seeing you around cause your easy to talk to and we always laugh about **** lol. Don't sweat how you did just come back stronger next time
81: Dajayman :ness: You and your damn kitty face...LOL that DDD MU looks horrible for Ness should of made it out of pools with me son
81: 4Biddin :fox: Fun MM
81: Clowsui :falco: :marth: That bdacus is mad sexy yo. We'll play again sometime in the future when were at another event. Til then practice that Wolf MU
81: Pane :wolf: Mad fun friendlies. Wolf dittos so good
81: King :pikachu: :metaknight: ***** please...See you in IL :awesome:
81: Geno :samus: Sago needs to take notes cause that ringtone was too legit. True samus main right hurr
81: Technical Chase :snake: :falco: Fun friendlies
81: Aposl :pt: Was cool talking to you that little we did.
81: Radium :kirby: Fun seeing you again and rooting for me and Hylian during our dubs matches even though I failed last set :awesome:
81: Jowii :kirby: :fox: Barely talked but was cool seeing you again. I always think of how pissed you make some people on this site when I see you in person XD
97: SpongeJordan :lucas: Car ride was mad funny on the way there. Thanks for driving back too, still need to ask some people what the **** **** tastes like tho
97: Jayford :jigglypuff: Your the puff that MMed me? If so fun games
97: Xero :mario: Bo still the best brah just saying. IL repping to da fullest
113: Umashi :toonlink: Was cool to see a familiar face at this place nice making it out. We should play sometime we never do
113: Jetzger :peach: Your the gurl in our pool? If so don't hack how you did, your actually pretty good and it's pretty hard since your first tourny happened to be this big. Keep at it you'll get better

Blackanese- See me in AiB chat son!!


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
No Fizzle. MK vs Mario is bad regardless of person playing. Even if you throw two examples it doesn't make it any better.

You're better than me which is the only reason you beat my Mario the way you did. The two aren't always the same thing.

NR beating DEHF doesn't make ZS v Falco any better. You should know that.


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2006
Columbus, OH
@Juu Of course. Falco is the only character I can beat most ZSS players with. But you said Mario vs Mk is hopeless. I'm trying to argue that it's really bad, but still winnable if the players are evenly matched. Our opinions aren't as far apart as you might think. On another note, what are my odds against XeroXen's Mario?


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2008
Springfield, OH
M2k really didn't plank coney that bad.....Honestly. He had about 41 total ledge grabs, and not all of them were as I would put it "Planking" ledge grabs, 4 were on that large cliff on the left side, and there was a bunch where M2K was waiting to return to the map safely not just planking. His gameplay did force Coney to play differently I agree, but it was not a legitimate plank for the full 8 minutes. I have been planked for a full 8 minutes, and that was nothing like it.

You guys need to realize M2K is ALWAYS playing to win, that's why he is the best. Instead of complaining on the fact "M2K planked like a *****" PICK UP METAKNIGHT, he is playing to win. Don't knock him for abusing a serious advantage he has over other characters. You can play that same character, and if you just have this mindset of "it's gay and I won't resort to that" then you won't win against players who will do anything to win.

Seriously, it should be a law that everyone playing a competitive game has to read David Sirlin's Playing to win.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
I believe that MU is only winnable, and I mean the set if the Mario is so much better.

You vs Xen? Your Bowser? You'd probably lose more than you'd win. 6:4 if you played 10 matches.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
St. Louis, MO
M2k really didn't plank coney that bad.....Honestly. He had about 41 total ledge grabs, and not all of them were as I would put it "Planking" ledge grabs, 4 were on that large cliff on the left side, and there was a bunch where M2K was waiting to return to the map safely not just planking. His gameplay did force Coney to play differently I agree, but it was not a legitimate plank for the full 8 minutes. I have been planked for a full 8 minutes, and that was nothing like it.

You guys need to realize M2K is ALWAYS playing to win, that's why he is the best. Instead of complaining on the fact "M2K planked like a *****" PICK UP METAKNIGHT, he is playing to win. Don't knock him for abusing a serious advantage he has over other characters. You can play that same character, and if you just have this mindset of "it's gay and I won't resort to that" then you won't win against players who will do anything to win.

Seriously, it should be a law that everyone playing a competitive game has to read David Sirlin's Playing to win.
The only reason it wasn't 8 minutes of planking was because Coney put himself in very dangerous spots, which he had to do to have any chance at all. Coney would have been able to play safer with a LGL. More importantly, where are you getting the feel that people are mad at M2K from? He wants the LGL as much as anybody, and used this tournament to show everyone that it is necessary. People are cool with him, it's the TO they were mad at.

One more thing. Have you actually played M2K in MK dittos? Believe me, PICK UP METAKNIGHT is not the answer. You're better off with DDD.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
1. Mew2King- Fun stuff playing you. Never again tho.
2. Ally- You called me a fgt. Y u mad tho?
3. Katy Perry (Atomsk)- Never seen anyone have a glasses withdrawal before. Maybe you should've kept them off so your eyes could readjust?
4. AlphaZealot- Good seeing you again. Good shizz on 4th.
5. Coney- **** penguin is ****. I totally wanted a rematch. You're too fun.
5. Kingtoon- Never got my MM in with you. I was totally gonna show Goggles how the TL MU is done. lol
7. Vinnie-You are cool guy. Never got a chance to play get stomped out by you.
7. Kel- Good stuff.
9. Logic- You're a funny guy. I wanted to play your Olimar. It would've ended horribly for me tho.
9. Kain- Good shizz beating Atomsk. Your Wolf is no joke.
9: Krystedez-Good seeing you again. Sick Pit.
13: Arty- Aaaaaarty!!
13: Blue Rogue- Good seeing you again Snug Rogue. COMFY KAIS!!
13: Hylian-Duuuuude, you were so sick. Stupid illness ruined my ICs lecture.
17: Z- Poppa Z! Good seeing you again. We need to play sometime.
17: Gimey- Good meeting you GIMR. Good stuff.
17: Cook- You probably think I'm a joke. You blew me away.
17: Fizzle- Frank Rizzle! Good job taking out Shugo. You're a beast.
17: Fonz- We haven't played against each other in like a year and a half. Need to fix that.
17: Sago- Dr. Fashion Explosion making fashion statements with detachable hoods.
25: SASSY- Nice meeting you. Wanted to play that Zoot Suit.
25: Quik- You're not Arty.
25: King Beef- KBeezy! I'll be chatting with you on the AiB chat.
25: xzax- You're a pretty cool dude. Had no idea you and Vex were cousins though.
25: Nicole- Good seeing you again. Still ****** with Peach like usual.
25: Shugo- You had a tough time. ICs are a pain. Don't quit, break out some Ke$ha and show these foos what you're made of.
25: Dooms- Good seeing you again. We should play more on not-wifi.
25: Kenny- What you meant to say was "Your Sonic is bad." Because it is.
33: Roller- I totally blew it in dubs. Maybe it was because we didn't get a chance to practice. Maybe it's because I get Usmashed OOS by Mario. iBad.
33: Sai- The ever-so-funny Sai. Good seeing you. I need some Diddy practice, see me on "Oh my god Why-Fi?"
33: Quivo- Good seeing you again Quivo. Still beast with TL.
33: Judo- 10hrs of Sheik eh? You better pick up a character that you can just breeze through pools with and use Sheik in the important matches.
33: Future- Never got a chance to get some ICs practice from you.
33: Links- We're teaming next time. The MW Shaky and Seibrik.
33: SneakyTako- GGs. I blew it hardcore. It was most likely the stress of whether or not I get out of pools. Nah. It was totally me being garbage.
33: Luminoth- Good seeing you again Lumi. You're going Diddy and I'm going Ice Climbers. Sounds good.
33: Hilt- Looks like these kids weren't ready for your Tarzan.
49: TKBro- You were able to get to do your commentating. I'm liking the Kirby.
49: SoraSin- Makin' money off of you. (smirk)
49: DLA- Chipotle run in like 20 degrees definitely sounds like fun.
49: MX778- Good seeing you MX. We never got to play.
49: Fuujin- I saw you 3 stocking PTs with your Sheik.
49: Legan- Back to the AiB Academy for me. Ugh.
49: Izumi- Nice to meet you. You're an interesting fellow.
49: Rowan- We should play more Rowan.
49: Twilight Prince- We haven't played since you derailed me at ISA.
49: Ripple- I <3 you Rip. /homo
49: Excel- Youse a scrrrrrrrrrrrub. That's okay though. New year, new characters and new heights. So long :sonic:, hello :popo:/:metaknight:
65: Fromundaman- I'm not disappointed in the shaving of the face and cutting of the hair. It reveals your pretty eyes.
65: HadesBlade- The hell happened here?
65: Zephil- You're totally a Mario main from Panama.
65: Auspher- GGs. I really didn't want to play anymore. That's the most bummed out I've been in a long time.
81: Tmacc- Good stuff in dubs. It's hard to pressure D3 when there is a blue death machine hanging around.
81: JoshKip- Good seeing you again. Keep the throne warm for me.
81: Dajayman- You're in love with that plushie now. lol
81: 4Biddin- Lil B is garbage. Why are you listening to that nonsense!?
81: Clowsui- Your pool was absolute ***. Like that was on par with my pool from Kakuna 3. Infern, Tactical, Nicole, CLove, Me and S2.
81: Pane- The LI Wolf guy. Good games dude. The way I was playing against you should've been that way the whole day. I dunno what happened. Your Wolf is mad legit tho.
81: VGM- The Autotuners must happen.
81: King- Good seeing you again. You're mad cool.
81: Jowii- Good games. I got careless game 2 and I paid for it. You won't be seeing anymore of this guy :sonic:.
97: SpongeJordan- We never got our randoms in. :(
97: Xero- I lost to Usmash OOS. A. F. K.
113: Umashi- Good game. Yeah I was super bummed. Thanks for being sympathetic. If I wasn't busy being so emo, I might have played to enjoy the match as opposed to just wanting to get them out of the way. =/

GGs To all. For those of you who haven't already heard, there will be no more of this :sonic:. I'm not fit for it anymore. So yeah, get used to seeing more of these two three. :popo::popo:/:metaknight:


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2008
Long Island, NY!
1. Mew2King :metaknight:- gj and lol fun friendlies throughout the tourney.
2. Ally :metaknight: :snake:- 3rd best ROB to Allied (1st) and Holy (2nd)... gj. Nice seeing you.
3. Katy Perry (Atomsk) :metaknight: :dedede: :popo: - I'm proud of you Trevor! It was fun hanging out with you again and I'm happy you placed in both events :) the comeback king!!!
4. AlphaZealot :diddy:- GGs, my worst MU though :'( Diddy haunts me...
5. Coney :dedede:- Hey you! You're amazing!
5. Kingtoon :toonlink: - GGs dude, very respectable set, proud of your top 5 placing. Good ****.
7. Vinnie :gw: - Step it up...
7. Kel :metaknight:- GGs in doubles. Thanks for all those props, you're good too!
9. Logic :olimar: - GGs, ironic set... lol.
9. Kain :wolf: - :O I'm pretty scared of you in tourney tbh lol
9: Y.b.M.:kirby2:- It was nice meeting you!
9: Krystedez:wario: - GGs in doubles :O
13: Arty - You look like Fino! Nice seein' ya!
13: DJ Iskascribble - GGs, you ***** me game 1 lol.
13: Blue Rogue - Nice meeting you!
13: Hylian - Glad we finally got to officially meet, good stuff on top 16, even while sick xD.
17: Infern - GGs in doubles man. Good job on top 6 in doubles too, and in your set vs Ally.
17: Capem - didn't get to talk to you
17: Z - GGs! Remember what I said!
17: Gimey (GIMR) - Nice seeing you again, I avenged you! lol
17: Cook - didn't get to talk to you
17: Fizzle -
didn't get to talk to you
17: Fonz - GGs in both events, you surprised me in singles. Your Lucario rocked me, good **** dude. Keep it up.
17: Sago - OF COURSE I REMEMBER YOU! It was nice hanging with ya.
25: SASSY - I think you're my favorite smasher. Nice job and I can't wait to see you again, you better be at KTAR! D:
25: Quik -
didn't get to talk to you
25: King Beef - never got to play D: but I was real impressed by your Peach!
25: xzax - Stop getting emo all the time and step it up, because I know you can.
25: Nicole - Yeah, we never got to finish out set, but it's alright! Your Peach ***** and our doubles set was so fun/hype. Good stuff on the top 4 in doubles too!
25: Shugo - GGs, sorry I had to whip out the demons :/ it was nice seeing you again, love ya buddy!
25: Dooms - Hey! It was nice talking to you and all that, fun friendlies too :).
25: Kenny - <3 Saturday night was fun. GGs in bracket too, and good **** beating Hilt. FNB4life.
33: Scythe -
didn't get to talk to you
33: Roller - Hey, yeah our set was pretty fun lol. Nice meeting you.
33: Sai -
didn't get to talk to you
33: ArgentStew - didn't get to talk to you
33: KassandraNova - didn't get to talk to you
33: Judo -
didn't get to talk to you
33: Future - :O
33: Links -
didn't get to talk to you
33: SneakyTako - didn't get to talk to you
33: Meneil - Nice Ike :).
33: Luminoth - didn't get to talk to you
33: Akashi - didn't get to talk to you
33: Tutu - didn't get to talk to you
33: Hilt - It was nice talking to you, too bad we never friendlied! D:
33: Mister Eric - Fun ROB ditto mm, we should do it again sometime!
49: TKBro - Always fun seeing you. See you at KTAR?
49: Lou - Fun MM, and nice seeing you!
49: SoraSin -
didn't get to talk to you
49: DLA - Fun MM, and nice seeing you!
49: MX778 -
didn't get to talk to you
49: Fuujin - didn't get to talk to you
49: Slim - Fun games in pools.
49: Legan - :o we'll play next time, I PROMISE!
49: Izumi - Hai =3
49: Rowan -
didn't get to talk to you
49: Silhouette - didn't get to talk to you
49: Warfie - didn't get to talk to you
49: TWSS - didn't get to talk to you
49: Twilight Prince - didn't get to talk to you
49: Excel - :o never got to play you! Maybe next time!

65: Smash64 - GOD KAIS!!!
65: fZk -
didn't get to talk to you
65: Fromundaman -didn't get to talk to you
65: Tyr - didn't get to talk to you
65: Zwarm - didn't get to talk to you
65: HadesBlade - didn't get to talk to you
65: Jiffy - Fun games in pools!
65: Today - Thanks a lot for running this tournament, Day. You did a really good job and I can't wait to see you again! :gw:
65: Solecalibur
- didn't get to talk to you
65: Wrath - didn't get to talk to you
65: Zephil - didn't get to talk to you
65: Sleep - didn't get to talk to you
65: Machine Gun Norm - didn't get to talk to you
65: Xyless - didn't get to talk to you
65: Katakiri - didn't get to talk to you
65: Auspher - didn't get to talk to you
81: Tmacc - Fun doubles friendlies :)
81: JoshKip
- didn't get to talk to you
81: 4Biddin - Hey, nice meeting you. Nice Fox.
81: Clowsui - <3
81: Pane - Thanks for driving me, I really appreciate it.
81: VGM - Fun set in pools!
81: King - Hey, nice seeing you again!
81: Geno
- didn't get to talk to you
81: Composer - didn't get to talk to you
81: Mr. E - didn't get to talk to you
81: Technical Chase - Never got to mm :/ nice meeting you though.
81: Aposl - Hai!
81: WPT
- didn't get to talk to you
81: Radium - didn't get to talk to you
81: Jowii - didn't get to talk to you
97: SpongeJordan - Nice meeting you!
97: Juushichi
- didn't get to talk to you
97: FYJ - didn't get to talk to you
97: Kiest - didn't get to talk to you
97: Jayford - GGs in doubles!
97: Xero
- didn't get to talk to you
97: Hael Phael - GGs in pools!
97: Prime
- didn't get to talk to you
97: Calebyte - didn't get to talk to you
97: Steep - didn't get to talk to you
97: * - didn't get to talk to you
97: Rikku - didn't get to talk to you
97: Cobra Chain - didn't get to talk to you
97: Jnkoln - didn't get to talk to you
97: 134 - didn't get to talk to you
97: Calebyte - didn't get to talk to you
113: Umashi - didn't get to talk to you
113: Jetzger - didn't get to talk to you
Blackanese: Fun carpool, & yay we did well in doubles. Always fun to be around you. You should enter singles -_-.

DtJ XeroXen

The biggest fraud
Aug 22, 2008
Fort Wayne, Indiana
I'm not trying to argue that they usually go Mario vs Mk. That wouldn't work. I'm trying to say that they play the matchup (and the game in general) well enough to compete with good mk's. Therefore, it is possible. Also, MM accepted.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpIG96vOJIc (Anti vs Nairo)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8g_enMt1nE (Boss vs Sin)
I do that too, but I don't win against them consistently. Because it's hopeless. :/ You can't make a mistake... at all.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2008
Worthington, Ohio
One more thing. Have you actually played M2K in MK dittos? Believe me, PICK UP METAKNIGHT is not the answer. You're better off with DDD.

Fonz here has probably dittod M2K more times than there are clouds in the sky.

@Juu: There's more to this game than just the MU experience.... Z could have figured you out with any other of his characters too.


Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
Kassandra - still the coolest brawl girl not from MO! thanks for talking with me and calming me down, it helps. glad we actually got to talk some this tournament. we will have to play sometime, i hear you are getting quite good!
Aw, teehee! Thanks! ^_^ I felt the need to talk to you because I've had that happen to me a lot. This game can be so frustrating. :X I'd love to play some friendlies with you again. :D I hope to get to talk to you some more you seem really cool and down to earth! :)

Also I was going to try and round up all of the MW girl smashers together for a sexy picture, but I didn't have time, and you chickas were everywhere. :( Oh well, next time for sure! :D


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
I felt the need to talk to you because I've had that happen to me a lot. This game can be so frustrating. :X
The simplest way to get rid of all of that is to just not care about the outcome of the match. Try your hardest to win but once it's all said and done, it's just a video game. HOWEVER IF YOU BEAT ALLY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 22 SETS YOU HAVE COMPLETE PERMISSION TO GO APE ****.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2008
Worthington, Ohio
I only do stream if people walk up to me and ask:
"Would you like to commentate?"

Otherwise, I see the booth is full and I'm not needed.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2008
Springfield, OH
The only reason it wasn't 8 minutes of planking was because Coney put himself in very dangerous spots, which he had to do to have any chance at all. Coney would have been able to play safer with a LGL. More importantly, where are you getting the feel that people are mad at M2K from? He wants the LGL as much as anybody, and used this tournament to show everyone that it is necessary. People are cool with him, it's the TO they were mad at.

One more thing. Have you actually played M2K in MK dittos? Believe me, PICK UP METAKNIGHT is not the answer. You're better off with DDD.
There have been posts in the past and such complaining about planking, and I have played M2K plenty of times, I understand how good he is at the ditto.

Metaknight is the perfect planker, and in order to fight it you have to use him. That's the only thing I was addressing.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
There have been posts in the past and such complaining about planking, and I have played M2K plenty of times, I understand how good he is at the ditto.

Metaknight is the perfect planker, and in order to fight it you have to use him. That's the only thing I was addressing.
G&W beats MK's planking.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
Cincinnati, Ohio
M2k really didn't plank coney that bad.....Honestly. He had about 41 total ledge grabs, and not all of them were as I would put it "Planking" ledge grabs, 4 were on that large cliff on the left side, and there was a bunch where M2K was waiting to return to the map safely not just planking. His gameplay did force Coney to play differently I agree, but it was not a legitimate plank for the full 8 minutes. I have been planked for a full 8 minutes, and that was nothing like it.

You guys need to realize M2K is ALWAYS playing to win, that's why he is the best. Instead of complaining on the fact "M2K planked like a *****" PICK UP METAKNIGHT, he is playing to win. Don't knock him for abusing a serious advantage he has over other characters. You can play that same character, and if you just have this mindset of "it's gay and I won't resort to that" then you won't win against players who will do anything to win.

Seriously, it should be a law that everyone playing a competitive game has to read David Sirlin's Playing to win.
while this is true fonz, not everyone wants to play mk. i tried it because i wanted to win, but in the end i couldn't because he just wasn't for me. that kind of mentality is what is making this community turn to crap. it's already dwindling, so most people would rather quit than have to pick up a character they don't even like.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2008
Worthington, Ohio
@Luminoth: Have you been to an OUGA tourne yet?

Those show that the game/scene can be fun and respectable WITHOUT elitist winners.
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