Rocky Signups
If you are going to attend Rocky you will need to post in this thread before the September 30 deadline.
Do it like this:
Name/Alias: CAOTIC
Region: VIC
Email address: caodav@gmail.com
Games entering: Brawl & Melee
This registration thread is required to gauge attendance for the event and allocate resources appropriately. If you want to pay for the venue fee now, you can do it here: http://www.couchwarriors.org/bam/register.php If you want to pay in person, you can do it at the September CouchWarriors event in Collingwood. Otherwise, this can be done online to save you $5 on entry.
Plus, it's nice to know who is going. The sooner everyone does this, the sooner can can organize interstate crews.
Note: The only posts allowed here are registration posts! All enquiries and hype-spam must be directed towards the original Rocky thread: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=226449
All other posts will be deleted.
Signup List
Brawl & Melee (62)
2. Meteor Master
3. LeishaChu
4. Metanova
5. swordsaint
6. Hotdog
7. Jei Jei
8. SummonerAU
10. Condog
11. Tanman
12. luke_atyeo
13. tibs7
14. Slashpockets
15. Siyro
16. tedeth
17. D.J Cat
18. S.D
19. Borgieman
20. ComboTurtle
22. T.REX
23. Redact
24. Amaterasu
25. xXArrowXx
26. Devil.
27. Throwback
28. Forte4Tei
29. Dekar289
30. Atlasmist
31. Jaz
32. Atticus
33. VashT.S.
34. pressokman
35. Pandepic
36. Blackshadow
37. Daz
38. Syrick
39. _X_
40. Darcy
41. Jake
42. Cake_
43. Scabe
44. Ledge_g2
45. Myst Walker
46. Toshi
47. Splice
48. Afropony
49. joeyjoeyjoejoe
50. Silfa
51. Isorropia
52. Enigmalik
53. Corpsecreate
54. Bjay
55. druckey
56. Apollo
57. Timic83
58. mic_128
59. bylim5
60. Sirias
61. Syke
62. Gords
4. kupo
Brawl (80)
1. Nixernator
2. Zero_
3. e_alert
4. l3oOkeR
5. Vermy
6. D0N
7. Shaya
8. jambo
9. Ugly Man
10. Alfa
11. Pagz
12. ViVa
13. Khoa
14. djkaion
15. lizam
16. Lycan_Rawr
17. Haydino
9. earla
Melee (70)
1. TakFR
2. MikulOnIce85
3. Grim. T
5. unreon
6. isthattim?
7. LarryLD
8. Riciardos