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Official *Pound* 4 Melee Results Thread


Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2007
New York
pc is coming back so this means me and him r going to get **** at this game since we live so close to each other **** =)

PC just let me know when your up to play


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2006
San Francisco, CA [Sometimes Santa Cruz]
drunk mango sucks **** at smash
no chain smoking johns either, i dont want to hear it
mike g is apparently my black twin. WHITE G FOR LIFE.
I don't see how anyone can quit Melee, and after hearing PC talk about it a little late one night, I'm not surprised he'll be trying to come back soon.
I hope Tai and Taj made it back okay after what happened to them. That **** sounded so ****ing dumb.
I'll say it again, Georgia smashers are legit. Toasty, SleepyK, DashDanceDan, Chaddd, RJ, Tubes and of course Mike G were all cool as hell.
Shoutout to Stingers, Decoy and that one guy with a complicated name [GyroDecondoer or something, I don't remember].
Shoutouts to Everlasting Yayuhz for telling the best stories. At 6 AM about you-know-who.
West Coast *****, shoutouts to everyone that came 3000 miles to kick it.
Special shoutout to pockyD for making this trip happen for me.
Thanks Zoap and Tafo for getting hotel rooms.
Thanks everyone in the hotel rooms for not killing me while I snore loud as hell.
I'm proud to be the newest and best member of DBR, thanks Boback and German.
Good **** Hayes brothers, you guys are amazing.
Good to see you again Lil, this time not blacked out after three shots.

more later, i guess. i can't do this anyway but off the top of my head.


Smash Grimer
Aug 16, 2005
Ann Arbor, MI
i thought pound 4 would just put my smash soul at ease so i can peacefully retire finally. But now i just wanna upsmash people who are used to PAL and sh*t LOL nah but really i wanna try to get back into melee again. it'll just be hard to juggle everything in my life at the same time. whatever though melee takes priority obviously LOLOL. Shoutouts later.
This post brought a huge grin to my face.


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
Centerville, Massachusetts
Pound 4 was amazing.

Thank you so much Plank for hosting this, it really meant a lot.

Plank: Amazing job hosting.
P.O.F.: Thanks for the friendlies and the tips. I just need to play more often haha.
KY: Good matches.
Kirinblaze: Play melee, use HDL/TheGerm/Skler as your inspiration.
Skler: Good matches, your link is amazing. Pretty similiar outcome to our friendlies we had at S.N.E.S. if you even remember.
PD: Play Melee.
Will: Play Melee, you're too good not to :(.
Milktea: I should have asked for friendlies.
Reneblade: I should have asked for friendlies, next time we'll have our falcon dittos.
Boxob: Fun matches, we played a lot.
R00R: Nice to meet you, it's always funny meeting people that live pretty close.
Renth: Good matches in our pool. I almost had you that first match!
Unknown: ****, you beat me pretty hard lol. Good matches.
P.C. Chris: Play melee again D:!
Zoap: It was nice to meet you, good matches. You really were a pretty chill dude.
Moogle: I haven't gotten beat that bad in Smash64 ever lol, granted I don't play that much. Good matches, I guess I may have to play more.

More when I remember more people.
Experience of a lifetime.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006

FIRST AND FOREMOST - I'm definitely getting back into Melee, after this amazing weekend. :3

Alukard, G$, HBK, Hazzard, Reno - It's always fun seeing you guys, and the new trash talk you have in store for each tournament.

Amsah - Gee, I was ready to learn Fox after watching Lucky play, but then you're all "hey no, sheik is still good yo," **** you, giving me options to choose :(

Arc - I was sad I didn't hang out with you more after hanging with you at the Airport, we're too good at being psychic rock-pickers in 4 way RPS.

Banks, th0rn, SOLAR, Hoggle - that's that NSG yo, nice to see you guys here even if you only live an hour away (3 minutes if you're SOLAR)

Bam & Vwins - ****, that must've been a long flight back to Mexico :o

Bionic Sonic - Nice meeting you, thanks for assisting with an amazing stream.

Black Jinjo - Coming out of retirement since god knows when, deciding to drive to Pound 4...wasn't your last tournament Pound 2? Truly, nobody EVER expects Jinjo.

C? or Sea? The Swedish commentator I commentated with... - It was nice meeting you, and fun doing commentary with you, even if it was brief.

Chu - CHU.S.A! CHU.S.A! CHU.S.A!

Copycat - When you were asked to choose a teammate, you looked at me and just ran up and hugged me, it was such a funny memorable moment from this weekend. Teaming with you was fun and great, even if it was double Sheik. When I told you "All Plank and Chinesah need to do is 2-0 Vish and Toph, we've still got 1st seed in the bag," I genuinely thought we were out of pools, and was just trying to motivate us to try our absolute hardest...glad to see it worked :D. We should team again some time.

DashDanceDan - I am glad we didn't Young Link ditto, and yet, sad. Maybe next time, hopefully not, hopefully yes?

Dr. PP - Stop beating Dustin due to silly :(

Drephen - I still owe you Cinnamon Toast Crunch bars...

Hax - Glad to see you and Dustin place so high in doubles, and it was fun watching Brawl projector matches with you, because of the side comments, lol.

Hungrybox - omg I finally got to meet the box himself. Great job on 2nd place, get him next time!

Hyuga - Fun times reminiscing of VLS, even if the circumstances behind our meeting there were silly >_>

ihavespaceballs - I FINALLY MEET MY LONG LOST HAYES BROTHER, AND HE'S PRETTY COOL, stories of rock slides and everything.

Jiano - Man, I really gotta learn stick. :(

Kage - I kinda feel bad having called it, I feel responsible for 17th...I wanted to see you go even further in the singles bracket, you're too fun to watch play. Keep on rocking those Warrior Burgers.

Kaiser - Thanks for giving us a ride to the Airport Monday, and for blessing our ears with that excellent CD :o

Lucky - You're a very inspirational player, I'm debating maining Fox because you make him look so fun and good at the same time. Good job winning doubles!


Mew2King - You vs Armada was one of the greatest sets I've ever seen, and yet so depressing. You've definitely come back into Melee at full speed, keep it up and I'm sure you'll be winning in no time. Just learn that Jiggs matchup you loathe so much.


Milktea - Thanks for forgiving my bailing then unbailing, after such a fun weekend, it was definitely one of my best decisions ever to unbail. ALSO HOW EXACTLY DOES ONE ACCOMPLISH 2 GIGS OF PICTURES IN ONE WEEKEND? GOOD ****.

Over + Straw - Being on the receiving end of a Sheik/Jiggs team wasn't fun at all. Guess that's karma for you >_>

PC Chris - omg PC Chris, how long has it been?

Plank - Thanks for running a great tournament, I enjoyed myself thoroughly...also...
Chinesah, Toph, Vish - I still can't believe our doubles pool ended up that way, I only mentioned the possibility of Copy and I getting 1st seed as a pep talk to boost our team morale...I was ready to settle for 2nd :3

PockyD - So tall! Thanks for the practice, it helped us determine my Peach was going to be junk in teams :p

Raynex - I remember yelling "BERNARD" a lot Sunday night, but I don't remember why...sorry if it bothered you >_>

Renth + Apollo - gah too close. Maybe next time.

Skler & Pine - Thank you for inviting me into your room and letting me imbibe Moutain Dew mixed with UNNAMED LIQUID mixed with Rice Krispies. Definitely led to a fun night, even if I only remember bits and pieces. It was fun seeing you guys again, haven't seen you in forever.

SleepyK - I am SO SORRY that I kept it a secret from you, I just wanted to give you a nice surprise for the weekend :D. It was a blast hanging out with you as always, there are so many great memories I have from this weekend, and nearly all of them involve you somehow. There's definitely a reason I'm listed in a relationship with you on facebook :p

SPAWN - ****, good job beating Lucky but not even making it out of pools - a true testament to just how hard Pools3 and Brackets were. AND I STILL HAVEN'T HAD CHIPOTLE

SuperRad - Even after seeing both you and Mike G, at the same time, disagreeing with it, I STILL SEE IT. :(

TecZero - Babysitting you Saturday morning was one of the funnest ways I've ever started off a tournament, sad that it kinda threw your game off though :(

thegreatkazoo - Commentating with you was fun, I hope I lived up to the hype SleepyK placed on me :O

Toasty - OH MY GOD MR. TOASTY IS ****IN LOADED WITH AWESOME! It occurred to me that we only hung out for brief periods of time this weekend, but each second was amazing, especially hotel dancing. ESPECIALLY hotel dancing. You're like an M. Night SleepyK to me, now I'm really tempted to go to Georgia some time.

Tope - Best trash talker I've met in my life. GOOD **** SAVEEEEEEDGE

The Twins - It was fun doing commentary with you guys, but I didn't get a chance to see any magic :O

Zhu - omg I met Zhu, VIRUSBLUEMAGE, *****ES!

Zoso - It's going to be weird if I'm getting back into melee and you're thinking of exiting...it's hard to summarize how fun our weekend was together, I think I've already told you a lot on AIM >_> GET ***** IN 4 WAY RPS SON

If I missed anyone, and I know for a fact I did, it's 2 AM, please yell at me and I'll fix it.


Mar 15, 2005
Norfolk, VA

<3 spewing random words outta my mouth.

Totally should pay out top 7 in teams, that way it's 16 people for both singles and doubles :) besides you told me top 7 teams would get paid and I woulda tried harder XP

I really wanted to play drephen in tournament at this and i got to :) I was also lucky enough to defeat darkrain for the first time :) however both my losses in bracket were sheik ditto's (frickin lame)

Amsah stuck his big black **** all up inside me in our set, because i was playing like that scared little girl that secretly wants it, and M2K was a gay as usual

tournament was amazing, but really melee has no excuse for not finishing sunday. just imo

also screw you mango, escaping playing me once again!!!! ill will eat you like some kind of fruit.

been going to tournies for almost 5 years now with no sign of stopping..... melee fo lyfe *****es!!!!!


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Tucson AZ
I really wanted to play drephen in tournament at this and i got to :) I was also lucky enough to defeat darkrain for the first time :) however both my losses in bracket were sheik ditto's (frickin lame)
that's because sheik is a stupid ****ing character, tope.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
May 6, 2006
i thought pound 4 would just put my smash soul at ease so i can peacefully retire finally. But now i just wanna upsmash people who are used to PAL and sh*t LOL nah but really i wanna try to get back into melee again. it'll just be hard to juggle everything in my life at the same time. whatever though melee takes priority obviously LOLOL. Shoutouts later.
I came.

And plank made this happen.

So plank basically jerked me off o___________o

Can anyone enlighten me on this "Isai's gonna train with Scar" stuff btw? o_o

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Lucky had a weird bracket. He beat amsah in winners just to play mango the next round, which put him against dr.pp then armada (tough). If he had lost vs amsah he would have had a much easier way towards losers semi's (remen, linguini, tope, jman) and also would have given amsah a shot at mango (and if amsah won would have potentially forced a mango/armada rematch)

you also gotta feel sorry for raynex getting 3 really good peaches in a row (vwins armada vidjo), which i would consider one of foxes more technically strainful match-ups.

and who is this over triforce dude? the name sounds vaguly familiar, but from all accounts its really good. can't wait til i see some of his vids.


Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2004
Long Island


If Mike G starts playing again, I swear to ****ing god I'm gonna start up again toooooooooooooooooooo


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Ok so I'ma gonna make an attempt at shout outs but in all honesty I know I'm gonna miss alot of people sorry =[
(Plank and all the people hosting I already did my shout outs too)
EVERYONE was too cool. So I am gonna try avoiding putting that in every one lol

Reneblade - Dude you and DaBizWiz were awesome! Thanks for the livestreamed doubles =]
Toasty - MAKE ME MORE NACHOS PLEASE!!!! Stack it up!
Hugs - Remember now. When you punch something, hit with the index and middle knuckles. Not the pinky and ring finger knuckles =] Hope your hand is fine now lol
HMW - mad legit as always! See you at Genesis 2 man!
Phil - you should go back to the dreads lol... all seriousness tho. Thanks for the fun times
Chu - I laughed so hard when my brother started the Chu.S.A chant. Stick with it ;)
Zhu - Your dash dance was so effing fast!
D1 and everyone else we commentated with! - thanks for all the fun times. Sorry my voice went out =[
Prof. Urine aka Dr.PP - thanks for the matches and enjoyin the magic tricks lol.
Vidjo - You're not old you're well seasoned man. I hope to see you at the next big one I go to!
MacD - You cracked me up man. I love your peach!
Germ - I hope videos of your DJNintendo impersonation go online soon! Thanks for making us laugh so hard and letting us do the picture of you holding the signs for our friend =D
Germs Lady - it was nice talkin to ya over the phone :)
SideFX - same thing as Germ man. You were too funny
SilentSpectre - hahaha! You were quiet all the time with the exception of right after you saw a magic trick! By the way. I have a ton of pics of you wearing the Falcon Helmet. Need to put them online...
HBox - Once again you were too nice! See you soon hopefully
Hum aka HBox's big bro! - thanks for being willing to show us your own magic trick man. I hope we helped you improve a bit.
All the ladies (MilkTea, LadyLegion, and that one from Florida/Puerto Rico) - love you ladies!

Mango - ****
JMan - rapefest!
Yahuzzz!!! - once again your sh*t talking made me laugh so hard it hurt!
Lucky = <3 with the hands man.
Kathy (Lucky's girl) = same as above. Thanks for the laughs!
M2K - thanks for the hilarious night before we left!
Europe crew - all of you need to come back again whenever me and my bro show up too! You all were freakin awesome!

OverTriForce - Hola. Como Estas? Elle oh elle
StrawHats - It was an honor meeting and playing against you and over. Come back again k.

Raistlin - Haha sorry for the requested sh*t talking that effed up match 1 vs my bro... but then again you requested it lol. Good times man!
All the Florida crew! - it was awesome chilling with you guys and doing the magic tricks. Don't forget the dime on the forehead and the strength test!
RockCroak aka RockCrock lol - Mr. Croke... whose he? haha thanks for the histerical laughing with the dime on the forehead routine! You were freakin awesome!
Linguini - Come to New Mexico man! Seriously!

Blea! - Hope your trip back to Venezuala was alright. You were amazing! I hope to see you in the future as well!
Amsah = predator. Had to say it.
Aniolas - next time you come over we'll spar k. You cracked me up lol.

Yo DJNintendo! Record those speed runs aready! Thanks for the laughs and the fun times lol.

Lobos - Lol me and my bro aren't huge but we are very strong =] thanks for the laughs and the fun times.

Nike - thanks for rooming with us man! You were awesome to have around!
Axe - I will hopefully see you next month man! Again your Pikachu was ****!
Taj, Bryce, Tai... you guys know I love ya man!

And finally...
KSizzle - you were the only part of this tournament that I did not like. Brawl gets shot to hel.l by players like you. Do some damage and camp for 8 minutes. I'm sure others may have done it as well but you were the only one I saw. Learn to play a fighting game as a fighting game. I hope that someday I watch you play and you actually play the game how it should be played.

Once again to Plank! Thanks for one of the greatest experiences of my life man!

Sorry for all the people I missed. Its early in the morning and i have tired/school johns lol. But everyone I met was really cool and I hope to see you again someday.

...Pound5?! (or Genesis 2 or Apex 2)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2008
and who is this over triforce dude? the name sounds vaguly familiar, but from all accounts its really good. can't wait til i see some of his vids.
Over is a spanish smasher that lives in Madrid and teams with Strawhat Dahean. Placed quite well in some european tournaments, alone and with Dahean and is usually the player that wins all the spanish tournaments unless Dahean feels like defeating him (which happened the last 2 tournaments).

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
i got PC to wanna play melee again



thx to everyone who is thanking me for my hard work, i really wanted everyone to have a good time so im glad it happened
i love plank

when's pound 5?


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
i thought pound 4 would just put my smash soul at ease so i can peacefully retire finally. But now i just wanna upsmash people who are used to PAL and sh*t LOL nah but really i wanna try to get back into melee again. it'll just be hard to juggle everything in my life at the same time. whatever though melee takes priority obviously LOLOL. Shoutouts later.
I'll follow you forever PC!!!

<3 <3 <3


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Plank: Thanks for housing me and Johnathan, much appreciated. And thanks for making another Pound, I remember in the beginning of last year asking if you were going to make another cause Pound 3 was so fun, and I'm glad you did. Good job!

Johnathan: I mean, what's to shout out, other than ilu<3 and good job on helping out.

Shippo: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DRIVING! I could say a thousand thank you's and it wouldn't be enough. I know we got back extremely late on Tuesday, but you did a lot for us...taking us everywhere and being patient. The ride back conversations were hilarious though.

Tant: Didn't talk much but good stuff on helping out.

HEERO: I love your enthusiasm for smash, and that you helped out as well. <3

D1: Thanks for being an awesome friend :) I just saw you last night again but w/e shout out ANYWAY MAH DOO, and yea the addition to the USA chant you guys did was too good.

Vanz/Jaden: Thanks for always supporting me, youz a beast.

Amsah: I'm so glad I got friendlies in with you, and that I got to meet and talk with you. Your Sheik is a beast o_o I hope you love your Sheik sticker!

Toasty: I didn't talk much with you =(

Kage: Thanks for the friendlies! I wish I got more in with you though.

Jash: Don't give up Melee, there's always a reason to keep going.

Teco/Haley: You drunken bum.

Taj: Uhh...Mewtwooooo, glad I at least got one set in.

Always a pleasure to hang out and talk with.


Phil: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:...;)

Seb: Kermit, you've gotten so much better!

Wes: Always hilarious commentary.

Mike G: Always a pleasure! I'm glad we got a few sets in, sooo much fun! Your Peach is still beast.

Hbox: Thanks for the friendlies. And good stuff on your placing!

ZoSo: Yayyy, good seeing you again. We should play next time :o come to a Saffron next time there is one.

KirbyKaze: *hug* too good. You're a fun person to hang around too. I wish I got watch more of your matches.

Sanuzi: Thanks for teams. We should've made it out but I still had fun, cause double Peach is gayyy. Thanks for the friendlies too :D

Alan: Fun Peach dittos! Too good, even if I hateee that match up XD but Marth on Yoshi's Story never is auto win...I <3 abusing Marth's fair.

EighteenSpikes: Good pool matches.

Skler: Also fun pool matches, why are you so good T_T <3 I got you on a blue Link sticker next time.

Rei: <3


Mikey Lenetia: Thanks for talking with me, and buying stickers :)

Kyon: Nice to meet you!

Lady Legion: Pleasure meeting you!

Lucky's girl: You're a sweetie :) the talk about the tokidoki bags proved to be a valuable experience hehe. I gotta get your aim so we can chat further!

Forkgirl: I didn't talk much w/ you but thanks for buying stickers!

Milktea/Lil: I didn't talk much either with you >_> but I know you had a great time anyway. Always great to see you.

Kiwii/Janet: I'm glad you got to take Haley's spot since he's a bum. And I'm glad I got to see you.

Highlights of the tournament: (NOT HALEY BEING DRUNK), Armada vs. SS and Armada vs. M2k. I was rooting for the US but Armada is still extremely impressive to watch. Everyone played so well in finals, so it was an honor to witness all of them.

If I forgot anyone, I'm sorry. I'm pretty lame at shout outs >_>

ALL that bought stickers from me: Thanks :)
ALL that still want stickers or custom ones I wasn't able to make: just PM me :bee:

Pinkie Pie

Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2008
Hey, this was a really fun tournament! Thanks Plank and the whole team for making it happen!

Dutch guys: le sigh. I miss you guys already!
Adam: Walked around the whole **** city and you still didn’t get your Tims!

Amsah: lol Whole Foods, too good.

Faab: Ya….we were definitely cheating at Taboo….btw, I know you’re not VBM!!!

Rehmen: You’re like the only sane one in the group, better keep these bozos in check!

Zgetto: kanker flikker

Alukard, HBK, Hazz, and G$: You guys are big lulz.

Blea Gelo: Yo we were just about to stop sandbagging you guys in teams after you left! Lol, but it’s super cool you’re in the US now and I’ll def see you around.

Chu Dat: I swear I’m not like a creepy fan girl, you’re ICs are just too good!

D1: lol Chun-Li combo. Yo, tri-state **** talk really is legendary.

Eclipsing Binary: Totally nice to see you again! We didn’t get to play friendlies though 

Emma Watson’s Boyfriend: Nice to meet you! Super fun friendlies!

ForkGirl: Yo, let’s get like too good and then team for Herb, kk?

Lucky: Awesome seeing you again. When am I getting that Lucky training? Better train up Cathy too!

Mango: ****.

Swift: I wish you did better at this tourney…also, does Chipotle define our relationship….>”>

Toasty: Really awesome seeing you again!!

Tope: Nice meeting you finally. Sorry stuff went the way it did. Anyway, your **** talk is too good!

Zhu: Nice meeting you!

Heero: heh heh, glad to finally collect my mm winnings ;)

TecZero: lol definitely drunken bum….

JTails: brawl? Yuck. Let’s play some Melee!!! But fer real, I didn’t know you were so ****! You really should have beat ADHD in pools 

C4: Fun playing friendlies with you! I’m pretty sure you were sandbagging the whole time though….

Everyone I played friendlies with: Had a really awesome time. I really need to get better so I can enter next time!


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2007
i do want to clear up kiwi's name though. she had church in the morning so there was some miscommunication, she was NOT in the room w/ jman. also she knew who broke the bottle but it wasn't her, and she asked them to clean it up and they did so whoever it was although I wish you guys didn't enter a building you werent supposed to be in and smash a giant handle of rum on the floor, thank you very much for taking care of it on your own. i appreciate it.
just wanted to quote it for emphasis. jman i never said to anyone that i was in the same hotel room as you. we didnt even talk to each other the whole weekend. it was a misunderstanding on cris's part. i had just heard that you slept in from someone else but it turned out to not even be true so w/e. i wasnt trying to frame you or make you out to be a liar so dont be mad please -__-!!


i love all of u and wish i played way more matches at pound as well as have met more people but im awkward and shy about meeting new ppl

time to not have a life outside of a GC and get MUCH better at melee. everyone stepped it up so much in the last two years, makes me wish i never quit

quick shoutouts

plank - thanks again for putting all of this together. i cant imagine the stress you went through but it was all worth it! now time for someone else to step up as an epic TO so you can relax and not look so angry and stressed the whole time LOL thanks again. and gj placing so high

pc - i got you back into melee :p TEAMMATE!

eggz/otto/brady/cactus/tag - i miss u guys, you made the weekend hilarious and enjoyable. also it was fun driving you around :] w my awesome CDs!

silentspectre, nice falcon. it was fun to fight u in pools. same w sleepyk, c, negi. falcons galore? LOL ._.

tec0 - i wish you didnt squander :[ really was looking forward to how youd place.. but it was fun playing for u ! lol

renth - we should play again the next major tourney haha i'll up the gayness in my sheik so be ready!

pof - nice marth. ill get you 2-0 if we ever fight again :]

th0rn - ur DK sucks :(

zoso - you got so ****! sheik dittos are lame however :[

everyone else i played in friendlies and/or tourney it was fun times >< really wanna improve so much more now. i forgot how fun this game was haha

lil - <3 we should have done more friendlies. it was cool actually talking and not have any tension LOL sorry if i was shy and awkward :[

forkgirl - I LOVE YOU

cris - im glad we talked too and got to see each other :] i'll see u hopefully soon. gonna try to make it to a tristate tourney in the near future! give me some of that peach ;]

banks - youre famous <3

darc - taeyang-loving jiggs LOL i had a few korean CDs in my car. only you would have appreciated them T_T i felt like a weirdo singing in korean by myself :( LOL

toasty - youre awesome. i didnt want to friendly u bc you probably would have gone pika or doc on me anyway :p but it was fun talking to you!

reno - next time im ever in a relationship, i want my boyfriend to be at least as HALF as sweet as yours /jealous haha good job in doubles, you raaaaaaaped <3 loved watching your fox vs cyrain & tope !

xyt - :D gl hf in korea~

too lazy to write more so sorry if i didnt mention you haha hope to see all of you soon <3 :D


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
I'm not too much of a shoutout person so I'll just say peace to all I met and played with.

I'm really unsatisfied with my performance in round 3 pools, especially VS Armada (I played him the following day and won), but what can you do. It happens sometimes when you use a character like mine. I'll be better prepared for next time though, bet on that. ;)

This event was a blast and I couldn't stop having fun even when being exhausted. Mad props to the organizers.

Now, back to sharpening that Master Sword.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
Addendum: To everyone I met, talked to, introduced myself to, or even stood near. I was the dude in the black pinstripe hat, a button down of some variation, and black pants. My name tag said Crio. :)

Anyone who met me should buy my book. It's a book of poetry, and since I'm awesome and cool, by the transitive property, my book is also awesome and cool. Anyone who buys it get's a signature and big hug from me.

Link in the sig. ^.^

Incomplete Shout-Outs

Shoutout to Stingers, Decoy and that one guy with a complicated name [GyroDecondoer or something, I don't remember].
I think that was me. :/

TRC - you should have enjoyed that sweet relaxation with me, bro. Sorry you were feeling under the weather. You're hilarious as always.
Snapple - Fun times bro. Good **** watching melee doubles and stacking things.
LoZr - Tough **** on R3 pools man. You were **** in doubles. You're one of my favorite smashers that I never play with.
Dr.PP - Is my favorite smasher. Stop sandbagging at National Tournaments and win something, nub.
Silent Spectre - I want a little Jeff of my own to put in my pocket so he can jump out and knee my enemies. He's SO TINY.
KirbyKaze - It was nice to meet you dude. Your Sheik is ridiculous, and amazing.
Milktea - It was nice to pseudo meet you.
Mang0 - Glad I got to talk to you a bit on Monday night. Good **** on that #1. Glad we enjoyed that cigarette outside, sucks that we didn't drink together at all. Or smoke.
Tai & Axe - It was nice meeting you guys and watching Jason and Armada do silly stuff on Melee. Hope you guys made it home alright. Good job coming all the way out. Also good job sending PP to losers, Axe.
M2Jason - You're a cool guy, man. It's fun to hang out with you when I'm not getting ***** in melee.
Armada - Cool dude. It was nice to meet you. I love that Peach.
Aniolas - It was fun talking to you Monday night, even though I was drunk and don't really remember it.
Amsah - I LOVE YOUR HAIR. Also, your sheik is ridiculous.
Yay - Thanks for making me laugh in the hotel room. Get 'em in that Adderall combo.
Stongers - I got him drunk, lol.
Renth - I met you finally. And you were awesome.
The Hawaiians - The 2 guys and the girl. You were awesome to meet within 40 seconds of getting to the hotel. Thanks for the matches.
DJRomeo - Sheik arguments lololol. Good friendlies.
Seven - I didn't even know I was playing with you till Stingers told me. Good matches bro. I like that Samus.

My Pool - Sorry if I talk alot when I play.
Yo - Good fox man.
Captain Jadde - Why weren't you drunk like you usually are? Good Sheik.
Tubes - Awesome falcon, glad we talked somewhat during our matches.
Darc - Raaaaape. Although you played Fox when I CP'ed Cruise, which makes you a mother****er.

My Doubles Pool
HDL - I reallllly wanted to link ditto you.
Crismas and her teammate. - Shoulda let us play Floats. That and Crismas was acting fairly unpleasant toward us, which I thought was a surprise. But it's okay. Nice matches.

The Counterpick Club

these shout outs go to a special brand of smasher. The unique smashers who go above and beyond the call of duty for satisfaction in foreign lands. The kind of smasher who doesn't settle for just having a "good time". The kind of smashers who will say, yeah, let's go out to your car.

Toasty - One of my favorite people. your van was legit as ****.

Jman - I dunno, I thought you were someone else when you were at HERB 2. You're mad good dude, and it was cool chilling with you. We need to get together again soon. HERB 3? Now one of my favorite smashers.

Mike $ - lol, I totally forgot we were in the same doubles pool. Good **** @ the horse race, hilarious times.

Linguini - Your ganon is toooo **** good. Also, I used to think you were black. I don't know why.

Daft Flip - This boy here found me SO many cool smashers to... enjoy... things... with. You're bad ***, and we'll chill alot more now that I know you're only like... 20 minutes from me. **** falco.

Mike ****ing G - You're cool as **** dude. It was great to finally meet you. loved them Evan stories.

Dmbrandon - I think this was the person I hung out with w. Mike G and Jman. I'm not sure though, Sorry!
If you were, you're cool as **** dude.

That SC Hydro - for making Pound 4 a wonderful blur for me.

CT & Ledger - I didn't know you guys were as cool as you were. Good times talking about Persona, we need to hang out more at tourneys.

Rag - Glad you guys enjoyed the floor of my hotel room for a few days. SP is cool as hell. Play melee more.

Y'all owe me a smoke next time I see you.

Fiz - Loved our melee friendlies as always. Get at your yellow *** t-shirt. lol.

Rohan / Brenton - I don't know if I got your name right, but you're awesome dude. Talk more.

Chaddd - Nice to meet you and hang out a few times throughout the tourney. You're funny as hell dude, glad we chilled.

Yoshi is Cool - I'm so sorry that every time I went outside, I would come back in, and see you, and remember that I was supposed to have you come with me. Next time we're at a tourney, dude, it's all you.

Rhan - See Yoshi is Cool, except for that one time that you disappeared on me when I was on my way out. Also, you're funny, and awesome.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Yeah the second time was my fault. I had something to do.

My crewmates don't like walking alone after one Halloween night.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
lol floats is illegal, letting you guys go there would have been stupid. Can't say much about Crismas though, I didn't really notice anything myself o.o

fun matches though, no johns!


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
lol floats is illegal, letting you guys go there would have been stupid. Can't say much about Crismas though, I didn't really notice anything o.o
I did alot of illegal things this tournament.

Floats would have been icing on the cake.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
I had a awesome time at pound 4 thanks plank for hosting the biggest melee tournament ever
now my shout outs

White Mike- Intense matches at pool man you have a great shiek it was nice playing you

P.C Chris - It was a honor to finally meet you and playing you, you still got it man hope you come back to melee and hope we can play again someday your fox is AWESOME :]

Shaeman- Nice matches at pool you have a good fox and falco, but what i most liked was your link keep playing him you are pretty good.

Kels- You are awesome man i would love to play you again someday your fox is so legit

Scar- It was nice meeting you and playing you, your C. Falcon is out of this world i hope we can play again because one of our matches got stooped because the tournament was going to start:laugh:

Dr. Pee Pee- You have the best Falco i have ever played man, it was a honor to meet and play you my friend hope we can do it again and btw i was screaming stack it up!!!!!!!!!!! in most of your matches

The GERM- A honor to play and meet you man you have a awesome link, I wish we can play some more some day you look like a fun guy.

Jman- LOL you beat me spamming the up smash that was hella funny, i am glad to know that you are Puerto Rican man maybe you can come some day and play us it would very fun:chuckle:

Blea Gelo- You are the best man you made me laugh none stop and you have the best luigi i have ever seen. Sigue asi mi hermano que vas a superar a Ka master bien pronto y la mejor historia fue cuando Aniolas se callo lol hahahahahahahahahahahah

M2K- You Crashed in our room and ended up sleeping there lol. It was awesome playing you and meeting you, you are a nice guy and very funny with your pause combos:laugh:, defenetly got the best Shiek ever. Dont quit just beat those puff you can do it i have faith in you.

Hbox- You are a very nice guy and a awesome player you made mi laugh when you used link against me and all you did was dair and defeated me lol. Hope we can play again some day and chat some more you really are one of the best players in melee take care man.

Armada- I have become you fan, i love your playing style man you defenetly have the best peach in the world and i don't even like peach but i sure love yours. Thanks for being so nice to us and letting us take pictures with you hope i get to play you next time:bee:

The P.R Crew- We need more practice but this tournament has hyped us more to improve so next time watch out for the P.R Crew

EmilyWaves- Where you one of the girls that played some friendly's with me and blea gelo in teams. if it's you it was a pleasure to meet you and play you and your friend too(how is she called?) you girls kicked *** keep it up;)

To the rest that i played with- Good games and hope to keep attending tournaments so we can all play.

maybe i will edit this later it's just to much people lol


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Before shout outs...
Okay, so I didn't get past Round 1 pools, which was sad for me, since my expectations were to at least get to Round 2 and 3, but oh well. I played many people over there, but I can't remember most names, except for some. There's a pic of me at the end of the post, if you remember playing me (a Ness main), let me know. Also, I gotta say, Pound 4 was the best way to start the year, if you weren't there, you missed it, being in person at a tournament beats live stream any day.


Round 1 Pools:
Winston: Nice Luigi, dude.
Adam: That Sheik was beast, first match was horrible for me, the second, not much.
ZiggyRedBass: You were doing much better with Falco than Young Link.
Big R: Man... I could have at least win one match in the set, but nice game.

Ness Dittos:
Hbox: Fun match. But that match I had against Jigglypuff was wak, Ness was about to PKT2 and in less than 2 frames, you landed that Rest.
That blond guy whose name I forgot: Your Ness was pretty good.
Toasty: Come on dude, you can do better than what you did the last time we played. Practice that Ness Ditto match-up. By the way, we rep'd Ness. Not everyone does that. :)

Hugs: Wow, after beating your Ganondorf, my heart was about to explode, it was beating so fast! Great match by the way. I wanted to play your Samus, too.
Blea Gelo: You made our trip so funny, I can't stop laughing every time I remember you.
Zoro: You need to come to PR ASAP. Your Link has improved a lot since I last played you in Orlando, keep it up!
Marin: Lol, your trolling made us laugh and have a good time. Drake lost the game and DSL thought he had coffee on his sprite.
Action B.: Machete! Pincho! Puerto Rico!!
NM Twins: Never got to see your magic tricks, someone told me you were giving out autographed cards, I would have liked one to take it as a memento. By the way, I'm number #1!
Lady Artemis(Arty): You have guts to play with Pichu, keep learning, hope that the small things I thought you about Pichu play out later on. You and your teammate have good Pikachus on Brawl Teams, shouldn't have sandbagged.
Plank: Awesome tournament, I had a great, great time over there. Is there a chance that a second run of Pound 4 shirts be made? I forgot to buy one and I'd really like to have one, even if it's not my size.
Armada: Thanks for letting me take some pictures. You're a cool guy.
M2K: You landed the Falcon Punch!
Person in charge of the Food Stand: Wow, how many bags of Lays and Dr.Peppers I bought?
Kasht: Thanks for making our trip possible. Didn't see any Beer Pong action...
DJ Nintendo: Cool man, you speak Spanish. Didn't get to see you play, but "THIS is Pound 4!"
Uuaa: We didn't play, but it was nice seeing you around after 2 years.
Crismas: I saw your stickers, but there weren't any Claus ones. :(

Brawl stuff:
Sorry about this, since I never got any names, but:
Fox player who played me after Kewkky: Nice games, I need to learn that matchup more.
That Lucas player who teamed with a Lucario against Excel and Ling: Probably, the only Lucas player I liked. You made great use of PSI Magnet offensively, keep it up!
ChiboSempai: Hey, how's Waluigi going? Lol, you get that asked often. (don't answer it)

Puerto Rico Crew:
We need to travel like this again!

Etc. Stuff:
Videos coming soon, not sure who has all of them, but I have some.

puerto rico
what up bubbleman first victim nothin baby stomach virus or not it doesnt matter baby!!
Mind explaining? I got a bit lost with your post. :confused:
I believe that you're saying: that I was your first victim and that I was johning about my stomach, right? I wasn't johning about my stomach... You 2-0ed me with Falco and my stomach "problem" was solved before Pools began. Also, you weren't my first oponent, Adam was, followed by Winston, then you or ZiggyRedBass.

By the way, I don't have anything against you, it's just a game and you won. :)

bubbleman was NOT dressed up as ness
No, I only used a Hatness, then again, I never posted about dressing up as Ness. However, there was a guy that was dressed up like Ness, but had a red jacket covering his shirtness. Never asked him his name, though. Anyways, I had a black, quiksilver jacket, a hatness and a black+gray scarf at all times.
Picture: http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphoto...452726085432_511860432_10849150_7939828_n.jpg

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
Ya but what is the aftermath? You drink and you are under 21 and you **** up a hotel room and screw yourself over. You do not need to drink or do drugs to have a great time.

I have tried drinking when I was 21 and I never got into it. I do not mind people that smoke pot but I find drinking to be such a stupid thing to do when not at your house.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Howell, MI
It is just about being responsible. You don't have to get completely plastered, *cough tec*, when you drink.

Amsah vs Jman wooo. Amsah putting sheik back in her rightful place.
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