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Official BBR Matchup Chart v1.0

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Smash Master
Jan 24, 2009
New York, NY
Imho Lucario/Ness is 0 and Lucario/Olimar is -1 in Olimar's favor

But that might just be me full of salt.

Aside from that, yeah, everything else is chill.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2007
Peach is bad more than half her MU's are unfavorable, and tourney results show that. Sucks that it's true but it is. Unless we have some crazy Peach to prove it isn't she'll always remain that flashy bad character that no one takes seriously at tourneys.


Feb 6, 2009
Charizard flies too.

i demand charizard vs diddy +1 next MU chart.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I still think most of MK's matchups are highly sugarcoated on this chart... so any weighted chart is kinda lol at this point IMO.
BULL ****

we only have a +2 on peach

do you have any idea how ****ing insulting that is?


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
BULL ****

we only have a +2 on peach

do you have any idea how ****ing insulting that is?
I think you agree with me.... a lot of those matchups are actually worse than they are on the chart...

I mean like half of the -1s should probably be -2s. and Half of the -2s should be -3s.

Peach, Tink, D3 and DK are the ones that stick out the most to me.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
I think you agree with me.... a lot of those matchups are actually worse than they are on the chart...

I mean like half of the -1s should probably be -2s. and Half of the -2s should be -3s.

Peach, Tink, D3 and DK are the ones that stick out the most to me.

Fix MK's MUs please. Like, move all of the 0s to -1s, and then start going back through the other MUs. Wouldn't surprise me if half of them need to be adjusted to be more in MK's favor. I suspect part of the problem comes from a bunch of characters desperately hoping to be an MK neutral/MK counter. So what you have a guy who does well against MKs? That doesn't sudden change the MU. If it did, Ike vs Falco would be 0, and who knows how many other MUs would be different.

Or, you know, this list could just adjust the scale to have .5 numbers if so many MUs are going to be "in between two numbers so let's choose the number closest to neutral to be fair". That could solve a bunch of problems as well. :glare:

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
dude im 2 mins into this. dark peach i have to play you sometime!

i think our playstyles would make for some epic matches!

finished watching. got some great reads man. your peach is "swwweeeet!"


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
BULL ****

we only have a +2 on peach

do you have any idea how ****ing insulting that is?
Hey now! Depending on who you ask, that could range anywhere from 6:4 to 7:3!

Besides now, we all know MK vs Falco/Pika/Diddy is even. Look at how many people take M2K to last game! Anther did it back in the day, DEHF gives him a good run, ADHD and Gnes get close to giving him the overhead beatdown, etc.

Peach doesn't beat Diddy
I dunno bout that one. I think in the end it's evenish. There's no way in hell Diddy wins 6:4 that's for sure.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
i think peach is under rated personally. i mean im not saying that her matchups are right or wrong as im no peach main, but you watch players like kyon beat ally and riddle (albeit a long time ago anymore), you watch illmatic in general, etc and all you see is them doing great. i mean ya they don't win the major tournies but they still perform very well.

i mean really the only thing peach lacks is a reliable kill move. she pretty has to either pull a stich, sword, or bomb out her *** or get a read with that terrible usmash (i say it's terrible not because of it's lack of kill power or something like that. it's just to hard to hit with the sweet spot imo)

as pulse 131 would say, "you know why i hate peach and dk? because for no reason they can just throw out back air and it works. there isn't even logic behind it. it just works and that pisses me off. although who am i to complain as i use falco...." (this has no relevance i just thought you guys may get a laugh out of it)


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Your'e not seeing them doing great, you're seeing them being flashy and then placing even worse than a low tier.


Smash Master
May 29, 2007
X doesn't lose to Y!
*video proof*
and don't claim about how much worse he could be than me, this is a prove no matter what you're saying


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
For starters he could work on his DI.
And his spot dodge habit.
Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!!

This was too easy. I don't even think I wanna respond to why he was doing that. Heh, I'll let you boys have this one. I don't wanna get into fights with this community anymore. So because of this, Peach does not beat diddy. Next!

dude im 2 mins into this. dark peach i have to play you sometime!

i think our playstyles would make for some epic matches!

finished watching. got some great reads man. your peach is "swwweeeet!"
Thanks for the comment. But I can not accept that. Not with my crap tourny results and losing to people I am clearly smarten than. I don't play with the mind that I have, and end up playing this basic typical Peach style all gone seen for years and know how to beat. When I can finally play with the mind that I have and start beasting, then I can accept comments like this.

i think peach is under rated personally. i mean im not saying that her matchups are right or wrong as im no peach main, but you watch players like kyon beat ally and riddle (albeit a long time ago anymore), you watch illmatic in general, etc and all you see is them doing great. i mean ya they don't win the major tournies but they still perform very well.

i mean really the only thing peach lacks is a reliable kill move. she pretty has to either pull a stich, sword, or bomb out her *** or get a read with that terrible usmash (i say it's terrible not because of it's lack of kill power or something like that. it's just to hard to hit with the sweet spot imo)

as pulse 131 would say, "you know why i hate peach and dk? because for no reason they can just throw out back air and it works. there isn't even logic behind it. it just works and that pisses me off. although who am i to complain as i use falco...." (this has no relevance i just thought you guys may get a laugh out of it)

Her tourny results and people beating her with characters that don't have the advantage over her. That kills it. So when people see that, they think she is balls. Also cause some people stand out as a top Peach main, then to think they know all their ****. So if they lose, the lose is legit.

Good example would be if a Peach lost in a match up she *****. people would think that maybe the match up is even or in their favor. When really,the peach has no clue how to do it. or is just playing that basic peach style (tutnip>fair>jab. Approaching with fair alot. Using it alot. Fair to Dsmash. Floating too much) Same gimmick by everyone. This is typical. People are gonna catch on. And have. Thus Peachs get ***** in tournies. And playing like this. Any character in this game can get away with alot of crap on her.

Your'e not seeing them doing great, you're seeing them being flashy and then placing even worse than a low tier.
This is have correct. Its being flashing and/or playing the way stated above.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
hmmm..... that might actually be true now that i think about it that way. ya i guess it is just a lot of flash. although they are great players i guess they will be held back as long as they use peach. or until a peach wins a major tourney. then peeps will all be like, wtf?

or the peaches could find a different way to play peach besides just the usual playstyle. a more effective one perhaps. ill post a vid of my friend who tried peach out for a while. just to show that she can be played differently. please keep in mind that the vid is like 4-5 months old and we've both come a long way since then (he is actually a weegee/fox main. he was just using peach to see how he liked her)

nvm. i guess i thought he played her different but as i previewd the match i realize it's just that he plays the more grounded but still kinda common peach style. my bad


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I'm curious to know why you didn't choose to Fmash him at 4:28. Could you explain?
I wanted to kill him off the top for the hell of it, but failed. Ether way I was not to scared of losing cause I was mostly baiting him to roll and do stuff. Then just played out how the match up goes.

Two close matches, yup that definitely means peach beats diddy.

I am all for thinking peach and luigi beat diddy, but this isn't particularly convincing.
Then you missed the point of the video. If you or anyone here don't not wanna believe me then simply don't I'm not gonna argue with this community anymore. Everyone can sit here and think Peach does not beat diddy and I will just let it rock.

hmmm..... that might actually be true now that i think about it that way. ya i guess it is just a lot of flash. although they are great players i guess they will be held back as long as they use peach. or until a peach wins a major tourney. then peeps will all be like, wtf?

or the peaches could find a different way to play peach besides just the usual playstyle. a more effective one perhaps. ill post a vid of my friend who tried peach out for a while. just to show that she can be played differently. please keep in mind that the vid is like 4-5 months old and we've both come a long way since then (he is actually a weegee/fox main. he was just using peach to see how he liked her)
Peach does not hold any of these people back. Putting the blame on your character is something I don't like. Match can cause a lose. But only to a certain degree. But most think they have done all they can do. Then I watch these vids and wonder why they are using her like it is 2008. The problem with peach players now is the players, not the character. I have never blamed my character for my loses. I blame myself and always will till I can play with the mind I have.

And one problem is too many Peach trying to hard to stand out and get noticed in the community. The hell with all that and just do what you need to do to win. Hype and meatriding does not get you anywhere. Just look at her results. it's nasty.

I know the ways peach can be played. She is a creative character and very versitale. But people dont abuse that. For this, i make my Peach the mindgame type cause of all the stuff she can do. I like to mess with peoples heads to create baits and reactions, then punish. People expect the basic Peach play and I don't give it to them. So now it is a new ball game.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
You are not funny. You trying to hard now. This is why I really refuse to deal with this community much anymore with debates. Cause of people such as this.
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
I agree Peach probably isn't a good solo main, she is a really nice secondary to take care of bad MUs though. She has a lot of random kryptonite match-ups at the top end, but a lot of important MUs like MK and Snake she has problems.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
i didn't mean too blame it on the character, just the character's main playstyle. if people can't get out of a certain mindset about a character then it just screws them over.
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