I facepalm every time someone says that something like 65:35 is a hard counter.
Match-up ratios are dumb, nobody uses them right in the smash community, and people feel the need to be unnecessarily accurate, even though they're not precise at all. (looks at Pika boards).
9:1 isn't winnable, 8:2 is a hard counter, 7:3 is an advantage/soft counter, and 6:4 is a soft advantage.
Why can't people just use the +/- system, works a lot better for us...
Anyway looking at the match-up chart, I'd consider +2 a soft counter, and +3 a hard counter, but that's useless when discussing MK at the moment, since a lot of his match-ups are sugar coated >.>
But anyway characters that might do noticeably better without MK include most mid tiers really.
I mean you could say they have another character who counters them...but so do the high tiers, pretty much everyone besides Snake, Diddy and Ice Climbers (Marth?) have a counter.