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Q&A Doc General Discussion: Ask and ye shall receive ft. otg and Shroomed!


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2008
West Palm Beach, FL + the Doc Boards!!
How do you play Peach with Doc :(
Cape all those annoying vegetables she throws and look for the openings after she tries Down-smashing. As long as you shield her down smash you should be able to jump or wavedash out of shield with an attack or grab. Keep that girl on birth control too (Feed her pills, pills, and more pills)! If she floats in the air, you can staircase pills or spam B-airs if she's floating low enough to the ground.

Wow the cape is so underused!
I think the cape is a risky move in certain situations. Aside from edgeguarding and deflecting projectiles, I only use the cape in two situations:

1) If I expect an opponent to perform a grounded attack that takes a long time to recover from and that doesn't cover both sides of the character. For example, If I expect a spin attack from Link or a Leg Whip (D-smash) from Ganondorf I wouldn't bother using the cape because those attacks cover both sides of those characters which destroys the purpose of turning them around. But a F-smash from Link, Ganondorf and other characters is really useful because they are wide open with their backs turned to you!

2) If most of the characters happen to miss an Up-B attack I'll cape them on their way back down to the ground just to rack the free 12% if they are not at high percents already. Caping them on their way down from Up-B causes them to fall even slower because of the cape's hit-lag, making it easy to punish opponents after the cape!

Other than that caping aerials doesn't pay off alot of times unless you catch them at the very beginning of their jump (I'm still kinda iffy about that). Caping shielded opponents only pays off if your doesn't know how to jump out of shield with an attack(And some people don't) OR if your opponent is using Yoshi since Yoshi has the inability of jumping out of shield. ;)


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
if you're jumping at someone and assume they're gonna shield grab, cape them instead

they'll grab nothing and you'll probably have enough time to do some punishment


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
if you're jumping at someone and assume they're gonna shield grab, cape them instead

they'll grab nothing and you'll probably have enough time to do some punishment

i was screwing around with this alot the other day. Caping sheilds is really good when you do it at the right time.

Oh and i broke a samus's sheild w/ doc in brackets ! =D lololol


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
Lol i just had him in his sheild a lot, i broke it with a rising dair behind him >fair =/ Pretty sure thats what it was. That was the end of the match too :chuckle: yay fsmash =]

St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
I broke someone's shield w/ doc, simply by camping w/ pills and d-air, then empty SH (baiting shield) to f-smash.

I suck at this game though, and I left my cube in NH...gah

C 3

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Lol i just had him in his sheild a lot, i broke it with a rising dair behind him >fair =/ Pretty sure thats what it was. That was the end of the match too :chuckle: yay fsmash =]
upair > jab, rinse, lather, repeat.......shield break by some miracle of someone thinking they're trapped =D
I broke someone's shield w/ doc, simply by camping w/ pills and d-air, then empty SH (baiting shield) to f-smash.

I suck at this game though, and I left my cube in NH...gah
Why your opponent's couldn't simply roll is beyond me.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
^^^This. Pills are beyond necessary in this matchup.
I also forgot, C 3 reminded me that d-smash when she's floating, you can possibly get some good low damage kills through edgeguarding that way.
upair > jab, rinse, lather, repeat.......shield break by some miracle of someone thinking they're trapped =D
Lol i just had him in his sheild a lot, i broke it with a rising dair behind him >fair =/ Pretty sure thats what it was. That was the end of the match too :chuckle: yay fsmash =]
I broke someone's shield w/ doc, simply by camping w/ pills and d-air, then empty SH (baiting shield) to f-smash.

I suck at this game though, and I left my cube in NH...gah
lol, I broke this player called runawayfire's shield in teams with raynex back in '07. They CP'd mushroom kingdom 2 in GFs at a biweekly and I threw an explosive egg at him and it broke his shield. He was jiggs, making it even more awesome. Raynex and I in the same match also did up-smash -> f-smash shield break on him. It was jokes.

There were other shield breaks here and there, but I forget them.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2008
West Palm Beach, FL + the Doc Boards!!
if you're jumping at someone and assume they're gonna shield grab, cape them instead

they'll grab nothing and you'll probably have enough time to do some punishment
That technique does work really well against people who don't know about the cape like that. The guy I play against is so good at reacting to my cape by jumping out of shield with an aerial though. :(


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
Then dont run at him with cape if you think hes gonna sheild lol.
I mean, your gonna get shield grabbed if you do an arial, hit if you cape, so just dont do either lol.

St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
That technique does work really well against people who don't know about the cape like that. The guy I play against is so good at reacting to my cape by jumping out of shield with an aerial though. :(
Or space the cape, like you should be doing w/ any attack--it has pretty huge range, unlike many of doc's moves >_>

If you dash, jump cape forward and hold back, you can hit w/ the tip of the cape, not move too close (much easier and intuitive than it sounds. Also, you can do it as you then touch the ground, so you can CC any attempt to aerial OOS after the attack.


Smash Hero
Jan 24, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
i broke zjiins ice climber shield in a money match by just spacing repeated fairs quickly.

he pops up on a platform and i hop up and start to charge an usmash, nana jumps up dsmashes me and i die. >.>

St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
yeah, trying to shieldgrab fox or falco is a nigh impossible task, as is SGing a properly spacing marth, and to lesser extent (b/n-air) shiek.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2008
West Palm Beach, FL + the Doc Boards!!
No i think he meant to grab them when they shield lol.
Yeah I know. That's what I meant by dash grab (to run and grab a shielding opponent). I just put shield grabbing too because that helps me win in alot of situations. But yea, landing a grab can be difficult due to Doc's small grab range. Sorry if I wasn't clear before.

St. Viers said:
Or space the cape, like you should be doing w/ any attack--it has pretty huge range, unlike many of doc's moves >_>

If you dash, jump cape forward and hold back, you can hit w/ the tip of the cape, not move too close (much easier and intuitive than it sounds. Also, you can do it as you then touch the ground, so you can CC any attempt to aerial OOS after the attack.
Hmmm... But CCing attacks... But that wouldn't work if your damage is too high right?! That's an interesting technique though. Some attacks OoS will probably miss since Doc is ducking (attempting to CC).

P.C. Jona

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2009
yo where can i find the hitbox of the super sheet/cape w/e

i wanna see what it looks like but i cant find anything
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