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Call of Duty: Black Ops

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Is the ADS for LMGs with SoH pro the same as other guns? I know in MW2 if you had SoH equipped with an LMG it would still pull up slower, but I don't notice any difference in this game. It's pretty nice actually seeing as the stoner is one of the more useful guns you get earlier on.
It takes about a 10th of a second longer, without SoH Pro.

And the shotguns are HORRRRRRIBBLEEE in this game, compared to MW2, anyways. Comparing it to everything else, they're better than ever.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Shotguns are actually balanced in this game. They do well at their role, and they don't make SMGs obsolete due to the overall range of each class. Shotguns will destroy people inside small rooms, while SMGs have a bit more range, handling larger areas better.

Or something. My descriptions tend to suck. I know for a fact that I got ***** on Havana because this guy with a shotgun was getting me in the allies and buildings all day, and he OHK'd me before I could get my 2-3 bullets into him.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
Yeah, but every SMG is good in this game.
UMP45 outclassed all other SMG's. Shotguns were OP on most levels in MW2.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
SMGs weren't obsolete in mw2 and shotguns weren't bad.
SMGs were totally obsolete MAYBE except for the UMP, because shotguns had OHKO range that covered ALL the SMG's effective range, for ONE pull of the trigger, AND they were secondaries. UMP only escapes because it was useful at range.

Of course shotguns weren't bad, they were MASSIVELY overpowered. I've seen people practically get SNIPED by a Spas.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
People complain that the shotguns need a buff in this game, but if they did get a buff, then everyone would complain that they need to be toned down again. You can't win with people in this game, and in this case, the shotguns are perfectly fine as they are.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
People complain anything and everything, then everyone would complain about anything and everything else. You can't win with people on the internet.
Fixed that for you.:urg:

Sad truth is sad.

It's why I stopped caring a long time ago (about topics like that).

Oh, shotguns are overpowered leethaxor!

Someone nerf armor lock herp a derp!




Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
Same. It's pretty much all I do, aside from sniping on Jungle and occasionally Havana <3

Ehh I remember being able to spawn kill w/claymores in HQ on Scrapyard. They weren't directly on the spawn but they were pretty much right there once you spawned and took a step or two.

Regardless, I'll find a way to make it happen :awesome:
I run and snipe on nuketown lol. Makes **** so much more fun. 24-10 may not be an awesome k/d ratio, but its intense haha


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
So today in gym we played kickball and my team got wrecked. My first thought afterwards:

Useless teammates.

Reminded me a bit of this game at times.......


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
Did they also stand in the doorways and block your way?
Reminds me of yesterday when I was about to get my attack helicopter, a random stood in front of the doorway and I got shot. I screamed.

Was playing a game of HQ on firing range just a minute ago. Final scores:

Me: 67 Kills, 27 Deaths

Random #1: 25 and 38
Random #2: 23 and 30
Random #3: 12 and 27
Random #4: 8 and 7
Random #5: 6 and 16

Can you tell why I hate playing with randoms?


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Why does everyone rag on 2nd chance?

You have to be running around in the open like a fool to die to someone using it.

Down someone>throw tactical grenade>person dies.... simple.

As a person who uses it all the time I VERY rarely die to someone else using it.

Also if you just headshot someone they can't go into it anyway.

Hacker is more gay IMO, because it makes all the equipment shiny and red and visible anywhere on the map.Thus generally revealing the locations of enemies.

Tactical mask, oh wow I can run into a room full of gassed/flashed etc peeps and spray them all down AND know exactly where they all are.

Marathon and Ninja are practically useless in this game IMO so choosing them is a fruitless existence.(Except maybe certain objective games)

You might as well complain about Flak jacket, Sleight of hand and Steady aim pro too since they can help you live where you normally wouldn't.

The only reason I mentioned it was because I got downed while using Valkyrie rockets>killed the guy who downed me>went back to normal and had no weapon out at all>then suddenly out of nowhere, pulled out my Galil.

It was really weird and have not heard of it happening to anyone else.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
The reason people rag on 2nd chance is because you actually should have died but instead you get a kill. And I've died from people with second chance because they normally would have died but I used my whole clip to kill a guy(was using a sub machine gun) and then while I"m reloading he ends up shooting me. I never thought about throwing a tactical grenade though. Maybe it was my fault for dying to a second chance user, but I still don't think its very impressive to get a kill with it. Its just lucky.

Hacker really isn't that gay since it actually helps prevent camping. People can hide claymores pretty well so that you don't always see it while walking through a doorway. So hacker puts some balance in the game right there.

Tactical Mask helps against nova gass spam(idk what the pro version does)

Marathon is definitely not useless, especially if you're using a shotgun or submachine gun which was much more effective at closer ranges.

Ninja, eh I can see how its not useful since its already difficult enough to hear people's footsteps.

Flak Jacket helps against random frags and semtexs tossed from across the map and people spamming RC's.

Sleight of hand and steady aim pro are really good but it seems pretty balanced to me. You could use hardened pro to shoot through walls more easily. Or you choose better hip-fire with steady aim. Or you use sleight of hand to reload faster.

But what does second chance do to balance out anything? It just saves you from dying for a little while to try and kill somebody? It just basically rewards you for making a bad decision and getting lit up by somebody.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
If the enemy team uses last stand I start going for headshots.

Second chance = free headshots unless you spin out of control like an idiot.

I lose out on kills because of second chance. Sometimes it's not even my fault. (Although without second chance I wouldn't have gotten that kill anyways... so the video's a bad showing of it happening... but it happens)

I use decoys, so secondary grenades don't work for me. (They also throw too slowly...I usually hide behind something and reload)

I rag on 2nd chance because it takes no skill. Usually you were already aimed on your opponent when you fall into it, and all it requires is you mashing your fire trigger hoping to kill your opponent. During the fall (unsure if this is patched) you can shoot just before you actually become killable. I've been killed by people I lit up with my ENTIRE M60 CLIP WITH EXTENDED MAGS (exaggeration on how much I sprayed) and I still died. I was aimed on him the ENTIRE time, but his pistol round killed me before I hit him with 1 bullet from an M60....

The other perks are to counteract certain things.

Ghost = Spy planes and air support. (So hardline and certain, otherwise-dominating killstreaks)

Ninja = Sound *****s (like myself) or to be able to better hear things around you. (Such as gunfire) ue to your footsteps not being in the way.

Marathon = Getting places faster. Can catch up to opponents around a corner, etc.

Lightweight = Much the same as marathon.

Flak Jacket = Tubers, claymores, airstrikes, and random grenades.

Hardline = ......... /hates this perk

Steady Aim = .............................................spray and pray? /hates this perk as well

Tactical Mask = Makes secondary grenades (outside of decoys) pretty useless against you. I can't even count the number of times I've been flashbanged and was screwed over. Being able to see flashed/gassed/stunned opponents enhances those secondary grenades use. (Sometimes you'll flash someone mildly and not know where they are, when you run in you get lit up because you checked the wrong corner first)

Second Chance = Because you were outgunned you have chance to kill your enemy and be revived. Wait? WHAT? Imagine perks in Brawl. "Might get a chance to not lose a stock when you die" yeah. That's cool. :troll: It's a perk used by those who expect to die. They hope to get a kill or perhaps even be revived by their teammates. That or they just enjoy pissing people off. /hates this perk but nowhere near as much as hardline and steady aim

I'm tired+bored. Enough rant.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I can totally see why you hate it but......

I could go on about SoH and say that because he can ADS faster he should have died and not me.

Do you see where I'm coming from?

Buy yeah once someone is in 2nd chance a flash or concussion going off even a little close to them will kill them.

That's usually what I do when I'm able to get to some kind of cover to reload or toss a flash over safely.

Or if I'm out in the open I just strafe one direction until they run out of ammo an either (a)Reload and finish them off or (b) run up and knife them.

Next time you come across a 2nd chancer try just strafing one direction and throwing a tactical at them.

It works like 95% of the time for me.

I think the most rigged part of 2nd chance is not the fact you live for that bit longer to possibly pistol them, but the fact you can get brought back to life.

A simple patch making only other people with 2nd chance able to revive you would balance it out I reckon.

Although that being said it's very rare a random will even revive you even if your perfectly safe.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
I can totally see why you hate it but......

I could go on about SoH and say that because he can ADS faster he should have died and not me.

Do you see where I'm coming from?
No... I don't.

See with last stand, there's invincibility frames before they hit the ground (unless there's a headshot). SoH doesn't have invincibility.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I can totally see why you hate it but......

I could go on about SoH and say that because he can ADS faster he should have died and not me.

Do you see where I'm coming from?

Buy yeah once someone is in 2nd chance a flash or concussion going off even a little close to them will kill them.

That's usually what I do when I'm able to get to some kind of cover to reload or toss a flash over safely.

Or if I'm out in the open I just strafe one direction until they run out of ammo an either (a)Reload and finish them off or (b) run up and knife them.

Next time you come across a 2nd chancer try just strafing one direction and throwing a tactical at them.

It works like 95% of the time for me.

I think the most rigged part of 2nd chance is not the fact you live for that bit longer to possibly pistol them, but the fact you can get brought back to life.

A simple patch making only other people with 2nd chance able to revive you would balance it out I reckon.

Although that being said it's very rare a random will even revive you even if your perfectly safe.
You know what beats SoH?

Hipfiring into your ADS. Like what I do with SoH regardless. I just like the faster reloading.

Sometimes that hipfire saves your life.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
You know what beats SoH?

Hipfiring into your ADS. Like what I do with SoH regardless. I just like the faster reloading.

Sometimes that hipfire saves your life.
Also wastes a nice amount of ammo. That's the only reason I don't do it. But what I don't understand is why people don't ADS more in general. When I'm coming around a corner, you can bet your sweet *** I'm aiming down my sights ready to get the jump on you.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
A mate of mine got 206 kills to 15 deaths in a match of HQ. He uploaded it to his file share, check out Oh My Days Man.

Also if anyone gets any weird messages from me, it's actually from him as I've recovered my GT at his, so if I spontaneously come out of the closet and relay it to everyone in my friends list then just ignore it.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
Oh man....ugh. I just uploaded a clip to my file share of the biggest fail ever.

I got a fast 7 kills, then there were 5 people on the opposing team in the doorway and I just got a bunch of hit markers. Would have been insaneeeeeee ughhhhhh.


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
So, this just happened and kinda made me laugh. Playing TDM on Firing Range, and 1-2 people just camped the long building for most of the game. So later in the game I'm up on the 2nd floor of the wooden building. I figure I try to get the guy with a tomahawk so I wait a bit and throw it through the doorway and get him.

In the lobby after the game I hear this one guy say: "Wow, some guy tomahawked me. What a (homosexual slur)."



Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
God Last Stand is the most annoying **** of life. I rage every time I get in a gun fight, die, my opponent ends in Last Stand, and I end up getting an assist.

For the love of God, you should've died when I sent you in Last Stand, but oh no, I end up suffering because you have the goddamned perk on and you get an extra chance at life because of some bull****

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
It still baffles me how you guys can't deal with it properly.
Well the invincibility frames don't help. That just adds to the amount of time to kill the guy and then the guys teammate can run around and kill you. Or a random grenade could be tossed across the map and kill you before you can finish him. There are a lot of outside factors besides the person shooting the second chance guy and the second chance guy himself. I usually end up killing the guy anyway, but there are a few instances where something random happens and I end up dying due to unfortunate circumstances and that's what pisses off people the most because they should have just had the kill in the first place. If they would just take out the invincibility frames when the person drops to the ground it would be a lot easier to kill the guy. In MW2 the guy just dropped to the ground instantly and you could just finish him, that was the way it should have been in Black Ops.

Sorry I overlooked your post.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Over Bad Company 2? Really?
Yes, the Call of Duty franchise has become mainstream over the years and this award further proves that gamers love yearly sequels from Activision.

Don't worry about it too much though, I don't trust Spike to have good taste in video games.
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