Smash Champion
well i dont blame you...i used to think like that too... i mean im still young, almost 17, but when i was in middle school and stuff i was real immature...i couldnt handle a girl so i just said screw it...but then when you find the special one everything goes out the window man...I won't deny that I was EXTREMELY happy when I was in "love" with my ex-girlfriend. However, it was really...a blissful ignorance. For one thing, I thought I loved her and I really didn't. For another, due to said "love" I was certain I was going to marry her, and...that obviously didn't happen. I'm extremely glad for that relationship because it taught me a lot about relationships in general, but it still wasn't the best thing ever. Eventually I broke up with her because I just wasn't ready for things to be moving as fast as they were and I realized as a result that I just wasn't ready for a relationship at all...I mean, relationships can be very stressful and draining. If you're with the right person, then it won't be, but the right person is very hard to find. One of my friends was in a relationship a few years ago with a guy who was sort of possessive and emo...I think it was sort of because he cared, but it didn't make it any less stressful. He got upset whenever she couldn't spend time with him at least once a week, didn't like her even getting near other guys (whilst hanging out with a girl whom, he had told her a while before they started going out, he used to like), or even spending too much time with her friends, etc.
I may just be bitter from my relationship, but I still think, not to put too fine a point to it, that relationships are highly overrated for the most part, at least in the earlier years of your life.
im sure you say what you say because of w/e happened in your past relationship...if you were still in it you would be typing about how amazing relationships are and stuff... but you know that happens alot, like when you think you have the right person, you wanna get married and stuff, but something happens and you know the story...your not the only one... but youll find that someone and your little "relationships are overated" comment will definitely change..
and i know for a fact it doesnt matter how young you are to be in love...i met my girl when i was like just turning 14 i think... and ever since then i knew that i loved her... i still do, and im sure about super sure...i know youre thinking anything can happen, and thats true...but our relationship was founded at church, and i dont mean to sound religious, even tho i am, but we have God in our relationship...that helps alot...praying for eachother everyday, when problems arise we dont curse eachother out...its way different then a relationship without God in it... ive been there.... but yea