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Ashunera’s Library - General Discussion, Q&A and Index

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Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Oh guys, I forgot to mention this, but Mr. Doom was a big fan of Gary Coleman and is taking his death really hard. So if he offends you in any way, just know he's going through a tough time right now and is not himself.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008

Do you guys know about double-B reversals? I found it by accident, and apparently a few other people from Dallas know about it.
Explain to me the logistics of said double-B reversal. Is it doing the special in the opposite direction first and then B-Reversing it so as to give the impression that ti isn't B-Reversed?

Also: Gary Coleman's death is pretty tragic. All early deaths are.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2008
Wifi training room waiting...
Bored i really haven't been posting much on AiB.. Probably about 3 posts in an ike group and that is all... Mainly only got on AiB cause it had me remembered on parents computer and for some reason SWF wouldn't remember me even when i checked the box... soooo yeah mainly lazyness kept me from SWF XD

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
Slaps, there's a file called "cookies.sqlite" that you should find and delete. I've had that problem where SWF wouldn't remember me, but haven't had that problem since I deleted "cookies.sqlite".

Bored, you really shouldn't make anyone's business public, whether what you say is true or not.

-Smash King-93

Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2010
Oh guys, I forgot to mention this, but Mr. Doom was a big fan of Gary Coleman and is taking his death really hard. So if he offends you in any way, just know he's going through a tough time right now and is not himself.
Explain to me the logistics of said double-B reversal. Is it doing the special in the opposite direction first and then B-Reversing it so as to give the impression that ti isn't B-Reversed?

Also: Gary Coleman's death is pretty tragic. All early deaths are.
how very sad.....and tragic......:(


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
That is true, unless someone dash attacks you :p

And also the trick can be used foward too i just tried it it slids you up a bit more
I actually found that trick before but I didn't tell anyone because I thought it was just as unneeded as Counter Drawing. RIP Dio and Gary Coleman


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
how very sad.....and tragic......:(
Sad and tragic, dang that's a tough combination. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad that the guy died just like I'd feel bad that anyone died, but I really only let deaths get to me if it's someone I actually know. Otherwise I'd be a depressed wreck 24/7. It just seems a little unfair that Gary Coleman dies and half the world mourns, while millions of kids in other countries are condemned to never live past 8 years old and we don't even give it a thought.

Just my opinion.



Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
Sad and tragic, dang that's a tough combination. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad that the guy died just like I'd feel bad that anyone died, but I really only let deaths get to me if it's someone I actually know. Otherwise I'd be a depressed wreck 24/7. It just seems a little unfair that Gary Coleman dies and half the world mourns, while millions of kids in other countries are condemned to never live past 8 years old and we don't even give it a thought.

Just my opinion.

The truly tragic thing here is that you are absolutely right. Unfortunate children, born into an unsalvageable situation, are dying with every moment that passes by. And nobody cares. It simply won't do to mourn every individual that fades away into obscurity, so I make it a blanket rule to mourn none of them. I am powerless to help, so I won't pretend to lament a loss that was unpreventable. To dwell in the past leads only to despair anyway, press onward into life.



Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
The truly tragic thing here is that you are absolutely right. Unfortunate children, born into an unsalvageable situation, are dying with every moment that passes by. And nobody cares. It simply won't do to mourn every individual that fades away into obscurity, so I make it a blanket rule to mourn none of them. I am powerless to help, so I won't pretend to lament a loss that was unpreventable. To dwell in the past leads only to despair anyway, press onward into life.
Quoted because everyone should read this twice. Well said.


Plus I approve of your Pokemon sign-off.



Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
I've been thinking of adding some Quick Draw,Counter and Eruption to my gameplay to just use when it is least expected. Can you guys help me think of more uses?


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Quick draw should only be used for spacing. I use counter every now and then when climbing off the edge. Usually I read the opponent before I jump into doing it though. Eruption, in friendlies I enjoy popping it out of no where when I'm getting juggled in the air. Super armor + eruption is good enough to get you out of a situation or possibly kill a light character like MK.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
I read your new match up ratio thread thingy and it asked not to post there about this kind of stuff...so I hope this is the right place

An offline friend of mine is getting into the swing of playing 1 vs 1's competitvly and hes using Ike as his main cause..well he likes the character. I admit I tried dropping hints to him using someone else but hes adamant that hes using Ike so I was wondering if I could ask about some advice on his behalf about 3 match ups in paticular - Olimar, Ike dittos and Peach

Olimar - I never really use Olimar but I do know that pivot grab is good and this is giving my friend real nightmares because he literally doesn't have a clue what to do vs Olimar. Pivot grab is his biggest issue and I must admit I'm having really difficult thinking of what he can do vs Olimar's pivot grab. You can A punch Pikmin off you if they're latched on right? I've told him to try that or Nair or Bair

Ike - Being a Peach user, having any sort of lag (paticularly aerial lag) is alien to me but its still very discouraging for him when he loses. How do you play Ike dittos? At the moment we're just trying to outsmart each other (Baiting Fairs for example) but something a bit more constructive I could tell him would be great

Peach - I main Peach so everything I tell him about fighting Peach with Ike is difficult because if I tell him something that might work, I'll have already thought up a way to counter it...its rather counter productive in a way. By far the most difficult thing he has to face is OoS Turnips which punish any lag that hits my shield, from Fair and Jab which are two of his favourite moves. He's very good at catching Turnips and moving away if I'm trying to camp with them but he's not sure what to do with them once he's actually got them. Can Ike glide toss? I haven't taught him about that properly cause I wasn't sure if Ike could glide toss or not. He loves Counter aswell and I've tried to stop him using it because once I do get hit by it, I just predict any other Counters and grab/hit him afterwards. Should I advise him to stop using it altogether or only in small doses? One last thing, how do you recover with Ike vs Peach? He's started reversing his Aether to avoid getting gimped by Toad but if he's knocked far way its a real problem for him to get back onstage because he has to use Quick Draw and then he faces a dillema - does he hold onto the Quick Draw and hope that he will fall faster and therefore below Peach if she's trying to soak up the hit to prevent his Quick Draw from going anywhere or does he use it and hope for the best because Peach is probably going to Nair him anyway?

Sorry for the long post, appreciations for anyone who bothers to read through it all and respond :p I've never had a great deal of competition offline and I'm finally starting to get some, plus my friends really enjoy Brawl so I want to help them get better at it :p Thanks in advance


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Olimar - I never really use Olimar but I do know that pivot grab is good and this is giving my friend real nightmares because he literally doesn't have a clue what to do vs Olimar. Pivot grab is his biggest issue and I must admit I'm having really difficult thinking of what he can do vs Olimar's pivot grab. You can A punch Pikmin off you if they're latched on right? I've told him to try that or Nair or Bair.
Olimar is a tough match-up for Ike due mainly to his grabs like you mentioned. If an Olimar is doing nothing except forcing an approach by tossing Pikmin and then retreating and pivot grabbing when you approach... there really isn't much Ike can do. In that case I wouldn't suggest too much jumping, because pivot grabs eat jumps. If you do ever jump against an Olimar, never try to aerial attack them, even Nair has enough landing lag if it hits their shield for him to shield grab you at any range.

Instead, if you manage to get close after a jump, just Jab as soon as you hit the ground. Basically if you get one Jab combo in, you can deal quite a bit of damage if you play your cards right. Olimar's aerial game is worse than Ike's, so get him in the air and then keep him there by reading his air dodges and punishing, or grabbing/jabbing him as soon as he lands. As long as you keep the pressure on while he's airborne and edge-hog his recovery, you've got a good chance.

Like I said, that initial hit to get him in the air is the hardest, but Jabs are your best bet, because Olimar is way too good at punishing Ike's aerials, no matter how well you space them. If you get Pikmin on you, it depends where they are for what move to use. Nair will almost always work for any Pikmin, but Jab is faster for Pikmin latched on in front of you and Bair for those behind you; just make sure you retreat those aerials so you don't get grabbed while focusing on the Pikmin.

For approaching, you can try short-hop air dodges but if you find yourself just getting grabbed upon landing a lot, be sure to change tactic fast. Dashing up, predicting his grab and spot-dodging it followed by Jabs can work, although probably not too well against his pivot grab. If he is just camping and pivot grabbing, force him to the ledge by pressuring with Jabs and Nairs but stay just out of grab range, and then see what he does to give himself more space. Some will jump over you but many will roll. Either way, figure out his method of getting behind you and punish it.

Ike - Being a Peach user, having any sort of lag (paticularly aerial lag) is alien to me but its still very discouraging for him when he loses. How do you play Ike dittos? At the moment we're just trying to outsmart each other (Baiting Fairs for example) but something a bit more constructive I could tell him would be great.
I actually like the ditto for the most part. The key to winning an Ike ditto IMO is to get the other Ike off-stage and keep them there. You can hit another Ike out of Aether with Fair, Bair, Dair, Ftilt, Dtilt or even Fsmash. To be safest if you really want to win the match, stick to Fairs and Bairs or Dair if the Ike is recovering very low. Basically you just want to hit them when they're at the peak of their jump, spinning around helplessly asking to be hit. If they don't DI it very well and have already used their second jump, it can mean an early KO.

If they do DI it, then they'll either try to QD back, in which case just edge hog them, or they'll fall and Aether again in which case hit them again, Aether never sweet-spots immediately. As for on the stage, it's best if you bait aerials by not using any yourself, just empty jumping or not jumping at all. You want to get more Jabs in than the other Ike. If you can get the other Ike to approach and mess up their spacing, Jab them. If you're trying to approach, do so on the ground and Jab when you get there.

Obviously you can use aerials situationally, but don't use an aerial that can be punished by your opponent's Jabs. For KOing other than gimping, I like Usmash because it's range rivals many of Ike's aerials and ground moves, so if you slide backwards with it after baiting an approach you'll usually win if your opponent is slightly off on their spacing, and depending on what aerial they use, you may end up with less cool-down time as well.

So key points in the ditto: don't use laggy moves. Punish your opponent's laggy moves with Jabs. Get your opponent off-stage, Bthrow -> dash attack at middling percents is great for this. When they're off-stage, gimp their Aether or edge-hog their QD. If it's an important match it won't do to be flashy by attempting to Dtilt an Ike out of QD, just edge-hog. You shouldn't use Counter or Eruption basically at all. The only thing worth countering would be a charged Fsmash but you'd have to wait and see if he's going to charge it fully and then Counter. If you Counter too early you'll get punished when it's fully charged.

Hope that was satisfactory, let your friend know I respect his decision to stick with Ike but that it's a tough deal to main Ike in competition. I'm no expert on the Peach match-up by any means, I've only played one good Peach main and it was on WiFi and I lost, so maybe someone else can help you out there.



Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
You're friend needs to experiment with what's good and what's not. I remember at the start of Brawl, I thought F-air was a better move over N-air. Now I think otherwise. I rarely use F-air as an approach, but use it when I'm retreating backwards. He just needs to understand when and how a move works best. B-air is generally not used with a full hop, rather a short hop because you can land and execute another move almost immediately.

My suggestion would be for him to start out playing some Ike dittos so he can see a Ike who is better than him use Ike's move set at its best and work from there.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Gary Coleman died?

When did that happen?

I have been completely oblivious to the world since one of the TOs in my region died on thursday and I spent all day yesterday at his wake.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
In NY, losing The Game (constantly)
Still here at Animazement. Didn't make tourney, but played some friendlies. Against casuals I did well, against the guys who were at the tourney, got owned. I need to play more.

Oh and about that death thing I remember a quote I read.
"A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin.
It's true despite how sad death really is.


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Oh and about that death thing I remember a quote I read.
"A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin.
It's true despite how sad death really is.
You do realize who Joseph Stalin was though right?

Anyways, we need to end this depressing discussion; so on a lighter note, I just got third place at one of our larger local tournaments going all Ike. I beat a local Pikachu/Olimar/MK main who I had not been able to beat in tournament four times prior. All the replays of my matches were saved and I'll probably be putting some in for critique once they get uploaded.



Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2008
Yardley, Pennsylvania
Who here is going to Apex? I am not even entering melee!!! -.-'

I am just going to friendly and MM...and obviously spectate, I would like to meet anyone here that is attending.


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Myself and some others from NS will be road-tripping it down there for Apex. I'm already signed up for Brawl singles and doubles. A lot of people I'm looking forward to meeting there, now including you.

Edit: Just realized this is my 1001st post. I'd make it more interesting for the occasion but my mind is a blank right now. Guess I'll have to just think of something really cool to put in my 9001st post.


Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
Meh, I'm rusty at the mk matchup...

Also, at a tournament down in Oklahoma...

Top Five
1. :metaknight:
2. :wolf:
3. :fox:
4. :metaknight:
5. :ike:

I'm a little intrigued by the results.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2009
Man, I wanna go to some of these tournaments, but I live in the middle of no where >.<" My Ike needs to go to some to improve...

Edit: Do the check boxes actually do anything on this site?

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
Holms and Zeton, respectively; Holms is the Wolf, and Zeton is the Fox.

Shinde, where do you live again? I don't remember if someone already asked you before.


Smash Champion
Feb 10, 2009
Who here is going to Apex? I am not even entering melee!!! -.-'

I am just going to friendly and MM...and obviously spectate, I would like to meet anyone here that is attending.
I'm def going to apex.. We can def get some matches in
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