shout outs...
1: Ally(guess) - I knew you had this **** son.
2: Mew2King(guess) - When you asked to split I had a feeling you were going to lose.
3: Lain(Ics, DDD) - I love your glasses, and your orange shorts.
4: Anti(Snake, MK) - We should wear out headphones like boss does.
5: Atomsk(DDD) - PKMN Trainer dittos own.
5: Ksizzle(Lucario, MK) - iCarly sucks, just kidding. Nice seeing you..
7: ADHD(Diddy Kong) - I saw you play anther...
7: Anther(Pikachu) - I love you, you are a sexy *** mofo. Pikachu uair battles. There is something in midwest's water that gives you mad DI.
9: Seibrik(MK, DDD) - ??
9: Candy(Snake) - You and your look a like make me lol
9: NinjaLink(Rob, Diddy, Pikachu) - Good stuff.
9: Blackwaltz(Olimar) - YEEEEEEEEEEEEE
13: Afro Thunder(SNAKE!!!) - ??
13: Dojo(MK) - Pink bandanas and pop tarts all day.
13: Ultimate Razer(Snake) - I heard you "really really" like sheep.
13: HolyNightmare(Rob) - Your bro is doin good...
17: Y.b.M(Kirby) - ??
17: UTD Zac(G&W) - ??
17: Slikvik(Wario, G&W, Peach) - Your Wario is gooooood.
17: Dazwa(Zss) - ??
17: Boss(Mario, Luigi) - SLAP CHOP
17: Plankk(...guess) - air planking is too good.
17: Light(Shiek, Pit, MK) - ??
25: Hylian(G&W) - How did EE beat you?
25: Meep!(ICs, barf)- Cool.
25: PhantomX(Wario) - ?
25: kornnn(METAKNIGHT) - Next time we'll beat Vex.

25: ESOJ(DiddyK) - ??
25: Jash(TL) -??
25: Puffster(DiddyKong) - I saw you get hella mad when you lost some match.
25: Xzax(MK) - Wii turn off johns for YD.
33: PGN(G&W) - Cool.
33: Crizthakidd(MK) -???
33: Cawesome(SNAKE) - ?????????????
33: Judge(MK, Wario) - oh no she didnt judged
33: Steel2nd(Marth) - ???????
33: HAT(SNAKE) - Yeeeeeee.
33: Chudat(Kirby) I'm not gonna be at the white belt dojo...
33: Eazy(MK) - I will play you one day and defeat you Falco vilian!
33: Vex Kasrani(G&W, DDD, Bowser) - I'll get better and take a game from you one day!
33: Kadaj(Marth) - **** I saw you playing marth and it was nuts
33: PikaPika!(guess) - my arm still hurts after we shook hands
33: Inui (Broken Finger Johns) - =(
33: Fatal(Snake) -?
33: BadNewsBear(Lots of characters)-???
33: Yes!(Snake, Fox)-??
49: Rhyme(Spamus) -
49: SK(92) -
49: Xiivi(Luigi) You didnt play Luigi thats buuuuull
49: Omegablackmage(SlikVik) - Thanks for the tips.
49: Xisin(?) ???
49: KirinBlaze(Mario) - I saw that HAT match good stuf
49: Omniswell(ICs, Wolf) - Mudda effin IC's
49: Dphat(Marth, MK)- ??
49: TUSMMMMM(DaydayDayyyyyyyyyy) ??
49: Ophelia(Sonic, MK) - ??
49: JJ wolf(guess) - ??
49: D1(FLACO, Metacake) - Barlw+ D:
49: Darc(Marth) - DEMPSEY ROLL THAT HO
49: Keitaro(Falco) - I'm gonna get better :D
49: Kai(Sonic, Diddy) - ?
49: IcyLight(Olimar) - ?
65: JAY-SMASH - ?
65: Okin(Lucas) - ?
65: Clai(MUTHA****IN GANON) -?
65: Smurf(Pit) - ?
65: God-is-my-rock(slikvik) - I'll try to make it to your tourney.
65: BetaZealot(falco) - I am the best. BetaZealot is so sexy.
65: Dark. Pch(Pch) - Too good.
65: Buuman(DDD) - ?
65: Ninja Edd(Diddy) - didnt talk much.
65: DIZMY- ?
65: Jilla - ?
65: Blackanese(G&W, MK) - PAPA BLACKA *****ES LOVE MY WII HOODIE
65: .com - Poetry at its finest.
65: Sky - ?
65: Gunblade(snake) - Awesome.
65: Lobos(TL) - Awesome
65: WTP - ?
65: Izumi(MK) - D:
65: EpicProportions -?
65: The Hulk(DK) - ?
65: Vanz(DQ'd) -?
65: Yoshididdy(Diddy) - Wii turn off johns.
65: Doom(MK) - ?
65: dj nintendo(Bowser) - ?
65: Turbo Ether(Snake) -?
65: Will(DK) - Best DK ever
65: Arrancar 18(Lucario) -?
65: GDX(diddy) -?
65: Malcom(sonic) - Steak
65: Pyronic~Star(Olimar) - ?
Cammy, I had a steak stromboli in honor of the boku roll.