I don't see it as too conservative. :< Japan's... too conservative.
Also LM can easily be argued for a light circle/circle camping stage, I just don't care to. I've NEVER had an issue there with the stage - and while I can see the light circle, it's called "light" circle for a reason.. and it's removable.
Glad you think the idea is nice however, and the reason with the latter is simply because subjectivity is always a bad reason to do ANYTHING.

This is why I fought so much for "extreme" stages being legal, because they didn't fall under a criteria.
This criteria - in essence - rids of all bias on the issue, goes with what we are actually trying to find (competitive skill) and removes all factors detrimental to that. In essence it's an answer to stage problems.
Combine it with full stage striking (since while these stages may be polar, they are "The most competitively fair" so seperating neutrals/counterpicks is rather useless) and you have the least biased stage list in the ENTIRE GAME.
Unless of course, my criteria is proven to be flawed... but I can't see how it is which is why I want others to look into it.
I tried to look into "proper warnings" ( I had another post about this, which just removed Norfair/Brinstar/Pictochat from play ) but it brings onto the table a lot of unwanted changes and subjective views of "what is a proper warning" and what isn't.