1: Ally(guess) - yet another tourney i don't play you at

good **** beating m2k
2: Mew2King(guess) - you're still amazing, and you're hilarious when drunk
3: Lain(Ics, DDD) - wow good **** beating m2k
4: Anti(Snake, MK) - amazing as always
5: Atomsk(DDD) -

<3 Trevor, you're too amazing
5: Ksizzle(Lucario, MK) - wtf @ you screwing this whole tourney up, good shiz
7: ADHD(Diddy Kong) - too good, and too cool
7: Anther(Pikachu) - hopefully i get to play you, you beating NEO upset me

9: Seibrik(MK, DDD) - we didn't talk at this D:
9: Candy(Snake) - great job against Dojo, way too good
9: NinjaLink(Rob, Diddy, Pikachu) - :D
13: Afro Thunder(SNAKE!!!) - wow amazing Snake
13: Dojo(MK) - great as akways
13: Ultimate Razer(Snake) - 14 w/ a WiiChuck - they weren't lying LOL
13: HolyNightmare(Rob) - A ROB that DOESN'T camp incredibly hard! Nice job
17: Slikvik(Wario, G&W, Peach) - too cool, i need to get down to your region and play you more
17: NEO(Marth) - still my hero :D you're way too good, great seeing and playing you again
17: Boss(Mario, Luigi) - BOSS! Way too funny and awesome
25: Hylian(G&W) - to EE? Really?
25: Meep!(ICs, barf) - You're so good, keep repping those ICs on RC
25: PhantomX(Wario) - SOOOO GOOD! Please come up to the EC more, you're funny and amazing
25: Jash(TL) - you're so fun to watch :D
33: Steel2nd(Marth) - nice seeing you again ma d00, keep playing smash D:
33: Chudat(Kirby) - great pools match, funnest one I had. Shieldbreaking wars FTW!
33: Eazy(MK) - Too fun, great seeing you again
33: Kadaj(Marth) - you're too good, thanks for teaching me that reverse pivot grab shiz. Awesome friendlies, cool chilling
33: Inui (Broken Finger Johns) - FUSION!
33: Fatal(Snake) - you impressed me in your pools matches, wow
49: Xisin(?) - good shiz in doubles, nice meeting you :D
49: KirinBlaze(Mario) - dude, you **** way too hard. I'm so glad you're my doubles partner, GREAT ****IN JOB FOR A MARIO/LINK!
49: Dphat(Marth, MK) - nice meeting you, you're pretty chill. Come up to the EC more
65: Kage - Kageeeeee omg you're so awesome :D thanks for teaming with me in friendlies and giving me tips, you're so chill :D Double Ganon is BEASTLY
65: Blackanese(G&W, MK) - GPS is banned rofl, hope to see you soon
65: WTP - :-/
65: Izumi(MK) - when's that MK plushy coming in the mail?
65: Pride(Yoshi HIGHEST PLACING YOSHI) - thanks for the tips on the passato remoto :D
65: Turbo Ether(Snake) - funnest Snake I played all day, cool beans
65: Will(DK) - too good, I'm upset you didn't place higher. You'll make a name for yourself soon enough
65: Malcom(sonic) - you didn't stick around

you're too funny as always
Jon - see: Boxob, also USE THE BOOST TO GET THROUGH
Alex - THANKS SO MUCH FOR HOSTING, I havent had this much fun in a longgggggg time
Crismas - your Peach is way too good :D
anyone i missed, remind me :D