Some random dumbass idea I just came up with on the fly in a Discord call kinda warranted me sticking it here so uh here y'all go - imagine if there was, like, something similar to Marvel vs Capcom... but instead, with Dark Horse vs. Image? Hear me out here.
With Dark Horse, you get a ton of really cool characters and IPs to work with, such as:
With Dark Horse, you get a ton of really cool characters and IPs to work with, such as:
- Hellboy.
- The Mask (who I'm shocked didn't get into Mortal Kombat, he'd be amazing in it.)
- The Umbrella Academy.
- Abe Sapien.
- Oh, and Barb Wire, who'd be pretty cool to see (please not the Pamela Anderson version though)
- Pretty much all of CGW, which includes characters like Ghost and X who'd be fun to work with!
- The Goon, who'd be pretty cool too!
- Usagi Yojimbo, literally having Miyamoto Usagi - a samurai rabbit - as the main character.
- Black Hammer, which would be a cool series to see here somehow.
- If you count third party IPs for DLC or something, Dark Horse is most notable for their works with the Alien IP, but also things like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Predator and Conan amongst others. Plenty of potential!
- Invincible (which has become hella popular since the adaptation!)
- Spawn (who does already have history in fighting games, specifically SoulCalibur II!)
- The Wicked + The Divine (which seems to have been hella well recieved!)
- Kick-Ass.
- Monstress.
- Deadly Class.
- Astro City.
- The Maxx.
- Jupiter's Legacy.
- And if you're counting third party IPs here as well - well, you get IPs like The Walking Dead, G.I. Joe, The Crow, and technically the original TMNT - so some solid options here!