I wonder if my struggles with game design is due to some combination of laziness, general confusion, or some sort of internal inadequacy that I can't identify. I admit I am more of a writer than game designer, but I feel like I have the capabilities to make a good game, I just have been having these lingering struggles that I can't just get past. I don't want to disappoint people or lead on the people who have been helping me into nothingness. I don't want to be a pariah or something like that. I just want to prove to you guys that I can make something special, but I always have anxiety if the work I am doing is not good enough, or is not going by quickly. Thoughts like that eat at my mind, and I don't want to be seen as a hated figure on the internet for lying to you guys. My game isn't cancelled or anything, I have just been having lasting issues and this is something I have to fix myself.