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ZGD: Livin by a thread.


Smash Champion
Nov 10, 2006
Lemoore, CA
Switch FC
UGH!!! Why is LM banned?

I got used to it being a CP for me. :(


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2007
Modesto CA
Luigi's Mansion has been banned in my area for about 5 months now, which is kinda annoying because it was common cp of mine in the past. It's a good zelda stage (and for that i'm sorry to see it go) but I completely agree that it belongs on the banned list.


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
Also, Luigi's Mansion is now banned in the new SBR ruleset (banned/counter).

I know we've discussed stages before in here, but I think we need to bring it all back up and start having another staple stage we can take full advantage of. In my mind I'm thinking pokemon stadium 2... I have reasons but I'll wait to see what everyone thinks about this all =D
Just go battlefield. Camp under the platforms. lol

UGH!!! Why is LM banned?
People don't die on that stage.


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
So, you wanna play?
Kat, I simply threw your name out there for authors as the person to make the thread. I will gladly help create the guide and author it, but I was looking for someone to post it for me to keep up maintaining it while the B+ Zeldas we have contribute.

Besides, I know you and Greyfox specifically play B+ as well which is why I would love for your input on the guide. Maybe we can split up some sections to write up.

Edit: About Azn, I don't mind, but I thought I would tell you why I hadn't put him on. I was thinking of cleaning it up and taking the people off who haven't really posted around the boards. He hadn't really done much posting which is why I had refrained, but it is ok since I know I have seen him around.

And yes, I have been gone awhile too :(. Glad to be back.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
So I still need to do some more testing myself but I figured I'd ask here as well...

I imagine you get this question a lot but...how do you DI out of Zelda's Up Smash? Specifically with Peach?

I've been trying all kinds of variations, from rotating the sticks at 1/4 speed (causing her to spiral in such circular and glittery patterns) to slamming in all directions. I've not had any true success and I've only managed to slam myself in the floor once to avoid the final hit and that was at 1/4 speed

Surely there is a way to get out of it? I know it's your one of your best moves but I'd appreciate if anyone could help me on this. Thanks in advance

P.S OoS jump cancelled Up Smashes with Zelda are lolz xD


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I imagine you get this question a lot but...how do you DI out of Zelda's Up Smash? Specifically with Peach?

I've been trying all kinds of variations, from rotating the sticks at 1/4 speed (causing her to spiral in such circular and glittery patterns) to slamming in all directions. I've not had any true success and I've only managed to slam myself in the floor once to avoid the final hit and that was at 1/4 speed

Surely there is a way to get out of it? I know it's your one of your best moves but I'd appreciate if anyone could help me on this. Thanks in advance
These are the frames for Zelda's usmash:

Hitbox: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31 (11 hits)

The break in the middle (16-23) is when most people SDI out of it. I've never managed before (it's really hard with Pika because he falls relatively fast), but when lighter/floatier characters DI out of mine, it looks like they're SDI'ing up so that they pop out and can airdodge through the rest of it. The only character I've been able to do it with is Lucario, but my DI skills aren't the best.

Someone else can confirm/correct me if necessary.


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
So, you wanna play?
DI up to get out of USmash. Small characters can DI down and be below the hit boxes, so they can punish Zelda. Pikachu I believe is one of those characters if I remember my tourney match against him correctly.

Marth and ZSS get out of Fsmash and Usmash so easy. I know there are other characters like this, but these two I have no luck landing those moves on for their full strength.


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
Brawling with passion

Simply inspiring, however there is a Zelda+ guide in the works, Red Bandit here even commented on it, and seems to be peeved by suggestions of subtlety.

I see he's doing all he can to kick me out, all without any mention or suggestion on my end.
Alot of insight for a guide that's not even a week old.
However I'm not as emotionally sensitive, and I'm not a complete douche who's too prideful to ask for help from some of the more experienced players.

I took Red Bandit's suggestions about what to improve on in my guide, and I had the idea of who else can contribute.
Seeing how Red Bandit hates me just for suggesting subtlety, I'm going to ask for other's help.
I'll be commenting Kataefi, as he seems to be okay with my guide, if you would like to contribute or voice your hatred for me like Red Bandit did, please contact me via PM.

Thanks to all who helps.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA


No one has to listen/take this into consideration if they don't want to, but I thought it might inspire some of the less active tournament Zelda's and myself for that matter.

Some of the other character threads have their own versions of the power rankings. Yoshi's do this I am sure. What they do is they devise a system of points to give to how you place at tournaments. So if I get first I get # points multiplied by however many entrants.

You use the points to create a sort of Zelda power rankings. This way it wont just be whoever places best, but also whoever is most active would also get a good ranking. This way we would also know some people to talk to if we had questions or wanted match-up discussions.

for example maybe 1st = 1 point and everything lower is a fraction of a point then multiply by entrants. This way even if a Zelda does no place well she/he can still get points and feel good about representing.

I dunno... I mostly saying this because I am hiding some of my less flattering tournament results, and if I would get points for them or something I would still post them lol. And there could be others like me.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
I can't see the point system being good in the long run. It gives an unfair advantage to people that have tournaments 3 times a week vs people that have tournaments once or twice a month.

The point results won't be accurate to actual player skill.

I could place top 3 once a month, and someone else could have the same amount of points by placing 25th 12 times in one month.

I don't want to kill the idea but from the way you phrased everything in your post I think this should be more thought out.

I'm not going to volunteer myself for anything but if you would like me to help with this I'd be happy to.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
I can't see the point system being good in the long run. It gives an unfair advantage to people that have tournaments 3 times a week vs people that have tournaments once or twice a month.

The point results won't be accurate to actual player skill.

Idk there's alot more I want to add but I have to go. I say no to this but I'm sure there will discussion so I'll be back later.
I completely see your point. I was just reading about Zelda and how she is under-repped etc. And I thought this or something similar could possibly be some sort of way to inspire our current tournament goers and maybe draw in a new crowd.

A solution to the problem you pointed out though could be to have only 2 tournaments a month be point-obtainable. That way if someone does go to 10 or so tournaments a month they could just pick out their best 2. They would get more points for larger tournaments so a first out of 5 would not be worth as much as a 19th out of 60.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Oh yeah make no mistake I don't want to kill the idea.

Again I think you should get several people to work with you on this project to work out the rules and numbers and justify them. So long as it has a sound and fair purpose then I think it'll be fine. It'll be hard to balance though. And realistically I don't expect Zeldas to get more competitive for anything short of a Zero to Death glitch on every character in the game.

If you want help with it I'm up for it. If not then good luck with it.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
I would need all the help in the world for this. I am absolutely TERRIBLE at math! Working out the numbers and adding them to things... o god... it terrifies me!

Of course we should wait for more opinions on the matter anyways... but another problem I see is... well... there probably only be 3 or 4 people on the list. Unless people really like it and actually started to play her. (>.<)


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I guess I'll join in On the team to help out here.

Your Smash Name: Dark.Pch
Where you live (and where you play if it is different from where you live): Manhattan, New York
Tournaments you play in normally: East cost Region tournaments.
3 players you normally play with and the characters they play: NinjaLink (Random) Wes (Sonic) Rookie (Fox)
Teammates you have had and the characters they played: Jash (Toon Link) Jbandrew (Luigi,meta) Blackwaltz (Olimar) TeeVee (ROB)
Color costume you use: Green


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Cool! I'll put mine too.

Name: DarkMusician (or DM, D, DarkM, Bobby, Bobs) Any of those are fine.
Where: Hawaii (Island of Oahu) I play all over the place there cause Hawaii is pretty small.
Tourneys: Smash Bros Hawaii Monthlies and w/e local events people hold. I usually do ok but it's Hawaii so take it for what it's worth.
Friends you play with: Whomever is on wifi, EhMr(Brownser), Raimo(Yoshiiii), The Nub(Zelda/Sheik)
Past Teammates: PC Chris (Snake), ManL(Snake), K0reanBBQ(MK)
Zelda Color: Money Green :]


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Darkmusician, you gonna have to teach me some of your secrets with Zelda. I'm gonna be using her in tournaments. I really dont know much with her in terms of match ups. I just try to use as much mindgames as possible with her. While this is good, I think I could do so much more damage if I knew like match ups and etc.

Only Character I know how to deal with is DK and shiek.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
You guys should just steal the way the ZSS boarders do it.

Dazwa's system seems solid.
I looked at it... and... well if we do decide to do something like this someone else would definitely need to take a look at that and make the final decision. It made no sense to me at all. I don't know if going by money earned is a good way to do that though... If I win a tournament with 100 people but they only paid 2 dollars I wouldn't want someone who got 10th at a 20 person tournament that costs 20$ getting more than me.


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
I wanna be popular!

Name: Mr. Eh? (or Chad).
Where: Hawaii (Island of Oahu)
Tourneys: Smash Bros Hawaii Monthlies
Friends you play with: DarkMusician(Zelda), FingerP@ss(Yoshi/Wolf), Crimson Moon (Ike/Marth), The Nub(Zelda/Sheik)
Past Teammates: Crimson Moon (Ike/Marth)
Zelda Color: lol wut?

lol, a power ranking would be easy.

1. DarkMusician
2. Insert Zelda player here
3. Insert Zelda player here
4. Insert Zelda player here
5. Insert Zelda player here

But seriously, if you wanted a power ranking, there would have to be some weighted point system in place to prevent the problems that DM stated. I have no idea how one would come up with such a system though.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
But seriously, if you wanted a power ranking, there would have to be some weighted point system in place to prevent the problems that DM stated. I have no idea how one would come up with such a system though.
Other boards have done it (yoshi, ZSZ, possibly etc.) und weze twyse azz smrt azz dem...

Someone would have to look at how the other boards do it and decide what would work and what wouldn't. I'm terrible at math and can't even begin to understand the formulae they are using to determine these rankings. Anyone here a mathematician?


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
The Yoshi board system seems simple enough to understand, just tedious.

If there are 20-40 attendees
1st- 50 points
2nd- 45 points
3rd- 40 points
4th- 35 points
5th- 30 points
7th- 20 points
9th- 10 points

13th:7 points
17th: 5 points

25th: 2 points

33rd: 1 point

I will multiple that number by the amount of people that attended

I will round up from .5 or higher

Heres how the new system works

now lets say for example I attend a tournament with 20 people and get 9th ok?
thats going to be 2 points. (10 x .2 = 2)

now over the course of this tournament I send DSF to losers bracket and DSF gets first.

Next round Random Marth sends me to Losers bracket and there I lose to PC chris.

Now I look at the results and see the following

1st: DSF
2nd: Edrees
3rd: PC chris
4: Burntsocks
5: Your Mom
5: Is hawt
7: Derp
7: Over 9000
9: Furbs
9: Lil B
9: Bwett
9: Shiri
13: M2k
13: Azen
13: Random Marth
13: Some guy

If you beat someone who placed higher than you Factor the following into the equasion (10 x (.2+X-Y))
where X is determined on who you beat, and Y is who you lost to using the following chart.

Who you beat:
1st: + 1
2nd: + .9
3rd: + .8
4th: + .6
5th: + .4
7th: + .3
9th: + .2
13th+: + .1

Who you lost to
If they place higher than you no penalty
if they place
1 Spot: -.2
2 Spots: -.4
3 Spots: -.6
4 Spots: -.8
5+ Spots: -1

where a spot is from 9th to 13th

so to see how many points i would get from this tournament I would earn

(10 x (.2+1-.2)) = 10 points

so as you can see beating DSF gave me quite a large amount of points whereas losing to random marth still cost me a few.
This weighted system awards points for beating better players, but you lose points for losing to scrubs. lol


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
The Yoshi board system seems simple enough to understand, just tedious.

This weighted system awards points for beating better players, but you lose points for losing to scrubs. lol
I don't know if I like the weighted system... With a character like Zelda there is a better chance for me to lose to that Lucas who got 30th than that Falco who got 10th...... But otherwise that is much more simple than the ZSS boards..

Do you want to handle the mathing? It would be unbiased since you don't even play as Zelda ^_^.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
That idea looks good on paper Mr. Eh, but I don't think you'd be able to do it consistently. It's a lot of work, plus you'd need to have access for the brackets for every single tourney and those aren't even always released.

Rankings like this aren't really accurate either. It can't account for how tough your region is or someone may just go to more tourneys than another person, and may not necessarily be the better player. It's still fun to do these though :)


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
That idea looks good on paper Mr. Eh, but I don't think you'd be able to do it consistently. It's a lot of work, plus you'd need to have access for the brackets for every single tourney and those aren't even always released.
I'd actually have to wait for more Zeldas to start placing. lol

Rankings like this aren't really accurate either. It can't account for how tough your region is or someone may just go to more tourneys than another person, and may not necessarily be the better player. It's still fun to do these though :)
It's all for fun really.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2007
eyyyy thats my system there! :)

and no while it isn't COMPLETELY accutate, i still feel it is a good way of getting points, plus with AiB it is much easier to find brackets. If there is no such bracket then the bonuses aren't awarded


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2007
I don't know if I like the weighted system... With a character like Zelda there is a better chance for me to lose to that Lucas who got 30th than that Falco who got 10th...... But otherwise that is much more simple than the ZSS boards..

It better be a good Lucas, 'cuz you shouldn't lose to random scrubs. Consistency is what separates a good player, otherwise it's just luck.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
well.. it was Fuzzy. Who happens to be on our power rankings... But there is a person named bloodcross right above him that plays Falco, and I can beat him....

I make no sense!!!!

I think My personal problem comes from lack of experience. I spend a lot of time in tournaments fighting high tier characters, so when I do face that good player who happens to play a low tier things get a little confusing.

Half-Split Soul

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
If you want to give points for both the numbers of tournaments played and the placings of a player there´s always a possibility of giving two separate points. For example, using some kind of method to calculate "the quality points" to form list of players representing Zelda with high placings and other for "the quantity points" to list those representing her most often in tournaments.

If this gets done I´m willing to help as much as I can. (Sadly that´s probably not going to be very much)

That is if she gets some tourney players.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
There is one problem I see here.

Zelda is not palcing in tournaments. Most of the community are not even use to Zelda at high level of play. So legit debates, match up talks or true skills Zelda have can't be accounted for right now. Zelda does not have enough high level of play experience for all of this.


Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2008
Pearl City, HI
I share the sentiment that we simply don't have enough tournament Zeldas (and we especially don't have enough Zeldas doing well). Is there really a point in having power rankings right now?

Oh ho, Bobby finally joined the Zelda community, lol.

Cool! I'll put mine too.

Name: DarkMusician (or DM, D, DarkM, Bobby, Bobs) Any of those are fine.
Where: Hawaii (Island of Oahu) I play all over the place there cause Hawaii is pretty small.
Tourneys: Smash Bros Hawaii Monthlies and w/e local events people hold. I usually do ok but it's Hawaii so take it for what it's worth.
Friends you play with: Whomever is on wifi, EhMr(Brownser), Raimo(Yoshiiii), The Nub(Zelda/Sheik)
Past Teammates: PC Chris (Snake), ManL(Snake), K0reanBBQ(MK)
Zelda Color: Money Green :]
Hot ****! I know that guy, double lol. Nub status FTW!


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2009
Internet, Florida
DarkMusician was already on the list too. He made it seem like everyone forgot about him all this time. LOL

He should re-enter his name every couple of months just for good measure.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
I was checking the first page and here are some holes to be filled in or things to be added.

I finished 3rd out of 42 at SBHMIX on 3/29/09. SniperWorm got 9th at that event also and at SBHM3 he placed 17th. And yeah I don't know how many people went to SBHM3 because there were pools and I don't remember the amount of people per pool.

Above the HSI 2008 singles you can add HSI 2008 teams. I got 1st out of 23 teams, my partner was PC Chris. He used all Snake and I used all Zelda.

Too bad Kawaii Kon's rules were so gimp. They're not worth adding. But I won alot of prizes. XD


Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2008
Pearl City, HI
I finished 3rd out of 42 at SBHMIX on 3/29/09. Please add that to the tournament results. Thanks.
Chad posted the results for that tournament a while back but I guess it never got added.

Here's a link to the results for SBHMIX:

DarkMusician - 3rd out of 42 (Lost to WAR (Snake) and K0rean (MK))
sniperworm - 9th out of 42 (Lost to Firefly (Marth) and ? (Olimar))

SBHMX (SBHM 10) is gonna be this Sunday. Hopefully DM and I can do well again.
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