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Who is the Best Marth right now?(Mew2King excluded)

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Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
^ It doesn't disqualify him from being someone to learn from.

He also beat Chillin very easily with Marth? I doubt any other non-m2k Marth main in the US would do so.

He also went evenish with m2k's characters at a G6 2. Sure, they split, but sets seemed fairly serious to me. At the very least it counts for something.
Chillin is still playing? And he's top fox quality? I doubt your doubt.


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
Dr.PP is not disqualified. I asked who aside from M2K is the best Marth main right now. (fanboys will always say marth even 10 years from now). That and he kinda quit marth.

This is not Who's marth looks the flashiest, who's marth has a good performance most recently. None of that.

Who is the best Marth right now on currently playing and where are the results to back it up?

Ice has results, Taj has results too. At MAJOR events against TOP opposition.

I love Kevin but he's Marth still has a ways to take a tournament at least as big as ROM4 to get mention as top marth.


Smash Cadet
Oct 5, 2011
why because he beat chads ganon in the finals at that one tournament right?
No. Look in tournament videos, where he went to a SoVa tournament and really shined hard on them.

Also he's in my region, so I've played him before. And I watched his marth at G6. He's really something else.

Dart, I've never even heard of you, and you seem to want to be the best marth, and are acting unreasonably hostile to my assertion that PP was the best.

All I have to say is, PP plays marth on another level than (almost) anyone else I've ever seen play. I just looked up one of your recent matches, and all you seem to do is try and abuse your range and throw out attack after attack.

PP is way ahead of you. You should learn from him, not resent him.

Heart Break Kid

Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2006
No. Look in tournament videos, where he went to a SoVa tournament and really shined hard on them.

Also he's in my region, so I've played him before. And I watched his marth at G6. He's really something else.

Dart, I've never even heard of you, and you seem to want to be the best marth, and are acting unreasonably hostile to my assertion that PP was the best.

All I have to say is, PP plays marth on another level than (almost) anyone else I've ever seen play. I just looked up one of your recent matches, and all you seem to do is try and abuse your range and throw out attack after attack.

PP is way ahead of you. You should learn from him, not resent him.
Lolol :laugh::laugh::laugh:

I thought we came to the conclusion that Niko was the best a while back. Whatever just wait till Rom4


Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
All I have to say is, PP plays marth on another level than (almost) anyone else I've ever seen play. I just looked up one of your recent matches, and all you seem to do is try and abuse your range and throw out attack after attack.

PP is way ahead of you. You should learn from him, not resent him.
Thanks for putting words in my mouth. i asked a question, i wasn't flaming. Nor did i say his marth was bad. This thread i thought was about marth mains. Maybe i was wrong? You can hate all you want, please continue to do so.

Devil Ray

Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2009
Seoul, South Korea
age old question: if you have a good marth as a secondary, does that qualify you as one of the best players with that char?

until PP starts taking major risks with his marth like mango did with his fox in grand finals at genesis, i don't think he should be considered. sides, comparing him to dart is pointless anyway; dart is more than a legit marth main while pp uses marth to **** random former 2002 all-star smashers


Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
age old question: if you have a good marth as a secondary, does that qualify you as one of the best players with that char?

until PP starts taking major risks with his marth like mango did in grand finals at genesis, i don't think he should be considered. sides, comparing him to dart is pointless anyway; dart is more than a legit marth main while pp uses marth to **** random former 2002 all-star smashers
Oh god don't feed them ray. Do not feed them.

i watched the set between chillin and peepee. Chillin's DI got better but his recovery is still straight up.
omg chillin went sheik game 3 and sd'ed his first stock at like 40...-_-


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Yall haven't seen MY MARTH yet....

It's a green Dinosaur w/eggs it's pretty cool! <3

also.. I like Taj's Marth ALOT! ^^ I've been a fan of Taj since he was a Sheik main, so I'm biased ^^ Dart, IMO, is very VERY underappreciated... He came in from MW, and like nearly everyone, thought he was just for show, and then he made it out of bracket at Gen2.. Major props to Dart, his marth is purdy tight :p, I've played these marths personally and it's fantastic... based off videos... I like niko's, ice, spam_arrows, Tai's is pretty cool too, man all you marth's are pretty cool <3.. I wish I could play marth.... oh shh... Uhhh I mean.. my Marth is AMAZING!!

Just play YOSHI as a secondary, and i'll love you for LIKE forever!!


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
Chillin is still good. If I made a list of the current top 25 players worldwide I don't know if he would be in it though.

he's still a very good fox.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I am going to go with Taj or Dr. Peepee.

Taj is so good vs Falco is crazy, but I think Peepee's patience and greater efficiency with his hits is not to be underestimated. I think he's actually got a much cleaner, technical style and I think that's really important with Marth in this metagame, because missing little things like a dash out of throw or a WD being mistimed after an u-tilt or whatever can be really costly because Marth has issues finishing his food. I also think Kevin is stronger in the Fox MU.

Kevin's mental game is also really, really good. He makes great reads. So does Taj, but I mean, I just really like Peepee's style more and generally prefer what he does with reads (yeah, I shamelessly admitted I'm incredibly biased, so sue me). I agree with the naysayers, though, because I think we do need to see more of both of them and play them before any conclusions can be drawn (although, honestly, I don't think any conclusions will be made any time soon what with Peepee probably focusing on Falco to get his revenge on everyone at Genesis 2 [which is lame, but oh well]).

Kevin, if you're reading this, you should just play your Marth vs Samus if you hate and don't understand Falco vs Samus and find it tedious. You can probably learn the MU with Marth pretty quickly 'cuz you're smart and it's not as boring as it is with Falco. I can't really see a Samus outplaying you because HugS is quitting and Plup lacks out of state experience (and IHSB doesn't really play Samus). Just do it. You'll probably have way more fun with it; Marth can be really aggressive against her if you're on point (which you like), cover her basic defenses (crouch cancel, shield shenanigans, etc.) and stay on top of what they're trying to do. I also think you'd be really good at it because tactical play is what you're good at. :)


Smash Cadet
Oct 5, 2011
Thanks for putting words in my mouth. i asked a question, i wasn't flaming. Nor did i say his marth was bad. This thread i thought was about marth mains. Maybe i was wrong? You can hate all you want, please continue to do so.
I didnt put words and your mouth, at all, I just said you were acting unreasonably hostile.

Your reply was biting in sarcastic, and not only ignorant to what PPs marth has done, but also disrespectful of Chad, who is also a better player than you.

Were not hating, youre the only one getting bent out of shape and sarcastic. Literally you are the ONLY one. This should tell you something.

edit: as KirbyKaze said, PP's marth just spaces himself so well, and then takes an opening and does everything possible with it. Efficient is a great way to describe it.
Also he already knows hows hes going to edgeguard fox. As in, no forward smash that leaves some options open. He covers everything.


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
chillin is pretty damn good. its an insult to say he is just a former 2002 star
I agree that was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay uncalled for and almost offensive to read.

I didnt put words and your mouth, at all, I just said you were acting unreasonably hostile.

Your reply was biting in sarcastic, and not only ignorant to what PPs marth has done, but also disrespectful of Chad, who is also a better player than you.

Were not hating, youre the only one getting bent out of shape and sarcastic. Literally you are the ONLY one. This should tell you something.

edit: as KirbyKaze said, PP's marth just spaces himself so well, and then takes an opening and does everything possible with it. Efficient is a great way to describe it.
Also he already knows hows hes going to edgeguard fox. As in, no forward smash that leaves some options open. He covers everything.
Chad being better than dart.....Sorry I don't agree. Saying Dart is getting bent out of shape and the only one doing so is a lie. Your also very mad too bro.

Kevin is my homeboy and he doesn't need you to defend him. He's one of the top 5 players in the world he can do so himself.

as for Kevin's Marth it is visibly good and looks great but same thing was said about Silent Wolf's Fox for years. When you look at what he can do it looks amazing. However taking such things at face value is silly. Alex19 looks great in the Mango+lucky+Alex = **** videos but what has his placings at big international tournaments looked like? Not calling anyone out I'm just saying if your gonna have a somewhat factual base then you need results.

Kevin's tournament results with Marth establish him as a legit marth player. However to rival someone like ICE or Taj he needs to be someone great with Marth. Not good or once great but someone like Mango, Armada, Hbox, Amsah...basically someone of that caliber. Once that is done then his name can really be tossed in the cooking pot. For not it realistically just can't be done right now. I'm not saying PP won't be one of the best Marth's soon it just isn't the case now.


Smash Cadet
Oct 5, 2011
Im not mad. Im just irritated that this random and very mediocre marth player is just getting all worked up because I suggested PP was much better than him.

Of course PP can "defend himself." I can also say that hes the best marth. Im not doing this because he needs me to LOL.

There is no real comparison of silent wolf and PPs marth. Completely different levels of good. PP does not do flashy things, he does things that are effective and things that work. Thats why hes good, and why marth mains are not on his level.

I dont need someone to place 1st in a tournament to say theyre the best. I can just watch them play a lot and form an opinion. PP doesnt need to win a national with marth (or any tournament with marth) to be considered the best...

Now it sounds like Im **** riding him really hard. Im not going to continue this discussion. People already have their own opinions, I was just giving mine.



Smash Cadet
Oct 5, 2011
Well i think everyone is pretty bad at this game. Like, the average smasher is bad imo. Its just how I see melee I guess.

All I did was go watch 2 of his most recent videos. He just didnt play his character the best way. He just swung his sword a lot and hoped it would hit people, and wasnt getting punished for all his laggy moves.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
Well i think everyone is pretty bad at this game. Like, the average smasher is bad imo. Its just how I see melee I guess.

All I did was go watch 2 of his most recent videos. He just didnt play his character the best way. He just swung his sword a lot and hoped it would hit people, and wasnt getting punished for all his laggy moves.
Such expert analysis from such a not random poster



Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
Im not mad. Im just irritated that this random and very mediocre marth player is just getting all worked up because I suggested PP was much better than him.

Of course PP can "defend himself." I can also say that hes the best marth. Im not doing this because he needs me to LOL.

There is no real comparison of silent wolf and PPs marth. Completely different levels of good. PP does not do flashy things, he does things that are effective and things that work. Thats why hes good, and why marth mains are not on his level.

I dont need someone to place 1st in a tournament to say theyre the best. I can just watch them play a lot and form an opinion. PP doesnt need to win a national with marth (or any tournament with marth) to be considered the best...

Now it sounds like Im **** riding him really hard. Im not going to continue this discussion. People already have their own opinions, I was just giving mine.

the call-out. I see you, I see you.


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
Lol ryu u can leave now.

And i want to rebring up a point i made a long time ago, pp shouldve lost 2 of those games vs chillin in GF one game chillin sded at like 20% and i think he did it again on another level.

I dont have anything against PP, but the ****riding over his set vs chillin is a little much.



Smash Champion
Mar 4, 2011
Falco Bair
Wow, ryulord you realize that it's people like you that lower the quality of this already ****ty website?


Smash Cadet
Oct 5, 2011
Wow, ryulord you realize that it's people like you that lower the quality of this already ****ty website?
I dont get it. All I did was give my opinion =(

And I get attacked. I just dont think dart is that good. If hes smarter than me, then my opinion shouldnt matter.. but he really cares a lot? idk.
Marth boards seem like a very hostile place. PP is bad. Every marth should just throw out big laggy moves in a neutral position like dart.

And dart is good, he doesnt win because most people have no idea how to fight marth. That must be it. Yeah **** u guys.



Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
Ok, I'll drop the thing about PP's Marth, but I'd just like to say that you shouldn't sleep on Chillin too much.
Not gonna lie i really wanted him to get a gimp for the win vs jman.
I feel like chillin and pc are in the same boat of old school vs the new school. it's hard i bet, doesn't mean they can't become the best again. i should apologize for sounding kind of rude in that regard :3

stop feeding guys.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
Dart I accept your apology but on behalf of MD/VA I have to reiterate Winston's point that Chillin is still stupid good at the game.

Besides, Chillin didn't start playing until 2003 iirc. No way he can be a 2002 all-star. :bee:


Smash Champion
Mar 4, 2011
Falco Bair
Uhhh PC won the last No Johns he attended which had like 50+ people, and he beat Jman and a number of other "Top Level" who would be considered 'new school'.

Just saying. He is easily still a top player, and it's not like he just random shows up every now and then. Our crew plays and travels to play with other people in Tristate at least 2 or 3 times a week.


Smash Cadet
Oct 5, 2011
This alone destroyed your trolling.

Obvious and bad troll :(
I shifted from reasonable discourse to sarcasm when I realized that the marth boards will just produce some vehemently rude trolls to insult me.

And Roneblaster, what is your problem lol? Nvm, I dont really want to know. Never heard of you, probably a random forum lurker who thinks hes a big deal.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I'd play Taj in Marth dittos. =) MM?

Also KK I would use Marth for Samus for all of those reasons you suggested BUT the haters will just say I can't win with Falco and that'll piss me off. Then they'll say it's just because I use Falco so THEN I use Marth and it gets to the point where I become legit eventually. Also I want to do it for myself with Falco.

Marth makes a TON of sense to me so even I'm kinda annoyed that I'm not playing him more haha but hopefully that will change.

I don't really mind people saying my Marth has to prove itself because I suppose it does. I'll get around to that in at least some MMs at the upcoming majors hopefully. =)


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
"the haters will just say I can't win with Falco and that'll piss me off"

Don´t care about haters. Do what you truley feels is the right thing to do.

Im playing Y link and have a lot of haters but I don´t care if they don´t like it =)
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