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Which is the Best Region/State?

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Smash Hero
Apr 27, 2007
lmao Yu talkin MAD **** for no reason.

I really hope the whole Mexican crew can come out to Apex 2013, Javi, Tuga, Yu, EX, jpg, valdo

and rojoWong, wox, and boba, because they're bros.

It's goin down.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
PP really wanted to be good. and now he is...

also mahone was being sarcastic when he made that post. everyone in europe sucks except for armada.
I realized he was being sarcastic, I just thought I'd point that out.

And I'm totally taking down Kevbo's Ganon next tournament. Just watch.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
I actually hope you are not serious.
Yeah it was one tournament but he played ****ING amazing and he proved himself to be really good.

No one from USA is takeing the first step to travel and when OOC players does it dosen't matter how good they preform.

"Not used to the char/style"
"won some 2/3"

First of all it is ten times harder for a OOC player to adapt to EVERY single player then it is for Americans to adapt to one new guy.

Yeah bo3 sucks but why does that argument only works for Americans and not the other way around.

The only advantage a OOC player has is that people maybe underrate him but people should realize a long time before those really big matches that the OOC player (Javi in this case) is really good.

Everything else is a disadvantage for the OOC player and that makes Javis preformence even better if you ask me.

If it only was one tournament people should travel to Mexico then
I'm not trying to make it an american thing. And I'm not really super serious I'm just gettin ignant cause it seems appropriate. I respect what he did but he only did that once and he had his hiccups along the way so I'm not hearing anything about how he can take out top 10-20 players easy peezy no questions asked.

I was never an Armada hater you proved yourself beyond any doubt it feels like you're comparing yourself to him just cause you're both non-american. But like, if Javi beats you once are you gonna consider him best in the world? No way.

All I'm sayin is I'M HATIN. No ****s given!


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
Niko: Im actually not trying to let it sound like Im talking about me (I just gives me more motivation if people talk **** about how good Im so I don't care XD).

If Javi would have won Apex 2012 I would actually consider him the best player in the world. Very little data from him but if you win a tournament like that on your first try then you proved you was better then everyone at that tournament.

Placeing first is a bit of a special case (especially on the first try) cause that means no one could actually take you out from the entire tournament.

If Javi comes back and beat/outplace any of us that placed above him at Apex 2012 I think I would not be so sure cause then he did not prove he consistently could place above us (okay if the difference is to big then ofc he should be ranked higher).

I just thinks it is a kinda big difference if you win your first time (should be consider first)
If you place top 4 (should be close to it at least)
If you win on your second/third exc try (should be a bit below still if the former champ haven't been really inactive like Mango was for a while)

I honestly think Javi should not be placed lower then 6th place at least.


King of the Ship of Fools
Jun 22, 2003
This seems like as good of a place as any to post that we'll be taking regional crew captain applications soon for FC! As always, we'll be having a full regional crew tournament on the morning of the second day.

If anyone is interested in the job, let me know by PM. Got one or two more things to post up this weekend for FC, then this will be one of the next things we start to settle up.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden
Niko: Im actually not trying to let it sound like Im talking about me (I just gives me more motivation if people talk **** about how good Im so I don't care XD).

If Javi would have won Apex 2012 I would actually consider him the best player in the world. Very little data from him but if you win a tournament like that on your first try then you proved you was better then everyone at that tournament.

Placeing first is a bit of a special case (especially on the first try) cause that means no one could actually take you out from the entire tournament.

If Javi comes back and beat/outplace any of us that placed above him at Apex 2012 I think I would not be so sure cause then he did not prove he consistently could place above us (okay if the difference is to big then ofc he should be ranked higher).

I just thinks it is a kinda big difference if you win your first time (should be consider first)
If you place top 4 (should be close to it at least)
If you win on your second/third exc try (should be a bit below still if the former champ haven't been really inactive like Mango was for a while)

I honestly think Javi should not be placed lower then 6th place at least.


People are so stupid nowadays, people never consider win RATIO and just consider the # of tournaments you have won >_>

winning every tournament you enter (say 3 nationals) is better than winning half of them, even if the half is more than 3

also seriously why is AZ 2nd?


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
3 for 3 is not 1 for 1 tho.

The problem with 1 tournament is that brackets are flawed as well.

So like Javi lost to hbox to lose out but so did shroomed and kirbykaze and they just didn't happen to place as high as him because of the bracket.

Plus there is m2k who wasn't good at apex but has placed extremely consistently in the same area (top 4) that javi placed in one tournament. So I don't think he is definitively 6th or anything like that, though he clearly is a good player.

But w/e, difference of opinion I guess. I was just trying to pop off honestly.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
Niko: When I said top 6 I actually had m2k in that top 6 aswell.
Ofc brackets and stuff like that is random and luck/unluck can gives you a easy/hard time.

Why are no one from USA mention that Ice lost to Mango (best in America at least before Apex) and then Marth (HBK) that is the worst MU for him of the chars that is played often (maybe IC or some really weird char is worse but still).

Those sets were also BO3 but if you look at how people post it is a big difference if a ooc player place good or bad. If they place good it is basically those 3 arguments against them

1: Only one tournament
2: Bo3
3: Wasn't ready for that style/char

If they place bad not a single of those arguments are used from the same people that is talking about people overrateing Javi exc.

Im not saying I have all the answers but if you/anyone use those arguments against Javi (for example) then you should see the possibillity that those arguments also can be worth looking for when a player place worse then expected (Ice).


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
The style of play/character argument is really bad.

If you can't beat someone that plays a certain way or a certain character, then you're just a weaker player.

Ice being weak vs Marth just means he's a weaker player.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
Yeah I agree that have a weak MU/place bad is your own fault and you have to work on that.
Just saying that when the same people say Europe sucks because of one tournament and then say Javi is overrated (same tournament) then something seems to be really wrong.

One tournament seems to be enough when ooc players place bad (worse then expected) but if they place good they have to prove themselfs so many times


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
no ones hating on javi except n00bs.

i think hes hella hella good and i really wanna play him again but i ain't saying much else for his skills until he competes at least one more time.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
^Hey, *** you bro

armada: overrated doesn't mean he sucks anyway

I def didn't say ice or europe sucks either for the record


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Just saying, we had that thread about a month back that discussed the top 10 players in the world of 2012, and Javi was on like 90% of lists(at least)

No one is really disputting his skills as opposed to pointing out his flaws which are hindering him from taking a higher spot.
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