So I just came back from a tournament. I played Stricnyn3's fox and falco the entire time, and i did relatively well. It was like 2stock high percent, 1 stocks, and i took a few games here and there. I only took like 5 games off his falco, but i took an alright amount off of his fox. ANY WAYS, i kept getting combo-ed REALLY hard by his falco, and everytime i got daired by his fox, i would eat 50% or more. Which brought me to a couple of questions.
1.Does Peach have any automatic things on Fox? Like, what can deal alot of percent once i have him in my midst? Also, when i get my opening, how do i keep control?
2. What way do I DI vs Falco's Shine/DownAir? I dont know what way to do for anything.
3. How do I avoid lasers? I dont get it. I dont do so horribly, but i cannot get through the double laser from the ledge.