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VaNz Stuff.. about Peach (Tactical Discussion)


Mote Of Dust
Oct 9, 2008
Thanks ♥♥

Yeah I realllly want to be more aggressive with peach, but it is hard when you are playing people who bum rush you. WEMP johns, etc., I just need to get better :p


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
You have good use of float but I agree with john you should play more 'intensely'. You use a lot of Fair (well spaced but often not float cancelled, which puts you at -1 advantage in lag with lcancel vs +4 with fc against shields) but I think it might be better to use retreating bair or nairs instead anyway, so you can build up greater pressure. But more turnip > fc fair never hurts.

and the frame rate on the vid gave me a headache lol


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2008
Richmond, TX
Ok! Here are some vids of me last saturday, any advice on anything that would be great! Also, I'm having trouble discerning situations when it's best to back off, and how to generally create openings, so yeah, stuff on that would be extra awesome. Thanks.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flVBPJg1umA&feature=feedu_more (vs. Connor, fox)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXh49EqDxIQ&feature=feedu (vs. Stabbed, falco)

Also how do you fight campy/safe falco T_T I've been trying to beat stab for a while now...

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
Can someone go into detail about how to do the floating f-air shield lock?
The idea is, when you hit someone's shield, they enter shieldstun, where they can't act. Normally, seeing as you're hitting their shield, there's some lag on whatever move you're using to create the stun. The stun and lag are usually of similar lengths, meaning no one benefits, but when someone does, as in, the attacker has 3 frames where he can do something before the shielder can, those frames are referred to as "frames of advantage".
Here's where it gets fun. Peach is special because she has float canceling, so she can stun shields and not have lag. If you were to do a frame perfect fair, as in, cancel it the frame after the hitbox starts, Peach gets a whopping 5 frames of advantage on her opponent. If you grab (peaches grab comes out on frame 7), that leaves them 2 frames to counterattack, or buffer a roll/spotdodge (also I think samus can up-b oos, but i'm not sure). All these numbers, though, are Super Theory Brothers. It's very hard to set up a frame perfect fair on shield, so it's rare that you'll get that 5 frames of advantage. Still, It's rare that someone will counteract pressure with frame perfection, so using fair, nair, or bair to grab or dsmash will often provide the expected result.

Hope this helps. Any more questions?


Mote Of Dust
Oct 9, 2008
MacD name drop for advice.

edit - @baka - watching matches now, will give you my input, for what it is worth.

Letting a non-peach use a SNSD tag is the first thing. It gives all listeners of Kpop like a +10 on all there stats.


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
There's a specific height you float at to deal with falco's lasers. I'm bad at it though. What should you do if the Falco is good enough to hit you with a laser at that height anyways? That's what Cyrain did. I guess I don't understand why it's so hard for Falco to hit you at that height.

Did that make sense? English skill have taken a -10 stat point reduction.

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
Baka, I'm watching your set with Stab. The main thing I'm noticing in the first game is your defense needs a lot of refining. Your offense is pretty solid, it seemed like you remained in control after you hit your fair/dsmash/grab, and did a pretty good job of punishing his counterattacks (only thing I'd recommend you add is throwing out nair while floating over falco while you're in control. A lot of falcos try to jump and bair peach when she's in the float to fair position, and you can stuff that by just letting nair sit out there).
However, once you were recovering or on the defensive, it seemed like you really fell apart. You'd high float-dair, which won't work vs falco's bair, or usually just not properly protect your recovery. The worst part was the rolling. I literally saw you roll 3 times in a row. Every time he'd take control, you'd end up rolling out of the pressure. You have too many options to do that. Work on wd oos to dash attack, for when falco crosses up your shield, nair oos to escape pressure, and fc bair oos to dsmash for punishes on badly spaced aerials, or crossup dash attacks.
Game 3 was you just making bad decisions on the defense. Too many panic dsmashes, rolls, dash attacks, and airdodges. You'd probably benefit from focusing on keeping your composure during tournament matches, and consciously trying to out-think and out-space your opponent.
If you need any evidence for these opinions, I could probably point out situations where I think it applies.


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
There's a specific height you float at to deal with falco's lasers. I'm bad at it though. What should you do if the Falco is good enough to hit you with a laser at that height anyways? That's what Cyrain did. I guess I don't understand why it's so hard for Falco to hit you at that height.

Did that make sense? English skill have taken a -10 stat point reduction.
I think the logic is that the height is such that Falco can't actually hit you without full-hopping or double jumping. So, while it's not a game-changer, it reduces the 'zone' in which you can get flurried by Falco's SHFFLs and SH double-lasers.


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2008
Richmond, TX
@ Irish Mafia, thanks for the input. Yeah a lot of the makes sense, I just haven't practiced the oos options well enough yet. Like, when I try to bair oos from getting my shield hit, i often spot-dodge instead; does that mean I'm trying to jump out to early? Also, when is it safe/what things should i look for when trying to nair oos?

Finally yeah, around a minute into game 3 i just sorta gave up mentally; does anyone else have this problem? Like you think to yourself "oh i'm gonna lose, whatever, it was expected anyways", and how can you put things in perspective to get out of that mindset?

Also, any more input on the vids would be much appreciated! :) Especially advice on how to specifically deal with a campy/safe falco..


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2007
Like, when I try to bair oos from getting my shield hit, i often spot-dodge instead; does that mean I'm trying to jump out to early? Also, when is it safe/what things should i look for when trying to nair oos?
That probably means you're trying to jump out of your shield before the shield-stun is over (so yes, in answer to your question). I assume you were talking about fc bair, because the next button input would be down with the control-stick if you tried to do that. If you were trying to jump while still in stun but pressing down right after stun ended, that would explain why you keep spot-dodging. That same thing happens to me a lot when I roll instead of wding oos. I wish I had some advice on practicing the timing, but I am frustrated by the same thing.

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
@ Irish Mafia, thanks for the input. Yeah a lot of the makes sense, I just haven't practiced the oos options well enough yet. Like, when I try to bair oos from getting my shield hit, i often spot-dodge instead; does that mean I'm trying to jump out to early? Also, when is it safe/what things should i look for when trying to nair oos?

Finally yeah, around a minute into game 3 i just sorta gave up mentally; does anyone else have this problem? Like you think to yourself "oh i'm gonna lose, whatever, it was expected anyways", and how can you put things in perspective to get out of that mindset?

Also, any more input on the vids would be much appreciated! :) Especially advice on how to specifically deal with a campy/safe falco..
You'd spotdodge fc bair oos because of the shield stun. Ideally, fc bair's done like so: Jump, down, bair, land. If you don't time it around the shield stun, then it might not recognize the first input, being jump. Then, the next part, down, would cause the sidestep. It's mostly a matter of experience. The more times you try it, the better you'll be at it, but knowing what you're doing is important too.
Nair oos is your best oos option. I'll try it against anything. Vs falco, I time it for after the shine. If you want to improve your chances of pulling it off successfully, experiment with shield tilting to make people miss their L cancel, or just focus on pulling it off when you end up in a pressured situation.
I end up with that mindset all the time, but I end up thinking, "**** it, I'm gonna make an upset." I end up thinking about how much I want to win, and how I'll regret every second where I'm not trying and thinking my hardest. You only get a few minutes to play a set, and you (me at least) only get about one tournament a month to prove your skill. Make those minutes count.


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2008
Richmond, TX
^ yeah about the bair stuff i knew about the input, guess i gotta work on the timing then. ive heard you can buffer stuff with the c-stick; can you buffer a jump oos with it, and is it foolproof? cuz if so thatd be really sweet.

couple other things. i just watched the vid again, and yes i definitely need to work on oos stuff, but to be sure the time i rolled 3 times (...lol...) was cause i had a turnip in hand, so aerial oos would be kind of difficult. i guess a feasible option in that situation, other than roll, is to throw it or wd out?

ALSO, whats a generally good way to recover against falco? like, high or low? i sometimes get away with being super high but often get baired and die, and idk how to counteract that...anyone? thanks again.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
Between wavedashing OoS with a turnip and throwing a turnip OoS, I think wavedashing would work better. It's just a safer option. I don't think you'd want to be caught throwing something OoS unless you knew it would it.

Personally, I try to mix up my recoveries with Falco, but I've noticed that against the Falco's I play, and from watching some videos, recovering high seems to work best. Again, mixing it up is always the best thing to do, so that you don't create a pattern.

TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
Before a while ago, I was using the a button to dsmash after l canceling a falling dair or bair (most times falling bairs). I was having trouble against a ganondorf who would get his jab out before me until I started using Cstick to dsmash.
Is there a difference in speed when using different commands?


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Strictly speaking, there can be no difference, but you'd have to release A within 3 (4?) frames for that to hold true for Peach's dsmash.


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
they are both dying of cancer obviously

but you guys are horrible peach mains, step up your stocking skills

he's moving to DC sometime this week


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2010
Thank you Based Mimi.
ohhhhhh I was trying to figure out what MacD meant by "stocking skills" and I was like... Christmas? But then I read DoH's comment... haha
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