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VaNz Stuff.. about Peach (Tactical Discussion)


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2010
Thank you Based Mimi.
stupid flux, is he losing to you guys????

i'll need to train him so he stops that
Actually, MacD, I beat him at the last tourney I went to :). It was a good day... but then I lost to a Falco... oh well. Don't train Foxes! How could you?! You should train me to be a better Peach, if anything...


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
A basic-*** version of darc

hhahahaha, i guess this is a good description

aim me today kk, you'll get pics

would have posted pics here but /inb4vanzinfractingmefornoreason

never playing peach vs fox again
Got 4th at the last mass madness, 44 attendance. Lost to kevin M twice. I'm just switching to falcon vs from now on.
how is falcon easier??? i don't get you

like the only real times i've said WTF fox is immpossible, is against mango, sometimes against zhu, against unknown that one morning of pound... i think that's it

what are you're biggest issues with fox that makes you feel it's impossible?


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
Well, Falcon is better vs Fox than Peach, but Peach's matchup isn't impossible. Don't get me wrong I still got 3-0'd this weekend in loser's finals by Lee Martin's Fox at a Louisiana tourny :( -- but Peach can still chain grab Fox til over 100, maybe we needa work on grabs, when to CC fox's nair or jabs, idk. :\

Fox can just so easily go from overagressive monster to jumping around spamming lasers, so a lot of times it kind of either locks down Peach or forces you to (slowly) chase fox around the damn level -- it always at least leaves me kinda stuck in a kind-of disadvantageous mindset. : (


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
ha I think the Fox matchup is one of Peach's hardest matchups too, but I can't see it being any easier for Falcon...
You need to watch more Hax vs Jman. Mizta Aziz has that match up down to a science. If Hax is even playing 75% of his max potential, Fox will get death tech chased every time. Like srsly, Fox cannot fall down if he hopes to win that match.

I still think Fox has the advantage vs CF, but i'd say it's no worse than 6:4. Fox has his own tech chase/BS combos that mess Falcon up.

Sadly, I agree that Peach vs Fox is just a disaster if the players are even in skill. If you want to win that match up, you are going to have to work your *** off. Be smart. and get those first hits


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2010
Thank you Based Mimi.
You need to watch more Hax vs Jman. Mizta Aziz has that match up down to a science. If Hax is even playing 75% of his max potential, Fox will get death tech chased every time. Like srsly, Fox cannot fall down if he hopes to win that match.

I still think Fox has the advantage vs CF, but i'd say it's no worse than 6:4. Fox has his own tech chase/BS combos that mess Falcon up.

Sadly, I agree that Peach vs Fox is just a disaster if the players are even in skill. If you want to win that match up, you are going to have to work your *** off. Be smart. and get those first hits
Yeah the matchup does seem like a disaster haha. So, you ever gonna make that Peach combo video???


Smash Master
Jul 20, 2004
Salem, WI (West of Kenosha)
so I found out its really fun to play peach dittos with motion censor bombs set to high on fountain of dreams.

but what would be a lot better is to just use an AR code that allows her to pull 100% motion sensor bombs.

sounds fun, no?


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Yeah the matchup does seem like a disaster haha. So, you ever gonna make that Peach combo video???

well.. it's on my other laptop which is in storage atm.. so no time soon.

but uhh, i have all the clips I want to use, i just don't know what order i should put it in, nor do I have a song I like. D: Not only that, but I don't have the editing skills to make it look as good as alot of the other recent combo vids.

So, yeah. A lot's been holding me back



Smash Master
Sep 27, 2010
Thank you Based Mimi.

well.. it's on my other laptop which is in storage atm.. so no time soon.

but uhh, i have all the clips I want to use, i just don't know what order i should put it in, nor do I have a song I like. D: Not only that, but I don't have the editing skills to make it look as good as alot of the other recent combo vids.

So, yeah. A lot's been holding me back

:( oh well. I love the trailer anyways... your Peach is awesome


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2007
I was curious about the specific % ranges at which Peach can chaingrab fastfallers with complete certainty, and noticed the OP hasn't been updated in a long time. Maybe this seems like an insane question to have, but I can't find a solid answer anywhere and every person I ask either doesn't know or has a different answer. I don't know where else to look on these forums.

According to the OP:
Fox: ? - 120%
Falco: ? - 85%
Falcon: ? - 80%

If anyone can verify these, especially the lower boundaries (which are to me as important as the upper ones since I need to practice continuous CGs), he or she would have my ephemeral devotion <3

Also, is there a way to cover all options if an opponent techs onto a platform right above you, especially from an uthrow? Is it better to try to waveland on and catch them or to float underneath at that ideal height and nair/fair/uair?


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2007
Also, want to again say nice ****ing job to Mafia @ his Zenith showing. Highest-placing Peach.


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
The only exact number I can recall was Falcon (1%) and that was because it was so random.

I know the spacies are very hard to regrab sub 30%, but thats something a lot of Peaches practice. I tend to just attack and if they dont DI, I regrab and start the chain throw.

When it comes to the higher percents, you really need to learn how your opponent plays. I know around here like no knows how to get out after ~100% so I chain throw until ~130 and then upthrow-upair/nair. Of course i've had some get out as early as 80%, but I really dont know how they do it.

I like to cover the platform tech with a rising nair that tends to cover the entire platform. If I know how they're going to tech, I land on the platform for a double stick tech follow up. If I dont know how they'll tech or if I feel I wont get there in time, I jump so the nair covers the platform, but I dont land it (just in case they shield).


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2007
The only exact number I can recall was Falcon (1%) and that was because it was so random.

I know the spacies are very hard to regrab sub 30%, but thats something a lot of Peaches practice. I tend to just attack and if they dont DI, I regrab and start the chain throw.

When it comes to the higher percents, you really need to learn how your opponent plays. I know around here like no knows how to get out after ~100% so I chain throw until ~130 and then upthrow-upair/nair. Of course i've had some get out as early as 80%, but I really dont know how they do it.

I like to cover the platform tech with a rising nair that tends to cover the entire platform. If I know how they're going to tech, I land on the platform for a double stick tech follow up. If I dont know how they'll tech or if I feel I wont get there in time, I jump so the nair covers the platform, but I dont land it (just in case they shield).
Wow, 1%? Is that even if they DI away from you? I was just working with the CPU and I could get a regrab at 12% if it DIed behind me, but not in front of me. Then again, I suck at chaingrabbing, which is why I'm asking about it in the first place, haha

I have issues getting hits off my up-throws on spacies around/above 100%. It seems like if they DI away hard enough I can't catch them with a nair. Am I doing it wrong?

Thanks for the response <3


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
If they DI away fully then it actually extends the chainthrow percentage.

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
lol thanks composuer

idk, I hate fox because he just moves way too fast and I get frustrated because i want to slap him and don't and then he hits me
with falcon it takes one grab and they're done, and that's not hypothetical, I have a falcon that's good enough to hit followups in tournament vs good players. peach just remains in control for the whole stock and fox can escape that control since he's so damn fast
and he has dair and a gun and he can do backflips and kill you


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
What matchups are the worst? I think we can all agree Fox and Marth? ...ugh. Falcon (and Falco actually) can be just as bad, but Peach can kinda fight back a little better, imo.


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2010
Thank you Based Mimi.
I think Fox, Sheik, Falcon. I don't think Marth is particularly difficult once you play the matchup enough. Of course, I've never played what would be considered a top level Marth so I dunno.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Do you mean the upper or lower boundary? And are you talking about all fastfallers?
Sideways DI raises both boundaries, which technically means that the guaranteed chaingrab starts higher, but ends higher as well. I'm not sure how much it affects Falcon, but Fox and Falco can be chaingrabbed for like another 20% if they keep DIing to the side.
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