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VaNz Stuff.. about Peach (Tactical Discussion)


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
If only McCain and I could swap bodies. Then he'd have an excuse for his bad spelling, and i'd have an excuse for my refined tastes.

Get Low

Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2011
Niles, Ohio
I hate to interupt the conversation about the stockings or whatever, but I have a question.

Why don't more Peach players ledge stall with the umbrella?


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2010
Thank you Based Mimi.
I hate to interupt the conversation about the stockings or whatever, but I have a question.

Why don't more Peach players ledge stall with the umbrella?
I do... and Armada does... It feels dangerous though...

And DoH... I don't feel I know you well enough to "stock" you. I'm sorry :(


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2007
McCain raises an important point about tech skill, though, since Peach players generally like having their stockings stuffed.

The parastall seems safer against some characters than others. Marth seems to **** me when I try it, but then that's par for the course against him. If you can bait a dair from falcon you can catch him in the lag and get a free pass, but if you mess it up you'd better be ready to meteor cancel with your second jump. So generally it does seem dangerous to me, but above 100%, most options suck, anyway. The real point is just to wear on your opponents' patience, I think, because a careful player probably won't get hit by it once they know to expect it.

It beats Toad, though :p

edited for elaboration


Mote Of Dust
Oct 9, 2008


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
I hate fighting cf's who spam nair. ugh. Anyway, I would suggest getting those fc aerials out fast, you wanna build up pressure -- a lot of times you jus sit in float near the ground and do like 5 aerials.

Try dash dancing and as you run away from capt falcon, slide your thumb from away back to down and press jump then bair then release, and you can kinda use this to weave in and out, but you gotta watch for capt falcon's annoying *** aerials. It might be better against falcon to jump above his normal aerial trajectory and kinda wait a lot of time, though so just be generally watchful.

Try to do as many fc nairs as you can in ten seconds to get a feel of how to dish out quick aerials from the ground. Also space fair a little further back, sometimes youre like on top of them for no raisin. (mmm, raisins)

and I think a quick ledge drop -> Up-B on the ledge is perfect against an over-aggressive player (youll know one when you play 'em lol) I would not suggest is vs marth at all ._.


Mote Of Dust
Oct 9, 2008
thanks for the advice ♥
Yeah, it is kind of embarrassing but my fc aerials got so rusty they were effectively none existant. I have been practicing that a lotttt lately.


Mote Of Dust
Oct 9, 2008
You could just tell me to work on my d.i. instead of wording it like that

I thought I was di'ing away most of the time, or maybe I would just like to think I was. I will make sure to watch that more closely during matches


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
I think he was saying it like that to retort what noobking said, not to insult you.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2007
You could just tell me to work on my d.i. instead of wording it like that

I thought I was di'ing away most of the time, or maybe I would just like to think I was. I will make sure to watch that more closely during matches
Just DIing away isn't enough, though. It HAS to be perfectly away and down or else he can still catch you with all his bull****.

When being dthrown at low %s (by falcon), does anyone know if it's possible to consistently nair out of tumble? It's tough because I want to DI down and away, but obviously you can't be DIing when you nair. In general, that's one of the biggest problems I have trying to combo-break, getting decent DI while trying to nair out.

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
Against falcon's combos, I prioritize jumping or wiggling out into float. Mashing nair and clipping him won't stop his momentum, but if you can get some footing from your float, you can outspace him. It's a much easier matchup to play if you're floating, IMO.
In order of combo:
After Dthrow, I like to DI down and out, and keep that DI for the aerial. After the aerial I mash A, and if I get hit again, then I focus on DIing somewhere that will allow me to get far enough away to get my float out. If I end up offstage, I'll DI up.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2007
Against falcon's combos, I prioritize jumping or wiggling out into float. Mashing nair and clipping him won't stop his momentum, but if you can get some footing from your float, you can outspace him. It's a much easier matchup to play if you're floating, IMO.
In order of combo:
After Dthrow, I like to DI down and out, and keep that DI for the aerial. After the aerial I mash A, and if I get hit again, then I focus on DIing somewhere that will allow me to get far enough away to get my float out. If I end up offstage, I'll DI up.
That's really solid advice, and <3 you for being specific. Do you have any vids in mind that would demonstrate it, just so I can have in my mind an image of how to apply this?

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
Lol, wake, I feel your pain. Lost to Dazwa's kirby twice back in the day. :c

@composeur: I have the video of $mike dthrow-> supercomboing me a thousand times over playing on infinite repeat on my head, but asides from that, I don't think I can find much.

Anyway, a lot of falcons will begin a combo, and if they see it's unsafe, they'll wait for peach to nair and then grab the lag. Now that I'm thinking about it, I generally DI up and away after the throw or after the first aerial. Be creative with your escape methods in practice, every falcon can hit different followups, so it's important to answer the players questions rather than the characters. If that makes sense.


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2010
Thank you Based Mimi.
Lol, wake, I feel your pain. Lost to Dazwa's kirby twice back in the day. :c

@composeur: I have the video of $mike dthrow-> supercomboing me a thousand times over playing on infinite repeat on my head, but asides from that, I don't think I can find much.

Anyway, a lot of falcons will begin a combo, and if they see it's unsafe, they'll wait for peach to nair and then grab the lag. Now that I'm thinking about it, I generally DI up and away after the throw or after the first aerial. Be creative with your escape methods in practice, every falcon can hit different followups, so it's important to answer the players questions rather than the characters. If that makes sense.
ha Thank you. And good job at Zenith!


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform

But you've already experienced how fantastic I am.
now if only everyone else would be so privilege to experience your fantasticness

better yet, our fantasticness together

to quote you

Super Rainboyz for life!

also, in regards to falcon DI/combo's/whatever BS

your best bet might be watching vids of like "insert high level falcon main" vs "insert high level peach main"

cause half the time, DI is situational even though down and away is the normal go to answer


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
We were in a smash chat (aim chats with a whole lot of smashers) and McCain was trying to say rainbow, but said rainboys because hes hella gay like that.

So that became our team name.

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
I'mma try to make it, but being 16 doesn't always benefit me when it comes to attending these tournaments that are all the way across the US. However, it's just after my birthday, so I think I'll have a good shot at making it. Plus, I believe! That helps, sometimes!


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
i'm super jealous of kk's avatar

i'm also super sad i can't remember his name off the top of my head

i know looked it up and have the urge to watch digimon again

Triple R

Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2009
Hopkins, MN
haha RRR you wait until the next tourney! And besides... Kirby is broken. I saw you beat a fox one time with him.
You better be ready. Make sure these Peach players have you prepped on that Kirby matchup. Low tiers always have tricks up their sleeves. ;)

To be honest I'm more excited about smash then I have been a while. Too bad I decide to get excited when there are hardly any tournies lol. In due time though.

I'm almost insulted, "I saw you beat a fox one time..." One time? I've beaten every fox in MN at least once besides Deepak, Aaron, and Chexr. I'll forgive you this time, since we should be working together against evil gay fox and not bickering between ourselves. :awesome:


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2010
Thank you Based Mimi.
You better be ready. Make sure these Peach players have you prepped on that Kirby matchup. Low tiers always have tricks up their sleeves. ;)

To be honest I'm more excited about smash then I have been a while. Too bad I decide to get excited when there are hardly any tournies lol. In due time though.

I'm almost insulted, "I saw you beat a fox one time..." One time? I've beaten every fox in MN at least once besides Deepak, Aaron, and Chexr. I'll forgive you this time, since we should be working together against evil gay fox and not bickering between ourselves. :awesome:
Yeah that's true. You have beaten pretty much every Fox here... well I have beaten Deepak's Fox so there! Kirby>>>>Peach. Ok. We can work together against all of the MN foxes. They're getting out of hand around here...

They crazy.
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